DOCS-DRF-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TruthValue, AutonomousType FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF PhysicalIndexOrZero, PhysicalIndex FROM ENTITY-MIB ifIndex, InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB docsIfDownstreamChannelEntry FROM DOCS-IF-MIB clabProjDocsis FROM CLAB-DEF-MIB; docsDrfMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200812090000Z" -- December 9, 2008 ORGANIZATION "Cable Television Laboratories, Inc" CONTACT-INFO "Postal: Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. 858 Coal Creek Circle Louisville, Colorado 80027-9750 U.S.A. Phone: +1 303-661-9100 Fax: +1 303-661-9199 E-mail:" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module contains the management objects for the management of the Downstream RF Interface specification. Copyright 1999-2008 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved." REVISION "200812090000Z" -- December 9, 2008 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN DRFI-N-08.0697-2 and and published as CM-SP-DRFI-I07-081209." REVISION "200712060000Z" -- December 6, 2007 DESCRIPTION "Initial version, published as part of the CableLabs M-OSSI specification, CM-SP-M-OSSI-I07-071206, via ECN M-OSSI-N-07.0562-5." ::= { clabProjDocsis 23 } -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- Textual Conventions -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main Groups -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsDrfNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsDrfMib 0 } docsDrfObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsDrfMib 1 } -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DOCSIS DRF objects -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- PHY Parameters dependencies OBJECT-IDENTITY definitions -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- docsDrfRegistry OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Registration point for M-CMTS characterization of PHY parameters dependencies." ::= { docsDrfObjects 1 } docsDrfPhyParamFixValue OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates that this PHY parameter is fixed and cannot be changed." ::= { docsDrfRegistry 1 } docsDrfPhyParamSameValue OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the PHY parameter value is the same for the elements in a dependency group; thus, a change in the PHY parameter of an element in the group will change the PHY parameter value in the other elements of the dependency group." ::= { docsDrfRegistry 2 } docsDrfPhyParamAdjacentValues OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the PHY parameter has an adjacency or sequence pattern for the elements in a dependency group e.g., A group of channels all using J.83 Annex A, may set frequencies in the group by setting a 6 MHz spacing between the channels in the group. Vendors may rather use a more detailed vendor-specific OBJECT-IDENTITY or a table pointer to describe this type of PHY parameter dependency." ::= { docsDrfRegistry 3 } docsDrfPhyParamFrequencyRange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that the frequency in a TSID Group is constrained to a frequency range. Vendors may extend the MIB construct containing this reference to detail such constraints or rather use a more detailed vendor-specific OBJECT-IDENTITY or a table pointer to describe the frequency range supported." ::= { docsDrfRegistry 4 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DOCSIS DRF Interface Extension objects -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsDrfDownstreamTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsDrfDownstreamEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Extensions for the DOCSIS RFI Downstream docsIfDownstreamChannelTable." ::= { docsDrfObjects 2 } docsDrfDownstreamEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsDrfDownstreamEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row for this table. There is a corresponding entry for each entry of docsIfDownstreamChannelTable." AUGMENTS { docsIfDownstreamChannelEntry } ::= { docsDrfDownstreamTable 1 } DocsDrfDownstreamEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsDrfDownstreamPhyDependencies BITS } docsDrfDownstreamPhyDependencies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { frequency(0), bandwidth(1), power(2), modulation(3), interleaver(4), j83Annex(5), symbolRate(6), mute(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The summary of the Downstream Interface dependencies based on the constraints of docsDrfGroupDependencyEntry. A BIT position set to '1' indicates the PHY parameter belongs to a dependency group. A BIT position set to '0', indicates the PHY parameter does not belong to a dependency group. For Interfaces configured via DEPI this information is reflected in the DEPI session as DEPI TSID group dependencies. If this object value is the zero-length string, it indicates this interface is configurable via DEPI but no session is currently active." ::= { docsDrfDownstreamEntry 1 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DRF Downstream Interface Capabilities -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsDrfDownstreamCapabilitiesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsDrfDownstreamCapabilitiesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains the QAM channel capabilities for the Downstream Interface PHY parameters." ::= { docsDrfObjects 3 } docsDrfDownstreamCapabilitiesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsDrfDownstreamCapabilitiesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row for this table." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsDrfDownstreamCapabilitiesTable 1 } DocsDrfDownstreamCapabilitiesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsDrfDownstreamCapabFrequency BITS, docsDrfDownstreamCapabBandwidth BITS, docsDrfDownstreamCapabPower BITS, docsDrfDownstreamCapabModulation BITS, docsDrfDownstreamCapabInterleaver BITS, docsDrfDownstreamCapabJ83Annex BITS, docsDrfDownstreamCapabConcurrentServices BITS, docsDrfDownstreamCapabServicesTransport BITS, docsDrfDownstreamCapabMuting BITS } docsDrfDownstreamCapabFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { qamDependency(0), adjacentChannel(1), adjacentChannelOrder(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM channel frequency capabilities. 'qamDependency' BIT set to '1' indicates the QAM channel frequency value has dependencies with other QAM channels and an entry that includes this QAM channel is in in docsDrfGroupDependencyTable for the PHY parameter 'frequency'. 'adjacentChannel' BIT set to '1' indicates the QAM channel frequencies in the dependency group (DEPI TSID group) are adjacent and constrained in a frequency range based on the number of QAM channels in the dependency group. 'adjacentChannelOrder' BIT set to '1' indicates the QAM channel frequency adjacency is based in the QAM channel sequence like entPhysicalParentRelPos in EntPhysicalTable or other vendor sequence. e.g., a dependency group of four QAM channels with 'adjacentChannelOrder' BIT set to '1': The 4th QAM channel in the sequence gets a frequency assignment f + 1*bandwidth when the frequency value of the 3rd QAM channel in the sequence is set to f. Similarly the 1st QAM channel in the sequence gets a frequency assignment of f - 2*bandwidth and the 2nd QAM channels gets a frequency of f -1*bandwidth. 'adjacentChannel' 'adjacentChannelOrder' BITs may be set to '1' when a dependency group includes the QAM channel of this M-CMTS Downstream interface and the value of the object docsDrfGroupDependencyType is docsDrfPhyParamAdjacentValues. 'adjacentChannel' BIT may be set to '1' if 'qamDependency' BIT is set to '1'. The same way, 'adjacentChannelOrder' BIT may be set to '1' and implies 'adjacentChannel' BIT is set to '1'." ::= { docsDrfDownstreamCapabilitiesEntry 1 } docsDrfDownstreamCapabBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { qamDependency(0), chan6Mhz(1), chan8Mhz(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM channel Bandwidth capabilities. 'qamDependency' BIT set to '1' indicates the QAM channel bandwidth value has dependencies with other QAM channels as indicated in docsDrfGroupDependencyTable. 'chan6Mhz' set to '1' indicates 6 MHz channel width support. 'chan8Mhz' set to '1' indicates 8 MHz channel width support. When 'qamDependency' BIT is set to '1', a set to the channel bandwidth PHY parameter of a QAM channels in a dependency group (with docsDrfGroupDependencyType set to docsDrfPhyParamSameValue), sets the same channel bandwidth value to all QAM channels in the dependency group." ::= { docsDrfDownstreamCapabilitiesEntry 2 } docsDrfDownstreamCapabPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { qamDependency(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM channel Power capabilities. 'qamDependency' BIT set to '1' indicates the QAM channel power value has dependencies with other QAM channels as indicated in docsDrfGroupDependencyTable. When 'qamDependency' BIT is set to '1', a set to the power level PHY parameter of a QAM channels in a dependency group (with docsDrfGroupDependencyType set to docsDrfPhyParamSameValue), sets the same power level to all QAM channels in the dependency group." ::= { docsDrfDownstreamCapabilitiesEntry 3 } docsDrfDownstreamCapabModulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { qamDependency(0), qam64(1), qam256(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM channel Modulation capabilities. 'qamDependency' BIT set to '1' indicates the QAM channel modulation value has dependencies with other QAM channels as indicated in docsDrfGroupDependencyTable. 'qam64' set to '1' indicates 64 QAM modulation support. 'qam256' set to '1' indicates 256 QAM modulation support. When 'qamDependency' BIT is set to '1', a set to the modulation PHY parameter of a QAM channels in a dependency group (with docsDrfGroupDependencyType set to docsDrfPhyParamSameValue), sets the same modulation type to all QAM channels in the dependency group." ::= { docsDrfDownstreamCapabilitiesEntry 4 } docsDrfDownstreamCapabInterleaver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { qamDependency(0), taps8Increment16(1), taps16Increment8(2), taps32Increment4(3), taps64Increment2(4), taps128Increment1(5), taps12increment17(6), taps128increment2(7), taps128increment3(8), taps128increment4(9), taps128increment5(10), taps128increment6(11), taps128increment7(12), taps128increment8(13) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM channel Interleaver capabilities. 'qamDependency' BIT set to '1' indicates the QAM channel interleave value has dependencies with other QAM channels as indicated in docsDrfGroupDependencyTable. 'taps8Increment16' set to '1' indicates the support of j = 8, i = 16 interleave. 'taps16Increment8' set to '1' indicates the support of j = 16, i = 8 interleave. 'taps32Increment4' set to '1' indicates the support of j = 32, i = 4 interleave. 'taps64Increment2' set to '1' indicates the support of j = 64, i = 2 interleave. 'taps128Increment1' set to '1' indicates the support of j = 128, i = 1 interleave. 'taps12increment17' set to '1' indicates the support of j = 12, i = 17 interleave. 'taps128increment2' set to '1' indicates the support of j = 128, i = 2 interleave. 'taps128increment3' set to '1' indicates the support of j = 128, i = 3 interleave. 'taps128increment4' set to '1' indicates the support of j = 128, i = 4 interleave. 'taps128increment5' set to '1' indicates the support of j = 128, i = 5 interleave. 'taps128increment6' set to '1' indicates the support of j = 128, i = 6 interleave. 'taps128increment7' set to '1' indicates the support of j = 128, i = 7 interleave. 'taps128increment8' set to '1' indicates the support of j = 128, i = 8 interleave. When 'qamDependency' BIT is set to '1', a set to the interleave PHY parameter of a QAM channels in a dependency group (with docsDrfGroupDependencyType set to docsDrfPhyParamSameValue), sets the same Interleave value to all QAM channels in the dependency group." ::= { docsDrfDownstreamCapabilitiesEntry 5 } docsDrfDownstreamCapabJ83Annex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { qamDependency(0), annexA(1), annexB(2), annexC(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM channel J.83 Annex Capabilities. 'qamDependency' BIT set to '1' indicates the QAM channel J.83 Annex value has dependencies with other QAM channels as indicated in docsDrfGroupDependencyTable. 'annexA' set to '1' indicates J.83 Annex A support. 'annexB' set to '1' indicates J.83 Annex B support. 'annexC' set to '1' indicates J.83 Annex C support. When 'qamDependency' BIT is set to '1', a set to the J.83 Annex PHY parameter of a QAM channels in a dependency group (with docsDrfGroupDependencyType set to docsDrfPhyParamSameValue), sets the same J.83 Annex value to all QAM channels in the dependency group." ::= { docsDrfDownstreamCapabilitiesEntry 6 } docsDrfDownstreamCapabConcurrentServices OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { qamDependency(0), videoAndDocsis(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM channel Concurrent Services Capabilities. 'qamDependency' BIT set to '1' indicates the QAM channel is part of a dependency group that supports concurrent services mode as indicated in docsDrfGroupDependencyTable. 'videoAndDocsis' BIT set to '1' indicates video transport and DOCSIS transport can be supported simultaneously. Video and DOCSIS transport service types are described in docsDrfDownstreamCapabServicesTransport." ::= { docsDrfDownstreamCapabilitiesEntry 7 } docsDrfDownstreamCapabServicesTransport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { qamDependency(0), mpeg2OverIP(1), dmpt(2), psp(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM channel Services transports modes Capabilities. 'qamDependency' BIT set to '1' indicates the QAM channel Service transport type has dependencies with other QAM channels as indicated in docsDrfGroupDependencyTable. 'mpeg2OverIP' set to '1' indicates video transports as conventional VoD is supported (known as MPT mode, MPEG-2 transport). 'dmpt' set to 1 indicates DOCSIS MPT mode (D-MPT) support. 'psp' set to 1 indicates DOCSIS Packet Streaming Protocol mode (PSP) support. When 'qamDependency' BIT is set to '1', a request to set a QAM channel to a service type in a dependency group (with docsDrfGroupDependencyType set to docsDrfPhyParamSameValue) may be rejected." ::= { docsDrfDownstreamCapabilitiesEntry 8 } docsDrfDownstreamCapabMuting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { qamDependency(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM channel muting capabilities. 'qamDependency' BIT set to '1' indicates the QAM Mute state has dependencies with other QAM channels as indicated in docsDrfGroupDependencyTable. When 'qamDependency' BIT is set to '1', a request to mute a QAM channels in a dependency group (with docsDrfGroupDependencyType set to docsDrfPhyParamSameValue), sets all QAM channels in the dependency group to mute." ::= { docsDrfDownstreamCapabilitiesEntry 9 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DRF Group Dependency of PHY parameters Definitions -- Defines the group of QAM channels that may be impacted for -- individual QAM channels PHY parameters changes. Extends ENTITY-MIB -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsDrfGroupDependencyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsDrfGroupDependencyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table describes the rules that identify groups of QAM channels with PHY parameters dependencies. A PHY parameter dependency group means that a set to a QAM channel parameter may affect the value of other QAM Channels in the group. TSID is a broadcast term borrowed by the M-CMTS architecture to represent a unique identifier of QAM channels in the M-CMTS architecture. TSID Group is the DEPI concept of a set of QAM channels with a PHY parameter dependency. This module refers to TSID group as a PHY dependency Group. This table uses the ENTITY-MIB physical component structure to allows the managed system to describe the QAM channels' PHY parameters dependencies. A management entity can use the information from this table to generate the DEPI TSID Groups. Examples of PHY dependencies could be usage of adjacent frequencies, or QAM channels of RF ports restricted, or same interleaver value, modulation and J.83 Annex value. Additional details and rules to describe the PHY parameter dependency is indicated in docsDrfGroupDependencyType. Vendors may extend via other MIB modules the usage of docsDrfGroupDependencyType." ::= { docsDrfObjects 4 } docsDrfGroupDependencyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsDrfGroupDependencyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row of this table. QAM channels are modeled as PhysicalClass 'port' from the ENTITY-MIB. An QAM channel can be represented as part of an entity MIB containment tree as follows: chassis(device) .container(Slot) .module(field-replaceable-module) .module ( Physical RF spigot) . port (QAM channel) PhysicalClass 'stack' is left optional and not included as a reference or examples for this table. Based on the hardware capabilities the Agent will create entries in this table including the entPhysicalEntry of the close element to the root (e.g., up to 'chassis' or 'stack') including the PHY parameter of the dependency as part of the entry index The Aggregation is then defined as all the QAM channels (entity PhysicalClass = 'port') below the tree as indicated in entyPhysicalContainsTable. Logical or software dependencies of the QAM channels PHY parameters in addition to the hardware dependency entries can be present and MUST persist during system re-initialization. The storage realization of hardware dependent entries are 'permanent' or 'readOnly'. The storage realization of logical dependency entries is 'nonVolatile'. PHY parameter dependencies that are logically defined may be present in this table but its configuration is outside of the scope of this MIB Module, including the definition of simulated Physical components such backplane types or modules accomplish its logical grouping. PHY parameters with no Physical entities associated in this table indicate no PHY dependencies for certain groups of QAM channels. Administrative changes to the docsDrfGroupDependencyPhyParamLock are preserved in non-volatile memory upon system re-initialization. Note that any change in the system due to the insertion or removal or components will reset to factory default the entries associated with those components. An entry in this table is reflected in the MIB object docsIfMExtDownstreamTSIDGroupPhyParamFlag for individual QAM channels. A recursive method to find the PHY dependency group of an QAM channel A, PHY parameter X is as follows: The parent tree of QAM channel A is recursively calculated by navigating entyPhysicalContainsTable from bottom to top Pi(P1..Pn) The list Mj (M1..Mn) of docsDrfGroupDependencyPhysicalIndex represents the values from this table with PHY parameter docsDrfGroupDependencyPhyParam X and/or 'all' The list Qi (Q1..n) is the list of matches of Mi in Pi Qi with the lower position in the entyPhysicalContainsTable is selected Qy and My is the group criteria selected. All QAM channels Bi below My are candidates for inclusion in the dependency group. Each Bi is verified as A for its own BPi parent tree to verify that in effect My is the lowest denominator in Mi BPi intersection to become part of the Dependency Group of A." INDEX { docsDrfGroupDependencyPhyParam, docsDrfGroupDependencyPhysicalIndex } ::= { docsDrfGroupDependencyTable 1 } DocsDrfGroupDependencyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsDrfGroupDependencyPhyParam INTEGER, docsDrfGroupDependencyPhysicalIndex PhysicalIndexOrZero, docsDrfGroupDependencyGroupID Unsigned32, docsDrfGroupDependencyType AutonomousType } docsDrfGroupDependencyPhyParam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noDependencies(0), all(1), frequency(2), bandwidth(3), power(4), modulation(5), interleave(6), annex(7), symbolRate(8), mute(9) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the type of PHY parameter that may have dependencies when setting an individual object in the dependency group. The value 'all' may be used as a wildcard to indicate all PHY parameters have dependencies. The other enumeration values are common QAM PHY parameters. The opposite to 'all' is 'noDependencies', which indicates no dependencies in PHY parameters, but is only used to indicate no dependencies across all the device. Thus, when used, 'noDependencies' is accompanied by docsDrfGroupDependencyPhysicalIndex '0' as the only entry in the table. In this way it is clearly distinguished when a device has dependencies instead of an empty table." ::= { docsDrfGroupDependencyEntry 1 } docsDrfGroupDependencyPhysicalIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysicalIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the physical element from where the PHY parameter dependency for QAM channels is derived. All the QAM channels elements under this Physical index will belong to a dependency group of the specified PHY parameter." ::= { docsDrfGroupDependencyEntry 2 } docsDrfGroupDependencyGroupID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..127) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The internal ID assigned for the QAM channels in the dependency group. The value of this object is unique in the scope of the PHY parameter being mapped." ::= { docsDrfGroupDependencyEntry 3 } docsDrfGroupDependencyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AutonomousType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of the type of dependency associated with this dependency group. Basic type of dependencies are docsDrfPhyParamSameValue, docsDrfPhyParamAdjacentValues, docsDrfPhyParamFrequencyRange. Vendors may define their own rules and policies to describe their implementation dependency definitions such as RowPointers to table entries or OBJECT-IDENTITY clauses. If the dependency is not described this object is set to zeroDotZero, although the dependency does exist." ::= { docsDrfGroupDependencyEntry 4 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DRF Channel Block configuration -- Configuration and diagnostic of block Channels. -- This table is only for Channels Blocks Physical containments -- Other configuration parameters (PHY) applicable to all channels in a -- QAM Channel Block are set through the DS (QAM) channel interface and -- configuration objects -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsDrfChannelBlockTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsDrfChannelBlockEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table configure attributes of block channels and Controls channel Block Tests. A channel block is an ENTITY-MIB containment of PhysicalClass 'module' that represent an RF connector." ::= { docsDrfObjects 5 } docsDrfChannelBlockEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsDrfChannelBlockEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of this table. Entries in this table are created at system Initialization for Block Channels compliant to DRFI Specification. Sets in entries of this table persist after system initialization." INDEX { docsDrfChannelBlockPhysicalIndex } ::= { docsDrfChannelBlockTable 1 } DocsDrfChannelBlockEntry::= SEQUENCE { docsDrfChannelBlockPhysicalIndex PhysicalIndex, docsDrfChannelBlockNumberChannels Unsigned32, docsDrfChannelBlockCfgNumberChannels Unsigned32, docsDrfChannelBlockMute TruthValue, docsDrfChannelBlockTestType INTEGER, docsDrfChannelBlockTestIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero } docsDrfChannelBlockPhysicalIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysicalIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Physical Index of the QAM Channel Block." ::= { docsDrfChannelBlockEntry 1 } docsDrfChannelBlockNumberChannels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Number of QAM Channels N associated with this entry. The value of this attribute corresponds to the number of channels that can be transmitted from this block" ::= { docsDrfChannelBlockEntry 2 } docsDrfChannelBlockCfgNumberChannels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Number of QAM Channels N' to configure for the QAM block. This number corresponds to the number of channels that are configured to be currently transmitted by the block. The maximum number of channels per block follows the consideration of maximum number of digital channels in a headend described in the DRFI specification. As a rule N' is valid if it is less than or equal to N. In addition N minimal requirements consist of even numbers and 1 (one QAM channel per Block Channel). Odd number of QAM channels per Block Channel are optional for implementation. A Set to an invalid value or not supported value returns Error 'wrongValue'." ::= { docsDrfChannelBlockEntry 3 } docsDrfChannelBlockMute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Mute control object for the Block Channel. A set to this object to 'true' is reflected in ifOperStatus set to 'down' of the QAM channels associated to the block Channel. The opposite, a set to this object to 'false', is not necessarily reflected as ifOperStatus set to 'up' since other interface conditions might prevent such status." ::= { docsDrfChannelBlockEntry 4 } docsDrfChannelBlockTestType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noTest(1), offOthersNormal(2), allOff(3), onOthersOff(4), cwOnOthersOff(5), cwOnOthersNormal(6), clockTest(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A set of in-service and out-of-service test modes. The value 'noTest'(1) is the normal condition after reinitialization where the QAM channels are expected in operation. 'noTest' It is also used to take out of testing mode a QAM channel within the block. In-service tests modes: 'offOthersNormal' It is the condition where the QAM Channel indicated in docsDrfChannelBlockTestIfIndex has its carrier suppressed and the other channels in the Block Channel are operational. 'allOff' All QAM channel carriers in the channel block are Suppressed. 'onOthersOff' It is the condition where the QAM channel indicated in docsDrfChannelBlockTestIfIndex is in operation and the other QAM channels in the channel Block have their carriers suppressed. Out-of-service test modes: 'cwOnOthersOff' It is the condition where the QAM channel indicated in docsDrfChannelBlockTestIfIndex transmits a continuous wave (CW) while the other QAM channels in the channel Block have their carriers suppressed. 'cwOnOthersNormal' It is the condition where the QAM channel indicated in docsDrfChannelBlockTestIfIndex transmits a continuous wave (CW) while the other QAM channels in the channel Block are operational. 'clockTest' It is the condition where the QAM channel indicated in docsDrfChannelBlockTestIfIndex transmits a sequence of alternating -1 and 1 symbols. This object value does not persist after system Reinitialization. The value of this object is meaningless if docsDrfChannelBlockTestIfIndex is set to zero." ::= { docsDrfChannelBlockEntry 5 } docsDrfChannelBlockTestIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex of the QAM channel to perform the QAM channel test. A Set to a value that does not correspond to a QAM Channel within the Block channel returns error 'wrongValue'. A set to zero stops a current test execution." ::= { docsDrfChannelBlockEntry 6 } -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- Conformance definitions -- --------------------------------------------------------- docsDrfConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsDrfMib 2 } docsDrfCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsDrfConformance 1 } docsDrfGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsDrfConformance 2 } docsDrfDeviceCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement DOCSIS DRFI compliant devices." MODULE -- this MODULE -- conditionally mandatory groups MANDATORY-GROUPS { docsDrfGroup } ::= { docsDrfCompliances 1} docsDrfCmtsCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for CMTS compliant devices." MODULE -- this MODULE -- conditionally mandatory groups MANDATORY-GROUPS { docsDrfGroup, docsDrfCmtsGroup } ::= { docsDrfCompliances 2} docsDrfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { docsDrfDownstreamCapabFrequency, docsDrfDownstreamCapabBandwidth, docsDrfDownstreamCapabPower, docsDrfDownstreamCapabModulation, docsDrfDownstreamCapabInterleaver, docsDrfDownstreamCapabJ83Annex, docsDrfDownstreamCapabConcurrentServices, docsDrfDownstreamCapabServicesTransport, docsDrfDownstreamCapabMuting, docsDrfGroupDependencyGroupID, docsDrfGroupDependencyType, docsDrfChannelBlockNumberChannels, docsDrfChannelBlockCfgNumberChannels, docsDrfChannelBlockMute, docsDrfChannelBlockTestType, docsDrfChannelBlockTestIfIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects implemented in M-CMTS compliant devices." ::= { docsDrfGroups 1 } docsDrfCmtsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { docsDrfDownstreamPhyDependencies } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects specific for CMTS." ::= { docsDrfGroups 2 } END