DOCS-FMA-LI-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS NOTIFICATION-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32, Integer32, Counter64 FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- RFC 2578 OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB -- RFC 3411 DateAndTime, TruthValue, MacAddress, RowStatus, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC -- RFC 2579 sysName FROM SNMPv2-MIB -- RFC 3418 InetAddressType, InetAddress, InetPortNumber, InetAddressPrefixLength FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB -- RFC 4001 DscpOrAny FROM DIFFSERV-DSCP-TC -- RFC 3289 docsDevEvLevel, docsDevEvId, docsDevEvText, docsDevEvLastTime FROM DOCS-CABLE-DEVICE-MIB -- RFC 4639 clabProjDocsis FROM CLAB-DEF-MIB; docsFmaLiMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202202100000Z" -- February 10, 2022 ORGANIZATION "Cable Television Laboratories, Inc" CONTACT-INFO " Postal: Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. 858 Coal Creek Circle Louisville, Colorado 80027 U.S.A. Phone: +1 303-661-9100 Fax: +1 303-661-9199 E-mail:" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module contains the lawful intercept objects for the DOCSIS Flexible MAC Architecture. Copyright 2021-2022 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved." REVISION "202202100000Z" -- February 10, 2022 DESCRIPTION "Initial version, created by CableLabs ECN FMA-OSSI-N-22.2230-1 to implement Lawful Intercept information models described in CableLabs FMA OSSI specifications." ::= { clabProjDocsis 36 } -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- Textual Conventions -- --------------------------------------------------------- IPv6FlowLabelOrAny ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The flow identifier or Flow Label in an IPv6 packet header that may be used to discriminate traffic flows. The value of -1 is used to indicate a wildcard, i.e. any value." SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..1048575) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main Groups -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsFmaLiNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsFmaLiMib 0} docsFmaLiObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsFmaLiMib 1} docsFmaLiConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsFmaLiMib 2} docsFmaLiStatusObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsFmaLiObjects 1} docsFmaLiConfigObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsFmaLiObjects 2} docsFmaLiCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsFmaLiConformance 1 } docsFmaLiGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsFmaLiConformance 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FMA Lawful Intercept Configuration Objects -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FMA Lawful Intercept Mediation Device Configuration -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsFmaLiMedDevCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsFmaLiMedDevCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Mediation Device Configuration table is used to configure the Mediation device with which the intercepting device communicates. Rows in this table are created and maintained by the Mediation Device. The attribute IapSourceAddress is auto-populated by the Mac Manager / management entity once the MAC-NE associated with the Target Address (TargetMacAddress) in the TapStreamCfg object has been identified. The attribute ContentId is used as a Key and ties back directly to the warrant that created the reason for the T-tap. The MAC Manager must support the creation and deletion of rows in this table." ::= { docsFmaLiConfigObjects 1 } docsFmaLiMedDevCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsFmaLiMedDevCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsFmaLiMedDevCfgTable" INDEX { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgContentId } ::= { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgTable 1 } DocsFmaLiMedDevCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgContentId Unsigned32, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgDestAddrType InetAddressType, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgDestAddress InetAddress, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgDestPort InetPortNumber, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgIapSourceAddrType InetAddressType, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgIapSourceAddress InetAddress, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgDscp DscpOrAny, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgVlanId Unsigned32, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgTimeout DateAndTime, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgTransport INTEGER, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgNotifEnabled TruthValue, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgStatus RowStatus } docsFmaLiMedDevCfgContentId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Content key attribute is a session identifier from the intercept application's perspective, and a content identifier from the Mediation Device's perspective. The Mediation Device is responsible for making sure these are unique." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI MediationDeviceCfg::ContentIdentifier" ::= { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgEntry 1 } docsFmaLiMedDevCfgDestAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates whether the IP address provided in the MedDevCfgDestAddress is IPv4 or IPv6." ::= { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgEntry 2 } docsFmaLiMedDevCfgDestAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the IP Address of the Mediation Device." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI MediationDeviceCfg::DestinationAddress" ::= { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgEntry 3 } docsFmaLiMedDevCfgDestPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the port number on the Mediation Device's network interface to which to direct intercepted traffic." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI MediationDeviceCfg::DestinationPort" ::= { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgEntry 4 } docsFmaLiMedDevCfgIapSourceAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates whether the IP address provided in the MedDevCfgSourceAddress is IPv4 or IPv6." ::= { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgEntry 5 } docsFmaLiMedDevCfgIapSourceAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the IP address of the MAC-NE that will be sending the intercepted packet stream to the configured Mediation Device. This value is auto-populated by the MAC Manager once the correct MAC-NE has been determined. The IapSourceAddress and DestAddress must be of the same IP address family (IPv4 or IPv6)." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI MediationDeviceCfg::IapSourceAddress" ::= { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgEntry 6 } docsFmaLiMedDevCfgDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DscpOrAny MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) the intercepting device applies to the IP packets encapsulating the intercepted traffic. This attribute is optional and may not be specified by the Mediation Device." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI MediationDeviceCfg::Dscp" ::= { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgEntry 7 } docsFmaLiMedDevCfgVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute allows for the configuration of an optional VLAN ID to be associated with the intercepted packet stream traffic exiting the MAC-NE toward the Mediation Device. This attribute refers to the Q-TAG value in the L2 header of the intercepted packet stream." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI MediationDeviceCfg::VlanId" ::= { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgEntry 8 } docsFmaLiMedDevCfgTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the time from the point in which the Tap was provisioned after which the MedDevCfg table row, and all related TapStreamCfg table rows should be automatically removed, and the intercept function should cease. Since the initiating MAC Manager may be the only device able to manage a specific intercept or know of its existence, this acts as a fail-safe for the failure or removal of the MAC Manager." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI MediationDeviceCfg::Timeout" ::= { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgEntry 9 } docsFmaLiMedDevCfgTransport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { udp(1), rtpNack(2), tcp(3), sctp(4), rtp(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the protocol used in transferring intercepted data to the Mediation Device. The UDP protocol is the only mandated protocol for the MAC NE." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI MediationDeviceCfg::Transport" DEFVAL { udp } ::= { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgEntry 10 } docsFmaLiMedDevCfgNotifEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute controls the generation of any notifications or informs by the MIB agent for the device. When this attribute is set to 'true', the device will generate notifications or informs. When this attribute is set to 'false', the device will not generate notifications or informs." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI MediationDeviceCfg::NotificationEnabled" DEFVAL { false } ::= { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgEntry 11 } docsFmaLiMedDevCfgStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this row in the table." ::= { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgEntry 12 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FMA Lawful Intercept Tap Stream Configuration -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsFmaLiTapStreamCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TapStreamCfg table is used to configure the list of traffic streams to be intercepted. The TapStreamCfg table has two keys, the ContentId and an Index. Each stream has an associated Type to identify the packets to be intercepted. If the attribute Type is configured as 'ip', the associated filters are located in the TapIpInterceptCfg object. When the Type attribute is configured as 'mac', the associated parameters are located in the Tap802InterceptCfg table. Note that when provisioning a Tap, the Mediation Device needs to make sure there is only one filter created with a given index. The MAC Manager must support creation and deletion of multiple rows in the TapStreamCfg table." ::= { docsFmaLiConfigObjects 2 } docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsFmaLiTapStreamCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgTable" INDEX { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgContentId, docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgIndex } ::= { docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgTable 1 } DocsFmaLiTapStreamCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgIndex Unsigned32, docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgType INTEGER, docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgInterceptEnabled TruthValue, docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgTargetMacAddress MacAddress, docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgStatus RowStatus } docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute configures the index of the stream itself." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapStreamCfg::Index" ::= { docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgEntry 1 } docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ip(1), mac(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute configures the type of intercept filter associated to this generic stream. The following types of streams are supported: ip - The specific filter is defined using IP and TCP/UDP port values. The exact filter is a row in the TapIpInterceptCfg table. mac - The specific filter criteria is defined using mac (L2) layer values. The exact filter is a row in the Tap802InterceptCfg table. " REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapStreamCfg::Type" ::= { docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgEntry 2 } docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgInterceptEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute configures whether the MAC Manager intercepts matching traffic. If this column in the table is set to 'true', the tap should intercept matching traffic. The value for this column should be set to 'true' only after an additional filter specification (rows in the TapIpInterceptCfg table or Tap802InterceptCfg table) have been created." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapStreamCfg::InterceptEnabled" DEFVAL { false } ::= { docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgEntry 3 } docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgTargetMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute configures the MAC address of the device to be intercepted. If the TargetMacAddress identifies a cable modem and the Type is configured for 'ip', rules for this intercept will be found in the TapIpInterceptCfg table. For intercepts that are designed for 'all IP traffic behind the TagetMacAddress', the TapIpInterceptCfg rule can use wildcarded addresses for the SourceAddress and DestinationAddress attributes. If traffic to or from a specific CPE IP address is to be intercepted, these IP addresses can be configured in the SourceAddress and DestinationAddress attributes. If the TargetMacAddress identifies a cable modem and the Type attribute is configured for 'mac', rules for this intercept will be found in the Tap802InterceptCfg table. For intercepts that are designed for 'all traffic behind the TargetMacAddress', the Tap802InterceptCfg rule can use wildcarded addresses for the SourceAddress and DestinationAddress attributes. If traffic to or from a specific CPE IP address is to be intercepted, these MAC addresses can be configured in the SourceAddress and DestinationAddress attributes. If the TargetMacAddress identifies a CPE device and the Type attribute is configured for 'ip', rules for this intercept will be found in the TapIpInterceptCfg table. For intercepts that are designed for 'all IP traffic for this CPE device', the TapIpInterceptCfg rule can use wildcarded addresses for the SourceAddress and DestinationAddress attributes. If the TargetMacAddress identifies a CPE device and the Type attribute is configured for 'mac', rules for this intercept will be found in the Tap802InterceptCfg table. For intercepts that are designed for 'all IP traffic behind the TargetMacAddress', the Tap802InterceptCfg rule can use wildcarded addresses for the SourceAddress and DestinationAddress attributes." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapStreamCfg::TargetMacAddress" DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgEntry 4 } docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this row in the table." ::= { docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgEntry 5 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FMA Lawful Intercept Tap 802 Intercept Configuration -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table configures the Layer2 parameters related to a specific stream that are sent to a specific Mediation Device as defined by the Content Identifier. This table is only created when the TapStreamCfg:Type='mac'. If all traffic to or from a given MAC Address is to be intercepted, the DestinationAddress and the SourceAddress can be left as the default values. Each Tap802InterceptCfg row has as a key the ContentId and Index of a TapStreamCfg table, and a simple index to allow multiple Tap802Intercept filter definitions to be configured for a single row in the TapStreamCfg table. The MAC Manager must support creation and deletion of rows in the Tap802InterceptCfg table." ::= { docsFmaLiConfigObjects 3 } docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgTable" INDEX { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgContentId, docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgIndex, docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgIndex } ::= { docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgTable 1 } DocsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgIndex Unsigned32, docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgDestAddress MacAddress, docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgSourceAddress MacAddress, docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgEthernetPid Unsigned32, docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgDestLlcSap Unsigned32, docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgSourceLlcSap Unsigned32, docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgStatus RowStatus } docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute allows for multiple Layer 2 (MAC) filter definitions to be defined for a specific row in the TapStreamCfg table." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI Tap802InterceptCfg::Index" ::= { docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgEntry 1 } docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgDestAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute configures the Destination MAC address used in packet selection." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI Tap802InterceptCfg::DestinationAddress" DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgEntry 2 } docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgSourceAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute configures the Source MAC address used in packet selection." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI Tap802InterceptCfg::SourceAddress" DEFVAL { '000000000000'H } ::= { docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgEntry 3 } docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgEthernetPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute configures the value of the Ethernet Protocol Identifier, which may be found on Ethernet traffic or IEEE 802.2 SNAP traffic. The value of this attribute is the integer equivalent to the hexadecimal value in the Ethernet header. For instance, when IPv4 traffic is desired, the value of this attribute will be 2048 which is equivalent to the hex value 0x0800." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI Tap802InterceptCfg::EthernetPid" ::= { docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgEntry 4 } docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgDestLlcSap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This optional attribute configures the value of the IEEE 802.2 Destination SAP." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI Tap802InterceptCfg::DestinationLlcSap" ::= { docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgEntry 5 } docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgSourceLlcSap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This optional attribute configures the value of the IEEE 802.2 Source SAP." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI Tap802InterceptCfg::SourceLlcSap" ::= { docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgEntry 6 } docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this row in the table." ::= { docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgEntry 7 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FMA Lawful Intercept Tap IP Intercept Configuration -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table configures the IP Layer 3 and Layer 4 filter criteria related to a specific stream that is sent to a specific Mediation Device as defined by the Content Identifier. A row in this table is only created when the TapStreamCfg::Type='ip'. If all traffic to or from a given IP Address is to be intercepted, one would configure two such entries listing the IP Address as source and destination respectively, and wildcard everything else. If a particular voice call is to be intercepted, one would extract the destination IP address, the source IP Address, the protocol (UDP), and the source and destination ports from the call control exchange. The MAC Manager must support creation and deletion of rows in the TapIpInterceptCfg table." ::= { docsFmaLiConfigObjects 4 } docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgTable" INDEX { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgContentId, docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgIndex, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgIndex } ::= { docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgTable 1 } DocsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgIndex Unsigned32, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgDestAddrType InetAddressType, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgDestAddress InetAddress, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgDestLength InetAddressPrefixLength, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgSourceAddrType InetAddressType, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgSourceAddress InetAddress, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgSourceLength InetAddressPrefixLength, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgTosByte Unsigned32, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgTosByteMask Unsigned32, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgFlowId IPv6FlowLabelOrAny, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgProtocol Integer32, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgDestL4PortMin InetPortNumber, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgDestL4PortMax InetPortNumber, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgSourceL4PortMin InetPortNumber, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgSourceL4PortMax InetPortNumber, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgStatus RowStatus } docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute allows for multiple Layer 3 (IP) filter definitions to be defined for a specific TapStreamCfg instance." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapIpInterceptCfg::Index" ::= { docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry 1 } docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgDestAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates whether the IP address provided in the TapIpInterceptCfgDestAddr is IPv4 or IPv6." ::= { docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry 2 } docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgDestAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute configures the Destination IP address or prefix used in packet selection." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapIpInterceptCfg::DestinationAddress" DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry 3 } docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgDestLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute configures the length of the Destination IP Address Prefix. A value of zero causes all addresses to match." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapIpInterceptCfg::DestinationLength" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry 4 } docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgSourceAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates whether the IP address provided in the TapIpInterceptCfgSourceAddr is IPv4 or IPv6." ::= { docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry 5 } docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgSourceAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute configures the Source IP Address or prefix used in packet selection." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapIpInterceptCfg::SourceAddress" DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry 6 } docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgSourceLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute configures the length of the Source IP Address Prefix. A value of zero causes all addresses to match." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapIpInterceptCfg::SourceLength" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry 7 } docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgTosByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute configures the value of the TOS byte, when masked with TosByteMask, of traffic to be intercepted. If TosByte&(~TosByteMask)!=0, configuration is rejected." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapIpInterceptCfg::TosByte" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry 8 } docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgTosByteMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute configures the value of the TOS byte in an IPv4 or IPv6 header is ANDed with TosByteMask and compared with TosByte. If the values are equal, the comparison is equal. If the mask is zero and the TosByte value is zero, the result is to always accept." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapIpInterceptCfg::TosByteMask" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry 9 } docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgFlowId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IPv6FlowLabelOrAny MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides configuration of the flow label (id) in the IPv6 header. This attribute is optional. The value -1 configures any value of FlowId." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapIpInterceptCfg::FlowId" DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry 10 } docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1|0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute configures the IP protocol to match against the IPv4 protocol number or the IPv6 Next-Header number in the packet. The value -1 means 'any IP protocol'." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapIpInterceptCfg::Protocol" DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry 11 } docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgDestL4PortMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute configures the minimum value that the Layer-4 destination port number in the packet is required to have in order to match. The MAC Manager MUST reject any attempt to set this attribute to a value that is not equal to or less than the value specified for this entry in DestL4PortMax. If both DestL4PortMin and DestL4PortMax are at their default values, the port number is effectively unused." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapIpInterceptCfg::DestinationL4PortMin" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry 12 } docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgDestL4PortMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute configures the maximum value that the Layer-4 destination port number in the packet is required to have in order to match. The MAC Manager MUST reject any attempt to set this attribute to a value that is not equal to or greater than the value specified for this entry in DestL4PortMin. If both DestL4PortMin and DestL4PortMax are at their default values, the port number is effectively unused." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapIpInterceptCfg::DestinationL4PortMax" DEFVAL { 65535 } ::= { docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry 13 } docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgSourceL4PortMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute configures the minimum value that the Layer-4 source port number in the packet is required to have in order to match. The MAC Manager MUST reject any attempt to set this attribute to a value that is not equal to or less than the value specified for this entry in SourceL4PortMax. If both SourceL4PortMin and SourceL4PortMax are at their default values, the port number is effectively unused." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapIpInterceptCfg::SourceL4PortMin" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry 14 } docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgSourceL4PortMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute configures the maximum value that the Layer-4 source port number in the packet is required to have in order to match. The MAC Manager MUST reject any attempt to set this attribute to a value that is not equal to or greater than the value specified for this entry in SourceL4PortMin. If both SourceL4PortMin and SourceL4PortMax are at their default values, the port number is effectively unused." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapIpInterceptCfg::SourceL4PortMax" DEFVAL { 65535 } ::= { docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry 15 } docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this row in the table." ::= { docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgEntry 16 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FMA Lawful Intercept Status Objects -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FMA Lawful Intercept Tap Stream Stats -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsFmaLiTapStreamStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsFmaLiTapStreamStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides basic statistics in terms of counts of intercepted packets and intercepted packets that have been dropped by the MAC NE for the traffic streams. The first index into this table, the ContentId, comes from the MediationDeviceCfg table, and indicates to which Mediation Device the intercepted traffic will be diverted. The second index, the Index, comes from the TapStreamCfg table, and provides the association between the TapStream and this set of statistics." ::= { docsFmaLiStatusObjects 1 } docsFmaLiTapStreamStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsFmaLiTapStreamStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of the docsFmaLiTapStreamStatsTable" INDEX { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgContentId, docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgIndex } ::= { docsFmaLiTapStreamStatsTable 1 } DocsFmaLiTapStreamStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsFmaLiTapStreamStatsInterceptedPkts Counter64, docsFmaLiTapStreamStatsInterceptedDroppedPkts Counter64 } docsFmaLiTapStreamStatsInterceptedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of packets matching this data stream specification that have been intercepted." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapStreamStats::InterceptedPackets" ::= { docsFmaLiTapStreamStatsEntry 1 } docsFmaLiTapStreamStatsInterceptedDroppedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of packets matching this data stream specification that, having been intercepted, were dropped in the lawful intercept process." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapStreamStats::InterceptedDroppedPackets" ::= { docsFmaLiTapStreamStatsEntry 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FMA Lawful Intercept Tap Debug -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsFmaLiTapDebugTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsFmaLiTapDebugEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides access to Lawful Intercept debug messages generated by the MAC NE. A row in this table contains a debug message which is created when either a Mediation Device or an intercept stream created by a Mediation Device has an error. The Mediation device is identified by the ContentId, which comes from the MediationDevCfg table, and the The TapStreamCfgIndex provides the needed linkage back to the TapStreamCfg table entry that is in error. This table can also be used to map an error code to a text message for further information. Note that the TapStreamCfgIndex may not be present, in which case the debug message is regarding a mediation device. Rows are created in this table when a debug message has been generated by the MAC-NE related to a specific Tap." ::= { docsFmaLiStatusObjects 2 } docsFmaLiTapDebugEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsFmaLiTapDebugEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of the docsFmaLiTapDebugTable." INDEX { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgContentId, docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgIndex, docsFmaLiTapDebugIndex } ::= { docsFmaLiTapDebugTable 1 } DocsFmaLiTapDebugEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsFmaLiTapDebugIndex Unsigned32, docsFmaLiTapDebugMessage SnmpAdminString } docsFmaLiTapDebugIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute is a simple index used in cases where there are multiple errors that are reported for a single TapStream." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapDebug::Index" ::= { docsFmaLiTapDebugEntry 1 } docsFmaLiTapDebugMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is a text string containing the debug message about the referenced tap that was generated by the MAC-NE. The format and content of this string are vendor specific." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI TapDebug::Message" ::= { docsFmaLiTapDebugEntry 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FMA Lawful Intercept Capabilities -- -- The Mediation Device that is establishing Lawful Intercept taps needs -- to have access to information relating to the capabilities of the MAC Manager -- to configure specific tap parameters. The two scalars MediationDeviceCapab and -- StreamCapab are implemented on the MAC Manager to allow the Mediation Device -- to see what parameters can be provisioned. Note that an individual parameter -- may be unsupported on a MAC-NE in which case, an error is generated. -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsFmaLiMedDevCapab OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { ipv4SrcInterface(0), ipv6SrcInterface(1), udp(2), rtpNak(3), tcp(4), sctp(5), rtp(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the MAC Manager's capabilities with respect to certain fields in MediationDeviceCfg that can be configured for a TAP. It is possible that a specific MAC-NE will not support a specific value. When the MAC Manager determines that the Mediation Device has configured a value for a MediationDeviceCfg object that is unsupported by the MAC-NE, the MAC Manager MUST send the Mediation Device Config Error event with the EventId 70080302. The supported bit positions are defined below: ipv4SrcInterface(0)- Asserting this bit means that docsFmaLiMedDevCfgIapSourceAddress can be an IPv4 address configured on the intercepting device which will transmit intercepted data to an IPv4 address Mediation Device. ipv6SrcInterface(1)- Asserting this bit means that docsFmaLiMedDevCfgIapSourceAddress can be an IPv6 address configured on the intercepting device which will transmit intercepted data to an IPv6 address Mediation Device. udp(2)- UDP can be configured as the transport protocol (denoted by docsFmaLiMedDevCfgTransport) for transferring intercepted data to the Mediation Device. This is the only supported value in FMA. rtpNak(3)- This bit is defaulted to off to indicate that RTP with Nack transport is unsupported in FMA. tcp(4)- This bit is defaulted to off to indicate that TCP transport is unsupported in FMA. sctp(5)- This bit is defaulted to off to indicate that SCTP transport is unsupported in FMA. rtp(6)- This bit is defaulted to off to indicate that RTP transport is unsupported in FMA." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI LawfulInterceptCapabilities::MediationDeviceCapab" ::= { docsFmaLiStatusObjects 3 } docsFmaLiStreamCapab OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { tapEnable(0), interface(1), ipv4(2), ipv6(3), l4Port(4), tos(5), dstMacAddr(6), srcMacAddr(7), ethernetPid(8), dstLlcSap(9), srcLlcSap(10) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the supported Lawful Intercept Stream parameters that can be configured on the MAC Manager. The inclusion of a specific parameter in the list below does not mean that a MAC-NE can support a specific parameter being configured. When the MAC Manager determines that the Mediation Device has configured any parameters related to a row of the TapStreamCfg table that are unsupported by the MAC-NE, the MAC Manager MUST send the Stream Configuration Error event with the EventId 70080303. The supported bit positions are defined below: tapEnable(0)- This value indicates that a row in the TapStreamCfg table can be enabled via TapStreamCfgInterceptEnabled attribute. interface(1)- This value is unsupported in FMA and defaulted to off. It is included for compatibility with existing deployments. ipv4(2)- IPv4 Address or prefix may be configured to select traffic to be intercepted. ipv6(3)- IPv6Address or prefix may be configured to select traffic to be intercepted. l4Port(4)- TCP/UDP Ports may be configured to select traffic to be intercepted. tos(5)- ToS values may be configured to select traffic to be intercepted. dstMacAddr(6)- Destination MAC Address may be configured to select traffic to be intercepted. srcMacAddr(7)- Source MAC Address may be configured to select traffic to be intercepted. ethernetPid(8)- Ethernet Protocol Identifier may be configured to select traffic to be intercepted. dstLlcSap(9)- IEEE 802.2 Destination LLC SAP is optional in FMA. This bit value is defaulted to off. srcLlcSap(10)- IEEE 802.2 Source LLC SAP is optional in FMA. This bit value is defaulted to off." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI LawfulInterceptCapabilities::StreamCapab" ::= { docsFmaLiStatusObjects 4 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Notification Objects -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- Lawful Intercept Notifications -- --------------------------------------------------------- docsFmaLiEventNotif NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { docsDevEvLevel, docsDevEvId, docsDevEvText, docsDevEvLastTime, sysName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification to report a Lawful Intercept event sent from the MAC Manager to a provisioned notification receiver. It represents an implementation of the DOCSIS event notification specified in the CCAP Fault Management Information Model [CCAP-OSSIv4.0], specific for Lawful Intercept event definitions. The Lawful Intercept event notification attributes mirror those of the DOCSIS event notification. This notification includes the following information: - docsDevEvLevel: the DOCSIS priority level associated with the event. - docsDevEvId: the numeric identifier of the event. - docsDevEvText: The text description of the event. - docsDevEvLastTime: The local date and time when this event was generated. - sysName: the administratively-assigned name of the MAC-NE or PAG. e.g., The fully-qualified domain name as indicated in RFC 3418 or in the absence the IP address of the CMTS administrative interface in dot '.' notation for IPv4 and colon ':' notation for and IPv6 Address as indicated in RFC 3164" REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-FMA-OSSI LawfulInterceptEventNotif" ::= { docsFmaLiNotifications 1 } -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- Conformance definitions -- --------------------------------------------------------- docsFmaLiCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for FMA Lawful Intercept." MODULE -- docsFmaLiMib MANDATORY-GROUPS { docsFmaLiStatusGroup, docsFmaLiConfigGroup, docsFmaLiNotificationGroup } ::= { docsFmaLiCompliances 1} docsFmaLiConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { docsFmaLiMedDevCfgDestAddrType, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgDestAddress, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgDestPort, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgIapSourceAddrType, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgIapSourceAddress, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgDscp, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgVlanId, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgTimeout, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgTransport, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgNotifEnabled, docsFmaLiMedDevCfgStatus, docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgType, docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgInterceptEnabled, docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgTargetMacAddress, docsFmaLiTapStreamCfgStatus, docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgDestAddress, docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgSourceAddress, docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgEthernetPid, docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgDestLlcSap, docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgSourceLlcSap, docsFmaLiTap802InterceptCfgStatus, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgDestAddrType, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgDestAddress, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgDestLength, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgSourceAddrType, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgSourceAddress, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgSourceLength, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgTosByte, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgTosByteMask, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgFlowId, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgProtocol, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgDestL4PortMin, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgDestL4PortMax, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgSourceL4PortMin, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgSourceL4PortMax, docsFmaLiTapIpInterceptCfgStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of lawful intercept configuration tables" ::= { docsFmaLiGroups 1 } docsFmaLiStatusGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { docsFmaLiTapStreamStatsInterceptedPkts, docsFmaLiTapStreamStatsInterceptedDroppedPkts, docsFmaLiTapDebugMessage, docsFmaLiMedDevCapab, docsFmaLiStreamCapab } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of lawful intercept status tables and scalars" ::= { docsFmaLiGroups 2 } docsFmaLiNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { docsFmaLiEventNotif } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC Manager is required to support notifications in this group" ::= { docsFmaLiGroups 3 } END