DOCS-IF31-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter32, Gauge32, Counter64 FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- RFC 2578 TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, DateAndTime, MacAddress, TimeStamp FROM SNMPv2-TC -- RFC 2579 OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF -- RFC 2580 CounterBasedGauge64 FROM HCNUM-TC -- RFC 2856 ifIndex FROM IF-MIB -- RFC 2863 TenthdB, TenthdBmV, docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry FROM DOCS-IF-MIB -- RFC 4546 clabProjDocsis FROM CLAB-DEF-MIB docsIf3CmtsCmRegStatusId, docsIf3CmtsCmRegStatusEntry, AttributeMask, RangingState, ChId, IfDirection FROM DOCS-IF3-MIB; docsIf31Mib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202407050000Z" -- July 5, 2024 ORGANIZATION "Cable Television Laboratories, Inc." CONTACT-INFO " Postal: Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. 858 Coal Creek Circle Louisville, Colorado 80027-9750 U.S.A. Phone: +1 303-661-9100 Fax: +1 303-661-9199 E-mail:" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module contains the management objects for the management of DOCSIS 3.1 features, primarily OFDM and OFDMA channels. Copyright 2015-2024 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved." REVISION "202407050000Z" -- July 5, 2024 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-24.2375-2." REVISION "202311220000Z" -- November 22, 2023 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-23.2356-1." REVISION "202310050000Z" -- October 5, 2023 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-23.2339-1." REVISION "202306010000Z" -- June 1, 2023 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-23.2311-1." REVISION "202302020000Z" -- February 2, 2023 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-23.2297-1." REVISION "202212010000Z" -- December 1, 2022 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-22.2287-2." REVISION "202209150000Z" -- September 15, 2022 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-22.2279-1." REVISION "202205120000Z" -- May 12, 2022 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-22.2258-1." REVISION "202203310000Z" -- March 31, 2022 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-22.2242-1." REVISION "202112020000Z" -- December 2, 2021 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-21.2205-1." REVISION "202109020000Z" -- September 2, 2021 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-21.2187-2." REVISION "202106170000Z" -- June 17, 2021 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-21.2169-2." REVISION "202102110000Z" -- February 11, 2021 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-21.2146-3." REVISION "202011050000Z" -- November 5, 2020 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-20.2123-2." REVISION "201912120000Z" -- December 12, 2019 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-19.2064-1." REVISION "201909050000Z" -- September 5, 2019 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-19.2047-1." REVISION "201905160000Z" -- May 16, 2019 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-19.2016-1." REVISION "201811150000Z" -- November 15, 2018 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-18.1969-3." REVISION "201808300000Z" -- August 30, 2018 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-18.1954-1." REVISION "201807120000Z" -- July 12, 2018 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-18.1937-1." REVISION "201804120000Z" -- April 12, 2018 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN change to add DsIndicator, DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-18.1864-3." REVISION "201711160000Z" -- November 16, 2017 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN change to clarify descriptions for docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanLastActiveSubcarrierNum, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanFirstActiveSubcarrierNum docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanNumActiveSubcarriers. DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-17.1844-1" REVISION "201709210000Z" -- September 21, 2017 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN change for adding to docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanTable and docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusTable to clarify lower edge upstream as well as and lower and upper subcarriers for pilot pattern and modulation. DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-17.1801-1" REVISION "201707270000Z" -- July 2017, 2017 DESCRIPTION "Revised per ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-17.1765-1 for changing docsIf31RxChStatusTable to apply to CM only. Only descriptive text is changed." REVISION "201705250000Z" -- May 25, 2017 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN change for diplexer objects DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-17.1733-1" REVISION "201612150000Z" -- December 15, 2016 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-16.1621-3." REVISION "201608180000Z" -- August 18, 2016 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN DOCS-IF31-MIB-N-16.1549-3." REVISION "201605050000Z" -- May 5, 2016 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN CCAP-OSSIv3.1-N-16.1472-4; supersedes CCAP-OSSIv3.1-N-16.1432-3." REVISION "201511040000Z" -- November 4, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Revised per CM-OSSIv3.1-N-15.1385-3, which rolls up changes from the following ECNs: CM-OSSIv3.1-N-15.1375-1 and CCAP-OSSIv3.1-N-15.1376-1, adding additional indices for the docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateTable per the OSSI-CM spec." REVISION "201507150000Z" -- July 15, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN CCAP-OSSIv3.1-N-15.1324-1" REVISION "201505200000Z" -- May 20, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN CCAP-OSSIv3.1-N-15.1308-2 Synchronized with CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1-I04 and CM-SP-CCAP-OSSIv3.1-I04" REVISION "201504080000Z" -- April 8, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Initial version, per CCAP-OSSIv3.1-N-15.1278-4" ::= { clabProjDocsis 28 } -- Textual Conventions ClabsDocsisVersion ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the DOCSIS Radio Frequency specification being referenced. 'docsis10' indicates DOCSIS 1.0. 'docsis11' indicates DOCSIS 1.1. 'docsis20' indicates DOCSIS 2.0. 'docsis30' indicates DOCSIS 3.0. 'docsis31' indicates DOCSIS 3.1. 'docsis40' indicates DOCSIS 4.0." SYNTAX INTEGER { other (0), docsis10 (1), docsis11 (2), docsis20 (3), docsis30 (4), docsis31 (5), docsis40 (6) } EmIdList ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "2x," STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of Energy Management Ids displayed as a comma-separated list of 15-bit hexadecimal values. These values are encoded into 16-bits but the high-order bit is always 0." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE ( 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 )) SubcarrierSpacingType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type defines the subcarrier spacing for the FFT mode in use. For downstream OFDM channels, if the FFT mode is 4K mode, then spacing is 50 kHz; if it is 8K mode, then the spacing is 25 kHz. For upstream OFDMA channels, if the FFT mode is 2K mode, then the spacing is 50kHz; if the mode is 4K mode, then the spacing is 25kHz. In units of kHz." REFERENCE "DOCSIS 3.1 Physical Layer Specification CM-SP-PHYv3.1-I03-140610, Downstream OFDM Parameters and Upstream OFDMA Parameters tables." SYNTAX Integer32 ( 25 | 50 ) PrimaryDsIndicatorType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type is defined to represent the channel indicator type for the downstream channel." REFERENCE "MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification, CM-SP-MULPIv4.0-I06-221019, Common TLV Encodings Annex, Receive Channel Primary Downstream Channel Indicator section Encodings for Configuration and MAC-Layer Messaging" SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), primary(2), backupPrimary(3), nonPrimary(4) } OfdmProfiles ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type enumerates the configured channel profiles on the CM." SYNTAX BITS { profile0(0), profile1(1), profile2(2), profile3(3), profile4(4), profile5(5), profile6(6), profile7(7), profile8(8), profile9(9), profile10(10), profile11(11), profile12(12), profile13(13), profile14(14), profile15(15) } DsOfdmCyclicPrefix ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type is defined to indicate the five possible values for the length of cyclic prefix. This represents the number of samples of the 204.8 MHz clock" SYNTAX Unsigned32 (192 | 256 | 512 | 768 | 1024) UsOfdmaCyclicPrefix ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type is defined to indicate the eleven possible values for the length of cyclic prefix. The cyclic prefix represents the number of samples of the 204.8 MHz clock." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (96 | 128 | 160 | 192 | 224 | 256 | 288 | 320 | 384 | 512 | 640) DsOfdmRollOffPeriod ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type is defined to indicate the five possible values for the windowing roll-off period. This represents the number of samples of the 204.8 MHz clock." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 64 | 128 | 192 | 256) UsOfdmaRollOffPeriod ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type is defined to indicate the eight possible values for the windowing roll-off period. This represents the number of samples of the 204.8 MHz clock" SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 32 | 64 | 96 | 128 | 160 | 192 | 224) TimeInterleaverDepth ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type is defined to indicate the depth of time interleaving used for this downstream channel in symbols." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..32) DsOfdmModulationType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type is defined to indicate the bit loading of subcarriers in an OFDM downstream channel." REFERENCE "DOCSIS 3.1 Physical layer Specification CM-SP-PHYv3.1-I03-140610, Modulation Formats section." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), zeroValued(2), qpsk(3), qam16(4), qam64(5), qam128(6), qam256(7), qam512(8), qam1024(9), qam2048(10), qam4096(11), qam8192(12), qam16384(13) } UsOfdmaModulationType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type is defined to indicate the bit loading of subcarriers in an OFDMA upstream channel." REFERENCE "DOCSIS 3.1 Physical layer Specification CM-SP-PHYv3.1-I03-140610, Modulation Formats section." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), zeroValued(2), reserved(3), qpsk(4), qam8(5), qam16(6), qam32(7), qam64(8), qam128(9), qam256(10), qam512(11), qam1024(12), qam2048(13), qam4096(14) } PartialChannelType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type enumerates each of the possible profiles or channel attributes which can contribute to an OFDM channel being considered a Partial Channel by the MAC layer. As more than one of these error conditions can exist at the same time this data type is based on a BITS data type. The bits from low to high are: Bit 0: fecErrorsDsProfile Bit 1: fecErrorsNcpProfile Bit 2: fecErrorsPlc Bit 3: lostFecLockUsProfile" REFERENCE "DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I03-140610, CM Status Report section." SYNTAX BITS { fecErrorsDsProfile(0), fecErrorsNcpProfile(1), fecErrorsPlc(2), lostFecLockUsProfile(3) } PartialServiceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type enumerates the type of channel issue which the MAC Layer indicates is causing the CM to be in DOCSIS 3.0 Partial Service mode. The possible values are as follows: other(1) none(2) partialSvcDsOnlyImpaired(3) partialSvcUsOnlyImpaired(4) partialSvcDsAndUsImpaired(5)" REFERENCE "DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I03-140610, CM Status Report section." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), none(2), partialSvcDsOnlyImpaired(3), partialSvcUsOnlyImpaired(4), partialSvcDsAndUsImpaired(5) } PartialChanReasonType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type enumerates the CM-STATUS events which a CM can utilize to report a Partial Channel situation." REFERENCE "DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I03-140610, CM Status Report section." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), dsOfdmProfileFailure(16), dpdMismatch(18), ncpProfileFailure(20), plcFailure(21) } PartialSvcReasonType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type enumerates the reasons which a CMTS can utilize to report a Partial Service situation. none(0) - used when the channel is not in partial service secondaryChanMddTimeout(1) - receipt of a CM-STATUS event type 1 indicating secondary channel MDD timeout lostFecLock(2) - receipt of a CM-STATUS event type 2 indicating QAM/FEC lock failure on a downstream channel iuc13CwErrors(3) - codeword errors are over limit on IUC 13 of an OFDMA channel; the criteria for this decision is vendor specific. other(4) - partial service is the result of a reason not described by the other defined enumerations." REFERENCE "DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I03-140610, CM Status Report section." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), secondaryChanMddTimeout(1), lostFecLock(2), iuc13CwErrors(3), other(4) } UsOfdmaSubcarrierType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type enumerates the type of subcarrier represented " SYNTAX INTEGER { data(1), excluded(2), unused(3) } DsOfdmSubcarrierType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type enumerates the type of subcarrier represented " SYNTAX INTEGER { data(1), plc(2), continuousPilot(3), excluded(4) } HundredthdBmV ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d-2" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type represents power levels that are normally expressed in dBmV. Units are in hundredths of a dBmV; for example, 5.17 dBmV will be represented as 517." SYNTAX Integer32 HundredthdB ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d-2" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type represents power levels that are normally expressed in dB. Units are in hundredths of a dB; for example, 5.17 dB will be represented as 517." SYNTAX Integer32 -- Object Definitions docsIf31Notifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsIf31Mib 0 } docsIf31MibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsIf31Mib 1 } -- -- Notifications -- -- DOCSIS 3.1 events are sent in DOCS-IF3-MIB notification objects. -- Specifically docsIf3CmtsEventNotif for CCAP events and -- docsIf3CmEventNotif for CM events -- -- *************************************************************** -- -- RFC-4546 Objects & Tables -- -- The DOCS-IF-MIB defined in RFC-4546 has a number of tables which -- cannot be readily adapted to support OFDM channels. After much -- consideration the D3.1 OSSI Working Group decided that it was -- preferable to create completely new tables for D3.1 OFDM/OFDMA -- channels than to augment or otherwise extend the original tables -- where few, if any, columns were applicable to the new modulation -- types. To ease the transition to D3.1, rules were developed for -- rows to be included in the original tables, but with dummy values. -- -- The tables in this MIB contain meaningful values for OFMD channels -- and should be used instead of values in RFC-4546 tables. For -- additional information refer to: -- -- DOCSIS 3.1 Cable Modem Operations Support System Interface -- Specification CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1-I03-15MMDD -- -- Tables from RFC-4546 which are not used for OFDM channels include: -- docsIfDownChannelTable -- docsIfUpChannelTable -- docsIfCmtsModulationTable -- docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationTable -- docsIfCmtsDownChannelCtrTable -- docsIfCmtsUpChannelCtrTable -- -- The only other table from RFC-4546 which is supported as documented -- by a D3.1 CCAP is: -- docsIfCmtsMacToCmTable -- -- *************************************************************** docsIf31DocsisBaseCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClabsDocsisVersion MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the DOCSIS capability of the device. A CMTS reports its highest supported DOCSIS version while a CM reports its supported DOCSIS version. This attribute replaces docsIfDocsisBaseCapability defined in RFC 4546." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 1 } -- *************************************************************** -- -- DOCS-IF3-MIB Extensions -- -- *************************************************************** -- -- DOCSIS 3.1 docsIf3RxChStatusTable -- docsIf31RxChStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31RxChStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Receive Channel Status object reports the status of the statically-configured and dynamically-created Receive Channels within an RCC. This table provides the ability for the CCAP to report a DOCSIS CM OFDM receive channel configuration." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 2 } docsIf31RxChStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31RxChStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31RxChStatusTable." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsIf31RxChStatusTable 1 } DocsIf31RxChStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31RxChStatusPrimaryDsIndicator PrimaryDsIndicatorType, docsIf31RxChStatusOfdmProfiles OfdmProfiles } docsIf31RxChStatusPrimaryDsIndicator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrimaryDsIndicatorType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used to identify the downstream channel as primary, backup primary or non-primary. A value of 'primary(2)' indicates the channel is assigned to be the CM's primary downstream channel. A value of 'backupPrimary(3)' indicates the channel is assigned to be the CM's backup primary downstream channel. A value of 'nonPrimary(4)' indicates the channel is not assigned to be CM's primary or backup primary downstream channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI RxChStatus::PrimaryDsIndicator" ::= { docsIf31RxChStatusEntry 1 } docsIf31RxChStatusOfdmProfiles OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OfdmProfiles MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A CCAP supports as many as 16 downstream profiles on an OFDM channel as defined in [MULPIv3.1] Downstream Profiles section. This attribute identifies which downstream channel profiles are provisioned on the CM. Each bit of this attribute corresponds to one of the sixteen profiles, with bit 0 corresponding to profile 0 and bit 15 corresponding to profile 15. Value '1' returned for a bit indicates the corresponding profile is provisioned on the cable modem. Value '0' returned for a bit indicates the corresponding profile is not provisioned on the cable modem. When reporting for an SC-QAM channel, this attribute returns value '0' for all bits. Example 1: A Cable Modem configured with OFDM Profiles 3 and 8 returns a query response as follows. EnumBits: 0001000010000000 or 0x1080. Example 2: A Cable Modem configured with an SC_QAM Channel would return a query response as follows. EnumBits: 000000000000000 or 0x0." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI RxChStatus::OfdmProfiles" ::= { docsIf31RxChStatusEntry 2 } -- -- Extensions to the docsIf3CmtsCmRegStatusTable -- docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines attributes that represent the CM's registration status as tracked by the CMTS. Refer to the individual attribute definitions for applicability to 3.0 and 3.1 Cable Modems. This extends the DOCS-IF3-MIB's docsIf3CmtsCmRegStatusTable." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 3 } docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusTable." AUGMENTS { docsIf3CmtsCmRegStatusEntry } ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusTable 1 } DocsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusAssignedEmIds EmIdList, docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusDsProfileIdList OCTET STRING, docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusUsProfileIucList OCTET STRING, docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusTcsPhigh Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusTcsDrwTop Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusMinUsableDsFreq Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusMaxUsableDsFreq Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusMaxUsableUsFreq Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusPartialSvcState PartialServiceType, docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusPartialChanState PartialChannelType } docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusAssignedEmIds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EmIdList MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the set of CMTS-assigned EM-IDs for this CM. This attribute is encoded as an array 16-bit binary values with up to 3 elements. The broadcast EM-ID is not included in the list. If the EM-ID is unknown the CMTS returns a zero length string. This object is applicable to DOCSIS 3.1 modems but not to prior versions of DOCSIS modems. If the CM is a pre-DOCSIS 3.1 modem, the CMTS returns a zero length string." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmRegStatus::AssignedEmIds" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusEntry 1 } docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusDsProfileIdList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0 | 6..72)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is a variable length series of hexadecimal octets where each series entry consists of the following fields (encoded in the following order): - The ifIndex (4 octets) of the OFDM channel where the downstream Profile IDs are assigned. - The number or count of Profile IDs (1 octet with valid values of 1-4) assigned to the CM on that channel. - The list of Profile IDs (1 octet each with valid values of 0-15) assigned to this CM on that channel. Profile ID 0 is commonly referred to as Profile A. Likewise, Profile IDs 1, 2 and 3 are commonly referred to as Profiles B, C and D. The CCAP encodes each OFDM channel in a CM's RCS as a separate n-octet entry in the ProfileIdList. Examples: a CM with a single OFDM channel (ifIndex 34) and four assigned profiles (Profile IDs 0, 8, 9 and 10) would have a ProfileIdList value of 0x00000022040008090A. A CM with a 2 OFDM channel bonding group each with two assigned profiles (Profile IDs 0 and 15 on channel with ifIndex 34 and Profile IDs 0 and 14 on channel with ifIndex 35) would have a ProfileIdList value of 0x0000002202000F0000002302000E). Note: the CCAP must not include the transitional profile or test profile in the ProfileIdList. Note that octet string lengths greater than 18 are optional. This object is applicable to DOCSIS 3.1 modems but not to prior versions of DOCSIS modems. If the CM is a pre-DOCSIS 3.1 modem, the CMTS returns a zero length octet string." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmRegStatus::DsProfileIdList" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusEntry 2 } docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusUsProfileIucList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0 | 6..72)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is a variable length series of hexadecimal octets where each series entry consists of the following fields (encoded in the following order): - The ifIndex (4 octets) of the OFDMA channel where the Profile IUCs are assigned. - The number or count of Data IUCs (1 octet with valid values of 1-2) assigned to this CM on that channel. - The list of Data IUCs (1 octet each with valid values of 5, 6, 9-13) assigned to this CM on that channel. The CCAP encodes each OFDMA channel in a CM's TCS as a separate n-octet entry in the UsProfileIucList. Examples: a CM with a single OFDMA channel (ifIndex 36) and two assigned Data IUCs (5 and 6) would have a ProfileIdList value of 0x00000024020506. A CM with a 2 OFDMA channel bonding group each with one assigned Data IUC (IUC 5 on channel with ifIndex 34 and IUC 13 on channel with ifIndex 35) would have a UsProfileIucList value of 0x00000022010500000023010D). Note: The CCAP does not include transitional IUCs or test IUCs in the UsProfileIucList. Note that octet string lengths greater than 18 are optional. This object is applicable to DOCSIS 3.1 modems but not to prior versions of DOCSIS modems. If the CM is a pre-DOCSIS 3.1 modem, the CMTS returns a zero length octet string." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmRegStatus::UsProfileIucList" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusEntry 3 } docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusTcsPhigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 68..320) UNITS "QuarterdBmV" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the P1.6hi value for the CM's Transmit Channel Set. It is a positive integer count of quarter-dBmV increments. This object is applicable to DOCSIS 3.1 modems but not to prior versions of DOCSIS modems. If the CM is a pre-DOCSIS 3.1 modem, the CMTS returns zero." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmRegStatus::TcsPhigh" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusEntry 4 } docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusTcsDrwTop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "QuarterdBmV" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the level of the top of the Dynamic Range Window. It is a positive integer count of quarter-dBmV increments. It is the result of a calculation equal to P1.6hi - P1.6load_min_set. This object is applicable to DOCSIS 3.1 modems but not to prior versions of DOCSIS modems. If the CM is a pre-DOCSIS 3.1 modem, the CMTS returns zero." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmRegStatus::TcsDrwTop" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusEntry 5 } docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusMinUsableDsFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the higher of the CCAP's minimum supported downstream frequency and the CM's minimum supported downstream frequency. It indicates the lowest downstream frequency the CCAP can use to communicate with this CM taking into account the capabilities of both devices. This object is applicable to DOCSIS 3.1 modems but not to prior versions of DOCSIS modems. If the CM is a pre-DOCSIS 3.1 modem, the CMTS returns zero." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmRegStatus::MinUsableDsFreq" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusEntry 6 } docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusMaxUsableDsFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the lower of the CCAP's maximum supported downstream frequency and the CM's maximum supported downstream frequency. It indicates the highest downstream frequency the CCAP can use to communicate with this CM taking into account the capabilities of both devices. This object is applicable to DOCSIS 3.1 modems but not to prior versions of DOCSIS modems. If the CM is a pre-DOCSIS 3.1 modem, the CMTS returns zero." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmRegStatus::MaxUsableDsFreq" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusEntry 7 } docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusMaxUsableUsFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the lower of the CCAP's maximum supported upstream frequency and the CM's maximum supported upstream frequency. It indicates the highest upstream frequency the CCAP can use to receive signals from this CM taking into account the capabilities of both devices. Note: there is no minimum usable upstream frequency attribute as this is 5MHz for both CCAP and CM devices. This object is applicable to DOCSIS 3.1 modems but not to prior versions of DOCSIS modems. If the CM is a pre-DOCSIS 3.1 modem, the CMTS returns zero." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmRegStatus::MaxUsableUsFreq" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusEntry 8 } docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusPartialSvcState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartialServiceType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the type of 'bonding group' issue that this CM is experiencing, based on what the MAC-layer shows. See PartialServiceType for further detail. This object is applicable to DOCSIS 3.1 modems but not to prior versions of DOCSIS modems. If the CM is a pre-DOCSIS 3.1 modem, the CMTS returns 'other'." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmRegStatus::PartialSvcState" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusEntry 9 } docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusPartialChanState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartialChannelType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is a bit-field which indicates the type of OFDM channel issue that this CM is experiencing, based on what the MAC-layer shows. See PartialChannelType for further detail. This object is applicable to DOCSIS 3.1 modems but not to prior versions of DOCSIS modems. If the CM is a pre-DOCSIS 3.1 modem, the CMTS returns 0x0 (no bits set)." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmRegStatus::PartialChanState" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusEntry 10 } -- *************************************************************** -- -- DOCSIS 3.1 MIB Objects -- -- *************************************************************** docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines current status information of the CM on each OFDMA upstream channel, as reported by the CMTS." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 4 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusTable. A separate entry exists for every OFDMA channel of every CM currently assigned to an OFDMA channel." INDEX { docsIf3CmtsCmRegStatusId, ifIndex } ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusTable 1 } DocsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelRxPower TenthdBmV, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelMeanRxMer HundredthdB, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStdDevRxMer HundredthdB, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelRxMerThreshold Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelThresholdRxMerValue HundredthdB, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelThresholdRxMerHighestFreq Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelMicroreflections Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelHighResolutionTimingOffset Integer32, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelIsMuted TruthValue, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelRangingStatus RangingState, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelCurPartialSvcReasonCode PartialSvcReasonType, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelLastPartialSvcTime DateAndTime, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelLastPartialSvcReasonCode PartialSvcReasonType, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelNumPartialSvcIncidents Counter32 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelRxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdBmV UNITS "dBmV" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the total received power in a specified OFDMA channel, normalized to power in a 1.6 MHz bandwidth, at the RF input port of the CMTS for a given CM." REFERENCE "DOCSIS 3.1 Physical layer Specification CM-SP-PHYv3.1-I03-140610, Upstream Channel Power section." ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry 1 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelMeanRxMer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HundredthdB UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the mean of the dB values of the RxMER measurements of all active subcarriers. The mean is computed directly on the dB values as follows: Mean = sum of (RxMER dB values) / number of RxMER values" REFERENCE "DOCSIS 3.1 Physical layer Specification CM-SP-PHYv3.1-I03-140610, Upstream Receive Modulation Error Ratio (RxMER) Per Subcarrier section." ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry 2 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStdDevRxMer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HundredthdB UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the standard deviation of the dB values of the RxMER measurements of all active subcarriers. The standard deviation is computed directly on the dB values as follows: StdDev = sqrt(sum of (RxMER dB vals - RxMER_mean)^2 / # RxMER vals)" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry 3 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelRxMerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..99) UNITS "percentile" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the percentile (such as 2nd percentile or 5th percentile) of all active subcarriers in an OFDM channel at which the ThresholdRxMerValue occurs. That is, (Percentile) % of the subcarriers have RxMER <= ThresholdRxMerValue." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry 4 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelThresholdRxMerValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HundredthdB UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the RxMER value corresponding to the specified docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelRxMerThreshold percentile value. The CCAP sorts the subcarriers in ascending order of RxMER, resulting in a post-sorting subcarrier index ranging from 1 to the number of active subcarriers. If the percentile value corresponds to a non- integer post-sorting subcarrier index, the post-sorting index is truncated (floor function is applied); that is, the post-sorting index is selected which is the greatest integer less than or equal to the corresponding percentile value. For example, if there are 3677 active subcarriers and the 2nd percentile is specified, the CCAP computes floor(3677*0.02) = 73. That is, the RxMER value of the 73rd subcarrier in the sorted list is associated with the 2nd percentile. This is displayed in hundredth of a dB, but is only accurate to a quarter dB." ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry 5 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelThresholdRxMerHighestFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the frequency in Hz of the highest-frequency subcarrier having RxMER = ThresholdRxMer value." ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry 6 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelMicroreflections OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "dBc" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents microreflections received on this upstream channel in dBc." ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry 7 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelHighResolutionTimingOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "19.0734 ps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the current measured round trip time on this CM's upstream channel in units of 1/(256*204.8MHz)=19.0734 ps. This attribute returns zero if the value is unknown." ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry 8 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelIsMuted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute has a value 'true' to indicate that the CM's upstream channel has been muted via CM-CTRL-REQ/CM-CTRL-RSP message exchange." ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry 9 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelRangingStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RangingState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute denotes ranging status of the CM on this upstream channel as reported by the CMTS" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry 10 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelCurPartialSvcReasonCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartialSvcReasonType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute returns the current CM-STATUS Event Code which indicates the reason that this CM is experiencing Partial Service with a bonding group utilizing this upstream OFDMA channel. A value of 0 indicates that the CM is not currently experiencing Partial Service involving this OFDMA channel." ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry 11 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelLastPartialSvcTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute returns the date and time when the MAC indicated that this CM recovered from its most recent Partial Service incident on this upstream OFDMA channel. A value of January 1, year 0000, 00:00:00 indicates that the CM has not experienced Partial Service involving this OFDM channel during the CCAP's history of this CM." ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry 12 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelLastPartialSvcReasonCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartialSvcReasonType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute returns the last CM-STATUS Event Code which indicates the reason that this CM was experiencing Partial Service on this upstream OFDMA channel. (Note: if the CM is currently experiencing Partial Service, this is the Event Code from the previous Partial Service event.) A value of 0 indicates that the CM has not experienced Partial Service involving this OFDMA channel during the CCAP's history of this CM." ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry 13 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelNumPartialSvcIncidents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute returns the number of Partial Service incidents the MAC layer has reported for this CM on this upstream OFDMA channel." ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusEntry 14 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines current status information of the CM on each OFDMA upstream channel profile, as reported by the CMTS." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 5 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileStatusTable. A separate entry exists for every Data IUC assigned to the CM for every OFDMA channel of every CM currently assigned to an OFDMA channel." INDEX { docsIf3CmtsCmRegStatusId, ifIndex, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsDataIuc } ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileStatusTable 1 } DocsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileTotalCodewords Counter64, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileCorrectedCodewords Counter64, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileUnreliableCodewords Counter64, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfilePreFecErrorFreeCw Counter32, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileTimestamp DateAndTime } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileTotalCodewords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Codewords" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the count of the total number of FEC codewords received from the CM on this Profile/Data IUC for this upstream OFDMA channel. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated upstream OFDMA channel" REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfile::TotalCodewords" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileStatusEntry 1 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileCorrectedCodewords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Codewords" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the count of codewords received that failed the pre-decoding syndrome check, but passed the post-decoding syndrome check from the CM on this Profile/Data IUC for this upstream OFDMA channel. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated upstream OFDMA channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfile::CorrectedCodewords" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileStatusEntry 2 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileUnreliableCodewords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Codewords" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the count of codewords that failed the post-decoding syndrome check received from the CM on this Profile/Data IUC for this upstream OFDMA channel. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated upstream OFDMA channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfile::UnreliableCodewords" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileStatusEntry 3 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfilePreFecErrorFreeCw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "Codewords" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the count of codewords received on this OFDMA channel and this Data IUC that passed pre-decoding syndrome check." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfile::PreFecErrorFreeCw" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileStatusEntry 4 } docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the date and time when the upstream FEC statistics values were collected for the modem using this Data IUC on the OFDMA channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfile::Timestamp" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileStatusEntry 5 } docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines current status information of the CM on each OFDM downstream channel, as reported by the CMTS. A separate entry exists for every OFDM channel of every CM currently assigned to an OFDM channel. The CCAP should create instances of the CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatus object even if no partial service or partial channel event has occurred with respect to this channel, so that the PreferredProfile attribute is available. The CCAP should persist instances of the CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatus object across CM reinitialization." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 6 } docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatusTable. If the CM has never experienced a partial service or partial channel event with respect to this channel since the last CCAP reinitialization, no entry should exist in this table." INDEX { docsIf3CmtsCmRegStatusId, ifIndex } ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatusTable 1 } DocsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelCurPartialSvcReasonCode PartialSvcReasonType, docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelLastPartialSvcTime DateAndTime, docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelLastPartialSvcReasonCode PartialSvcReasonType, docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelNumPartialSvcIncidents Counter32, docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelNumPartialChanIncidents Counter32, docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelPreferredProfile Unsigned32 } docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelCurPartialSvcReasonCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartialSvcReasonType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute returns the current CM-STATUS Event Code which indicates the reason that this CM is experiencing Partial Service with a bonding group utilizing this downstream OFDM channel. A value of 0 indicates that the CM is not currently experiencing Partial Service involving this OFDM channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatus::CurPartialSvcReasonCode" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatusEntry 1 } docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelLastPartialSvcTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute returns the date and time when the MAC indicated that this CM recovered from its most recent Partial Service incident on this downstream OFDM channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatus::LastPartialSvcTime" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatusEntry 2 } docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelLastPartialSvcReasonCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartialSvcReasonType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute returns the last CM-STATUS Event Code which indicates the reason that this CM was experiencing Partial Service on this downstream OFDM channel. (Note: if the CM is currently experiencing Partial Service, this is the Event Code from the previous Partial Service event.) A value of 0 indicates that the CM has not experienced Partial Service involving this OFDM channel during the CCAP's history of this CM." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatus::LastPartialSvcReasonCode" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatusEntry 3 } docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelNumPartialSvcIncidents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute returns the number of Partial Service incidents the MAC layer has reported for this CM on this downstream OFDM channel" REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatus::NumPartialSvcIncidents" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatusEntry 4 } docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelNumPartialChanIncidents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute returns the number of Partial Channel incidents the MAC layer has reported for this CM on this downstream OFDM channel" REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatus::NumPartialChanIncidents" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatusEntry 5 } docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelPreferredProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the ID of the profile that has been determined by the CCAP to be the preferred profile for unicast downstream traffic. The CCAP changes the preferred profile ID depending on changing channel conditions." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatus::PreferredProfile" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelStatusEntry 6 } docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines current status information of the CM on each OFDM downstream channel profile, as reported by the CCAP. If the CM has never experienced a partial channel event with respect to this profile since the last CCAP reinitialization, no instance should exist for this object. Instances of this object exist only for profiles most recently assigned to the channel for this CM. The CCAP should persist instances of CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileStatus object when the CM is re-initialized or when the profile is unassigned from the CM. The CCAP should remove instances of the CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileStatus object if the profile configuration is modified or the channel is removed from the CM's receive channel set." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 7 } docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileStatusTable. A separate entry exists for every Profile assigned to the CM for every OFDM channel of every CM currently assigned to an OFDM channel. If the CM has never experienced a partial channel event with respect to this profile since the last CCAP reinitialization, no entry should exist in the table." INDEX { docsIf3CmtsCmRegStatusId, ifIndex, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsProfileId } ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileStatusTable 1 } DocsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfilePartialChanReasonCode PartialChanReasonType, docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileLastPartialChanTime DateAndTime, docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileLastPartialChanReasonCode PartialChanReasonType } docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfilePartialChanReasonCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartialChanReasonType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute returns the current CM-STATUS Event Code which indicates the reason that this CM is in a Partial Channel state utilizing this Profile on this downstream OFDM channel. A value of 0 indicates that the CM is not currently experiencing Partial Channel involving this Profile on this OFDM channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileStatus::PartialChanReasonCode" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileStatusEntry 1 } docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileLastPartialChanTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute returns the date and time when the MAC indicated that this CM recovered from its most recent Partial Channel incident for this Profile on this downstream OFDM channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileStatus::LastPartialChanTime" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileStatusEntry 2 } docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileLastPartialChanReasonCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PartialChanReasonType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute returns the last CM-STATUS Event Code which indicates the reason that this CM was experiencing a Partial Channel event for this Profile on this downstream OFDM channel. A value of 0 indicates that the CM has not experienced a Partial Channel incident involving this Profile on this OFDM channel during the CCAP's history of this CM." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileStatus::LastPartialChanReasonCode" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileStatusEntry 3 } docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table defines Energy Management mode statistics for the CM as reported by the CMTS. For example, such metrics can provide insight into configuration of appropriate EM 1x1 Mode Activity Detection thresholds on the CM and/or to get feedback on how/if the current thresholds are working well or are causing user experience issues." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 8 } docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsTable. A row exists in this table for every CM capable of Energy Management (either 1x1 or DLS)." INDEX { docsIf3CmtsCmRegStatusId } ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsTable 1 } DocsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsEm1x1ModeTotalDuration Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsDlsModeTotalDuration Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsLastDlsTime DateAndTime, docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsDlsWakeupEvents Counter32 } docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsEm1x1ModeTotalDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the total time duration, in seconds since registration, the CM identified by docsIf3CmtsCmRegStatusId has been in Energy Management 1x1 mode, as controlled by the DBC-REQ Energy Management 1x1 Mode Indicator TLV." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmEmStats::Em1x1ModeTotalDuration" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsEntry 1 } docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsDlsModeTotalDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the total time duration, in seconds since registration, the CM identified by docsIf3CmtsCmRegStatusId has been in DLS mode." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmEmStats::DlsModeTotalDuration" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsEntry 2 } docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsLastDlsTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the time of the last DLS wakeup event for this CM. If this CM is currently in DLS mode, then this attribute returns 0." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmEmStats::LastDlsTime" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsEntry 3 } docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsDlsWakeupEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the total number of wakeup events that this CM has experienced over the CCAP's history for this CM." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmtsCmEmStats::DlsWakeupEvents" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsEntry 4 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table describes the CM's downstream OFDM channels. The downstream OFDM channel boundary frequency limits depend on the mode of operation to which DOCSIS equipment is configured to operate. Refer to PHY Downstream CM Spectrum section, for the downstream OFDM boundary frequency limits when equipment is configured to be compliant with the DOCSIS 3.1 and (non-FDX and non-FDD extended spectrum) DOCSIS 4.0 frequency plans. Refer to PHY Downstream FDX CM Spectrum section for the downstream OFDM boundary frequency limits when equipment is configured to be compliant with FDX mode. Refer to PHY Upstream and Downstream Frequency Plan for FDD Operation section for the downstream OFDM boundary frequency limits when the equipment is configured to be compliant with FDD mode." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 9 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanTable. An entry exists in this table for each ifEntry with an ifType value of docsOfdmDownstream(277)." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanTable 1 } DocsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanChannelId Integer32, docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanChanIndicator PrimaryDsIndicatorType, docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanSubcarrierZeroFreq Unsigned32, docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanFirstActiveSubcarrierNum Unsigned32, docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanLastActiveSubcarrierNum Unsigned32, docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanNumActiveSubcarriers Unsigned32, docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanSubcarrierSpacing SubcarrierSpacingType, docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanCyclicPrefix DsOfdmCyclicPrefix, docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanRollOffPeriod DsOfdmRollOffPeriod, docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanPlcFreq Unsigned32, docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanNumPilots Unsigned32, docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanTimeInterleaverDepth TimeInterleaverDepth, docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanPlcTotalCodewords Counter64, docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanPlcUnreliableCodewords Counter64, docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanNcpTotalFields Counter64, docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanNcpFieldCrcFailures Counter64 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanChannelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Cable Modem identification of the OFDM downstream channel within this particular MAC interface. If the interface is down, the object returns the most current value. If the downstream channel ID is unknown, this object returns a value of 0." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannel::ChannelId" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry 1 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanChanIndicator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PrimaryDsIndicatorType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used to identify the OFDM downstream channel as primary, backup primary or non-primary. A value of 'primary(2)' indicates that OFDM channel is assigned to be the CM's primary downstream channel. A value of 'backupPrimary(3)' indicates that the OFDM channel is assigned to be the CM's backup primary downstream channel. A value of 'nonPrimary(4)' indicates the OFDM channel is not assigned to be CM's primary or backup primary downstream channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannel::ChannelIndicator" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry 2 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanSubcarrierZeroFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the center frequency of the subcarrier 0 of the OFDM transmission. Note that since subcarrier 0 is always excluded, it will actually be below the allowed downstream spectrum band. This is the frequency of subcarrier X(0) in the definition of the DFT." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannel::SubcarrierZeroFreq" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry 3 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanFirstActiveSubcarrierNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute corresponds to the number of the first non-excluded subcarrier. The valid range is 148 to 7895" REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannel::FirstActiveSubcarrierNum" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry 4 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanLastActiveSubcarrierNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute corresponds to the number of the last non-excluded subcarrier. The valid range is 148 to 7895" REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannel::LastActiveSubcarrierNum" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry 5 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanNumActiveSubcarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the number of active data subcarriers within the OFDM downstream channel (i.e. this exclude subcarriers for continuous pilots and the PLC). For 4K FFT mode, the maximum number of subcarriers including continuous pilots and the PLC cannot exceed 3800, and for 8K FFT mode, the maximum number of active subcarriers including continuous pilots and the PLC cannot be greater than 7600. However, there are a minimum of 56 continuous pilots in a 192MHz channel that has no exclusions, and the size of the PLC is 8 subcarriers for 4K FFT mode and 16 subcarriers for 8K FFT mode. Therefore the maximum value of NumActiveSubcarriers is 3736 (or 3800 - 56 - 8) for 4K FFT mode and 7528 (or 7600 - 56 - 16) for 8K FFT mode." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannel::NumActiveSubcarriers" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry 6 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanSubcarrierSpacing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubcarrierSpacingType UNITS "kHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute defines the subcarrier spacing associated with a particular FFT mode configured on the OFDM downstream channel. If it is 4K mode, then the subcarrier spacing is 50kHz. If it is 8K mode, then the subcarrier spacing is 25kHz." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannel::SubcarrierSpacing" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry 7 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanCyclicPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsOfdmCyclicPrefix UNITS "number of samples" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Cyclic prefix enables the receiver to overcome the effects of inter-symbol-interference and intercarrier-interference caused by micro-reflections in the channel. There are five possible values for the length of the CP and the choice depends on the delay spread of the channel - a longer delay spread requires a longer cyclic prefix. The cyclic prefix (in usec) are converted into samples using the sample rate of 204.8 Msamples/s and is an integer multiple of: 1/64 * 20 us." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannel::CyclicPrefix" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry 8 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanRollOffPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsOfdmRollOffPeriod UNITS "number of samples" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Roll off period maximizes channel capacity by sharpening the edges of the spectrum of the OFDM signal. For windowing purposes another segment at the start of the IDFT output is appended to the end of the IDFT output - the roll-off postfix (RP). There are five possible values for the (RP), and the choice depends on the bandwidth of the channel and the number of exclusion bands within the channel. A larger RP provides sharper edges in the spectrum of the OFDM signal; however, there is a time vs. frequency trade-off. Larger RP values reduce the efficiency of transmission in the time domain, but because the spectral edges are sharper, more useful subcarriers appear in the frequency domain. There is an optimum value for the RP that maximizes capacity for a given bandwidth and/or exclusion band scenario." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannel::RollOffPeriod" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry 9 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanPlcFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute defines the location of the PHY Link Channel (PLC). It is the center frequency of the lowest subcarrier of the 6 MHz encompassed spectrum containing the PLC at its center." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannel::PlcFreq" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry 10 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanNumPilots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the number of continuous pilots configured for the OFDM downstream channel as received in the OCD message." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannel::NumPilots" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry 11 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanTimeInterleaverDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterleaverDepth UNITS "symbols" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time interleaving used for this downstream channel as received in the OCD message." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannel::TimeInterleaverDepth" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry 12 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanPlcTotalCodewords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the total number of PLC codewords received by the CM." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannel::PlcTotalCodewords" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry 13 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanPlcUnreliableCodewords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the total number of PLC codewords which failed post-decoding LDPC syndrome check." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannel::PlcUnreliableCodewords" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry 14 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanNcpTotalFields OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the total number of NCP fields received by the CM." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannel::NcpTotalFields" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry 15 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanNcpFieldCrcFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the total number of NCP fields received by the CM which failed the CRC check." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannel::NcpFieldCrcFailures" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChanEntry 16 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This CM table provides usage statistics for a modulation profile assigned to an OFDM downstream channel. A row entry is created when a profile is assigned. The row entry is deleted when a profile id becomes unassigned. The counts in this table are only of data of data profiles that is intended for this CM." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 10 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsTable. An entry exists in this table for each DS Profile assigned to this CM on channels with an ifType value of docsOfdmDownstream(277). A row entry is created when a profile is assigned. The row entry is deleted when a profile id becomes unassigned." INDEX { ifIndex, docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsProfileId } ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsTable 1 } DocsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsProfileId Unsigned32, docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsConfigChangeCt Unsigned32, docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsTotalCodewords Counter64, docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsCorrectedCodewords Counter64, docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsUncorrectableCodewords Counter64, docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsInOctets Counter64, docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsInUnicastOctets Counter64, docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsInMulticastOctets Counter64, docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsInFrames Counter64, docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsInUnicastFrames Counter64, docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsInMulticastFrames Counter64, docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsInFrameCrcFailures Counter64, docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsCtrDiscontinuityTime TimeStamp } docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..15|255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the unique identifier of the downstream profile associated with the OFDM downstream channel. It is a key defined to provide an index into the table. The Profile ID for Next Codeword Pointer (NCP) Profiles is 255 [MULPIv3.1]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileId DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I03-140610, Downstream Profile Descriptor." ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 1 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsConfigChangeCt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains the value of the Configuration Change Count field in the Downstream Profile Descriptor (DPD) MAC Management Message corresponding to this profile." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ConfigChangeCt" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 2 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsTotalCodewords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "codewords" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute defines the total number of codewords (including full-length and shortened) measured on this profile." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::TotalCodewords" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 3 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsCorrectedCodewords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "codewords" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute defines the number of codewords measured on this profile that failed pre-decoding LDPC syndrome check and passed BCH decoding." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::CorrectedCodewords" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 4 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsUncorrectableCodewords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "codewords" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute defines the number of codewords measured on this profile that failed BCH decoding for data profile and post-decoding LDPC syndrome check for NCP profile." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::UncorrectableCodewords" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 5 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsInOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the count of MAC-layer octets received by the CM on this Profile. This value is the size of all unicast, multicast or broadcast frames (including all MAC- layer framing) delivered from the PHY layer to the MAC layer- this includes user data, DOCSIS MAC Management Messages, etc. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ProfileStatsCtrDiscontinuityTime. The CM reports zero for this attribute for Next Codeword pointer profile." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileInOctets" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 6 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsInUnicastOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the count of MAC-layer unicast octets received by the CM on this profile. This value is the size of all unicast frames (including all MAC-layer framing) delivered from the PHY layer to the MAC layer - this includes user data, DOCSIS MAC Management Messages, etc. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ProfileStatsCtrDiscontinuityTime. The CM reports zero for this attribute for Next Codeword pointer profile." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileInUnicastOctets" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 7 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsInMulticastOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the count of MAC-layer multicast and broadcast octets received by the CM on this profile. This value is the size of all frames (including all MAC-layer framing) delivered from the PHY layer to the MAC layer and addressed to a multicast MAC address; this includes user data, DOCSIS MAC Management Messages, etc. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ProfileStatsCtrDiscontinuityTime. The CM reports zero for this attribute for Next Codeword pointer profile." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileInMulticastOctets" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 8 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsInFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the count of frames received by the CM on this profile. This value is the count of all unicast, multicast or broadcast frames delivered from the Phy layer to the MAC layer - this includes user data, DOCSIS MAC Management Messages, etc. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ProfileStatsCtrDiscontinuityTime. The CM reports zero for this attribute for Next Codeword pointer profile." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileInFrames" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 9 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsInUnicastFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the count of frames received by the CM on this profile. This value is the count of all unicast, multicast or broadcast frames delivered from the PHY layer to the MAC layer - this includes user data, DOCSIS MAC Management Messages, etc. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ProfileStatsCtrDiscontinuityTime. The CM reports zero for this attribute for Next Codeword pointer profile." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileInUnicastFrames" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 10 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsInMulticastFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the count of multicast frames received by the CM on this profile. This value is the count of all frames delivered from the PHY layer to the MAC layer and addressed to a multicast MAC address- this includes user data, DOCSIS MAC Management Messages, etc., but excludes frames sent to a broadcast address. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ProfileStatsCtrDiscontinuityTime. The CM reports zero for this attribute for Next Codeword pointer profile." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileInMulticastFrames" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 11 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsInFrameCrcFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute defines the number of MAC frames measured on this profile that failed the MAC frame CRC check. The CM reports zero for this attribute for Next Codeword pointer profile." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileInFrameCrcFailures" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 12 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsCtrDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which any one or more of this entry's counters suffered a discontinuity. If no such discontinuities have occurred since the last re-initialization of the local management subsystem, then this attribute contains a zero value. The CM reports zero for this attribute for Next Codeword pointer profile." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileCounterDiscontinuityTime" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 13 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChannelPowerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmDsOfdmChannelPowerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This CM object provides measurements of the channel power in 6 MHz wide bands at the F connector input of the CM." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 11 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChannelPowerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmDsOfdmChannelPowerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmDsOfdmChannelPowerTable." INDEX { ifIndex, docsIf31CmDsOfdmChannelBandIndex } ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChannelPowerTable 1 } DocsIf31CmDsOfdmChannelPowerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChannelBandIndex Unsigned32, docsIf31CmDsOfdmChannelPowerCenterFrequency Unsigned32, docsIf31CmDsOfdmChannelPowerRxPower TenthdBmV } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChannelBandIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..33) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For the CM, this attribute is a unique index used to identify each of the 6 MHz bands of a given OFDM downstream channel (from the lowest 6MHz band of the Occupied Bandwidth to the highest 6MHz band of the Occupied Bandwidth). The CM assigns indices in frequency order from the OFDM channel's lowest to highest 6 MHz frequency band for each of the 6 MHz bands of the channel, using an index of 1 to represent the lowest frequency band of the Occupied Bandwidth. Thus, an index of 33 represents the highest possible 6 MHz frequency band of the Occupied Bandwidth of a DOCSIS 3.1 OFDM channel. The CM also provides the power of the PLC channel and utilize a value of 0 to represent the PLC channel in this table." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannelPower::BandIndex" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChannelPowerEntry 1 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChannelPowerCenterFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (111000000..1791000000) UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute corresponds to the center frequency of the 6 MHz band where the CM measured the average channel power. The 6 MHz measurement band is defined as any 6 MHz band with a center frequency of 111 + 6 (n-1) MHz for n = 1,2...281 (i.e., 111,117,...1791 MHz). The CM provides the center frequency for the 6 MHz channel, other than the one encompassing the PLC channel, per the following formula: centerfreq = 111 + 6(n-1) such that (centerfreq - 111) / 6, is a whole number. If the CM is reporting the frequency of the PLC, using a BandIndex of 0, the CM provides the center frequency of the lowest subcarrier of the 6 MHz encompassed spectrum containing the PLC at its center. The downstream OFDM channel center frequency range depends on the mode of operation to which DOCSIS equipment is configured to operate. Refer to [PHYv3.1] Downstream CM Spectrum section, for the downstream OFDM boundary frequency limits when equipment is configured to be compliant with the DOCSIS 3.1 and (non-FDX and non-FDD extended spectrum) DOCSIS 4.0 frequency plans. Refer to [PHYv4.0] Downstream FDX CM Spectrum section for the downstream OFDM boundary frequency limits when equipment is configured to be compliant with FDX mode. Refer to [PHYv4.0] Upstream and Downstream Frequency Plan for FDD Operation section for the downstream OFDM boundary frequency limits when the equipment is configured to be compliant with FDD mode." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannelPower::CenterFrequency DOCSIS 3.1 CM Operations Support System Interface Specification CM-SP-CM OSSIv3.1-I03-15MMDD, CenterFrequency" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChannelPowerEntry 2 } docsIf31CmDsOfdmChannelPowerRxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdBmV UNITS "dBmV" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides an estimate of the average power measured at the F connector input of the CM in the receive downstream channel set for this 6 MHz band. If the band index is 0, then this attribute provides an estimate of the average power measured at the F connector input of the CM for a 6 MHz encompassed spectrum containing the DOCSIS 3.1 PLC at its center." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannelPower::ReceivedPower" ::= { docsIf31CmDsOfdmChannelPowerEntry 3 } docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines PHY and MAC information about the CM's upstream channels operating in OFDMA mode. This object provides per-CM Upstream channel information previously available in the table docsIf3CmStatusTable." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 12 } docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsTable. An instance exist for each of the CM's OFDMA upstream channels which are configured for data transmission." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsTable 1 } DocsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsT3Timeouts Counter32, docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsT4Timeouts Counter32, docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsRangingAborteds Counter32, docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsT3Exceededs Counter32, docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsIsMuted TruthValue, docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsRangingStatus RangingState } docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsT3Timeouts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "timeouts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute denotes the number of times counter T3 expired in the CM for this upstream channel. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated upstream channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmStatusOfdmaUs::T3Timeouts RFC 2863." ::= { docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsEntry 2 } docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsT4Timeouts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "timeouts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute denotes the number of times counter T4 expired in the CM for this upstream channel. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated upstream channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmStatusOfdmaUs::T4Timeouts RFC 2863." ::= { docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsEntry 3 } docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsRangingAborteds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "attempts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute denotes the number of times the ranging process was aborted by the CMTS. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime ([RFC2863]) for the associated upstream channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmStatusOfdmaUs::RangingAborteds RFC 2863." ::= { docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsEntry 4 } docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsT3Exceededs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "timeouts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute denotes the number of times for excessive T3 timeouts. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated upstream channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmStatusOfdmaUs::T3Exceededs RFC 2863." ::= { docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsEntry 5 } docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsIsMuted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute denotes whether the upstream channel is muted." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmStatusOfdmaUs::IsMuted DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I03-140610 CM Control Request section." ::= { docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsEntry 6 } docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsRangingStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RangingState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute denotes the ranging state of the CM." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmStatusOfdmaUs::RangingStatus DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I03-140610 Ranging section." ::= { docsIf31CmStatusOfdmaUsEntry 7 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the CM upstream OFDMA channel. The upstream OFDMA channel band edge limits depend on the mode of operation to which DOCSIS equipment is configured to operate. Refer to PHY Upstream CM Spectrum section, for the upstream OFDMA channel boundary frequency limits when equipment is configured to be compliant with the DOCSIS 3.1 and (non-FDX and non-FDD extended spectrum) DOCSIS 4.0 frequency plans. Refer to PHY Upstream and Downstream Frequency Plan section for the upstream OFDMA channel boundary frequency limits when equipment is configured to be compliant with FDX mode. Refer to [PHYv4.0] Upstream and Downstream Frequency Plan for FDD Operation section for the upstream OFDMA channel boundary frequency limits when the equipment is configured to be compliant with FDD mode." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 13 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanTable. An instance exist for the CM OFDMA upstream interface." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanTable 1 } DocsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanConfigChangeCt Unsigned32, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanSubcarrierZeroFreq Unsigned32, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanFirstActiveSubcarrierNum Unsigned32, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanLastActiveSubcarrierNum Unsigned32, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanNumActiveSubcarriers Unsigned32, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanSubcarrierSpacing SubcarrierSpacingType, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanCyclicPrefix UsOfdmaCyclicPrefix, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanRollOffPeriod UsOfdmaRollOffPeriod, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanNumSymbolsPerFrame Unsigned32, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanTxPower Unsigned32, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanPreEqEnabled TruthValue, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanChannelId Unsigned32, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanEstimatedRgDelay Unsigned32 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanConfigChangeCt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains the value of the Configuration Change Count field in the Upstream Channel Descriptor (UCD) MAC Management Message corresponding to this OFDMA channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 UsOfdmaChannel::ConfigChangeCt" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanEntry 1 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanSubcarrierZeroFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute defines the lower edge frequency of the OFDMA upstream channel" REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 UsOfdmaChannel::SubcarrierZeroFreq" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanEntry 2 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanFirstActiveSubcarrierNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute defines the first active subcarrier number in the Upstream OFDMA Channel. When the Upstream OFDMA Channel is operating in 2K FFT Mode, the minimum occupied bandwidth is 10 MHz, the subcarriers are spaced at 50 KHz intervals, and the valid range of values for this object is 74 to 1774. When the Upstream OFDMA Channel is operating in 4K FFT Mode, the minimum occupied bandwidth is 6.4 MHz, the subcarriers are spaced at 25 KHz intervals, and the valid range of values for this object is 148 to 3692." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 UsOfdmaChannel::FirstActiveSubcarrierNum" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanEntry 3 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanLastActiveSubcarrierNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute defines the last active subcarrier number in the Upstream OFDMA Channel. When the Upstream OFDMA Channel is operating in 2K FFT Mode, the minimum occupied bandwidth is 10 MHz, the subcarriers are spaced at 50 KHz intervals, and the valid range of values for this object is 273 to 1973. When the Upstream OFDMA Channel is operating in 4K FFT Mode, the minimum occupied bandwidth is 6.4 MHz, the subcarriers are spaced at 25 KHz intervals, and the valid range of values for this object is 403 to 3947." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 UsOfdmaChannel::LastActiveSubcarrierNum" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanEntry 4 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanNumActiveSubcarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute defines the number of active subcarriers within the Upstream OFDMA Channel. When operating in either 2K FFT or 4K FFT mode, the maximum occupied bandwidth is 95 MHz. When the Upstream OFDMA Channel is operating in 2K FFT Mode, the minimum occupied bandwidth is 10 MHz, the subcarriers are spaced at 50 KHz intervals, and the valid range of values for this object is 200 to 1900." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 UsOfdmaChannel::NumActiveSubcarriers" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanEntry 5 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanSubcarrierSpacing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubcarrierSpacingType UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute defines the subcarrier spacing associated with a particular FFT mode configured on the OFDMA upstream channel. If it is 2K mode, then the subcarrier spacing is 50kHz. If it is 4K mode, then the subcarrier spacing is 25kHz." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 UsOfdmaChannel::SubcarrierSpacing" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanEntry 6 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanCyclicPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UsOfdmaCyclicPrefix UNITS "number of samples" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Cyclic prefix is added in order to enable the receiver to overcome the effects of inter-symbol interference (ISI) and inter-carrier interference caused by microreflections in the channel. The cyclic prefix (in usec) is converted into samples using the sample rate of 102.4 Msamples/s. There are eleven values for the length of the CP and the choice depends on the delay spread of the channel; a longer delay spread requires a longer cyclic prefix." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 UsOfdmaChannel::CyclicPrefix" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanEntry 7 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanRollOffPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UsOfdmaRollOffPeriod UNITS "number of samples" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Windowing is applied in order to maximize channel capacity by sharpening the edges of the spectrum of the OFDMA signal. Windowing is applied in the time domain by tapering (or rolling off) the edges using a raised cosine function. There are eight possible values of roll-off prefix. The Roll-Off Period is given in us and in number of samples using the sample rate of 102.4 Msamples/s. The configuration where Roll-off prefix value is greater than or equal to cyclic prefix value is considered invalid." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 UsOfdmaChannel::RollOffPeriod" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanEntry 8 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanNumSymbolsPerFrame OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the number of symbol periods per frame. For channel bandwidth greater than 72MHz, the maximum number of symbol periods per frame is 18 for 2K mode and 9 for 4K mode. For channel bandwidth less than 72 MHz but greater than 48MHz, the maximum number of symbols per frame is 24 for 2K mode and 12 for 4K mode. For channel bandwidth less than 48MHz, the maximum number of symbol periods is 36 for 2K mode and 18 for 4K mode. The minimum number of symbol periods per frame is 6 for both the FFT modes and is independent of the channel bandwidth." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 UsOfdmaChannel::NumSymbolsPerFrame" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanEntry 9 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "QuarterdBmV" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the operational transmit power for the associated OFDMA upstream channel.The CM reports its Target Power, P1.6r_n as described in [PHYv3.1]. Valid values for this object are 68 to (213 + (4*(Pmax - 65 dBmV))), since 68 quarter dBmV represents the lowest Tx power value 17 dBmV and 213 represents the nearest quarter dBmV to the highest Tx power value 53.2 dBmV." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 UsOfdmaChannel::TransmitPower" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanEntry 10 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanPreEqEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute defines whether pre-equalization is enabled on the associated OFDMA upstream channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 UsOfdmaChannel::PreEqualizationEnabled" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanEntry 11 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanChannelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Cable Modem identification of the OFDMA upstream channel within this particular MAC interface. If the interface is down, the object returns the most current value. If the upstream channel ID is unknown, this object returns a value of 0." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 UsOfdmaChannel::ChannelId" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanEntry 12 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanEstimatedRgDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "microseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the estimate of the Request-Grant delay for this upstream channel, as calculated in the calcAllowedAQ function. The value is used by the CM for setting the AllowedAqBytes value for any Low Latency Service Flow that uses this upstream channel. If a particular upstream channel is not used by any Low Latency Service Flow, the CM MAY report 0 for the EstimatedRgDelay attribute." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 UsOfdmaChannel::EstimatedRgDelay DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I25-230419, estimatedRgDelay parameter calculated via the 'calcAllowedAQ()' function in Annex O.1 AQM Utility Functions" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanEntry 13 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaProfileStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmUsOfdmaProfileStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides usage statistics for an upstream OFDMA profile. The CM creates a row in this table for each profile associated with the OFDMA upstream channel assigned to the cable modem." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 14 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaProfileStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmUsOfdmaProfileStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmUsOfdmaProfileStatsTable. An instance exists for each profile associated with the OFDMA upstream channel assigned to the Cable Modem." INDEX { ifIndex, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaProfileStatsIuc } ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaProfileStatsTable 1 } DocsIf31CmUsOfdmaProfileStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaProfileStatsIuc Unsigned32, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaProfileStatsOutOctets Counter64, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaProfileStatsCtrDiscontinuityTime TimeStamp } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaProfileStatsIuc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the unique identifier of the upstream profile/IUC associated with the OFDMA upstream channel. It is a key defined to provide an index into the table. In DOCSIS 3.1 the valid Data Profile IUCs are: 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 UsOfdmaProfileStats::Iuc DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I03-140610, Required Burst Attributes on OFDMA Channels." ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaProfileStatsEntry 1 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaProfileStatsOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the count of MAC-layer octets transmitted by the CM using this Data IUC profile. This value is the size of all unicast, multicast or broadcast frames (including all MAC- layer framing) delivered from the MAC to the Phy -- this includes user data, DOCSIS MAC Management Messages, etc. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of docsIf31CmUsOfdmaProfileStats- CtrDiscontinuityTime." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI UsOfdmaProfileStats::OutOctets" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaProfileStatsEntry 2 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaProfileStatsCtrDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which any one or more of this entry's counters suffered a discontinuity. If no such discontinuities have occurred since the last re-initialization of the local management subsystem, then this attribute contains a zero value." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI UsOfdmaProfileStats::CounterDiscontinuityTime" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaProfileStatsEntry 3 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This CM object specifies the attributes of the minislot configuration associated with a OFDMA upstream channel." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 15 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateTable. An instance exists for each OFDMA minislot." INDEX { ifIndex, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaProfileStatsIuc, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateStartMinislotNum } ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateTable 1 } DocsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateStartMinislotNum Unsigned32, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateFirstSubcarrierId Unsigned32, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateNumConsecutiveMinislots Unsigned32, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateMinislotPilotPattern Unsigned32, docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateDataSymbolModulation UsOfdmaModulationType } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateStartMinislotNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..237) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the unique identifier of the starting minislot in the group of consecutive minislots. The valid range is 0 to 237." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI UsOfdmaMinislotCfgState::StartMinislotNum" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateEntry 1 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateFirstSubcarrierId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4095) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is subcarrier identifier of the first subcarrier in the minislot. The valid range is 0 to 4095." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI UsOfdmaMinislotCfgState::FirstSubcarrierId" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateEntry 2 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateNumConsecutiveMinislots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..237) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute defines the number of continuous minislots which have the same bit loading, starting with the StartMinislotNum, defined in the associated upstream profile. The valid range is 1 to 237." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI UsOfdmaMinislotCfgState::NumConsecutiveMinislots" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateEntry 3 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateMinislotPilotPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..14) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the id of the pilot pattern used for the minislot. The actual range varies depending on the FFT size in use, either 1-8 for 2K or 1-14 for 4K mode. The valid range is 1 to 14." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI UsOfdmaMinislotCfgState::MinislotPilotPattern" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateEntry 4 } docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateDataSymbolModulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UsOfdmaModulationType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute defines the bit loading of the data subcarriers in the minislot." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI UsOfdmaMinislotCfgState::DataSymbolModulation" ::= { docsIf31CmUsOfdmaMinislotCfgStateEntry 5 } docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmEmDlsStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This CM object provides statistics on the DLS feature, when enabled." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 16 } docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmEmDlsStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsTable. An instance exists for each of the Cable Modem's MAC Domains. It is indexed by the ifIndex of the corresponding MAC Domain." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsTable 1 } DocsIf31CmEmDlsStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsNumberTimesCrossedBelowUsEntryThrshlds Unsigned32, docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsNumberTimesCrossedBelowDsEntryThrshlds Unsigned32, docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsTotalDuration Unsigned32, docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsTotalDurationBelowUsThrshlds Unsigned32, docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsTotalDurationBelowDsThrshlds Unsigned32, docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsTotalDurationBelowUsDsThrshlds Unsigned32, docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsNumSleepLatencyTriggers Counter32, docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsNumSleepByteCtTriggers Counter32 } docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsNumberTimesCrossedBelowUsEntryThrshlds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the number of times since registration the CM crossed below the upstream entry bitrate threshold for a number of consecutive seconds equal to or exceeding the upstream entry time threshold." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmEmDlsStats::NumberTimesCrossedBelowUsEntryThrshlds" ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsEntry 1 } docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsNumberTimesCrossedBelowDsEntryThrshlds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the number of times since registration the CM crossed below the downstream entry bitrate threshold for a number of consecutive seconds equal to or exceeding the downstream entry time threshold." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmEmDlsStats::NumberTimesCrossedBelowDsEntryThrshlds" ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsEntry 2 } docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsTotalDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the total time duration, in seconds since registration, the CM has been in Energy Management DLS mode, as controlled by the DBC-REQ Energy Management DLS Mode Indicator TLV. This attribute differs from docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsTotalDurationBelowUsDsThrshlds because it is dependent on effects of the Energy Management Cycle Period, and processing of EM-REQ/EM-RSP messages and DBC messages that specifically indicate entry into or exit from Energy Management DLS mode." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmEmDlsStats::TotalDuration" ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsEntry 3 } docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsTotalDurationBelowUsThrshlds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the total time duration, in seconds since registration, the CM satisfied upstream conditions for entry into or remaining in Energy Management DLS mode." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmEmDlsStats::TotalDurationBelowUsThrshlds" ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsEntry 4 } docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsTotalDurationBelowDsThrshlds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the total time duration, in seconds since registration, the CM satisfied downstream conditions for entry into or remaining in Energy Management DLS mode." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmEmDlsStats::TotalDurationBelowDsThrshlds" ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsEntry 5 } docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsTotalDurationBelowUsDsThrshlds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the total time duration, in seconds since registration, the CM, with respect to both upstream and downstream entry and exit thresholds, satisfied conditions for entry into and remaining in Energy Management DLS mode. This attribute differs from docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsTotalDuration because it is not dependent on effects of the Energy Management Cycle Period or processing of EM-REQ/EM-RSP messages and DBC messages that specifically indicate entry into or exit from Energy Management DLS mode." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmEmDlsStats::TotalDurationBelowUsDsThrshlds" ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsEntry 6 } docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsNumSleepLatencyTriggers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the number of times since registration the CM transitioned to the DLS wake state due to the DLS Maximum Sleep Latency being exceeded." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmEmDlsStats::NumSleepLatencyTriggers" ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsEntry 7 } docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsNumSleepByteCtTriggers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the number of times since registration the CM transitioned to the DLS wake state due to the DLS Maximum Byte Count being exceeded." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmEmDlsStats::NumSleepByteCtTriggers" ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsStatsEntry 8 } docsIf31CmEmDlsStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmEmDlsStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This CM object provides statistics on the DLS feature, when enabled." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 17 } docsIf31CmEmDlsStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmEmDlsStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmEmDlsStatusTable. An instance exists for each of the Cable Modem's MAC Domains. It is indexed by the ifIndex of the corresponding MAC Domain." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsStatusTable 1 } DocsIf31CmEmDlsStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmEmDlsStatusAssignedEmIds EmIdList, docsIf31CmEmDlsStatusReceiveTimer Unsigned32, docsIf31CmEmDlsStatusMaxSleepLatency Unsigned32, docsIf31CmEmDlsStatusMaxSleepBytes Unsigned32 } docsIf31CmEmDlsStatusAssignedEmIds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EmIdList MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the set of CMTS-assigned EM-IDs for this CM. This attribute is encoded as an array 16-bit binary values with up to 3 elements. The broadcast EM-ID is not included in the list" REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmEmDlsStatus::AssignedEmIds" ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsStatusEntry 1 } docsIf31CmEmDlsStatusReceiveTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies how long the CM is required to continue listening on the downstream for traffic, after reception of the EMM with Sleep Time with a non-zero value. The CMTS communicates the EM Receive Timer to the CM during registration or in DBC message. The DLS Receive Timer is specified in units of PLC frame intervals. The valid range is 0 - 2." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmEmDlsStatus::DlsReceiveTimer" ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsStatusEntry 2 } docsIf31CmEmDlsStatusMaxSleepLatency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the amount of time the CM would allow an upstream channel to queue the packets without transitioning to DLS wake state. The Max Sleep Latency is specified in msec." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmEmDlsStatus::DlsMaxSleepLatency" ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsStatusEntry 3 } docsIf31CmEmDlsStatusMaxSleepBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the maximum number of bytes a CM would allow an upstream service flow to enqueue without transitioning to DLS wake state. The MaxSleepBytes is specified in bytes." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmEmDlsStatus::DlsMaxSleepBytes" ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsStatusEntry 4 } docsIf31CmSystemCfgState OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 18 } docsIf31CmSystemCfgStateDiplexerCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies all of the diplexer upstream upper band edge configurations supported by the CM device. This corresponds to the Diplexer Upstream Upper Band Edge Options modem capability TLV 5.62 sent by the CM in the Registration Request. The Unsigned32 value represents the value sent in the Registration Request as a bit mask. The supported values include: usFreqRng42Mhz(0): Upstream Frequency Range up to 42 MHz usFreqRng65Mhz(1): Upstream Frequency Range up to 65 MHz usFreqRng85Mhz(2): Upstream Frequency Range up to 85 MHz usFreqRng117Mhz(3): Upstream Frequency Range up to 117 MHz usFreqRng204Mhz(4): Upstream Frequency Range up to 204 MHz Example: CM supports switchable Upstream Diplexer Upstream Upper Band Edge configurations as follows: usFreqRng42Mhz(0): Upstream Frequency Range up to 42 MHz usFreqRng85Mhz(2): Upstream Frequency Range up to 85 MHz The integer value set for the DiplexerUsUpperBandEdgeCapability in this case would equal 5." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1 CmSystemCfgState::DiplexerCapability Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 CmCapabilities::DiplexerUsUpperBandEdgeCapability DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I25-230419, DOCSIS 4.0 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv4.0-I07-230503 Diplexer Upstream Upper Band Edge section." ::= { docsIf31CmSystemCfgState 1 } docsIf31CmSystemCfgStateDiplexerCfgBandEdge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 42 | 65 | 85 | 117 | 204 ) UNITS "MHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the current configured frequency of the upstream upper band edge of the diplexer in the CM device. This value is expressed in MHz and corresponds to one of the Diplexer Upstream Upper Band Edge Option capabilities reported by the CM in its Registration Request." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1 CmSystemCfgState::DiplexerCfgBandEdge Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 CmSystemCfgState::DiplexerUsUpperBandEdgeCfg DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I25-230419, Common TLV Encodings annex, Diplexer Upstream Upper Band Edge Configuration section." ::= { docsIf31CmSystemCfgState 2 } docsIf31CmSystemCfgStateDiplexerDsLowerCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the diplexer downstream lower band edge configurations supported by the CM device. This corresponds to the Diplexer Downstream Lower Band Edge Options modem capability TLV 5.60 sent by the CM in the Registration Request. The Unsigned32 value represents the value sent in the Registration Request as a bit mask. The supported values include: dsFreqRng108Mhz(0): Downstream Frequency Range starting from 108 MHz dsFreqRng258Mhz(1): Downstream Frequency Range starting from 258 MHz Example: CM supports Switchable Downstream Diplexer Lower Band Edge configurations as follows: Bit #0: Downstream Frequency Range starting from 108 MHz Bit #1: Downstream Frequency Range starting from 258 MHz The Integer value set for the DiplexerDsLowerCapability in this case would be 3." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1 CmSystemCfgState::DiplexerDsLowerCapability Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 CmCapabilities::DiplexerDsLowerBandEdgeCapability DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I24-221019, Diplexer Downstream Lower Band Edge section. DOCSIS 4.0 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv4.0-I07-230503 Diplexer Downstream Lower Band Edge section." ::= { docsIf31CmSystemCfgState 3 } docsIf31CmSystemCfgStateDiplexerCfgDsLowerBandEdge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 108 | 258 ) UNITS "MHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the current configured frequency of the downstream lower band edge of the diplexer in the CM device. This value is expressed in MHz and corresponds to one of the Diplexer Downstream Lower Band Edge Options capabilities reported by the CM in its Registration Request." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1 CmSystemCfgState::DiplexerCfgDsLowerBandEdge Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 CmSystemCfgState::DiplexerDsLowerBandEdgeCfg DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I25-230419, Common TLV Encodings annex, Diplexer Downstream Lower Band Edge Configuration section." ::= { docsIf31CmSystemCfgState 4 } docsIf31CmSystemCfgStateDiplexerDsUpperCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the diplexer downstream upper band edge configurations supported by the CM device. This corresponds to the Diplexer Downstream Upper Band Edge Options modem capability TLV 5.61 sent by the CM in the Registration Request. The Unsigned32 value represents the value sent in the Registration Request as a bit mask. The supported values include: dsFreqRng1218Mhz(0): Downstream Frequency Range up to 1218 MHz dsFreqRng1794Mhz(1): Downstream Frequency Range up to 1794 MHz dsFreqRng1002Mhz(2): Downstream Frequency Range up to 1002 MHz Example: CM supports only a single configuration for the DiplexerDsUpperCapability Bit #0: Downstream Frequency Range up to 1218 MHz The Integer values set for the DiplexerDsUpperCapability in this case would be 1." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1 CmSystemCfgState::DiplexerDsUpperCapability Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 CmCapabilities::DiplexerDsUpperBandEdgeCapability DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I25-230419, Common TLV Encodings annex, Diplexer Downstream Upper Band Edge Options. DOCSIS 4.0 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv4.0-I07-230503, Common TLV Encodings annex, Diplexer Downstream Upper Band Edge Options." ::= { docsIf31CmSystemCfgState 5 } docsIf31CmSystemCfgStateDiplexerCfgDsUpperBandEdge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 1002 | 1218 | 1794 ) UNITS "MHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the current configured frequency of the downstream upper band edge of the diplexer in the CM device. This value is expressed in MHz and corresponds to one of the Diplexer Downstream Upper Band Edge Options capabilities reported by the CM in its Registration Request." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1 CmSystemCfgState::DiplexerCfgDsUpperBandEdge Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 CmSystemCfgState::DiplexerDsUpperBandEdgeCfg DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I25-230419, Common TLV Encodings annex, Diplexer Downstream Upper Band Edge Configuration section." ::= { docsIf31CmSystemCfgState 6 } docsIf31CmSystemCfgStateLgVqEwmaAlpha OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the log base 2 of the reciprocal of the exponentially-weighted moving average weight for the Low Latency Virtual Queue (VQ). This attribute is configurable only through the CM configuration file via TLV-11. This attribute is read-only during the CM operational state." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 CmSystemCfgState::LgVqEwmaAlpha DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I25-230419, LG_VQ_EWMA_ALPHA parameter defined in pseudocode in Annex O.1 AQM Utility Functions" DEFVAL { 7 } ::= { docsIf31CmSystemCfgState 10 } docsIf31CmSystemCfgStateVqInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | 1000) UNITS "microseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the interval between alignments of the Virtual Queue (VQ) with the actual queue. This attribute is configurable only through the CM configuration file via TLV-11. This attribute is read-only during the CM operational state." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 CmSystemCfgState::VqInterval DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I25-230419, VQ_INTERVAL parameter defined in pseudocode in Annex O.1 AQM Utility Functions" DEFVAL { 500 } ::= { docsIf31CmSystemCfgState 11 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This CMTS object reports the status of the downstream OFDM channels." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 19 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmTable. An instance exists for each downstream OFDM channel." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanTable 1 } DocsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanChannelId Integer32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanLowerBdryFreq Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanUpperBdryFreq Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanLowerBdryEncompSpectrum Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanUpperBdryEncompSpectrum Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPlcFreq Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanSubcarrierZeroFreq Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanFirstActiveSubcarrierNum Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanLastActiveSubcarrierNum Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanNumActiveSubcarriers Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanSubcarrierSpacing SubcarrierSpacingType, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanLowerGuardbandWidth Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanUpperGuardbandWidth Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanCyclicPrefix DsOfdmCyclicPrefix, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanRollOffPeriod DsOfdmRollOffPeriod, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanTimeInterleaverDepth TimeInterleaverDepth, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanNumPilots Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPilotScaleFactor Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanNcpModulation DsOfdmModulationType, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanUtilization Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerAdjust Integer32 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanChannelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Cable Modem Termination System identification of the OFDM downstream channel within this particular MAC interface. if the interface is down, the object returns the most current value. If the downstream channel ID is unknown, this object returns a value of 0." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannelStatus::ChannelId" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 1 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanLowerBdryFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents either the lower boundary frequency of the lower guardband or (if no guardband is defined) the lower boundary frequency of the lowest active subcarrier of the OFDM downstream channel. It is intended to be aligned with the boundaries of the SC-QAM channels on defined channel frequency HFC plants." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannelStatus::LowerBdryFreq" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 2 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanUpperBdryFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents either the upper boundary frequency of the upper guardband or (if no guardband is defined) the upper boundary frequency of the highest active subcarrier of the OFDM downstream channel. It is intended to be aligned with the boundaries of the SC-QAM channels on defined channel frequency HFC plants." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannelStatus::UpperBdryFreq" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 3 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanLowerBdryEncompSpectrum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the lower boundary frequency of the encompassed spectrum." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannelStatus::LowerBdryFreqEncompSpectrum" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 4 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanUpperBdryEncompSpectrum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the upper boundary frequency of the encompassed spectrum." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannelStatus::UpperBdryFreqEncompSpectrum" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 5 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPlcFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the PHY Link Channel (PLC) frequency. It is the center frequency of the lowest frequency subcarrier of the PLC. The aim of the PLC is for the CMTS to convey to the CM the physical properties of the OFDM channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannelStatus::PlcFreq" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 6 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanSubcarrierZeroFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the center frequency of the subcarrier 0 of the OFDM transmission. Note that since subcarrier 0 is always excluded, it will actually be below the allowed downstream spectrum band. This is the frequency of subcarrier X(0) in the definition of the DFT." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannelStatus::SubcarrierZeroFreq" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 7 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanFirstActiveSubcarrierNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute corresponds to the number of the first non-excluded subcarrier." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannelStatus::FirstActiveSubcarrierNum" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 8 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanLastActiveSubcarrierNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute corresponds to the number of the last non-excluded subcarrier." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannelStatus::LastActiveSubcarrierNum" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 9 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanNumActiveSubcarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the number of active data subcarriers within the OFDM downstream channel (i.e. this exclude subcarriers for continuous pilots and the PLC). For 4K FFT mode, the maximum number of subcarriers including continuous pilots and the PLC cannot exceed 3800, and for 8K FFT mode, the maximum number of active subcarriers including continuous pilots and the PLC cannot be greater than 7600. However, there are a minimum of 56 continuous pilots in a 192MHz channel that has no exclusions, and the size of the PLC is 8 subcarriers for 4K FFT mode and 16 subcarriers for 8K FFT mode. Therefore the maximum value of NumActiveSubcarriers is 3736 (or 3800 - 56 - 8) for 4K FFT mode and 7528 (or 7600 - 56 - 16) for 8K FFT mode." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannelStatus::NumActiveSubcarriers" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 10 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanSubcarrierSpacing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubcarrierSpacingType UNITS "kHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute defines the subcarrier spacing associated with a particular FFT mode configured on the OFDM downstream channel. If it is 4K mode, then the subcarrier spacing is 50kHz. If it is 8K mode, then the subcarrier spacing is 25kHz." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannelStatus::SubcarrierSpacing" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 11 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanLowerGuardbandWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the width in Hertz of the lower guard band of the OFDM channel. The valid range is 0 or 1MHz to 1.77GHz." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannelStatus::LowerGuardbandWidth" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 12 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanUpperGuardbandWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the width in Hertz of the upper guard band of the OFDM channel. The valid range is 0 or 1MHz to 1.77GHz" REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannelStatus::UpperGuardbandWidth" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 13 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanCyclicPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsOfdmCyclicPrefix UNITS "samples" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Cyclic prefix enables the receiver to overcome the effects of inter-symbol-interference and intercarrier-interference caused by micro-reflections in the channel. There are five possible values for the length of the CP and the choice depends on the delay spread of the channel - a longer delay spread requires a longer cyclic prefix. The cyclic prefix (in usec) are converted into samples using the sample rate of 204.8 Msamples/s and is an integer multiple of: 1/64 * 20 us." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI DsOfdmChannelStatus::CyclicPrefix" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 14 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanRollOffPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsOfdmRollOffPeriod UNITS "samples" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Roll off period maximizes channel capacity by sharpening the edges of the spectrum of the OFDM signal. For windowing purposes another segment at the start of the IDFT output is appended to the end of the IDFT output - the roll-off postfix (RP). There are five possible values for the (RP), and the choice depends on the bandwidth of the channel and the number of exclusion bands within the channel. A larger RP provides sharper edges in the spectrum of the OFDM signal; however, there is a time vs. frequency trade-off. Larger RP values reduce the efficiency of transmission in the time domain, but because the spectral edges are sharper, more useful subcarriers appear in the frequency domain. There is an optimum value for the RP that maximizes capacity for a given bandwidth and/or exclusion band scenario." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSIv4.0 DsOfdmChannelStatus::RolloffPeriod" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 15 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanTimeInterleaverDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterleaverDepth UNITS "samples" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the number of samples for the OFDM Downstream channel. This is limited to 16 samples for 50 kHz and 32 samples for 25 kHz Subcarrier Spacing." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSIv4.0 DsOfdmChannelStatus::TimeInterleaverDepth" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 16 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanNumPilots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the number of continuous pilots for the OFDM downstream channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSIv4.0 DsOfdmChannelStatus::NumPilots" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 17 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPilotScaleFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the scale factor for calculating the number of continuous pilots." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmChannelStatus::PilotScaleFactor" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 18 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanNcpModulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsOfdmModulationType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the modulation being used for Next Codeword Pointer (NCP) subcarriers." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmChannelStatus::NcpModulation" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 19 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the DS OFDM channel utilization measured by the CCAP across all profiles over the configured utilization interval. The CCAP must report DS utilization metric of the channel that conforms to the following requirements: - report a value for OfdmChannelUtilization <= 1% when no user traffic is forwarded on the channel and MMM traffic is known to be less than 1% of the channel capacity - report a value for OfdmChannelUtilization >= 99% when forwarded traffic completely saturates the channel. - report a value for OfdmChannelUtilization which increases linearly with traffic volume increase and is accurate within 1% of the channel capacity for any given traffic mix (ratio of packets for a given OFDM profiles, packet size, traffic pattern, etc.), which results in nearly all full codewords as the maximum channel capacity is reached. Note: The channel capacity is defined as the largest ProfileFullChannelSpeed value for this channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmChannelStatus::OfdmChannelUtilization" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 20 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerAdjust OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "TenthdB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the power level adjustment for this OFDM channel from the value specified by BaseChanPower." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmChannelStatus::PowerAdjust" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanEntry 21 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table defines the downstream OFDM Profile usage object. All attributes in this table count MAC-layer octets and frames delivered from the MAC to the Phy. The octet counters include all MAC-layer overhead (e.g., DOCSIS and Ethernet MAC framing as well as DOCSIS MAC Management Messages), but not Physical-layer overhead (e.g., FEC overhead, NCP overhead, etc.). These counters vary by the destination MAC address of the frame. Unicast counters only include frames with a unicast MAC destination address (but include both unicast data frames and unicast MMMs). Multicast counters only include frames with a multicast MAC destination address (including multicast data frames and multicast MMMs, but excluding any frames sent to a broadcast MAC address). The broadcast octet count can be calculated by subtracting unicast octets and multicast octets from the total octets. The broadcast frame count can be calculated similarly. Since the Next Codeword Pointer (NCP) profile does not carry data, DsOfdmProfileStats is not applicable to NCP profiles. The Profile ID for NCP Profiles is 255, so this value is excluded for DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileId." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 20 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsTable. An instance exists for each Profile Id on a given DS OFDM channel." INDEX { ifIndex, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsProfileId } ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsTable 1 } DocsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsProfileId Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsConfigChangeCt Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsFullChannelSpeed CounterBasedGauge64, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutOctets Counter64, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutUnicastOctets Counter64, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutMulticastOctets Counter64, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutFrames Counter64, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutUnicastFrames Counter64, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutMulticastFrames Counter64, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsCtrDiscontinuityTime TimeStamp, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsAssignedCmCt Unsigned32 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..15) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the identifier of a profile associated with the OFDM downstream channel. The value of this attribute is zero-based due to constraints of the definition of Profile Id." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileId" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 1 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsConfigChangeCt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains the value of the Configuration Change Count field in the Downstream Profile Descriptor (DPD) MAC Management Message corresponding to this profile." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ConfigChangeCt" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 2 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsFullChannelSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CounterBasedGauge64 UNITS "bps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the speed of the associated channel in bps if this were the only profile and 100% of data-capable subcarriers were utilized to transmit MAC frames in full codewords. ProfileFullChannelSpeed is intended to approximate the maximum speed available to the MAC layer; thus, this attribute subtracts out FEC and NCP overhead from the maximum theoretical speed. The maximum ProfileFullChannelSpeed for a given channel differs from the ifSpeed for the channel by the amount of this FEC and NCP overhead." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileFullChannelSpeed" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 3 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the count of MAC-layer octets transmitted by the CCAP using this profile. This value is the size of all unicast, multicast or broadcast frames (including all MAC-layer framing) delivered from the MAC to the Phy -this includes user data, DOCSIS MAC Management Messages, etc. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStats- CtrDiscontinuityTime." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileOutOctets" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 4 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutUnicastOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the count of MAC-layer Unicast octets transmitted by the CCAP using this profile. This value is the size of all unicast frames (including all MAC-layer framing) delivered from the MAC to the Phy -- this includes user data, DOCSIS MAC Management Messages, etc. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStats- CtrDiscontinuityTime." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileOutUnicastOctets" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 5 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutMulticastOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the count of MAC-layer Multicast and broadcast octets transmitted by the CCAP using this profile. This value is the size of all frames (including all MAC-layer framing) delivered from the MAC to the Phy and addressed to a multicast MAC address -- this includes user data, DOCSIS MAC Management Messages, etc. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStats- CtrDiscontinuityTime." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileOutMulticastOctets" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 6 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the count of frames transmitted by the CCAP using this profile. This value is the count of all unicast, multicast or broadcast frames delivered from the MAC to the Phy -- this includes user data, DOCSIS MAC Management Messages, etc. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStats- CtrDiscontinuityTime." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileOutFrames" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 7 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutUnicastFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the count of unicast frames transmitted by the CCAP using this profile. This value is the count of all frames delivered from the MAC to the Phy and addressed to a unicast MAC address -- this include user data, DOCSIS MAC Management Messages, etc. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStats- CtrDiscontinuityTime." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileOutUnicastFrames" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 8 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutMulticastFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the count of multicast frames transmitted by the CCAP using this profile. This value is the count of all frames delivered from the MAC to the Phy and addressed to a multicast MAC address -- this include user data, DOCSIS MAC Management Messages, etc, but excludes frames sent to a broadcast address. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStats- CtrDiscontinuityTime." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileOutMulticastFrames" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 9 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsCtrDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp UNITS "secs" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which any one or more of this entry's counters suffered a discontinuity. If no such discontinuities have occurred since the last re-initialization of the local management subsystem, then this attribute contains a zero value." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileCtrDiscontinuityTime" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 10 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsAssignedCmCt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the count of CMs currently assigned to this profile." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmProfileStats::ProfileAssignedCmCt" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry 11 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This CMTS object provides the status of each of the OFDM subcarriers which comprise this OFDM channel." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 21 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusTable. An instance exists for each Profile on a given OFDM downstream." INDEX { ifIndex, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsProfileId, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusStartId } ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusTable 1 } DocsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusStartId Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusEndId Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusMainModulation DsOfdmModulationType, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusSkip TruthValue, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusSkipModulation DsOfdmModulationType } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusStartId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is an identifier for the first subcarrier in the range of active subcarriers with the same modulation." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmSubcarrierStatus::StartSubcarrierId" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusEntry 1 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusEndId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the subcarrier number of the last subcarrier in the group." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmSubcarrierStatus::EndSubcarrierId" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusEntry 2 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusMainModulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsOfdmModulationType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the main modulation order of the subcarriers in the range. In case of skip modulation enabled the MainModulation is the modulation order of the first, the third, the fifth, etc. subcarriers in the range." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmSubcarrierStatus::MainModulation" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusEntry 3 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusSkip OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates whether the skip modulation method is used. If true the modulation order of the subcarriers in the range is alternating between the MainModulation and SkipModulation." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmSubcarrierStatus::Skip" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusEntry 4 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusSkipModulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsOfdmModulationType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the modulation order for every other subcarrier in the range." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmSubcarrierStatus::SkipModulation" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusEntry 5 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides measurements of the downstream OFDM channel power in 6 MHz-wide bands at the output of the CCAP." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 22 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of the docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerTable." INDEX { ifIndex, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerBandIndex } ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerTable 1 } DocsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerBandIndex Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerCenterFrequency Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerTxPower TenthdBmV } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerBandIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..33) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is a unique index used by the CCAP to identify each of the 6 MHz bands of a given OFDM downstream channel (from the lowest 6MHz band of the Occupied Bandwidth to the highest 6MHz band of the Occupied Bandwidth). The CCAP assigns indices in frequency order from the OFDM channel's lowest to highest 6 MHz frequency band for each of the 6 MHz bands of the channel, using an index of 1 to represent the lowest frequency band of the Occupied Bandwidth. Thus, an index of 33 represents the highest possible 6 MHz frequency band of the Occupied Bandwidth of an OFDM channel. The CCAP also provides the power of the PLC channel and utilizes a value of 0 to represent the PLC channel in this table." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmChannelPower::BandIndex" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerEntry 1 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerCenterFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (111000000..1791000000) UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute corresponds to the center frequency of the 6 MHz band where the CCAP measured the average channel power. See Reference for specific details on this attribute." REFERENCE "DOCSIS 3.1 CCAP Operations Support System Interface Specification CM-SP-CCAP-OSSIv3.1-I20-210419, DsOfdmChannelPower::CenterFrequency" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerEntry 2 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdBmV UNITS "dBmV" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides an estimate of the average power measured at the output of the CCAP in the downstream channel set for this 6 MHz band. If the docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerBandIndex is 0, then this attribute provides an estimate of the average power measured at the output of the CCAP for a 6 MHz encompassed spectrum containing the DOCSIS 3.1 PLC at its center." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmChannelPower::TxPower" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerEntry 3 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides channel-level visibility into Upstream OFDMA channel configuration and status." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 23 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanTable." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanTable 1 } DocsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanTemplateIndex Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanConfigChangeCt Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanTargetRxPower TenthdBmV, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanLowerBdryFreq Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanUpperBdryFreq Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanSubcarrierSpacing SubcarrierSpacingType, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanCyclicPrefix UsOfdmaCyclicPrefix, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanNumSymbolsPerFrame Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanRollOffPeriod UsOfdmaRollOffPeriod, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanPreEqEnable TruthValue, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanFineRngGuardband Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanFineRngNumSubcarriers Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanFineRngPreambleLen Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanInitRngGuardband Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanInitRngNumSubcarriers Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanInitRngPreambleLen Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanProvAttribMask AttributeMask, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanTxBackoffStart Integer32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanTxBackoffEnd Integer32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanRangingBackoffStart Integer32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanRangingBackoffEnd Integer32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanUtilization Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanId Integer32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanSubcarrierZeroFreq Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanTargetMapInterval Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanUpChannelTotalCms Gauge32 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanTemplateIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the UsOfdmaModulationTemplate object which the CMTS/CCAP utilized when configuring this channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::TemplateIndex" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 1 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanConfigChangeCt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains the value of the Configuration Change Count field in the Upstream Channel Descriptor (UCD) MAC Management Message currently in use on this channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::ConfigChangeCt" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 2 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanTargetRxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdBmV UNITS "dBmV" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the power of the expected commanded received signal in the channel, referenced to the CCAP input. The value represents the power spectral density in an equivalent 1.6 MHz spectrum." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::TargetRxPower" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 3 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanLowerBdryFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the lower frequency for the OFDMA US channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::LowerBdryFreq" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 4 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanUpperBdryFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the upper frequency for the OFDMA US channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::UpperBdryFreq" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 5 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanSubcarrierSpacing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SubcarrierSpacingType UNITS "kHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute defines the subcarrier spacing associated with a particular FFT mode configured on the OFDMA upstream channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::SubcarrierSpacing" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 6 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanCyclicPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UsOfdmaCyclicPrefix UNITS "samples" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The cyclic prefix assigned to this channel for mitigating interference due to microreflections." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::CyclicPrefix" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 7 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanNumSymbolsPerFrame OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the number of symbols per frame." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::NumSymbolsPerFrame" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 8 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanRollOffPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UsOfdmaRollOffPeriod UNITS "samples" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the windowing roll-off period." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::RolloffPeriod" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 9 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanPreEqEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates pre-equalization is enabled on the OFDMA upstream channel when its value is true, or disabled when its value is false." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::PreEqEnable" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 10 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanFineRngGuardband OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the sum of the upper and lower guard bands for fine ranging in Hz." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::FineRngGuardband" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 11 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanFineRngNumSubcarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the maximum number of subcarriers for fine ranging." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::FineRngNumSubcarriers" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 12 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanFineRngPreambleLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the length of the OFDMA fine ranging IUC preamble." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::FineRngPreambleLen" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 13 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanInitRngGuardband OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the sum of the upper and lower guard bands for initial ranging in Hz." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::InitRngGuardband" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 14 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanInitRngNumSubcarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the maximum number of subcarriers for initial ranging,not including the guardband." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::InitRngNumSubcarriers" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 15 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanInitRngPreambleLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bits" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the configured preamble sequence size for initial ranging in number of bits." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::InitRngPreambleLength" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 16 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanProvAttribMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AttributeMask MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the Provisioned Attribute Mask for the OFDMA upstream channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::ProvAttribMask" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 17 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanTxBackoffStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "power of 2" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The initial random backoff window to use when retrying transmissions. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::TxBackoffStart" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 18 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanTxBackoffEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "power of 2" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The final random backoff window to use when retrying transmissions. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::TxBackoffEnd" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 19 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanRangingBackoffStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "power of 2" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The initial random backoff window to use when retrying Ranging Requests. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::RangingBackoffStart" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 20 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanRangingBackoffEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "power of 2" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The final random backoff window to use when retrying Ranging Requests. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::RangingBackoffEnd" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 21 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The calculated and truncated utilization for this physical upstream channel, accurate as of the most recent docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval. The upstream channel utilization is expressed as a percentage of minislots utilized on the physical channel, regardless of burst type. When calculating utilization for OFDMA and SC-QAM channels on overlapping frequencies, the CMTS must uniquely account spectrum represented by minislots to either an SC-QAM channel or an OFDMA channel. This is required to avoid a situation where available spectrum can be mistakenly accounted as available on both overlapping channels. The utilization calculation can be expressed by the following equation: Utilization = MinislotsUtilized/MinislotsAllocated * 100% For an Initial Maintenance region, the minislots for the complete region are considered utilized if the CMTS received an upstream burst within the region from any CM on the physical channel. For contention REQ and REQ/DATA regions, the minislots for a transmission opportunity within the region are considered utilized if the CMTS received an upstream burst within the opportunity from any CM on the physical channel. For all other regions, utilized minislots are those in which the CMTS granted bandwidth to any unicast SID on the physical channel. For an upstream interface that has multiple logical upstream channels enabled, the utilization index is a weighted sum of utilization indices for the logical channels. The weight for each utilization index is the percentage of upstream mini-slots allocated for the corresponding logical channel. Example: If 75% of bandwidth is allocated to the first logical channel and 25% to the second, and the utilization for each are 60 and 40, respectively, the utilization for the upstream physical channel is (60 * 0.75) + (40 * 0.25) = 55. This figure applies to the most recent utilization interval." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::OfdmaChannelUtilization" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 22 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the upstream Channel Id signaled in the DOCSIS protocol for the OFDMA upstream channel. The Channel Id is unique within the associated MacDomain." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::ChannelId" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 23 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanSubcarrierZeroFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the center frequency of the subcarrier 0 of the OFDMA channel. Note that since subcarrier 0 is always excluded, it will actually be below the allowed upstream spectrum band. This is the frequency of subcarrier X(0) in the definition of the IDFT." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::SubcarrierZeroFreq" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 24 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanTargetMapInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the target MAP interval for the selected channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::TargetMapInterval" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 25 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanUpChannelTotalCms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the total number of CMs with channels in the CM Transmit Channel Set (TCS) and where each CM's CmtsCmRegStatus::Value has reached a state of 'registrationComplete', 'operational', 'bpiInit', or 'forwardingDisabled'." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelStatus::CmtsUpChannelTotalCms" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanEntry 26 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides information on the upstream Profile Data IUCs for an OFDMA channel. For each row, the columns TotalCodewords, CorrectedCodewords, and UnreliableCodewords return upstream Forward Error Correction (FEC) statistics per IUC values. These columns provide operators with Proactive Network Maintenance data by means of a query of the UsOfdmaDataIucStatsTable." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 24 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsTable. An instance exists for each Data IUC profile on a given US OFDMA channel." INDEX { ifIndex, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsDataIuc } ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsTable 1 } DocsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsDataIuc Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsMinislotPilotPattern Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsMinislotModulation UsOfdmaModulationType, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsTotalCodewords Counter64, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsCorrectedCodewords Counter64, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsUnreliableCodewords Counter64, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsInOctets Counter64, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsCtrDiscontinuityTime TimeStamp, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsAssignedCmCt Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsIucAverageMer TenthdB } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsDataIuc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (5|6|9|10|11|12|13) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the OFDMA Data IUC that these statistics correspond to." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelDataIucStats::DataIuc" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsEntry 1 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsMinislotPilotPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..14) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains the identifier for the default pilot pattern specified in the template for minislots using this Data IUC." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelDataIucStats::MinislotPilotPattern" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsEntry 2 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsMinislotModulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UsOfdmaModulationType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the modulation for the frequency range. All minislots in the frequency range have this modulation." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelDataIucStats::MinislotModulation" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsEntry 3 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsTotalCodewords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "codewords" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains the count of the total number of FEC codewords received on this channel using this Data IUC. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStats- CtrDiscontinuityTime." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelDataIucStats::TotalCodewords" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsEntry 4 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsCorrectedCodewords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "codewords" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains the count of codewords received on this channel using this Data IUC that failed the pre-decoding syndrome check, but passed the post-decoding syndrome check. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStats- CtrDiscontinuityTime." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelDataIucStats::CorrectedCodewords" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsEntry 5 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsUnreliableCodewords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "codewords" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains the count of codewords received on this channel using this Data IUC that failed the post-decoding syndrome check. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStats- CtrDiscontinuityTime." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelDataIucStats:UnreliableCodewords" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsEntry 6 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsInOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the count of MAC-layer octets received by the CCAP on this Data IUC. This value is the size of all unicast, multicast or broadcast octets (including all MAC- layer framing) and CCF PMD overhead (segment headers and stuffing bytes) delivered from the Phy to the MAC; this includes user data, DOCSIS MAC Management Messages, etc. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStats- CtrDiscontinuityTime." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelDataIucStats::InOctets" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsEntry 7 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsCtrDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp UNITS "secs" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which any one or more of this entry's counters suffered a discontinuity. If no such discontinuities have occurred since the last re-initialization of the local management subsystem, then this attribute contains a zero value." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelDataIucStats::CounterDiscontinuityTime" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsEntry 8 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsAssignedCmCt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the count of CMs currently assigned to this Data IUC." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelDataIucStats::AssignedCmCt" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsEntry 9 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsIucAverageMer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the average MER value for the selected Data IUC." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChannelDataIucStats::IucAverageMer" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsEntry 10 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides information about the current minislot settings for the selected data IUC. The information is provided in the form of a set of ranges of minislots. Each range groups consecutive minislots with the same pilot pattern and modulation order." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 25 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusTable. An instance exists for each exception to the template for a Data IUC profile on a given US OFDMA channel." INDEX { ifIndex, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsDataIuc, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusLowerFreq } ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusTable 1 } DocsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusLowerFreq Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusUpperFreq Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusMinislotPilotPattern Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusMinislotModulation UsOfdmaModulationType, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusLowerSubcarrierId Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusUpperSubcarrierId Unsigned32 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusLowerFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute indicates the lower frequency where the minislots will use the pilot pattern and modulation." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatus::LowerFreq" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusEntry 1 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusUpperFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the upper frequency where the minislots will use the pilot pattern and modulation" REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatus::UpperFreq" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusEntry 2 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusMinislotPilotPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..14) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the pilot pattern for the frequency range. All minislots in the frequency range have this pilot pattern." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatus::MinislotPilotPattern" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusEntry 3 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusMinislotModulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UsOfdmaModulationType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains the modulation order for this frequency range. All minislots in the frequency range have this modulation." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatus::MinislotModulation" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusEntry 4 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusLowerSubcarrierId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the subcarrier number of the lowest-frequency subcarrier of the minislot using the pilot pattern and modulation." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatus::LowerSubcarrierId" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusEntry 5 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusUpperSubcarrierId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the subcarrier number of the highest-frequency subcarrier of the minislot using the pilot pattern and modulation." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatus::UpperSubcarrierId" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucDetailStatusEntry 6 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaRangingIucStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaRangingIucStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This CMTS table provides details on status of ranging IUCs." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaChanRangingIucStatus" ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 26 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaRangingIucStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaRangingIucStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaRangingIucStatusTable. An instance exists for each Ranging IUC profile on a given US OFDMA channel." INDEX { ifIndex, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaRangingIucStatusIuc } ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaRangingIucStatusTable 1 } DocsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaRangingIucStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaRangingIucStatusIuc Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaRangingIucStatusGuardband Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaRangingIucStatusNumSubcarriers Unsigned32 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaRangingIucStatusIuc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3..4) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This index indicates the OFDMA Ranging IUC to which this status information corresponds." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaRangingIucStatus::Iuc" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaRangingIucStatusEntry 1 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaRangingIucStatusGuardband OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the sum of the upper and lower guardbands, expressed in Hz, for fine or initial ranging depending on the value specified for key Iuc." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaRangingIucStatus::Guardband" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaRangingIucStatusEntry 2 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaRangingIucStatusNumSubcarriers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the number of subcarriers in the selected data ranging IUC." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaRangingIucStatus::NumSubcarriers" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaRangingIucStatusEntry 3 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the subcarrier type for a group of subcarriers in the active spectrum of this OFDM channel. Groups of subcarriers of the same type are presented together; non-data subcarriers in these ranges are ignored." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 27 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierTypeTable. An instance exists for each OFDM downstream channel." INDEX { ifIndex, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierTypeStartSubcarrierId } ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierTypeTable 1 } DocsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierTypeStartSubcarrierId Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierTypeEndSubcarrierId Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierTypeSubcarrierType DsOfdmSubcarrierType } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierTypeStartSubcarrierId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is a key defined to provide an index into the table and represents the subcarrier number of the first subcarrier in the group." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmSubcarrierType::StartSubcarrierId" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierTypeEntry 1 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierTypeEndSubcarrierId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the subcarrier number of the last subcarrier in the group." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmSubcarrierType::EndSubcarrierId" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierTypeEntry 2 } docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierTypeSubcarrierType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsOfdmSubcarrierType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies which type of subcarrier is represented in this group." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI DsOfdmSubcarrierType::SubcarrierType" ::= { docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierTypeEntry 3 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaSubcarrierTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaSubcarrierTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies the subcarrier type for a group of subcarriers in the active spectrum of this OFDMA channel. Groups of subcarriers of the same type are presented together; non-data subcarriers in these ranges are ignored." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 28 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaSubcarrierTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaSubcarrierTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaSubcarrierStatusTable. An instance exists for each Profile on a given OFDMA upstream." INDEX { ifIndex, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaSubcarrierTypeStartSubcarrierId } ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaSubcarrierTypeTable 1 } DocsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaSubcarrierTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaSubcarrierTypeStartSubcarrierId Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaSubcarrierTypeEndSubcarrierId Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaSubcarrierTypeSubcarrierType UsOfdmaSubcarrierType } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaSubcarrierTypeStartSubcarrierId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is a key defined to provide an index into the table and represents the subcarrier number of the first subcarrier in the group." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaSubcarrierType::StartSubcarrierId" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaSubcarrierTypeEntry 1 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaSubcarrierTypeEndSubcarrierId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the subcarrier number of the last subcarrier in the group." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaSubcarrierType::EndSubcarrierId" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaSubcarrierTypeEntry 2 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaSubcarrierTypeSubcarrierType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UsOfdmaSubcarrierType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies which type of subcarrier is represented in this group." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaSubcarrierType::SubcarrierType" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaSubcarrierTypeEntry 3 } docsIf31CmStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines attributes of the CM status. This object is an extension to the SNMP table docsIf3CmStatusTable." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 29 } docsIf31CmStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmStatusTable. An instance exist for the CM MAC Domain Interface." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsIf31CmStatusTable 1 } DocsIf31CmStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmStatusEmDlsOperStatus TruthValue } docsIf31CmStatusEmDlsOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates whether the CM is currently operating in Energy Management DLS Mode. If this attribute returns true, the CM is operating in Energy Management DLS Mode." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmStatus::EmDlsOperStatus DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I08-151210, Energy Management Mode Indicator section." ::= { docsIf31CmStatusEntry 1 } docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmEmDlsCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides configuration state information on the CM for the Energy Management 1x1 Mode feature." REFERENCE "DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I08-151210, Energy Management DLS Encodings section." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 30 } docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmEmDlsCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgTable." INDEX { docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgDirection } ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgTable 1 } DocsIf31CmEmDlsCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgDirection IfDirection, docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgEntryBitrateThrshld Unsigned32, docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgEntryTimeThrshld Unsigned32, docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgExitBitrateThrshld Unsigned32, docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgExitTimeThrshld Unsigned32 } docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IfDirection MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This index indicates whether the threshold applies to the upstream or downstream." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmEmDlsCfg::Direction" ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgEntry 1 } docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgEntryBitrateThrshld OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bps" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the upstream or downstream bitrate threshold (in bps) below which the CM will request to enter Energy Management DLS Mode operation." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmEmDlsCfg::BitrateThrshld" ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgEntry 2 } docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgEntryTimeThrshld OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the number of consecutive seconds that the upstream or downstream data rate needs to remain below the Upstream or Downstream Entry Bitrate Threshold in order to determine that a transition to Energy Management DLS Mode is required." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmEmDlsCfg::EntryTimeThrshld" ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgEntry 3 } docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgExitBitrateThrshld OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bps" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the upstream or downstream bitrate threshold (in bps) above which the CM will request to leave Energy Management DLS Mode operation." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmEmDlsCfg::ExitBitrateThrshld" ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgEntry 4 } docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgExitTimeThrshld OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the number of consecutive seconds that the upstream or downstream data rate needs to remain above the Upstream or Downstream Exit Bitrate Threshold in order to determine that a transition out of Energy Management DLS Mode is required." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSI CmEmDlsCfg::ExitTimeThrshld" ::= { docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgEntry 5 } -- -- Extensions to the docsIfUpstreamChannelTable from RFC 4546 -- docsIf31CmUsScQamChanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmUsScQamChanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The UsScQamChan table describes the attributes of attached upstream SC-QAM channels for the CM. This extends the DOCS-IF-MIB's docsIfUpstreamChannelTable." ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 31 } docsIf31CmUsScQamChanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmUsScQamChanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmUsScQamChanTable. For DOCSIS 3.1 CMs, an entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with an ifType of docsCableUpstream (129)." AUGMENTS { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry } ::= { docsIf31CmUsScQamChanTable 1 } DocsIf31CmUsScQamChanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmUsScQamChanTxPsd Unsigned32, docsIf31CmUsScQamChanEstimatedRgDelay Unsigned32 } docsIf31CmUsScQamChanTxPsd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "QuarterdBmV" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents P1.6r_n, the power spectral density in 1.6 MHz, for the associated SC-QAM upstream channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 UsScQamChan:TxPsd" ::= { docsIf31CmUsScQamChanEntry 1 } docsIf31CmUsScQamChanEstimatedRgDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "microseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the estimate of the Request-Grant delay for this upstream channel, as calculated in the calcAllowedAQ function. The value is used by the CM for setting the AllowedAqBytes value for any Low Latency Service Flow that uses this upstream channel. If a particular upstream channel is not used by any Low Latency Service Flow, the CM MAY report 0 for the EstimatedRgDelay attribute." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CM-OSSIv4.0 UsScQamChan:EstimatedRgDelay DOCSIS 3.1 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.1-I25-230419, estimatedRgDelay parameter calculated via the 'calcAllowedAQ()' function in Annex O.1 AQM Utility Functions" ::= { docsIf31CmUsScQamChanEntry 2 } docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains MAC domain statistics" ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 32} docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsTable. The ifIndex key corresponds to the MAC Domain interface = 127 The docsIf31CmtsCmMacStatsMacAddr corresonds to the CM MACs associated to the MAC domain" INDEX { ifIndex, docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsCmMacAddr } ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsTable 1 } DocsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsCmMacAddr MacAddress, docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsUsMacStatsFrameCount Counter64, docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsUsMacStatsCrcFailureCount Counter64, docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsUsMacStatsTimestamp DateAndTime } docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsCmMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute is the MAC address uniquely identifying this cable modem instance in the MAC Domain. If the cable modem has multiple MAC addresses, this is the MAC address associated with the MAC Domain interface." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI CmStats::CmMacAddr" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsEntry 1 } docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsUsMacStatsFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute returns the current count of upstream MAC frames received from the cable modem." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsMacStats::FrameCount" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsEntry 2 } docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsUsMacStatsCrcFailureCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the current count of upstream MAC frames received from the cable modem that failed the Cyclic Redundancy Check as defined in [MULPIv4.0]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsMacStats::CrcFailureCount" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsEntry 3 } docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsUsMacStatsTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the date and time of day corresponding to the time when the FrameCount and CrcFailureCount counter values were collected in response to a request." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsMacStats::Timestamp" ::= { docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsEntry 4 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table reports the existence and status of Overlap channels configured for a specified Physical OFDMA channel." REFERENCE "DOCSIS 3.0 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.0-I08-080522, Overlapping OFDMA Channels section. Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatus" ::= { docsIf31MibObjects 33 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatusTable. An instance exists for each non-Base Overlap Channel for a specific physical OFDMA channel" INDEX { ifIndex, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatusIndex } ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatusTable 1 } DocsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatusIndex Unsigned32, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatusDocsisChanId ChId, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatusUpperBdryFreq Unsigned32 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is a key defined to provide an index into the table and represents the non-Base Overlap Channel index for a specific physical OFDMA channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatus:Index" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatusEntry 1 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatusDocsisChanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ChId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the upstream channel ID assigned to this OFDMA Overlap Channel instance." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatus:DocsisChanId" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatusEntry 2 } docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatusUpperBdryFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the upper boundary frequency of this OFDMA Overlap Channel instance. The upper boundary frequency value is constrained to be less than or equal to the UpperBdryFreq value configured for the associated physical OFDMA channel and to at least a minimum distance above the LowerBdryFreq value defined for the physical OFDMA channel as specified in DOCSIS Physical Layer Specification, CM-SP-PHYv3.1-I19-211110." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI UsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatus:UpperBdryFreq" ::= { docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatusEntry 3 } -- Conformance Definitions docsIf31MibConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsIf31Mib 2 } docsIf31MibCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsIf31MibConformance 1 } docsIf31MibGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsIf31MibConformance 2 } docsIf31CmtsCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for the CMTS." MODULE -- this MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { docsIf31CmtsGroup } ::= { docsIf31MibCompliances 1 } docsIf31CmCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for the CM." MODULE -- this MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { docsIf31CmGroup } ::= { docsIf31MibCompliances 2 } docsIf31DeprecatedCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for deprecated objects of the IF31 MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { docsIf31DeprecatedGroup } ::= { docsIf31MibCompliances 3 } docsIf31CmtsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { docsIf31DocsisBaseCapability, docsIf31RxChStatusPrimaryDsIndicator, docsIf31RxChStatusOfdmProfiles, docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusAssignedEmIds, docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusDsProfileIdList, docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusUsProfileIucList, docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusTcsPhigh, docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusTcsDrwTop, docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusMinUsableDsFreq, docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusMaxUsableDsFreq, docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusMaxUsableUsFreq, docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusPartialSvcState, docsIf31CmtsCmRegStatusPartialChanState, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelRxPower, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelMeanRxMer, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStdDevRxMer, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelRxMerThreshold, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelThresholdRxMerValue, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelThresholdRxMerHighestFreq, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelMicroreflections, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelHighResolutionTimingOffset, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelIsMuted, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelRangingStatus, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelCurPartialSvcReasonCode, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelLastPartialSvcTime, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelLastPartialSvcReasonCode, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelNumPartialSvcIncidents, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileTotalCodewords, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileCorrectedCodewords, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileUnreliableCodewords, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfilePreFecErrorFreeCw, docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileTimestamp, docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelCurPartialSvcReasonCode, docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelLastPartialSvcTime, docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelLastPartialSvcReasonCode, docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelNumPartialSvcIncidents, docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelNumPartialChanIncidents, docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmChannelPreferredProfile, docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfilePartialChanReasonCode, docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileLastPartialChanTime, docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileLastPartialChanReasonCode, docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsEm1x1ModeTotalDuration, docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsDlsModeTotalDuration, docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsLastDlsTime, docsIf31CmtsCmEmStatsDlsWakeupEvents, docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsUsMacStatsFrameCount, docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsUsMacStatsCrcFailureCount, docsIf31CmtsCmMdStatsUsMacStatsTimestamp, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatusDocsisChanId, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaOverlapChannelStatusUpperBdryFreq, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanChannelId, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanLowerBdryFreq, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanUpperBdryFreq, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanLowerBdryEncompSpectrum, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanUpperBdryEncompSpectrum, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPlcFreq, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanSubcarrierZeroFreq, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanTargetMapInterval, docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanUpChannelTotalCms, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanFirstActiveSubcarrierNum, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanLastActiveSubcarrierNum, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanNumActiveSubcarriers, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanSubcarrierSpacing, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanLowerGuardbandWidth, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanUpperGuardbandWidth, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanCyclicPrefix, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanRollOffPeriod, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanTimeInterleaverDepth, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanNumPilots, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPilotScaleFactor, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanNcpModulation, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanUtilization, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmChanPowerAdjust, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsConfigChangeCt, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsFullChannelSpeed, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutOctets, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutUnicastOctets, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutMulticastOctets, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutFrames, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutUnicastFrames, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutMulticastFrames, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsCtrDiscontinuityTime, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsAssignedCmCt, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusEndId, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusMainModulation, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusSkip, docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmSubcarrierStatusSkipModulation, 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