DOCS-RPHY-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32, Gauge32, Counter32, Counter64, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- RFC 2578 TruthValue, MacAddress, TimeStamp, DateAndTime, PhysAddress, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB -- RFC 3411 InetAddressType, InetAddress, InetPortNumber, InetVersion, InetAddressPrefixLength FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB -- RFC 4001 UUIDorZero FROM UUID-TC-MIB -- RFC 6933 IANAPhysicalClass FROM IANA-ENTITY-MIB -- RFC 6933 IANAifType FROM IANAifType-MIB PhysicalIndex, PhysicalIndexOrZero FROM ENTITY-MIB -- RFC 6933 EntitySensorDataType, EntitySensorDataScale, EntitySensorPrecision, EntitySensorValue, EntitySensorStatus FROM ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB -- RFC 3433 IpAddressOriginTC, IpAddressStatusTC, Ipv6AddressIfIdentifierTC FROM IP-MIB -- RFC 4293 TenthdB, TenthdBmV FROM DOCS-IF-MIB -- RFC 4546 InterfaceIndex, ifIndex FROM IF-MIB -- RFC2863 IfDirection, docsIf3CmtsCmRegStatusId FROM DOCS-IF3-MIB clabProjDocsis FROM CLAB-DEF-MIB; docsRphyMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202501230000Z" -- January 23, 2025 ORGANIZATION "Cable Television Laboratories, Inc" CONTACT-INFO " Postal: Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. 400 Centennial Parkway Louisville, Colorado 80027-1266 U.S.A. Phone: +1 303-661-9100 Fax: +1 303-661-9199 E-mail:" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module contains the management objects for the Remote PHY Device (RPD) management. Copyright 2016-2025 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved." REVISION "202501230000Z" -- January 23, 2025 DESCRIPTION "Revised version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-24.2390-1." REVISION "202401180000Z" -- January 18, 2024 DESCRIPTION "Revised version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-23.2359-1." REVISION "202310120000Z" -- October 12, 2023 DESCRIPTION "Revised version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-23.2340-1." REVISION "202212010000Z" -- December 1, 2022 DESCRIPTION "Revised version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-22.2291-1." REVISION "202206300000Z" -- June 30, 2022 DESCRIPTION "Revised version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-22.2261-1." REVISION "202203310000Z" -- March 31, 2022 DESCRIPTION "Revised version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-22.2240-1." REVISION "202201200000Z" -- January 20, 2022 DESCRIPTION "Revised version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-21.2224-1." REVISION "202110210000Z" -- October 21, 2021 DESCRIPTION "Revised version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-21.2196-1." REVISION "202103110000Z" -- March 11, 2021 DESCRIPTION "Revised version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-21.2149-2." REVISION "202010010000Z" -- October 1, 2020 DESCRIPTION "Revised version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-20.2115-1." REVISION "202005210000Z" -- May 21, 2020 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-20.2097-1." REVISION "202001090000Z" -- January 9, 2020 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-19.2068-1." REVISION "201908230000Z" -- August 23, 2019 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-19.2051-2." REVISION "201906130000Z" -- June 13, 2019 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-19.2027-1." REVISION "201901240000Z" -- January 24, 2019 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-18.1987-1." REVISION "201810180000Z" -- October 18, 2018 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-18.1959-1." REVISION "201807260000Z" -- July 26, 2018 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-18.1938-2." REVISION "201804120000Z" -- April 12, 2018 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-18.1910-2." REVISION "201711160000Z" -- November 16, 2017 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-17.1812-4." REVISION "201708100000Z" -- August 10, 2017 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-17.1780-3." REVISION "201704130000Z" -- April 13, 2017 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-17.1711-4." REVISION "201612150000Z" -- December 15, 2016 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-16.1680-2." REVISION "201609290000Z" -- September 29, 2016 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECN DOCS-RPHY-MIB-N-16.1561-4." REVISION "201604210000Z" -- April 21, 2016 DESCRIPTION "Initial version, created by R-OSSI-N-16.1461-3." ::= { clabProjDocsis 30 } -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- Textual Conventions -- --------------------------------------------------------- OperStatusType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type represents the status of the pseudowire from the point of view of the specific reporting entity. Values are as follows: 'other' indicates a vendor-specific operational status. 'up' indicates that the pseudowire is ready to pass packets. 'down' indicates that pseudowire signaling is not yet finished, or indications available at the service level indicate that the pseudowire is not passing packets. 'testing' indicates that AdminStatus at the pseudowire level is set to test. 'dormant' indicates that the pseudowire is not in a condition to pass packets but is in a 'pending' state, waiting for some external event. 'notPresent' indicates that some component is missing to accomplish the setup of the pseudowire. It can be a configuration error, incomplete configuration, or a missing H/W component. 'lowerLayerDown' indicates one or more of the lower-layer interfaces responsible for running the underlying PSN is not in OperStatus 'up' state." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(0), up(1), down(2), testing(3), dormant(4), notPresent(5), lowerLayerDown(6) } RphyChannelType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type indicates the type of RPHY channel." REFERENCE "DOCSIS DCA MHAv2 Remote PHY Specification CM-SP-R-PHY-I04-160512, RfChannelType TLV Section." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(0), dsScQam(1), dsOfdm(2), ndf(3), scte551Fwd(4), usAtdma(5), usOfdma(6), reserved(7), ndr(8), scte551Ret(9), dsScte55d2(10), usScte55d2(11) } EvPriorityType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type defines an event priority level. These are ordered from most (emergency) to least (debug) critical. Each event has a particular priority level associated with it (as defined by the vendor)." REFERENCE "DOCSIS DCA MHAv2 Remote PHY OSS Interface Specification CM-SP-R-OSSI-I04-160923, Section 9." SYNTAX INTEGER { emergency(1), alert(2), critical(3), error(4), warning(5), notice(6), information(7), debug(8) } SyncEQLType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type defines the SyncE EQL Type." REFERENCE "Synchronization Techniques for DOCSIS Technology Specification, CM-SP-SYNC-D01-18073 Annex C" SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), prc(2), ssuA(3), ssuB(4), eec1(5), dnu(6), prs(7), stu(9), st2(10), tnc(11), st3e(12), eec2(13), dus(14) } RfmStatusType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type defines the Rfm Status Type" REFERENCE "DOCSIS DCA MHAv2 Remote PHY OSS Interface Specification CM-SP-R-OSSI, DataType Definitions." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), gcpCfg(2), localCfgNvRam(3), localCfgDefault(4), unknown(5) } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main Groups -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyMib 0} docsRphyObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyMib 1} docsRphyConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyMib 2} docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyObjects 1} docsRphyRpdIfMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyObjects 2} docsRphyRpdIpMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyObjects 3} docsRphyCcapMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyObjects 4} docsRphyCcapSecMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyObjects 5} -- Deprecated (objects moved to DOCS-RPHY-SEC-MIB) docsRphyCmtsCmStatMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyObjects 6} docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyRpdIpMibObjects 9 } docsRphyCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyConformance 1 } docsRphyGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyConformance 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Notification Objects -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Group Objects -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Info Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table identifies the RPD for which the details and statistics are being provided. The RpdInfo object is read from the GCP complex TLV Type 100. The attributes defined in the RpdInfo object are read from the GCP complex TLV Type 100.1." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdInfo" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 1 } docsRphyRpdDevInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevInfoTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevInfoTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId MacAddress, docsRphyRpdDevInfoSysUpTime TimeStamp, docsRphyRpdDevInfoNumCrashFilesAvail Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevInfoPrincipalCoreStatus INTEGER } docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies a globally unique 6-byte identifier for the RPD. By convention, an RPD SHOULD use the MAC address of the lowest numbered Ethernet port facing the CIN." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdInfo::RpdUniqueId" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevInfoEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevInfoSysUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the time (in hundredths of a second) since the RPD was last re-initialized. This value is reported by the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdInfo::RpdSysUpTime" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevInfoEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevInfoNumCrashFilesAvail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the number of crash files." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdInfo::NumCrashFilesAvail" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevInfoEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevInfoPrincipalCoreStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { connected(1), waitOperational(2), operational(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD status with respect to the Principal Core initialization. connected: The RPD is connected to the Principal Core and in the process of being configured. waitOperational: The Principal Core has set 'configuration complete' to true, but has not made the RPD operational. operational: The Principal Core has made the RPD operational. The reported values correspond to values 5..7 of the RCP/GCP attribute TopLevelRpdstate (TLV 87.1) for the index assigned by the RPD to the Principal CCAP Core." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdInfo::PrincipalCoreStatus" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevInfoEntry 4 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Identification Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides data that uniquely identifies the RPD. The Identification TLV Type is 50.19." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 2 } docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevIdVendorName SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevIdVendorId Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevIdModelNum SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevIdSerialNum SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevIdDeviceAlias SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevIdDeviceDescr SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevIdHwRev SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevIdCurrSwVer SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevIdBootRomVer SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevIdUsBurstRcvrVendorId Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevIdUsBurstRcvrModelNum SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevIdUsBurstRcvrDrivVer SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevIdUsBurstRcvrSerialNum SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevIdRcpProtocolVer SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevIdRcpSchemaVer SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevIdCurrSwImageLastUpdate DateAndTime, docsRphyRpdDevIdCurrSwImageName SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevIdCurrSwImageServerType InetAddressType, docsRphyRpdDevIdCurrSwImageServerAddress InetAddress, docsRphyRpdDevIdCurrSwImageIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevIdVspSelector SnmpAdminString } docsRphyRpdDevIdVendorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute identifies the RPD manufacturer. The format is vendor proprietary." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::VendorName" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevIdVendorId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the IANA-assigned SMI Network Management Private Enterprise Code of the vendor, as specified in RFC 5612." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::VendorId" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevIdModelNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the model name and number used by the vendor to identify the RPD. The format is vendor proprietary." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::ModelNumber" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevIdSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the serial number of the RPD. The format is vendor proprietary." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::SerialNumber" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevIdDeviceAlias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the device name assigned by the operator and represents a 'handle' for the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::DeviceAlias" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdDevIdDeviceDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is a short text description of the RPD provided by the RPD manufacturer." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::DeviceDescription" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdDevIdHwRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the revision number of the hardware of the RPD. The format is vendor proprietary." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::HwRevision" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 7 } docsRphyRpdDevIdCurrSwVer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the version number of the software currently running on the RPD. The format is vendor proprietary." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::CurrentSwVersion" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 8 } docsRphyRpdDevIdBootRomVer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the version number of the boot ROM currently installed on the RPD. The format is vendor proprietary." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::BootRomVersion" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 9 } docsRphyRpdDevIdUsBurstRcvrVendorId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the IANA-assigned SMI Network Management Private Enterprise Code of the RPD's US burst receiver manufacturer, as specified in RFC 5612." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::UsBurstReceiverVendorId" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 10 } docsRphyRpdDevIdUsBurstRcvrModelNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(3..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the model number used by the vendor to identify the RPD's US burst receiver. The format is vendor proprietary." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::UsBurstReceiverModelNumber" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 11 } docsRphyRpdDevIdUsBurstRcvrDrivVer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(3..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the driver version of the RPD's US burst receiver. The format is vendor proprietary." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::UsBurstReceiverDriverVersion" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 12 } docsRphyRpdDevIdUsBurstRcvrSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(5..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the serial number of the RPD's US burst receiver. The format is vendor proprietary." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::UsBurstReceiverSerialNumber" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 13 } docsRphyRpdDevIdRcpProtocolVer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(3..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the version of the RCP protocol supported by the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::RdpRcpProtocolVersion" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 14 } docsRphyRpdDevIdRcpSchemaVer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(5..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the version of the RCP schema supported by the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::RdpRcpSchemaVersion" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 15 } docsRphyRpdDevIdCurrSwImageLastUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the most recent date and time the software image currently running on the RPD was updated. The RPD preserves the value of this attribute across reboots for a given software image." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::CurrentSwImageLastUpdate" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 16 } docsRphyRpdDevIdCurrSwImageName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the name of the software image currently running on the RPD. The RPD preserves the value of this attribute across reboots for a given software image." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::CurrentSwImageName" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 17 } docsRphyRpdDevIdCurrSwImageServerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the server internet address type of the software image currently running on the RPD. The RPD preserves the value of this attribute across reboots for a given software image." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::CurrentSwImageServerType" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 18 } docsRphyRpdDevIdCurrSwImageServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the Internet address of the server from which the software image currently running on the RPD was downloaded. The RPD preserves the value of this attribute across reboots." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::CurrentSwImageServerAddress" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 19 } docsRphyRpdDevIdCurrSwImageIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..3) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports which software image is currently running on the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::CurrentSwImageIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 20 } docsRphyRpdDevIdVspSelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains the Vendor-Specific Pre-configuration (VSP) Selector advertised by the RPD, defined as a human-readable string. This attribute is used by the Principal CCAP Core to match the RPD to VSP configuration maintained on the CCAP Core and to deliver VSP configuration to the RPD during initialization. If the RPD does not support VSP, the RPD communicates VSP as a zero-length string." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Identification::VspSelector" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevIdentificationEntry 21 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Location Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevLocationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevLocationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides location details for the RPD. The values are populated via a management interface or other automatic mechanisms (e.g. GPS)." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 3 } docsRphyRpdDevLocationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevLocationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevLocationTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevLocationTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevLocationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevLocationDescr SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevLocationLatitude SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevLocationLongitude SnmpAdminString } docsRphyRpdDevLocationDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is short text description of where the RPD has been installed, such as a street address. The format is specific to the operator." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevLocationEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevLocationLatitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(9)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the latitudinal coordinate of the RPD location, expressed as a 6-byte long string as described in ISO 6709-2008 (6 digit degrees, minutes, seconds: +/-DDMMSS.S). For example: -750015.1" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevLocationEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevLocationLongitude OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(10)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the longitudinal coordinate of the RPD location, expressed as a 7-byte long string as described in ISO 6709-2008 (7 digits degrees, minutes, seconds: +/-DDDMMSS.S). For example: -0750015.1" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevLocationEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Cores Connected Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides a list of CCAP-Cores to which the RPD is authenticated, including the CCAP-Core on which the MIB is polled. For each CCAP-Core instance, the RPD indicates if that CCAP-Core is the principal Core. These values are provided by the CCAP-Core on initialization. The CoresConnected TLV Type is 60." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CoresConnected" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 4 } docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedCoreId OCTET STRING, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedAddressType InetAddressType, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedAddress InetAddress, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedIsPrincipal TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedName SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedVendorId Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedCoreMode INTEGER, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedInitConfigComplete TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedCoreFunction BITS, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedAuxCoreGcpConnectionStatus INTEGER, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedAuxCoreRpdState INTEGER, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedResourceSetIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedGcpBackupConnectionConfig TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedGcpConnectionStatus INTEGER, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedGcpBackupCoreStatus INTEGER, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedAuthenticationStatus INTEGER } docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute uniquely identifies an instance of a row in the CoresConnected table." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedCoreId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (6)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the unique identifier, for example a MAC address, of the CCAP Core identified in the row entry." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the IP address type of the CCAP Core. This value is of type InetAddressType, which is defined by [RFC 4001]." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the CCAP-Core." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedIsPrincipal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates if the CCAP-Core is the principal core. If true, this attribute indicates that this CCAP-Core is the principal core." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the name of the CCAP-Core as conveyed to the RPD." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedVendorId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the IANA-assigned SMI Network Management Private Enterprise Code of the vendor, as specified in RFC 1700." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry 7 } docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedCoreMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), backup(2), notActing(3), decisionPending(4), outOfService(5), contactPending(6), deprecated(7), redirect(8) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the role in which the CCAP core is currently acting for the RPD. It also identifies two intermediate states ('decisionPending' and 'contactPending') in which the role of the CCAP Core is still to be determined. active: The CCAP Core is actively providing service(s) to the RPD as a Principal or Auxiliary Core. backup: The CCAP Core is configured to provide backup service for an Active CCAP Core. notActing: The CCAP Core is not prepared to act as an Active or Backup CCAP Core. decisionPending: The CCAP Core requires further information to make a decision on acting for the RPD or redirecting the RPD. outOfService: An error occurred during the initialization process with the CCAP Core or the RPD has been instructed to place the CCAP Core in Out-Of-Service mode. contactPending: The initial state after configuring the CCAP Core. The CCAP Core has not yet been contacted by the RPD. deprecated: Reserved. redirect: A CCAP Core wishing to redirect an RPD does this by sending an IRA message with the CoreMode set to 'redirect'. This is the mode for the CCAP Core after it has instructed the RPD to redirect to an alternate CCAP Core." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry 8 } docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedInitConfigComplete OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the Core has indicated that its initial configuration of the RPD is complete." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry 9 } docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedCoreFunction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { principal(0), docsis(1), broadcastVideo(2), narrowcastVideo(3), scte55d1Oob(4), scte55d2Oob(5), ndf(6), ndr(7), monitoring(8) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the operational functions that this Core provides. principal: Core operates as a Principal Core docsis: Core provides DOCSIS services broadcastVideo: Core provides broadcast video services narrowcastVideo: Core provides narrowcast video services scte55d1Oob: Core provides SCTE 55-1 OOB services scte55d2Oob: Core provides SCTE 55-2 OOB services ndf: Core provides narrowband digital forward services ndr: Core provides narrowband digital return services monitoring: Core provides monitoring functions" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry 10 } docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedAuxCoreGcpConnectionStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notConnected(0), connected(1), reconnecting(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the status of the GCP connection to the Auxiliary CCAP Core. If the attribute IsPrincipal contains a value of true, this attribute has no meaning since it only applies to Auxiliary Cores." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry 11 } docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedAuxCoreRpdState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(0), authenticateToCore(1), gcpConfig(2), waitForRcpIraReq(3), waitForConfigRexReq(4), waitOperationalAuxCore(5), operationalAuxCore(6), outOfService(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute identifies the current operational status with this Auxiliary CCAP Core. If the attribute IsPrincipal contains a value of 'true', this attribute has no meaning since it only applies to Auxiliary Cores. other: This value is reported in cases not defined below authenticateToCore: The RPD is in the process of authenticating to the Auxiliary Core. gcpConfig: The RPD is in the process of being configured by the Auxiliary Core. waitForRcpIraReq: The RPD is waiting for the IRA message from the Auxiliary Core. waitForConfigRexReq: The RPD is waiting for the first REX message from the Auxiliary Core. waitOperationalAuxCore: The RPD is waiting for the Auxiliary Core to make it operational. operationalAuxCore: The RPD is operational with this Auxiliary Core. outOfService: The Auxiliary Core has reported to the RPD that it is out of service. Note that the indexing of the RPD's AuxCoreState table (TLV 87.4) and the CoresConected object can differ. To correctly report the AuxCoreRpdState the CCAP Core needs to read the AuxCoreState table and match the obtained results to the CoreConnected object entries by comparing the AuxCoreId (TLV 87.4.2) to the CoreId attribute." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry 12 } docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedResourceSetIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the resource set index used by the core." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry 13 } docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedGcpBackupConnectionConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether a GCP control connection is maintained to the Core when it is acting as a Backup Core." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry 14 } docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedGcpConnectionStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inactive(1), connecting(2), connected(3), reconnecting(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the status of the GCP connection to the Core as seen by the RPD." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry 15 } docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedGcpBackupCoreStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { waitForCoreMode(1), active(2), backup(3), coreNotActing(4), handover(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the operating mode of the Core as seen by the RPD." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry 16 } docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedAuthenticationStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(0), authenticated(1), authFailed(2), authNotPerformed(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the authentication status of the selected CCAP Core. other: This value is reported in cases not defined below. authenticated: The RPD is authenticated with the selected CCAP Core. authFailed: RPD authentication with the selected CCAP Core has failed. authNotPerformed:RPD authentication with the selected CCAP Core has not been performed." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedEntry 17 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides information about the principal capabilities and constraints of the RPD." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 5 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumDsPorts Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumUsPorts Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumTenGeNsPorts Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumOneGeNsPorts Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumDsScQamChans Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumDsOfdmChans Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumUsScQamChans Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumUsOfdmaChans Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumDsOob55d1Chans Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumUsOob55d1Chans Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumDsOob55d2Modules Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumUsOob55d2Demods Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumNdfChans Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumNdrChans Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumDsPspFlowsPerChan Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumUsPspFlowsPerChan Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumAsynchVideoChans Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumCwToneGens Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabLowestCwToneFreq Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabHighestCwToneFreq Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxPwrDedCwTone TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevCapabQamAsPilot TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsUdpEncap TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsFlowTags TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsFreqTilt TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxTiltValue TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevCapabBufferDepthMonAlertSupp BITS, docsRphyRpdDevCapabBufferDepthCfgSupp BITS, docsRphyRpdDevCapabRpdUcdProcTime Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabRpdUcdChgNullGrtTime Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMultiSectionTimingMerRep INTEGER, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinPwrDedCwTone TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxPwrQamCwTone TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinPwrQamCwTone TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsOpticalNodeRf TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxDsFrequency Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinDsFrequency Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxBasePwr TenthdBmV, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinTiltValue TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinPwrAdjustScQam TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxPwrAdjustScQam TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinPwrAdjustOfdm TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxPwrAdjustOfdm TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevCapabVspSelector SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinBaseUsPowerTarLevel TenthdBmV, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxBaseUsPowerTarLevel TenthdBmV, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinTarRxPowerAdjustScqam TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxTarRxPowerAdjustScqam TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinTarRxPowerAdjustOfdma TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxTarRxPowerAdjustOfdma TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinTarRxPowerAdjustNdr TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxTarRxPowerAdjustNdr TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxDsPspSegCount Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabDirectDsFlowQueueMapping TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevCapabDsSchedulerPhbIdList OCTET STRING, docsRphyRpdDevCapabRpdPendingEvRepQueueSize Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabRpdLocalEventLogSize Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsUsProfileQuery TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsFlowTagIncrement TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinBasePwr TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumCoresSupported Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxDsOob55d1Frequency Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsDsOob55d2SecFreq TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxDsOob55d2Frequency Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCapabReportsOfdmConfigChangeCounts TruthValue } docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumDsPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the number of Full Spectrum downstream unidirectional RF ports available on a non-Partial Spectrum-capable RPD. A Partial Spectrum-capable RPD can report a value greater than the actual number of implemented downstream RF ports. An RPD reports NumDsRfPorts as the maximum supported downstream RfPortIndex (TLV 12.1) plus one." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::NumDsRfPorts" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumUsPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the number of Full Spectrum upstream unidirectional RF ports available on a non-Partial Spectrum-capable RPD. A Partial Spectrum-capable RPD can report a value greater than the actual number of implemented upstream RF ports. An RPD reports NumUsRfPorts as the maximum supported upstream RfPortIndex (TLV 12.1) plus one." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsCapabilities::NumUsRfPorts" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumTenGeNsPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the number of 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports supported by the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NetworkingCapabilities::NumTenGeNsPorts" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumOneGeNsPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the number 1 Gigabit Ethernet ports supported by the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NetworkingCapabilities::NumOneGeNsPorts" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumDsScQamChans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "On a non-Partial Spectrum-capable RPD, this attribute reports the number of downstream SC-QAM channels supported per downstream RF port. On a Partial Spectrum-capable RPD, this attribute reports the maximum number of downstream SC-QAM channels supported on any downstream RF port of the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::NumDsScQamChannels" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumDsOfdmChans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "On a non-Partial Spectrum-capable RPD, this attribute reports the number of downstream OFDM channels supported per downstream RF port. On a Partial Spectrum-capable RPD, this attribute reports the maximum number of downstream OFDM channels supported on any downstream RF port of the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::NumDsOfdmChannels" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumUsScQamChans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "On a non-Partial Spectrum-capable RPD, this attribute reports the number of upstream SC-QAM channels supported per upstream RF port. On a Partial Spectrum-capable RPD, this attribute reports the maximum number of upstream SC-QAM channels supported on any upstream RF port of the RPD. " REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsCapabilities::NumUsSqQamChannels" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 7 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumUsOfdmaChans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "On a non-Partial Spectrum-capable RPD, this attribute reports the number of upstream OFDMA channels supported per upstream RF port. On a Partial Spectrum-capable RPD, this attribute reports the maximum number of upstream OFDMA channels supported on any upstream RF port of the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsCapabilities::NumUsOfdmaChannels" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 8 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumDsOob55d1Chans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the number of SCTE-55-1 forward (downstream) channels supported on any DS RF port of the RPD. The RPD must report a value of 1 when it supports a single SCTE 55-1 forward channel per DS RF port. The RPD must report a value of 2 when it supports two SCTE 55-1 forward channels per DS RF port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::NumDsOob55d1Channels" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 9 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumUsOob55d1Chans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "On a non-Partial Spectrum-capable RPD, this attribute reports the number of upstream SCTE 55-1 channels supported per upstream RF port. On a Partial Spectrum-capable RPD, this attribute reports the maximum number of upstream SCTE 55-1 channels supported on any upstream RF port of the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsCapabilities::NumUsOob55d1Channels" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 10 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumDsOob55d2Modules OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the number of SCTE 55-2 modules supported." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::NumDsOob55d2Modules" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 11 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumUsOob55d2Demods OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the number of upstream demodulators per SCTE 55-2 modules supported." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsCapabilities::NumUsOob55d2Demods" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 12 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumNdfChans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "On a non-Partial Spectrum-capable RPD, this attribute reports the number of Narrowband Digital Forward (NDF) channels supported per downstream RF port. On a Partial Spectrum-capable RPD, this attribute reports the maximum number of Narrowband Digital Forward (NDF) channels supported on any upstream RF port of the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::NumNdfChannels" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 13 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumNdrChans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "On a non-Partial Spectrum-capable RPD, this attribute reports the number of Narrowband Digital Return (NDR) channels supported per upstream RF port. On a Partial Spectrum-capable RPD, this attribute reports the maximum number of Narrowband Digital Return (NDR) channels supported on any upstream RF port of the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsCapabilities::NumNdrChannels" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 14 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumDsPspFlowsPerChan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the number of distinct PSP flows supported by the RPD on downstream data pseudowires." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::NumDsPspFlowsPerChan" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 15 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumUsPspFlowsPerChan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the number of distinct PSP flows supported by the RPD on upstream data pseudowires." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsCapabilities::NumUsPspFlowsPerChan" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 16 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumAsynchVideoChans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the number of asynchronous MPEG video channels supported per downstream RF port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::NumAsynchVideoChannels" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 17 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumCwToneGens OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the number of CW tone generators supported per downstream RF port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ToneCapabilities::NumCwToneGenerators" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 18 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabLowestCwToneFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the lowest frequency supported by the CW tone generators." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ToneCapabilities::LowestCwToneFreq" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 19 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabHighestCwToneFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the highest frequency supported by the CW tone generators." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ToneCapabilities::HighestCwToneFreq" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 20 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxPwrDedCwTone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (0..65535) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The attribute allows the RPD to inform the CCAP Core what is the maximum power level relative to the RF Port's BasePower that is supported by its dedicated CW tone generators." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ToneCapabilities::MaxPwrDedCwTone" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 21 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabQamAsPilot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates if a QAM channel can be configured as a CW tone. A value of true indicates a QAM channel can be configured as a CW tone. A value of false indicates a QAM channel cannot be configured as a CW tone." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ToneCapabilities::QamAsPilot" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 22 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsUdpEncap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports UDP encapsulation on L2TPv3 pseudowires. A value of true indicates the RPD supports UDP encapsulation on L2TPv3 pseudowires. A value of false indicates the RPD does not support UDP encapsulation on L2TPv3 pseudowires." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NetworkingCapabilities::SupportsUdpEncap" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 23 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsFlowTags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates Flow Tags support capability. If the attribute returns a value of true, the RPD supports Flow Tags on OFDMA channels. A Flow Tag is a 32-bit identifier of a MAC hardware resource (typically a Service Flow). The Flow Tag can be assigned to the scheduled SID by the CCAP Core. The RPD provides Flow Tags in UEPI headers for OFDMA channels. If the attribute returns a value of false, the RPD does not support Flow Tags." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsCapabilities::SupportsFlowTags" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 24 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsFreqTilt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates Frequency Tilt support capability. If the attribute returns a value of true, the RPD supports Frequency Tilt settings on DS RF Ports. If the attribute returns a value of false, the RPD does not support Frequency Tilt settings." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsPowerCapabilities::SupportsFrequencyTilt" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 25 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxTiltValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (0..65535) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the maximum value of tilt settings that the RPD supports." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsPowerCapabilities::MaxTiltValue" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 26 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabBufferDepthMonAlertSupp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { ofdmChannels(0), scQamDocsisChannels(1), scQamVideoChannels(2), ndfChannels(3), scte551Channels(4), scte552Channels(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates buffer depth monitoring alert supported by the RPD. For each bit set to 1, the RPD is capable of monitoring buffer depth on the corresponding types of downstream channels." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI BufferMonitoringCapabilities::BufferDepthMonitorAlertSupport" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 27 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabBufferDepthCfgSupp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { ofdmChannels(0), scQamDocsisChannels(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates configuration of the output buffer depth supported by the RPD. This capability is only applicable to DOCSIS downstream channels. For each bit set to 1, the RPD is capable of configuring output buffer depth of the corresponding types of downstream channels." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI BufferMonitoringCapabilities::BufferDepthConfigurationSupport" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 28 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabRpdUcdProcTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the minimum interval needed by the RPD to process a UCD message received via GCP. This interval is equivalent to CM UCD processing time defined in MULPIv4.0 but its duration can be longer. The maximum value of the RPD UCD Processing time is 50000 usec. The minimum value RPD UCD Processing time is equal to CM UCD processing time (1500 usec for each changed SC-QAM channel or 2000 usec for each changed upstream OFDMA channel) defined in MULPIv4.0." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsCapabilities::RpdUcdProcessingTime" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 29 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabRpdUcdChgNullGrtTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the minimum Null grant interval needed by the RPD in the first MAP with incremented UCD change count. The RPD uses the Null grant in the first MAP Message to programs registers of its burst receiver during this interval. The maximum value of the RPD UCD Change Null Grant Time is 4000 usec for each changed channel. The minimum value of the RPD UCD Change Null Grant Time is defined in MULPIv4.0." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsCapabilities::RpdUcdChgNullGrtTime" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 30 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMultiSectionTimingMerRep OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { doesNotSupport(0), equallySpacedNonOverlapping(1), fullyFlexible(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates whether the RPD supports Multi-Section Timing and MER reporting as opposed to just reporting a single average Timing and MER. More detail is documented in the UEPI Probe Pseudowire format of R-UEPI. Valid values are listed below: doesNotSupport(0) The RPD does not support Multi-Section Timing and MER Reporting equallySpacedNonOverlapping(1) The RPD supports equally spaced non-overlapping sections fullyFlexible(2) The RPD supports fully flexible sections and spacing of non-overlapping sections." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsCapabilities::MultiSectionTimingMerReporting" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 31 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinPwrDedCwTone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object allows the RPD to inform the CCAP Core what is the minimum power level relative to the RF Port's BasePower that is supported by its dedicated CW tone generators." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ToneCapabilities::MinPwrDedCwTone" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 32 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxPwrQamCwTone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (0..65535) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object allows the RPD to inform the CCAP Core what is the maximum power level setting relative to the RF Port's BasePower that is supported by its QAM channels operating as CW tone generators." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ToneCapabilities::MaxPwrQamCwTone" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 33 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinPwrQamCwTone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object allows the RPD to inform the CCAP Core what is the minimum power level setting relative to the RF Port's BasePower that is supported by its QAM channels operating as CW tone generators." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ToneCapabilities::MinPwrQamCwTone" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 34 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsOpticalNodeRf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports the RF technology for an optical node. The RPD reports 'false' if it complies with the main section of the [DRFI] specification and the main section of the [PHYv4.0] specification. In this case the RPD does not support optical node technology (i.e., RPD is a Remote PHY Shelf). The RPD reports 'true' if it complies with Annex E and Annex F of [R-PHY] and [DRFI] specification Annex D. In this case the RPD supports optical node RF technology (i.e., RPD is a Remote PHY Node)." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI MiscellaneousCapabilities::SupportsOpticalNodeRf" ::= {docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 35 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxDsFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum frequency of any downstream signal that the RPD supports on its DS RF port. This attribute defines the highest frequency of the encompassed spectrum of the highest frequency downstream channel or OOB signal." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::MaxDsFrequency" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 36 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinDsFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the minimum frequency of any downstream signal that the RPD supports on its DS RF port. . This attribute defines the lowest frequency of the encompassed spectrum of the lowest frequency downstream channel or OOB signal." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::MinDsFrequency" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 37 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxBasePwr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdBmV (0..65535) UNITS "dBmV/6MHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum power level setting that the RPD supports for downstream RF port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsPowerCapabilities::MaxBasePower" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 38 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinTiltValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the minimum value of the tilt setting that the RPD supports. Note that the RPD can report this value as a negative number." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsPowerCapabilities::MinTiltValue" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 39 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinPwrAdjustScQam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the minimum power adjustment value that the RPD supports for downstream SC-QAM channels." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsPowerCapabilities::MinPowerAdjustScQam" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 40 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxPwrAdjustScQam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (0..65535) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum power adjustment that the RPD supports for downstream SC-QAM channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsPowerCapabilities::MaxPowerAdjustScQam" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 41 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinPwrAdjustOfdm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the minimum power adjustment value that the RPD supports for downstream OFDM channels." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsPowerCapabilities::MinPowerAdjustOfdm" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 42 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxPwrAdjustOfdm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (0..65535) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum power adjustment that the RPD supports for downstream OFDM channels." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsPowerCapabilities::MaxPowerAdjustOfdm" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 43 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabVspSelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains the Vendor-Specific Pre-configuration (VSP) Selector advertised by the RPD, defined as a human readable string. This attribute is used by the Principal CCAP Core to match the RPD to VSP configuration maintained on the CCAP Core and to deliver VSP configuration to the RPD during initialization. If the RPD does not support VSP the RPD communicates VSP as a zero-length string." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 44 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinBaseUsPowerTarLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdBmV (-32768..32767) UNITS "dBmV/1.6MHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the minimum value of the base target power reference level for upstream signals received on all upstream channels on an RF port that the RPD supports with a precision of 0.1 dBmV per 1.6MHz." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsPowerCapabilities::MinBaseUsPowerTargetLevel" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 45 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxBaseUsPowerTarLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdBmV (-32768..32767) UNITS "dBmV/1.6MHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum value of the base target power reference level for upstream signals received on all upstream channels on an RF port that the RPD supports with a precision of 0.1 dBmV per 1.6Mhz." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsPowerCapabilities::MaxBaseUsPowerTargetLevel" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 46 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinTarRxPowerAdjustScqam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the minimum power adjustment to the base target power level that the RPD supports for SC-QAM channels." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsPowerCapabilities::MinTargetRxPowerAdjustScqam" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 47 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxTarRxPowerAdjustScqam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum power adjustment to the base target power level that the RPD supports for SC-QAM channels." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsPowerCapabilities::MaxTargetRxPowerAdjustScqam" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 48 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinTarRxPowerAdjustOfdma OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the minimum power adjustment to the base target power level that the RPD supports for OFDMA channels." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsPowerCapabilities::MinTargetRxPowerAdjustOfdma" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 49 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxTarRxPowerAdjustOfdma OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum power adjustment to the base target power level that the RPD supports for OFDMA channels." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsPowerCapabilities::MaxTargetRxPowerAdjustOfdma" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 50 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinTarRxPowerAdjustNdr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the minimum power adjustment to the base target power level that the RPD supports for NDR channels." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsPowerCapabilities::MinTargetRxPowerAdjustNdr" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 51 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxTarRxPowerAdjustNdr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum power adjustment to the base target power level that the RPD supports for NDR channels." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsPowerCapabilities::MaxTargetRxPowerAdjustNdr" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 52 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxDsPspSegCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (10..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports how many PSP segments the RPD can support in a packet received on downstream PSP pseudowires." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NetworkingCapabilities::MaxDsPspSegCount" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 53 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabDirectDsFlowQueueMapping OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports direct mapping of downstream PSP flows to strict priority queues. [R-DEPI] provides more detailed information about direct mapping of downstream PSP flows to strict priority queues.The RPD reports a value of false(0) when it does not support direct mapping of downstream PSP flows to strict priority queues.The RPD reports a value of true(1) when it supports direct mapping of downstream PSP flows to strict priority queues." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NetworkingCapabilities::DirectDsFlowQueueMapping" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 54 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabDsSchedulerPhbIdList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the list of PHB-IDs supported by the RPDs downstream scheduler. [R-DEPI] provides more detailed information about PHB-IDs for the RPDs downstream scheduler. The value of this attribute is a hexadecimal string in which six LSBs of each byte contain a single PHB-ID that is supported by the RPDs scheduler." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NetworkingCapabilities::DsSchedulerPhbIdList" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 55 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabRpdPendingEvRepQueueSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the size of the RPDs Pending Event Report Queue." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI LogCapabilities::RpdPendingEvQueueSize" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 56 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabRpdLocalEventLogSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the size of the RPDs Local Event Log." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI LogCapabilities::RpdLocalEventLogSize" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 57 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsUsProfileQuery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports UsScQamProfileQuery (TLV 150) and UsOfdmaConfigQuery (TLV 151) via UsScQamProfileResponse (TLV 152) and UsOfdmaConfigResponse (TLV 153). These TLVs allow the RPD to report various unique upstream burst receiver parameters to the CCAP Core. The RPD reports a value of false(0) when it does not support the upstream profile query TLVs." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsCapabilities::SupportsUsProfileQuery" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 58 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsFlowTagIncrement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports the FlowTagIncrement TLV. The RPD reports a value of 'false' when it does not support the FlowTagIncrement TLV and will always set the flow tag of all SIDs in a SidQos TLV to the same value. The RPD reports a value of 'true' when it supports the FlowTagIncrement TLV." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsCapabilities::SupportsFlowTagIncrement" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 59 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinBasePwr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (0..65535) UNITS "dBmV/6MHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the minimum power level setting that the RPD supports for a downstream RF port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsPowerCapabilities::MinBasePower" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 60 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumCoresSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (10..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the number of Cores supported by the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI MiscellaneousCapabilities::NumCoresSupported" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 61 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxDsOob55d1Frequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hertz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the highest center frequency on which an SCTE 55-1 forward channel can be modulated in Hertz." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::MaxDsOob55d1Frequency" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 62 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsDsOob55d2SecFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates whether the RPD supports modulating the SCTE-55-2 forward (downstream) channel on two frequencies per DS RF port. The RPD reports a value of 'false' when it does not support modulating an SCTE 55-2 forward channel on two frequencies. The RPD reports a value of 'true' when it supports modulating an SCTE 55-2 forward channels on two frequencies." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::SupportsDsOob55d2SecFreq" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 63 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxDsOob55d2Frequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hertz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the highest center frequency on which an SCTE 55-2 forward channel can be modulated in Hertz." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::MaxDsOob55d2Frequency" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 64 } docsRphyRpdDevCapabReportsOfdmConfigChangeCounts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the implementation of TLVs to report the configuration change counts of OFDM channels, namely OcdConfigChangeCount and DpdConfigChangeCount. It is intended for CCAP Cores to recognize RPDs conforming to RPHY specification versions before these objects were defined. The value 'true' reported for this attribute indicates the RPD reports OcdConfigChangeCount and DpdConfigChangeCount. If this attribute is not present, or if the value 'false' is reported for this attribute, the RPD does not report OcdConfigChangeCount or DpdConfigChangeCount." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::ReportsOfdmConfigChangeCounts" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCapabilitiesEntry 65 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Channel Reachability Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "In some RPD implementations, an Ethernet interface might not have connectivity to all channels on a port of the RPD. This object allows the RPD to communicate those constraints reachability of channels. This object is only populated if reachability constraints exist on the RPD. The ChannelReachability TLV Type is 50.20." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ChannelReachability" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 6 } docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityEnetPortIndex, docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityRfPortIndex, docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityChanType, docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityStartChanIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityEnetPortIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityRfPortIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityChanType RphyChannelType, docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityStartChanIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityEndChanIndex Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityEnetPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute identifies the Ethernet port on the RPD that has the connectivity constraint." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ChannelReachability::EnetPortIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityRfPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute identifies the RF port with which the Ethernet port has a connectivity constraint." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ChannelReachability::RfPortIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityChanType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RphyChannelType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute identifies the type of channel that is supported within the specified channel index range on this RF port from the specified Ethernet interface. A row entry will be created for each channel type with a constraint. Absence of a row for a channel type means there is no constraint for that channel type." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ChannelReachability::ChannelType" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityStartChanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the first channel of the specified channel type in the range of channels that has connectivity to the specified Ethernet port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ChannelReachability::StartChanIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityEndChanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the last channel of the specified channel type in the range of channels that has connectivity to the specified Ethernet port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ChannelReachability::EndChanIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityEntry 5 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD DS/US RF Port Allocation Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides the allocation status for the downstream channel resources on the RPD on a per DS RF port basis as well as for the upstream channel resources on a per US RF port basis. The DsUsRfPortAlloc TLV Type is 50.22 Downstream and 50.23 Upstream." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsUsRfPortAlloc" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 7 } docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocIndex, docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocDirection } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocDirection IfDirection, docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocScQamChans Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocOfdmChans Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocOob551Chans Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocNdChans Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocBdrs Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocConfiguredBcgs Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the index of the downstream or upstream RF port for which resource allocation is being reported." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsUsRfPortAlloc::RfPortIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IfDirection MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates whether the allocation applies to the upstream or downstream RF Port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsUsRfPortAlloc::Direction" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocScQamChans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the number of allocated SC-QAM channels on this RF port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsUsRfPortAlloc::AllocScQamChannels" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocOfdmChans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the number of allocated DOCSIS 3.1 channels on this RF port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsUsRfPortAlloc::AllocOfdmChannels" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocOob551Chans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the number of allocated SCTE 55-1 channels on this RF port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsUsRfPortAlloc::AllocOob551Channels" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocNdChans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the number of allocated narrowband digital forward channels (for DS RF Ports) or narrowband digital return channels (for US RF Ports) on this RF port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsUsRfPortAlloc::AllocNdChannels" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocBdrs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports how many BDRs have been allocated on the RPD. This attribute is not applicable for US channels and always reports zero." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsUsRfPortAlloc::AllocBdrs" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocEntry 7 } docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocConfiguredBcgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports how many BCGs have been configured on the RPD. This attribute is not applicable for US channels and always reports zero." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsUsRfPortAlloc::ConfiguredBcgs" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocEntry 8 } -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD L2TP Session Info Table -- --------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides details about each tunnel session between the RPD and each CCAP Core with which the RPD is associated from the RPD's point of view. It is based on the docsIfMCmtsDepiSessionInfo object defined in the DOCS-IF-M-CMTS-MIB and the PW3 MIB definition in [RFC 5601]. It has been extended for Remote PHY. The attributes in this table are used to create an entry for each L2TPv3 tunnel (session) terminated at an R-PHY entity (RPD). Note: The SessionInfo TLV, applicable to the RpdL2tpSessionInfo object, is 100.2." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI SessionInfo" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 8 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoTable. A row entry is created for every session the RPD terminates and there may be entries for sessions with different CCAP-Cores if the RPD is connected with one or more auxiliary cores." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoSessionIpAddrType, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoCcapLcceIpAddr, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoRpdLcceIpAddr, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoDirection, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoL2tpSessionId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoSessionIpAddrType InetAddressType, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoCcapLcceIpAddr InetAddress, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoRpdLcceIpAddr InetAddress, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoDirection INTEGER, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoL2tpSessionId Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoCoreId OCTET STRING, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoConnCtrlID Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoUdpPort InetPortNumber, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoDescr SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoSessionType INTEGER, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoSessionSubType INTEGER, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoMaxPayload Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoPathPayload Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoRpdIfMtu Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoCoreIfMtu Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoErrorCode INTEGER, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoCreationTime TimeStamp, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoOperStatus OperStatusType, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoLocalStatus BITS, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoLastChange TimeStamp, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoExtendedRemoteEndId OCTET STRING } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoSessionIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute indicates whether the IP address provided in the CcapLcceIpAddress and RpdLcceIpAddr attributes are IPv4 or IPv6." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoCcapLcceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute provides the LCCE IP address on the CCAP Core of the session detailed in the instance. As reported by the RPD for a static multicast session, this attribute is zero for an any source multicast and the source IP for Source Specific Multicast (SSM)." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoRpdLcceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the remote-side RPD LCCE IP address of the session detailed in the instance." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { forward(0), return(1) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the direction of the session detailed in the instance. Valid values include: 'forward' - Forward (downstream) direction toward the RPD. 'return' - Return (upstream) direction toward the CCAP Core." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoL2tpSessionId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the value of the L2TPv3 session ID transmitted or received on the session. " ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoCoreId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (6)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the unique identifier, for example a MAC address, of the CCAP Core with which this session terminates. The CCAP Core sends its unique identifier to the RPD periodically via the DOCSIS SYNC MAC Message in the Source Address field." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoConnCtrlID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the control connection identifier (CCID) for this session." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 7 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the UDP Port reported by the RPD when the DEPI session uses L2TPv3 Header Over UDP. This attribute reports a value of 0 when the session is running with the L2TPv3 Session IP Header. This port number is negotiated between the CCAP Core and the RPD according to the L2TPv3 RFC." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 8 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides an ASCII string constructed with the form: RemoteEndId=(pp:mmm:ccc), ... { repeated for multiple endpoints } where pp is the 0-based port num signaled in the RemoteEndId AVP mmm is the channel-type enum value from the RemoteEndId AVP ccc is the channel number from the RemoteEndId AVP." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 9 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoSessionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { psp(1), mpt(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies whether the session is an MPT session or PSP session." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 10 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoSessionSubType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mptLegacy(1), pspLegacy(2), mcm(3), pspDepiMultichannel(4), pspUepiScQam(5), pspUepiOfdma(6), pspBwReqScQam(7), pspBwReqOfdma(8), pspProbe(9), pspRngReqScQam(10), pspRngReqOfdma(11), pspMapScQam(12), pspMapOfdma(13), pspSpecman(14), pspPnm(15), psp551Fwd(16), psp551Ret(17), psp552Fwd(18), psp552Ret(19), pspNdf(20), pspNdr(21), pspEc(22), pspZbl(23) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the type of DEPI MPT or DEPI PSP session." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 11 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoMaxPayload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the maximum MTU negotiated between the CCAP Core and the RPD during the session establishment process. It considers the header subtractions as indicated in the DEPI specification." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI SessionInfo::MaxPayload" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 12 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoPathPayload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the maximum MTU traversing the CIN from CCAP Core to the RPD. This is calculated by the CCAP Core by procedures such as MTU discovery as described in the DEPI specification." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI SessionInfo::PathPayload" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 13 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoRpdIfMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the RPD's CIN interface MTU and is read as the value of the following L2TPV3 AVP transmitted by the RPD during session setup: DEPI Downstream PW UEPI Upstream PW DEPI Remote MTU AVP (ICRP) UEPI Remote MTU AVP (ICRP)." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 14 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoCoreIfMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the CCAP Core's CIN interface MTU and is read as the value of the following L2TPv3 AVP as received by the device during session setup: DEPI Downstream PW UEPI Upstream PW DEPI Local MTU AVP (ICRQ) UEPI Local MTU AVP (ICRQ)." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 15 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), invalidMACInterfaceValue(2), invalidInterfaceValue(3), noResourcesForInterfaceIndex(4), l2tpv3Error(5), ifAdminStatusSetToDown(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The error code raised when the session is in an error state: 'invalidMACInterfaceValue' Indicates wrong assignment of the CCAP Core MAC interface ifIndex. 'invalidInterfaceValue' Indicates wrong assignment of the CCAP Core Downstream interface ifIndex 'noResourcesForInterfaceIfIndex' Indicates the CCAP Core has no more resources to assign a session to this entry. 'l2tpv3Error' An L2TPv3 StopCCN or CDN message was issued 'ifAdminStatusSetToDown' Indicates the ifAdminStatus was set to down and the session was torn down." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 16 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoCreationTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The attribute contains the sysUptime when the entry was turned active." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 17 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the current status of the pseudowire from the point of view of the specific reporting entity (RPD).For static psuedowires, the only values that the RPD can report are 'up' and 'down'. These values are conveyed to the Core via the RpdCircuitStatus TLV (TLV 59.1.3)." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 18 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoLocalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { other(0), pwNotForwarding(1), servicePwRxFault(2), servicePwTxFault(3), psnPwRxFault(4), psnPwTxFault(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The attribute provides the status of the pseudowire in the local node. If the 'other' bit is set, it indicates that an additional vendor-specific status is reported. If none of the bits are set, it indicates no faults are reported." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 19 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The attribute provides the value of sysUpTime when the session entered its current OperStatus state from the point of view of the specific reporting entity (RPD)." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 20 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoExtendedRemoteEndId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides an ASCII string constructed with the form: RemoteEndId=(pp:mmm:ccc),... { repeated for multiple channels } where pp is the zero-based port number signaled in the RemoteEndId AVP mmm is the channel-type Enum value from the RemoteEndId AVP ccc is the channel number from the RemoteEndId AVP This attribute conveys largely the same information as the Description attribute. Its longer length however permits communication of the complete RemoteEndId description, even when the length of the string exceeds 255 octets." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry 21 } -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD L2TP Session Statistics Table -- --------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides statistics about each tunnel session between the RPD and each CCAP Core with which the RPD is associated from the RPD's point of view. The RPD must create an entry in this table for each DEPI, UEPI, OOB, NDF, and NDR pseudowire it has established with CCAP Cores. The RpdSessionStats attributes are read with GCP Complex TLV type 100.2.21." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdSessionStats" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 9 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsTable. This table is an augmentation of docsRphyL2tpSessionInfoTable." AUGMENTS { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoEntry } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsOutOfSeqPkts Counter32, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsInPkts Counter64, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsInDiscards Counter64, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsOutPkts Counter64, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsOutErrors Counter64, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsCounterDiscontinuityTime DateAndTime } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsOutOfSeqPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the count of session packets that were received out of sequence from the point of view of the reporting entity. It is vendor dependent the re-sequence of packets. Implementations that do not re-sequence packets also increase the value of ifInDiscards for the respective entry." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdSessionStats::OutOfSequencePackets" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsInPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of received packets accepted for processing above the L2TPv3 protocol layer. The InPackets attribute count excludes packets dropped by the L2TPv3 protocol layer itself (e.g. OutOfSequencePackets and InDiscards)." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdSessionStats::InPackets" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of received packets discarded by the L2TPv3 protocol layer itself, including those discarded because they were out of sequence. The InDiscards attribute count includes packets unable to be forwarded to a higher layer for processing (e.g. unknown L2tpv3 session Id). Interpretation of what discards are counted in this attribute is vendor-specific." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdSessionStats::InDiscards" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of packets conceptually attempted to be transmitted from above the L2TPv3 protocol layer. The OutPackets attribute counts packets discarded by the L2TPv3 protocol layer itself (i.e. as counted by OutErrors)." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdSessionStats::OutPackets" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of packets attempted to be transmitted from above the L2TPv3 protocol layer that could not be transmitted below the L2TPv3 protocol layer itself. Interpretation of what errors are counted in this attribute is vendor specific." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdSessionStats::OutErrors" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsCounterDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the date and time at which any one or more of the counters in this group were created or last reset to zero. If the RPD does not acquire time of day it can report an initial CounterDiscontinuityTime of Jan 1 1970." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdSessionStats::CounterDiscontinuityTime" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsEntry 6 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Diagnostic Status Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevDiagStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevDiagStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table reports information about an RPD's diagnostic self test results. The CCAP Core reads DiagnosticStatus attributes with GCP complex TLV Type 100.4." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DiagnosticStatus" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 10 } docsRphyRpdDevDiagStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevDiagStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevDiagStatusTable. This table returns at least one row indicating pass or failure for the diagnostic self test." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDiagStatusTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevDiagStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevDiagStatusProbableCause SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevDiagStatusAdditionalText SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevDiagStatusSeverityLevel EvPriorityType } docsRphyRpdDevDiagStatusProbableCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the probable cause of the diagnostic test error condition. Probable causes may be related to: - Communications error - Quality of Service error - Processing error - Equipment error - Environmental error The format for values returned are vendor-specific. When the self test result is a pass, this attribute returns 'Self Test Passed'." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DiagnosticStatus::ProbableCause" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDiagStatusEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevDiagStatusAdditionalText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports a free form text description of the diagnostic test error condition. This provides supplemental information for the ProbableCause. When the self test result is a pass, this attribute returns 'No errors found'." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DiagnosticStatus::AdditionalText" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDiagStatusEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevDiagStatusSeverityLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EvPriorityType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the severity level for the diagnostic test error condition. Severity levels are based on the DOCSIS event priority levels. When the self test result is a pass, this attribute returns 'information'." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DiagnosticStatus::SeverityLevel" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDiagStatusEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD DEPI Multicast Session Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table reports the DEPI IP multicast sessions currently joined by an RPD. The CCAP Core reads DepiMcastSession attributes with GCP complex TLV Type 100.5." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DepiMcastSession" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 11 } docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionTable. A row entry of this table represents one DEPI IP Multicast session replicated to one RPD. The indexing provides the RPD unique identifier and the (S,G) IP address pair that uniquely identifies an IP multicast session. The CCAP Core creates a row entry when it confirms an RPD has joined a DEPI IP multicast session. The CCAP Core deletes the row entry when it confirms an RPD has left the DEPI IP multicast session or disconnects its GCP session with the CCAP Core." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionIpAddrType, docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionGrpIpAddr, docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionSrcIpAddr, docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionL2tpSessionId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionIpAddrType InetAddressType, docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionGrpIpAddr InetAddress, docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionSrcIpAddr InetAddress, docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionL2tpSessionId Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionRpdLcceIpAddr InetAddress, docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionCcapLcceIpAddr InetAddress, docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionJoinTime DateAndTime } docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports whether the IP addresses provided in GrpIpAddr, SrcIpAddr, RpdLcceIpAddr and CcapLcceIpAddr are IPv4 or IPv6." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionGrpIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the group (destination) address of an IP multicast session transmitted via DEPI multicast." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionSrcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For Source Specific Multicast (SSM), this key attribute reports the source IP address of an IP multicast session transmitted via DEPI multicast. For Any-Source Multicast (ASM) sessions, this attribute reports the all-0s IP address." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionL2tpSessionId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (2147483649..2147549183) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the L2TPv3 Session ID assigned by the CCAP Core to the DEPI IP multicast session. The value is assigned according to the referenced specification in the range 0x80000001 through 0x8000FFFF." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionRpdLcceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD local LCCE IP address of the L2TPv3 DEPI control session that instructed the RPD to join the IP multicast session. In the case of static Multicast sessions, this attribute reports RPD IP Address associated with the Ethernet Port on which the static Multcast session has been configured" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionCcapLcceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD remote LCCE IP address (i.e. on the CCAP Core) of the L2TPv3 control session that instructed the RPD to join the IP multicast session. In the case of static Multicast sessions, this attribute reports a zero value." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionJoinTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the last time the RPD has joined this session." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionEntry 7 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Event Log Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevEventLogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevEventLogEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table reports event log information for an RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Event" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 12 } docsRphyRpdDevEventLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevEventLogEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevEventLogTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevEventLogIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevEventLogTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevEventLogEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevEventLogIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevEventLogFirstTime DateAndTime, docsRphyRpdDevEventLogLastTime DateAndTime, docsRphyRpdDevEventLogCounts Counter32, docsRphyRpdDevEventLogLevel EvPriorityType, docsRphyRpdDevEventLogId Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevEventLogText SnmpAdminString } docsRphyRpdDevEventLogIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute provides relative ordering of the events in the event log. This attribute will always increase except when (a) the log is reset (b) the device reboots and does not implement non-volatile storage for this log, or (c) it reaches the value 2^31. The next entry for all the above cases is 1." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Event::Index" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevEventLogEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevEventLogFirstTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the local RPD time when this event was created." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Event::FirstTime" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevEventLogEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevEventLogLastTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When an event reports only one event occurrence, this attribute will have the same value as the corresponding instance of FirstTime. When an event reports multiple event occurrences, this attribute will record the local RPD time when the most recent occurrence for this event occurred." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Event::LastTime" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevEventLogEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevEventLogCounts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the number of consecutive event occurrences reported by this event. This starts at 1 with the creation of this event occurrence and increments by 1 for each subsequent duplicate event occurrence." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Event::Counts" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevEventLogEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevEventLogLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EvPriorityType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the priority level of this event, as defined by Annex B. These are ordered from most serious (emergency) to least serious (debug)." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Event::Level" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevEventLogEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdDevEventLogId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the identifier of this event, as defined by Annex B." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Event::Id" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevEventLogEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdDevEventLogText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the message text of this event, as defined by Annex B." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Event::Text" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevEventLogEntry 7 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Oob551UsChanStatus Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides per-RPD counts of upstream SCTE 55-1 cells sent to a Network Controller. These counts are updated by the CCAP Core, which parses each upstream SCTE 55-1 packet and uses the power level and packet status (which are really cell status) bits in those packets to determine how to update the counters. The only exception is the OperStatus attribute, which is read from the RPD using TLV 80.1. The CCAP Core must compute the per-RPD power level (i.e., PwrLevel, MaxPwrLevel, MinPwrLevel) values in the Oob551UsChanStatus table over a sliding 15 minute window. The sliding window method for calculating the power level values is left to vendor implementations. This object uses the virtual port and virtual channel ID as the keys because it is impossible to determine the physical port and channel number for an SCTE 55-1 US data packet. Only the virtual port number and virtual demodulator ID are in the packet. It is also very difficult, if it is even possible for the RPD to keep such counts per physical port and channel for reporting using GCP TLVs. If an operator wants counts by physical port and physical demodulator ID (channel number), one way is to have a different virtual port for each physical port and a different virtual demodulator ID for each of the OOB 55-1 US channels on a port." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 13 } docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusTable. A row entry of this table represents counts that are updated by the CCAP Core, which parses each upstream SCTE 55-1 packet and uses the power level and packet status (which are really cell status) bits in those packets to determine how to update the counters." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusRfPort, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusChannelId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusRfPort Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusChannelId Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusNcIpAddrType InetAddressType, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusNcIpAddr InetAddress, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusArpdSrcIpAddrType InetAddressType, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusArpdSrcIpAddr InetAddress, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusPerfectCellsRcvd Counter64, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusCorrectedCellsRcvd Counter64, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusUncorrectableCellsRcvd Counter64, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusTotalCellsRcvd Counter64, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusPwrLevel TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusMaxPwrLevel TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusMinPwrLevel TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime DateAndTime, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusOperStatus OperStatusType } docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusRfPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the RPD RF virtual port number carrying this SCTE 55-1 US channel." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusChannelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the virtual demodulator ID (channel number) for this SCTE 55-1 US channel." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusNcIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates whether the IP address provide in docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusNcIpAddr is IPv4 or IPv6." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusNcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the IP host address of the Network Controller receiving the cells on this SCTE 55-1 US channel." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusArpdSrcIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates whether the IP address provide in docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusArpdSrcIpAddr is IPv4 or IPv6." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusArpdSrcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the virtual ARPD source IP host address used when sending cells to the Network Controller." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusPerfectCellsRcvd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Cells" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the number of perfect cells received by the demodulator for this SCTE 55-1 US channel. Perfect cells have status 0 in the US SCTE 55-1 OOB packet." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusEntry 7 } docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusCorrectedCellsRcvd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Cells" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the number of errored cells received by the demodulator for this SCTE 55-1 US channel that were successfully corrected. Corrected cells have status 1 in the US SCTE 55-1 OOB packet." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusEntry 8 } docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusUncorrectableCellsRcvd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Cells" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the number of errored cells received by the demodulator for this SCTE 55-1 US channel that could not be corrected. Uncorrectable cells have status 3 in the US SCTE 55-1 OOB packet." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusEntry 9 } docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusTotalCellsRcvd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Cells" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the total of all cells received for this SCTE 55-1 US channel." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusEntry 10 } docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusPwrLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-160..155) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the arithmetic mean power level from nominal of all received MAC Cells by the demodulator for this upstream SCTE 55-1 channel with precision of tenths of a dB. The six power level bits 1 in the US SCTE 55-1 OOB packet report the nominal power per cell in units of 0.5 dB." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusEntry 11 } docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusMaxPwrLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-160..155) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum power level from nominal of all received MAC Cells by the demodulator for this upstream SCTE 55-1 channel with precision of tenths of a dB." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusEntry 12 } docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusMinPwrLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-160..155) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the minimum power level from nominal of all received MAC Cells by the demodulator for this upstream SCTE 55-1 channel with precision of tenths of a dB." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusEntry 13 } docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the date and time at which any one or more of the counters in this group were created or last reset to zero." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusEntry 14 } docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the operational status of the selected channel." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusEntry 15 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD CrashDataFileStatus Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevCrashDataFileStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevCrashDataFileStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides status information for the crash analysis data files. The RPD must generate a crash analysis file when it encounters an unrecoverable software or hardware error. The CrashDataFileStatus TLV Type is 100.20." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CrashDataFileStatus" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 14 } docsRphyRpdDevCrashDataFileStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevCrashDataFileStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevCrashDataFileStatusTable. A row entry of this table represents a file that is available in the device for upload or for which an upload is in progress." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevCrashDataFileStatusIndex} ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCrashDataFileStatusTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevCrashDataFileStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevCrashDataFileStatusIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCrashDataFileStatusFilename SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevCrashDataFileStatusFileStatus INTEGER } docsRphyRpdDevCrashDataFileStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute uniquely identifies a crash analysis file." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CrashDataFileStatus::Index" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCrashDataFileStatusEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevCrashDataFileStatusFilename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains the name of the crash analysis file, stored in the device that is available to be uploaded to the server. Filenames are defined by the application that creates them. The RPD SHOULD generate crash analysis files with names which include RPD's unique id and a timestamp. The timestamp indicates the time when the crash has occurred with granularity of one second. The RPD SHOULD format the timestamp in the form 'Unix time', which is defined as the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Thursday, 1 January 1970. For example, a crash file name 'RPD_crash_dump_id_00000187ADF_time_1403405123' indicates that the file was generated by RPD with Unique ID of on Sunday 22nd June 2014 02:45:23 AM." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CrashDataFileStatus::Filename" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCrashDataFileStatusEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevCrashDataFileStatusFileStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), availableForUpload(2), uploadInProgress(3), uploadCompleted(4), uploadPending(5), uploadCancelled(6), error(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reflects the status of the crash data file. The possible values are listed below. other(1) - Any condition not covered by the other defined values. availableForUpload(2) - The file is available to be uploaded. uploadInProgress(3) - The file is currently being uploaded. The file is not available for another upload in this state. uploadCompleted(4) - The file was successfully uploaded. The file is available for another upload. uploadPending(5) - The file has been selected for upload but a condition does not allow the upload to take place. The upload will start when the condition blocking uploads has been removed. For example, another upload that is currently in progress could cause this value to be returned. uploadPending status can also indicate a situation where the RPD is waiting to retry the upload after the initial attempt(s) has failed. The file is not available for another upload in this state. uploadCancelled(6) - An upload was cancelled before it completed. The file is available for another upload. error(7) - An error occurred and the file was not successfully uploaded. The file is available for another upload." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CrashDataFileStatus::FileStatus" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCrashDataFileStatusEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD US Signal Quality Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provide individual upstream signal quality values for RPDs." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 15 } docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityTable. A row entry of this table represents the upstream signal quality values of a single RPD" INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityRfPort, docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityChannelIfIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityRfPort Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityChannelIfIndex InterfaceIndex, docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityRxMer TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityRxMerSamples Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityUnerroreds Counter64, docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityCorrecteds Counter64, docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityUncorrectables Counter64 } docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityRfPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the RPD RF port number carrying this US channel. This corresponds to the attribute RpdUsRfPortNum of the RpdUsRfPortRef object in the configuration Information Model." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityChannelIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute corresponds to the ifIndex of the logical upstream channel (ifType docsCableUpstreamChannel(205)) of the CCAP Core for this US channel. Note that with upstream virtual combining, this attribute corresponds to the same CCAP Core ifIndex for different RPD unique Ids." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityRxMer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-2147483648..2147483647) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports an in-channel received average Modulation Error Ratio (MER). An RxMER sample is defined as an estimate, provided by the demodulator, of the ratio: (average constellation energy with equally likely symbols) / (average squared magnitude of error vector) RxMER is measured just prior to FEC (trellis/Reed-Solomon) decoding. RxMER includes the effects of the HFC channel as well as implementation effects of the modulator and demodulator. Error vector estimation may vary among demodulator implementations. The CCAP Core RxMER is averaged over a given number of bursts at the burst receiver, which may correspond to transmissions from multiple users. " ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityRxMerSamples OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports RxMerSamples which is a statistically significant number of bursts for the CCAP Core, processed to arrive at the RxMER value. For the CCAP Core, the MER measurement includes only valid bursts that are not in contention regions." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityUnerroreds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the count of codewords received on this channel without error. This includes all codewords, whether or not they were part of frames destined for this device." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityCorrecteds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the count of codewords received on this channel with correctable errors. This includes all codewords, whether or not they were part of frames destined for this device." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityUncorrectables OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the count of codewords received on this channel with uncorrectable errors. This includes all codewords, whether or not they were part of frames destined for this device." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityEntry 7 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Host Resources System Table -- Derived from RFC 2790 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevHostResSysTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevHostResSysEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is the container for RPD system attributes. The HostResourcesSystem TLV Type is 100.21." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI HostResourcesSystem" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 16 } docsRphyRpdDevHostResSysEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevHostResSysEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevHostResSysTable. A row entry of this table represents the details and statistics of the RPD." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevHostResSysTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevHostResSysEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevHostResSysDate DateAndTime } docsRphyRpdDevHostResSysDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD's notion of the current local date and time of day." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI HostResourcesSystem::Date" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevHostResSysEntry 1 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Host Resources Storage Table -- Derived from RFC 2790 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevHostResStorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table reports information about logical storage areas on the host at the time when the values are read. An entry is associated with each logical storage area that is allocated and that has constrained resources. This table represents logical storage areas (file systems, disk partitions, etc.), as seen by applications, rather than physical storage resources seen by the operating system. The RPD should log event 66070522 when a memory storage threshold condition is detected. Configuration of memory utilization thresholds are left to vendor implementations. For example, a vendor might provide a default (non-configurable) threshold of 80 percent utilization as triggering a threshold exceeded condition. A vendor might also report a threshold value in bytes utilized. Additional troubleshooting can be performed by reading the HostResourcesStorage table for the Index reported in event 66070522. The RPD should log event 66070523 when a memory storage threshold condition is cleared. A clear condition generally occurs when the memory utilization falls below the defined threshold. The HostResourcesStorage TLV Type is 100.22." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI HostResourcesStorage" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 17 } docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevHostResStorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorTable. A row entry of this table represents a logical storage area on the host." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorIndex} ::= { docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevHostResStorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorType INTEGER, docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorAllocationUnits Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorAllocationFailures Counter64, docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorSize Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorUsed Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorDescr SnmpAdminString } docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each logical storage area contained by the host." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI HostResourcesStorage::Index" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), ram(2), virtualMemory(3), fixedDisk(4), removableDisk(5), floppyDisk(6), compactDisc(7), ramDisk(8), flashMemory(9), networkDisk(10) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains the type of storage represented by this object. The following storage types are supported: other: The storage type identifier used when no other defined type is appropriate ram: The storage type identifier used for RAM. virtualMemory: The storage type identifier used for virtual memory, temporary storage of swapped or paged memory. fixedDisk: The storage type identifier used for non-removable rigid rotating magnetic storage devices. removableDisk: The storage type identifier used for removable rigid rotating magnetic storage devices. floppyDisk: The storage type identifier used for non-rigid rotating magnetic storage devices. compactDisc: The storage type identifier used for read-only rotating optical storage devices. ramDisk: The storage type identifier used for a file system that is stored in RAM. flashMemory: The storage type identifier used for flash memory. networkDisk: The storage type identifier used for a networked file system." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI HostResourcesStorage::Type" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorAllocationUnits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The size, in bytes, of the data objects allocated from this pool. If this entry is monitoring sectors, blocks, buffers, or packets, for example, this number will commonly be greater than one. Otherwise this number will typically be one." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI HostResourcesStorage::AllocationUnits" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorAllocationFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of requests for storage represented by this entry that could not be honored due to not enough storage. It should be noted that as this object has a SYNTAX of Counter64, that it does not have a defined initial value. However, it is recommended that this object be initialized to zero, even though management stations must not depend on such an initialization." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI HostResourcesStorage::AllocationFailures" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The size of the storage represented by this entry, in units of Storage Allocation Units. This object is writable to allow remote configuration of the size of the storage area in those cases where such an operation makes sense and is possible on the underlying system. For example, the amount of main memory allocated to a buffer pool might be modified or the amount of disk space allocated to virtual memory might be modified." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI HostResourcesStorage::Size" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of the storage represented by this entry that is allocated, in units of Storage Allocation Units" REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI HostResourcesStorage::Used" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A description of the type and instance of the storage described by this entry." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI HostResourcesStorage::Descr" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorEntry 7 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Host Resources Sw Run Table -- Derived from RFC 2790 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entries in this table represent each distinct process (i.e., piece of software) that is running or loaded into physical or virtual memory in preparation for running at the time when the values are read. This includes the host's operating system, device drivers, and applications. The HostResourcesSwRun table does not contain processor resource information, such as CPU information or metrics. However, certain DOCSIS defined events are defined for performance monitoring of RPD processors. The RPD should log event 66070520 when a processor overload condition is detected. Configuration of processor utilization thresholds (percentages) are left to vendor implementations. For example, a vendor might provide a default (non-configurable) threshold of 80% utilization as triggering an overload condition. The RPD should log event 66070521 when a processor overload condition is cleared. A clear condition generally occurs when the processor utilization falls below the overload threshold over a certain period of time. The HostResourcesSwRun TLV Type is 100.23." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI HostResourcesSwRun" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 18 } docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) entry for one piece of software running on the host. Note that because the installed software table only contains information for software stored locally on this host, not every piece of running software will be found in the installed software table. This is true of software that was loaded and run from a non-local source, such as a network-mounted file systemA row entry of this table represents a logical storage area on the host." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunIndex} ::= { docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunType INTEGER, docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunStatus INTEGER, docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunPerfCpu Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunPerfMem Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunName SnmpAdminString } docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each piece of software running on the host. Wherever possible, this should be the system's native, unique identification number." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI HostResourcesSwRun::Index" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), operatingSystem(2), deviceDriver(3), application(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains the type of the software piece running on the host. Valid values are listed below: unknown(1) if the software type is unknown or is not defined by the other options. operatingSystem(2) if the software is RPD operating system software. deviceDriver(3) if the software provides communication between RPD operating system software and external devices. application(4) if the software performs an end-user function." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI HostResourcesSwRun::Type" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { running(1), runnable(2), -- waiting for resource -- (i.e., CPU, memory, IO) notRunnable(3), -- loaded but waiting for event invalid(4) -- not loaded } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this running piece of software. Setting this value to invalid(4) shall cause this software to stop running and to be unloaded. Sets to other values are not valid. Valid values are listed below: running(1) if the software is being executed by the RPD. runnable(2) if the software can be executed by the RPD and is waiting for resources. notRunnable(3) if the software is loaded on the RPD but awaiting an event to initiate execution. invalid(4) if the software is not installed on the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI HostResourcesSwRun::Status" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunPerfCpu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Centiseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of centi-seconds of the total system's CPU resources consumed by this process. Note that on a multi-processor system, this value may increment by more than one centi-second in one centi-second of real (wall clock) time." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI HostResourcesSwRun::PerfCpu" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunPerfMem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total amount of real system memory allocated to this process." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI HostResourcesSwRun::PerfMem" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual description of this running piece of software, including the manufacturer, revision, and the name by which it is commonly known." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI HostResourcesSwRun::Name" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunEntry 6 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Static Pw Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides information about the static pseudo-wire capabilities of the RPD." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 19 } docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapMaxFwdStaticPws Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapMaxRetStaticPws Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticMptDepiPw TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticMpt55d1RetPw TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticPspNdfPw TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticPspNdrPw TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapMaxUcastFwdStaticPws Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticPspNdfUcastPw TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticPspPnmPw TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticPspSpecmanPw TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsDepiPspMultichanPw TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsUepiPws TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsDtpPw TruthValue } docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapMaxFwdStaticPws OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum number of (multicast and unicast) forward static pseudowires supported by the RPD." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapMaxRetStaticPws OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum number of return static pseudowires supported by the RPD. An RPD which does not support return static pseudowires reports zero." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticMptDepiPw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports configuration of static pseudowires of DEPI MPT (MPT-DEPI-PW) subtype. The RPD reports a value of false(0) if it does not support configuration of DEPI MPT static pseudowires. The RPD reports a value of true(1) if it supports configuration of DEPI MPT static pseudowires." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticMpt55d1RetPw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports configuration of static pseudowires of SCTE 55-1 return (MPT-55-1-RET) subtype. The RPD reports a value of false(0) if it does not support configuration of SCTE 55-1 return static pseudowires. The RPD reports a value of true(1) if it supports configuration of SCTE 55-1 return static pseudowires." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticPspNdfPw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports configuration of multicast static pseudowires of PSP NDF (PSP-NDF) subtype. The RPD reports a value of false(0) if it does not support configuration of multicast PSP-NDF static pseudowires. The RPD reports a value of true(1) if it supports configuration of multicast PSP-NDF static pseudowires." REFERENCE "DOCSIS DCA MHAv2 Remote PHY OSS Interface Specification CM-SP-R-OSSI-I12, SupportsStaticPspNdfMcastPw section." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticPspNdrPw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports configuration of static pseudowires of PSP NDR (PSP-NDR) subtype. The RPD reports a value of false(0) if it does not support configuration of PSP-NDR static pseudowires. The RPD reports a value of true(1) if it supports configuration of PSP-NDR static pseudowires." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapMaxUcastFwdStaticPws OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used to report the maximum number of unicast forward static pseudowires supported by the RPD. An RPD which does not support unicast forward static pseudowires reports zero." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapEntry 7 } docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticPspNdfUcastPw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports configuration of unicast forward static pseudowires of PSP NDF (PSP-NDF) subtype. The RPD reports a value of false(0) if it does not support unicast PSP-NDF static pseudowires. The RPD reports a value of true(1) if it supports unicast PSP-NDF static pseudowires." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapEntry 8 } docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticPspPnmPw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports configuration of static pseudowires of PSP-PNM subtype. The RPD reports a value of false(0) if it does not support PSP-PNM static pseudowires. The RPD reports a value of true(1) if it supports PSP-PNM static pseudowires." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapEntry 9 } docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticPspSpecmanPw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports configuration of static pseudowires of PSP-SPECMAN subtype. The RPD reports a value of false(0) if it does not support PSP-SPECMAN static pseudowires. The RPD reports a value of true(1) if it supports PSP-SPECMAN static pseudowires." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapEntry 10 } docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsDepiPspMultichanPw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports configuration of static pseudowires of subtype PSP-MULTICHAN-PW. The RPD reports a value of false(0) if is does not support PSP-MULTICHAN-PW static pseudowires. The RPD reports a value of true(1) if is supports PSP-MULTICHAN-PW static pseudowires." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapEntry 11 } docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsUepiPws OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports configuration of UEPI static pseudowires. A single capability indicates support for the pseudowire subtypes listed below. The RPD reports a value of false(0) if it does not support UEPI static pseudowires. The RPD reports a value of true(1) if it supports UEPI static pseudowires. PSP-UEPI-SCQ PSP-UEPI-OFDMA PSP-BW-REQ-SCQ PSP-BW-REQ-OFDMA PSP-PROBE PSP-RNG-REQ-SCQ PSP-RNG-REQ-OFDMA PSP-MAP-SCQ PSP-MAP-OFDMA " ::= { docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapEntry 12 } docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsDtpPw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports configuration of static pseudowires for DOCSIS Time Protocol (DTP) operation. The RPD reports a value of false(0) if it does not support static pseudowires for DTP operation. The RPD reports a value of true(1) if it supports UEPI static pseudowires for DTP operation." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapEntry 13 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD External Software Image Support Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides information about the Main Software Image and the additional optional software images that can be maintained by the RPD. The ExtSwImageSupport TLV Type is 100.25." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ExtSwImageSupport" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 20 } docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportSwImageIndex} ::= { docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportSwImageIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportSwImageLastUpdate DateAndTime, docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportSwImageName SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportSwImageDescr SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportSwImageServerType InetAddressType, docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportSwImageServerAddress InetAddress } docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportSwImageIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..3) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute is used in selecting a software image maintained by the RPD. The value of zero is reseved for the Main Software Image. The maximum value of SwImageIndex supported by an RPD is communicated via the RPD Capabilities object." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ExtSwImageSupport::SwImageIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportSwImageLastUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the most recent date and time when the selected RPD's software image was updated. The RPD preserves the value of this attribute across reboots." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ExtSwImageSupport::SwImageLastUpdate" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportSwImageName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the name of the RPD's software image. The RPD preserves the value of this attribute across reboots." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ExtSwImageSupport::SwImageName" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportSwImageDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports human readable description of the SW image running at the selected index. For example it can report that the that selected index points to a Fallback software image. The RPD preserves the value of this attribute across reboots." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ExtSwImageSupport::SwImageDescr" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportSwImageServerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the server Internet address type of the server from which the RPD's selected software image was downloaded. The RPD preserves the value of this attribute across reboots." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ExtSwImageSupport::SwImageServerType" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportSwImageServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the Internet address of the server from which the RPD's selected software image was downloaded. The RPD preserves the value of this attribute across reboots." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ExtSwImageSupport::SwImageServerAddress" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportEntry 6 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Sw Image Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevSwImageCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevSwImageCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides information about the software image capabilities of the RPD." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 21 } docsRphyRpdDevSwImageCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevSwImageCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevSwImageCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSwImageCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevSwImageCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevSwImageCapNumSwImages Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevSwImageCapImageUpgradability BITS } docsRphyRpdDevSwImageCapNumSwImages OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the number of software images that the RPD supports." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSwImageCapEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevSwImageCapImageUpgradability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { image1Upgradeable(0), image2Upgradeable(1), image3Upgradeable(2), image4Upgradeable(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bitmask indicating whether the RPD supports SSD of the corresponding sowtware image. For example, bit 0 corresponds to software image with index 0, bit 1 corresponds to software image with index 1, etc. The value of each bit indicates: 0 - RPD does not support SSD of the selected image. 1 - RPD supports SSD of the selected image." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSwImageCapEntry 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Gcp Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevGcpCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevGcpCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides information about the gcp capabilities of the RPD." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 22 } docsRphyRpdDevGcpCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevGcpCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevGcpCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevGcpCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevGcpCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevGcpCapGcpKaResponseTime Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdDevGcpCapGcpKaResponseTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (10..1000) UNITS "Milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports how quickly the RPD can respond to GCP Keep Alive messages." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevGcpCapEntry 1 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Ofdm Cfg Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides information about the ofdm cfg capabilities of the RPD." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 23 } docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapReqOfdmaImDurationCfg TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapSupportedPilotPatterns BITS, docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapNumDsOfdmProfiles Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapOptionalOfdmModulations BITS, docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapOptionalOfdmaModulations BITS } docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapReqOfdmaImDurationCfg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is a Boolean value that reports the RPDs need to explicitly configure IM grant duration for OFDMA channels. The RPD reports a value of false(0) if the RPD does not require configuration of the IM grant duration. The RPD reports a value of true(1) if the RPD requires explicit configurations IM grant duration." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapSupportedPilotPatterns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { pilotPatternNum5(0), pilotPatternNum6(1), pilotPatternNum7(2), pilotPatternNum12(3), pilotPatternNum13(4), pilotPatternNum14(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the set of supported OFDMA optional pilot patterns for an RPD. The RPD reports '0' for the bit corresponding to a pilot pattern not supported by the RPD. The RPD reports '1' for the bit corresponding to a pilot pattern supported by the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI OfdmaCfgCapabilities::SupportedPilotPatterns" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapNumDsOfdmProfiles OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (4..16) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports how many OFDM profiles are supported by the RPD." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapOptionalOfdmModulations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { modOrder8192Qam(0), modOrder16384Qam(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports optional OFDM modulation orders defined in [PHYv4.0]. The RPD reports '0' for the bit corresponding to an OFDM modulation order not supported by the RPD. The RPD reports '1' for the bit corresponding to an OFDM modulation order supported by the RPD." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapOptionalOfdmaModulations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { modOrder2048Qam(0), modOrder4096Qam(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports optional OFDMA modulation orders defined in [PHYv4.0]. The RPD reports '0' for the bit corresponding to an OFDMA modulation order not supported by the RPD. The RPD reports '1' for the bit corresponding to an OFDMA modulation order supported by the RPD." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapEntry 5 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Core Redundancy Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevCoreRedundancyCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevCoreRedundancyCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides information about the core redundancy capabilities of the RPD." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 24 } docsRphyRpdDevCoreRedundancyCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevCoreRedundancyCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevCoreRedundancyCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoreRedundancyCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevCoreRedundancyCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevCoreRedundancyCapSupportsRedundancy BITS } docsRphyRpdDevCoreRedundancyCapSupportsRedundancy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { handoverSupport(0), connectionStatusSupport(1), ccapCoreReconnectSupport(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is a bit mask indicating whether the RPD supports HandoverToBackup, ConnectionStatus, and/or ReconnectFromCore features as indicated below: xxxxxxx0: RPD does not support handover to backup CCAP Core following failure. xxxxxxx1: RPD supports handover to backup CCAP Core. xxxxxx0x: RPD does not support ConnectionStatus to control reconnect to CCAP Core following a failure. xxxxxx1x: RPD supports ConnectionStatus to control reconnect to CCAP Core. xxxxx0xx: RPD does not support CCAP Core initiated reconnect following GCP failure. xxxxx1xx: RPD supports CCAP Core initiated reconnect following GCP failure. " ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCoreRedundancyCapEntry 1 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Core Reset Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevResetCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevResetCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides information about the reset capabilities of the RPD." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 25 } docsRphyRpdDevResetCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevResetCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevResetCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevResetCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevResetCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevResetCapSupportsReset BITS, docsRphyRpdDevResetCapResetHistorySize Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdDevResetCapSupportsReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { softResetSupport(0), nvResetSupport(1), factoryResetSupport(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is a bitmask indicating whether the RPD supports SoftReset, NvReset, or FactoryReset as indicated below: xxxxxxx0: RPD does not support SoftReset. xxxxxxx1: RPD supports SoftReset. xxxxxx0x: RPD does not support NvReset. xxxxxx1x: RPD supports NvReset. xxxxx0xx: RPD does not support FactoryReset. xxxxx1xx: RPD supports FactoryReset." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevResetCapEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevResetCapResetHistorySize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the maximum size of the ResetHistory table. The RPD is required to support a minimum of 50 entries in the ResetHistory table." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevResetCapEntry 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Full Duplex Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevFdxCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevFdxCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The FdxCapabilities table reports DOCSIS 4.0 RPD support for FDX Mode of operation. In addition, the FdxCapabilities object reports Full Duplex RPD (FDX RPD) various support for FDX-related functions. The FdxCapabilities TLV Type is 50.57." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 26 } docsRphyRpdDevFdxCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevFdxCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevFdxCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevFdxCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevFdxCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevFdxCapSupportsFdx TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevFdxCapSupportsZblInsertion TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevFdxCapZblInsMsgLeadTime Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdDevFdxCapSupportsFdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the DOCSIS 4.0 RPD's capability to support FDX Mode of operation. The DOCSIS 4.0 RPD reports a value of false(0) if the RPD does not support FDX Mode of operation. The DOCSIS 4.0 RPD reports a value of true(1) if the RPD supports FDX Mode of operation." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI FdxCapabilities::SupportsFdx" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevFdxCapEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevFdxCapSupportsZblInsertion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the FDX RPD's capability to receive the Zero Bit Loading (ZBL) Insertion message and insert ZBL as directed by the message. The FDX RPD reports a value of false(0) if the FDX RPD does not support the ZBL Insertion message. The FDX RPD reports a value of true(1) if the FDX RPD supports ZBL Insertion message." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI FdxCapabilities::SupportsZblInsertion" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevFdxCapEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevFdxCapZblInsMsgLeadTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "microseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the minimum lead time required by the FDX RPD to receive the ZBL Insertion message ahead of the starting timestamp." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI FdxCapabilities::ZblInsMsgLeadTime" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevFdxCapEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Rdti Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table reports the RPD's capabilities related to time synchronization. The RdtiCapabilities TLV Type is 50.34." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RdtiCapabilities" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 27 } docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapNumPtpPortsPerEnetPort Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapSupportsSyncE TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapSupportsG8275d1 TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapSupportsDtpPseudowire TruthValue } docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapNumPtpPortsPerEnetPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports how many PTP ports the RPD supports per CIN-facing Ethernet port. If the RPD does not support PTP port configuration from the CCAP Core, as it can be in the case of PHY Shelf device, the RPD reports zero." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RdtiCapabilities::NumPtpPortsPerEnetPort" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapSupportsSyncE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports synchronous Ethernet (SyncE). When the value of this attribute is reported as 'true', the RPD supports SyncE. When the value of this attribute is reported as 'false', the RPD does not support SyncE." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RdtiCapabilities::SupportsSyncE" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapSupportsG8275d1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports G.8275.1 PTP profile. When the value of this attribute is reported as 'true', the RPD supports G.8275.1 profile. When the value of this attribute is reported as 'false', the RPD does not support G.8275.1 profile." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RdtiCapabilities::SupportsG8275d1" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapSupportsDtpPseudowire OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports the DTP pseudowire. When the value of this attribute is reported as 'true', the RPD supports the DTP pseudowire. When the value of this attribute is reported as 'false', the RPD does not support the DTP pseudowire." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RdtiCapabilities::SupportsDtpPseudowire" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapEntry 4 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Downstream Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevDsCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevDsCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table reports the RPD's OFDM downstream channel capabilities. The DsCapabilities TLV Type is 50.51." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 28 } docsRphyRpdDevDsCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevDsCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevDsCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDsCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevDsCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevDsCapScQamInterleaverSupport BITS, docsRphyRpdDevDsCapMaxDocsisScQamChannels Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevDsCapMaxMultipleScQamPspSessions Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevDsCapMaxNumBdrs Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevDsCapMaxNumBcgs Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevDsCapSupportsDsScQamModulationQam128 TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevDsCapSupportsTiltMinimumFrequency TruthValue } docsRphyRpdDevDsCapScQamInterleaverSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { reserved(0), taps8Increment16(1), taps16Increment8(2), taps32Increment4(3), taps64Increment2(4), taps128Increment1(5), taps12Increment17(6), taps128Increment2(7), taps128Increment3(8), taps128Increment4(9), taps128Increment5(10), taps128Increment6(11), taps128Increment7(12), taps128Increment8(13) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPDs support for interleaver settings for downstream SC-QAM channels. The value is a bitmask specifying which of 13 downstream SC-QAM interleaver settings the RPD is capable of supporting. When a bit corresponding to an interleaver setting is set to 1, the RPD supports the interleaver setting. If the bit corresponding to an interleaver setting is set to 0, the RPD does not support the interleaver setting." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::ScQamInterleaverSupport" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDsCapEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevDsCapMaxDocsisScQamChannels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum number of downstream DOCSIS SC-QAM channels the RPD can be configured to support on each downstream RF port. A downstream DOCSIS SC-QAM channel is one configured with OperationalMode (TLV 62.6) set to Docsis(value 2). This value is equal or lower than the reported capability NumDsScQamChannels, which is the number of supported SC-QAM channels whether or not they are configured for DOCSIS operation." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::MaxDocsisScQamChannels" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDsCapEntry 2} docsRphyRpdDevDsCapMaxMultipleScQamPspSessions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (8..79) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum number of PSP sessions with more than one SC-QAM channel that the RPD can support per downstream RF port. Currently, multiple-channel PSP sessions are specified for only DOCSIS SC-QAM channels [DEPI]. An RPD supports at least 8 PSP sessions per port with multiple DOCSIS SC-QAM channels (DEPI). This is the lowest permitted value of the capability. The maximum value is when all NumDsScQamChannels (TLV 50.6) are in two-channel PSP sessions." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::MaxMultipleScQamPspSessions" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDsCapEntry 3} docsRphyRpdDevDsCapMaxNumBdrs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum number of BDRs supported by the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::MaxNumBdrs" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDsCapEntry 4} docsRphyRpdDevDsCapMaxNumBcgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum number of BCGs supported by the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::MaxNumBcgs" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDsCapEntry 5} docsRphyRpdDevDsCapSupportsDsScQamModulationQam128 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports QAM128 modulation for DS SC-QAM video channels. When the value of this attribute is reported as 'true', the RPD supports QAM128 modulation for DS SC-QAM channels. When the value of this attribute is reported as 'false', the RPD does not support QAM128 modulation for DS SC-QAM channels." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::SupportsDsScQamModulationQam128" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDsCapEntry 6} docsRphyRpdDevDsCapSupportsTiltMinimumFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports TiltMinimumFrequency TLV 61.9 for configuring downstream tilt slope. When the value of this attribute is reported as 'true', the RPD supports writes to TiltMinimumFrequency TLV 61.9 to fully specify the slope of the downstream tilt along with TiltValue TLV 61.5 and TiltMaximumFrequency TLV 61.6. When the value of this attribute is reported as 'false', the slope of downstream tilt is vendor-specific based on configuration of TiltValue TLV 61.5 and TiltMaximumFrequency TLV 61.6." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI DsCapabilities::SupportsTiltMinimumFrequency" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevDsCapEntry 7} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Spectrum Capture Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevSpecCaptureCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevSpecCaptureCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table reports RPD capabilities for Upstream Triggered Spectrum Capture Proactive Network Management functionality. The SpectrumCaptureCapabilities TLV Type is 50.59." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI SpectrumCaptureCapabilities" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 29 } docsRphyRpdDevSpecCaptureCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevSpecCaptureCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevSpecCaptureCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSpecCaptureCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevSpecCaptureCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevSpecCaptureCapNumSacs Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdDevSpecCaptureCapNumSacs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the number of Spectrum Analysis Circuits (SACs) the RPD supports." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI SpectrumCaptureCapabilities::NumSacs" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSpecCaptureCapEntry 1} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Spectrum Analysis Circuit (SAC) Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevSacCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table reports the capabilities of each Spectrum Analysis Circuit implemented in the RPD. The SacCapabilities TLV Type is 50.59.2." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI SacCapabilities" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 30 } docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevSacCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSacIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSacIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSacDescription SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMaxCaptureSpan Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMinCaptureFreq Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMaxCaptureFreq Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppTriggerModes BITS, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppOutputFormats BITS, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppWindowFormats BITS, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppAveraging TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppAggrMethods BITS, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppSpecQual TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMaxNumBins Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMinNumBins Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMinRepeatPeriod Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppTrigChanTypes BITS, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapPwType BITS, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapLowestCapturePort Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapHighestCapturePort Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppScanCapture TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMinScanRepeatPeriod Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSacIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute uniquely identifies a SAC in an RPD." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 1} docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSacDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is a human readable description of a SAC, for example: Wideband Spectrum Analysis Circuit, frequency range 5-85 MHz." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 2} docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMaxCaptureSpan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum value of the frequency span supported by the SAC" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 3} docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMinCaptureFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the lowest limit of the spectrum that can be captured by the SAC." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 4} docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMaxCaptureFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the upper limit of the spectrum that can be captured by the SAC." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 5} docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppTriggerModes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { freeRunning(0), miniSlotCount(1), sid(2), notUsed(3), quietProbeSymbol(4), burstIuc(5), timestamp(6), activeProbe(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the Triggered Spectrum Capture trigger modes the RPD SAC supports. The value is a bitmask specifying which of 7 spectrum capture trigger modes the SAC is capable of supporting. When a bit corresponding to a trigger mode is set to 1, the RPD supports the trigger mode. If the bit corresponding to a trigger mode is set to 0, the SAC does not support the trigger mode." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppOutputFormats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { timeIQ(0), fftPower(1), rawAdc(2), fftIQ(3), fftAmplitude(4), fftDb(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the Triggered Spectrum Capture output data file formats the RPD SAC supports. The value is a bitmask specifying which of 6 output data file formats the SAC is capable of supporting. When a bit corresponding to an output data file format is set to 1, the SAC supports the format. If the bit corresponding to an output data file format is set to 0, the SAC does not support the format." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 7 } docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppWindowFormats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { rectangular(0), hann(1), blackmanHarris(2), hamming(3), flatTop(4), gaussian(5), chebyshev(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the Triggered Spectrum Capture data sample window functions the RPD SAC supports. The value is a bitmask specifying which of 7 window functions or formats the SAC is capable of supporting. When a bit corresponding to a window function is set to 1, the SAC supports the window function. If the bit corresponding to a window function is set to 0, the SAC does not support the window function." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 8 } docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppAveraging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD SACs capability to support Triggered Spectrum Capture data averaging. The value 0 (false) indicates the SAC does not support the data averaging operation. The value 1 (true) indicates the SAC does support data averaging." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 9} docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppAggrMethods OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { maxHold(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the Triggered Spectrum Capture data aggregation methods the RPD SAC supports. The value is a bitmask specifying which aggregation method the SAC is capable of supporting. When a bit corresponding to an aggregation method is set to 1, the SAC supports the aggregation method. If the bit corresponding to a window function is set to 0, the SAC does not support the aggregation method." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 10 } docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppSpecQual OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the SACs capability to support Triggered Spectrum Capture spectrum qualification. The value 0 (false) indicates the SAC does not support spectrum qualification. The value 1 (true) indicates the SAC does support spectrum qualification." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 11 } docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMaxNumBins OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum number of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) bins the RPDs SAC supports for Triggered Spectrum Capture." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 12 } docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMinNumBins OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the minimum number of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) bins the RPDs SAC supports for Triggered Spectrum Capture." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 13 } docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMinRepeatPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the minimum duration of the RepeatPeriod supported by the SAC." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 14 } docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppTrigChanTypes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { scQamChan(0), ofdmaChan(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports all supported channel types that can be used for triggers by the SAC. The value is a bitmask specifying which channel types the SAC is capable of supporting as triggers.The RPD reports 0 for the bit corresponding to a channel type if the SAC does not support the channel type as a trigger.The RPD reports 1 for the bit corresponding to a channel type if the SAC supports the channel type as a trigger." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 15 } docsRphyRpdDevSacCapPwType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { pnm(0), specMan(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports which pseudowire (PW) types the SAC is capable of using. The value is a bitmask specifying which PW types the SAC is capable of using. The RPD returns value 0 to the CCAP Core in GCP TLV to report PwType as PNM pseudowire type and the CCAP Core will return value 0x80 in response to an SNMP request for SacCapabilities::PwType to report PNM pseudowire type. The RPD returns value 1 to the CCAP Core in GCP TLV to report PwType as Spectrum Management pseudowire type and the CCAP Core will return value 0x40 in response to an SNMP request for SacCapabilities::PwType to report Spectrum Management pseudowire type. Other values are not defined." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 16 } docsRphyRpdDevSacCapLowestCapturePort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the lowest upstream RF port index the SAC can operate on." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 17 } docsRphyRpdDevSacCapHighestCapturePort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the highest upstream RF port index the SAC can operate on." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 18 } docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppScanCapture OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates whether the SAC supports Port Scanning Capture. Port Scanning Capture is a method of operation in free-running mode in which the SAC sequentially captures spectrum from two or more US RF ports. The value 0 (false) indicates the SAC does not support Port Scanning Capture. The value 1 (true) indicates the SAC does support Port Scanning Capture." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 19 } docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMinScanRepeatPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the minimum duration of the RepeatPeriod the SAC supports when it is operating in Port Scanning Capture." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevSacCapEntry 20 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Candidate Backup Cores Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides a list of IP addresses of those CCAP Cores which are to be contacted by the RPD as potential backups to the selected Core." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 31 } docsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedIndex, docsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresBackupCoreIpAddrIndex} ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresBackupCoreIpAddrIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresBackupCoreAddrType InetAddressType, docsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresBackupCoreAddr InetAddress } docsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresBackupCoreIpAddrIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute identifies a row in CandidateBackupCores table." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresEntry 1} docsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresBackupCoreAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the IP address type of the potential backup CCAP Core. This value is of type InetAddressType, which is defined by [RFC 4001]." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresEntry 2} docsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresBackupCoreAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the CCAP Core that the RPD needs to contact as a potential backup." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresEntry 3} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Shelf Info Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevShelfInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevShelfInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table identifies RPD shelves and each RPD in the shelf. The CCAP Core MUST create an RpdShelfInfo entry for each RPD reporting a chassis entity with EntityIndex equal one and Class equal 'chassis'." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 32 } docsRphyRpdDevShelfInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevShelfInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevShelfInfoTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevShelfInfoShelfId, docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId} ::= { docsRphyRpdDevShelfInfoTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevShelfInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevShelfInfoShelfId SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevShelfInfoRpdSlot Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdDevShelfInfoShelfId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the SerialNum of the RPD Entity with EntityIndex equal one and class equal 'chassis'. All RPDs reporting the same SerialNum for the chassis entity are in the same shelf." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevShelfInfoEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevShelfInfoRpdSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the slot number or, for RPDs not in a slot, the location number for an RPD in a shelf. If the main RPD module is in a container (i.e., has ContainedIn set to an EntityIndex of class equal 'container') in the shelf chassis, this attribute equals the ParentRelPos for the container for the main RPD module. If the main RPD module is contained directly in the shelf chassis (i.e., has ContainedIn for the main module Entity with value one), this equals the ParentRelPos of the main RPD module Entity. RPDs that are not field replaceable may not be in slots and would instead be directly contained in the chassis." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevShelfInfoEntry 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD PMAP Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevPmapCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevPmapCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PMAP capabilities table allows the RPD to inform the CCAP Core about its capabilities related to OFDMA probes and P-MAP messages. The PmapCapabilities TLV Type is 50.54.3." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI OfdmaCfgCapabilities" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 33 } docsRphyRpdDevPmapCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevPmapCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevPmapCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId} ::= { docsRphyRpdDevPmapCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevPmapCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevPmapCapMaxNumPmaples Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevPmapCapProbePowerControl TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevPmapCapSupportedPilotPatterns BITS } docsRphyRpdDevPmapCapMaxNumPmaples OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (32..128) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum number of P-IEs per P-MAP supported by the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI OfdmaCfgCapabilities::MaxNumPmapIes" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevPmapCapEntry 1} docsRphyRpdDevPmapCapProbePowerControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports Power Control (P) bit in P-MAP messages. The RPD reports a value of false(0) if the RPD does not support P-bit in P-MAP messages. The RPD reports a value of true(1) if the RPD supports P-bit in P-MAP messages." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI OfdmaCfgCapabilities::ProbePowerControl" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevPmapCapEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevPmapCapSupportedPilotPatterns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { pilotPatternNum5(0), pilotPatternNum6(1), pilotPatternNum7(2), pilotPatternNum12(3), pilotPatternNum13(4), pilotPatternNum14(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the set of supported OFDMA optional pilot patterns for an RPD. The RPD reports '0' for the bit corresponding to a pilot pattern not supported by the RPD. The RPD reports '1' for the bit corresponding to a pilot pattern supported by the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI OfdmaCfgCapabilities::SupportedPilotPatterns" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevPmapCapEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Echo Canceller Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EchoCancellerCapabilities object reports FDX RPD support for various Full Duplex Node (FDX Node) Echo Canceller functions. The EchoCancellerCapabilities TLV Type is 50.57.4." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 34 } docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId} ::= { docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapEctMethod INTEGER, docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapMaxEctChannels Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapMinEctPeriod Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapErdDuration Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapEctMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(0), scheduledChannel(2), scheduledSubband(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports which Echo Cancellation training method is supported by the FDX RPD. other - The EC training method supported by the RPD is not covered by this specification. scheduledChannel - The FDX RPD supports Scheduled Channel Echo Cancellation Training. scheduledSubband - The FDX RPD supports Scheduled Sub-band Echo Cancellation Training." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI EchoCancellerCapabilities::EctMethod" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapMaxEctChannels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum number of FDX OFDMA channels on which the FDX RPD can train simultaneously." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI EchoCancellerCapabilities::MaxEctChannels" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapMinEctPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 20..65535) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the minimum Echo Cancellation training period the FDX RPD can accept and still process Echo Cancellation Training Opportunities. A value of zero means that the FDX RPD can accept back-to-back Echo Cancellation Training Opportunities. A value of 0xFFFF means that the FDX RPD does not require periodic Echo Cancellation Training Opportunities." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI EchoCancellerCapabilities::MinEctPeriod" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapErdDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "microseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the FDX RPD Echo Cancellation Re-convergence Delay (ERD). ERD is intended to permit the FDX RPD ample time to determine Echo Cancellation coefficients and load them into the Echo Cancellation circuitry after reception of the ECTO." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI EchoCancellerCapabilities::ErdDuration" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapEntry 4 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD RF Module Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RFM capabilities table allows an RPD designed to operate in an optical node to communicate its capabilities for configuration and status reporting for features and functions of the RF Module (RFM). The RfmCapabilities TLV Type is 50.60." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 35 } docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId} ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapSupportsRfmMgmt TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapNumNodeRfPorts Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapSupportsDsCfgRfmGain TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMinDsCfgRfmGain TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxDsCfgRfmGain TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapSupportsUsCfgRfmGain TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMinUsCfgRfmGain TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxUsCfgRfmGain TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapSupportsRfmDsTiltConfig TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMinRfmDsTilt TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxRfmDsTilt TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxDsPowerGainFunctions Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxUsPowerGainFunctions Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxDsTiltCtrlFunctions Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMinRfmDsFreq Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxRfmDsFreq Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapSupportsRfmMgmt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports management of the RFM. The RPD reports a value of false(0) if it does not support RFM management. The RPD reports a value of true(1) if it supports RFM management." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapNumNodeRfPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports how many node RF ports the RPD supports." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapSupportsDsCfgRfmGain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports configuration of the RFM downstream power gain via GCP. The RPD reports a value of false(0) if it does not support GCP configuration of the DS RFM power gain. The RPD reports a value of true(1) if it supports GCP configuration of the DS RFM power gain." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMinDsCfgRfmGain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD's minimum supported value of the RFM DS power gain configuration." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxDsCfgRfmGain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD's maximum supported value of the RFM DS power gain configuration." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapSupportsUsCfgRfmGain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports configuration of the RFM upstream power gain via GCP. The RPD reports a value of false(0) if it does not support GCP configuration of the US RFM gain. The RPD reports a value of true(1) if it supports GCP configuration of the US RFM gain." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMinUsCfgRfmGain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD's minimum supported value of the RFM US power gain configuration." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry 7 } docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxUsCfgRfmGain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD's maximum supported value of the RFM US power gain configuration." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry 8 } docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapSupportsRfmDsTiltConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports configuration of the RFM downstream tilt via GCP. The RPD reports a value of false(0) if it does not support GCP configuration of the RFM DS tilt. The RPD reports a value of true(1) if it supports GCP configuration of the RFM DS tilt." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry 9 } docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMinRfmDsTilt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD's minimum supported value of the RFM DS tilt configuration." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry 10 } docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxRfmDsTilt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD's maximum supported value of the RFM DS tilt configuration." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry 11 } docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxDsPowerGainFunctions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports how many distinct DS power control functions (i.e., typically amplifiers) the RPD supports in the RFM." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry 12 } docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxUsPowerGainFunctions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports how many distinct US power control functions (i.e., typically attenuators) the RPD supports in the RFM." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry 13 } docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxDsTiltCtrlFunctions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports how many distinct DS tilt control functions the RPD supports in the RFM." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry 14 } docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMinRfmDsFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD's minimum DS frequency supported by the RFM." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry 15 } docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxRfmDsFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) UNITS "Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD's maximum DS frequency supported by the RFM." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapEntry 16 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Node RF Port Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Node RF Port Capabilities table reports the RPD configuration capabilities of the RFM Node RF ports. The NodeRfPortCapabilities TLV Type is 50.60.17." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NodeRfPortCapabilities" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 36 } docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapNodeRfPortIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapNodeRfPortIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapNodeRfPortVendorDesc SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapRpdUsRfPortMap Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapRpdDsRfPortMap Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapRfmUsGainCtrlIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapRfmDsGainCtrlIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapRfmDsTiltCtrlIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapNodeRfPortOpLabel SnmpAdminString } docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapNodeRfPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used to identify a node RF port in the RFM. For the purpose of GCP management node RF ports are numbered from 0 to N-1, where N is the number reported by the RPD through NumNodePorts attribute." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NodeRfPortCapabilities::NodeRfPortIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapEntry 1} docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapNodeRfPortVendorDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD's human readable description of the node RF Port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NodeRfPortCapabilities::NodeRfPortVendorDesc" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapEntry 2} docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapRpdUsRfPortMap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the index association of the node RF port to the US RF Port in the RPD Module. If an RPD supports configurable mapping between node RF ports and the US RF port then this attribute reports the current mapping. An RPN with only downstream Partial Spectrum capabilities reports its upstream Full Spectrum RF port capabilities with values that match those reported in the NodePortMapUsCapabilities object for the single upstream Partial Spectrum RF port index matching the NodeRfPortIndex key attribute. A Partial Spectrum-capable RPN omits reporting upstream Partial Spectrum RF ports in this attribute." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NodeRfPortCapabilities::RpdUsRfPortMap" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapEntry 3} docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapRpdDsRfPortMap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the index association of the node RF port to the DS RF Port in the RPD Module. If an RPD supports configurable mapping between node RF ports and the DS RF ports then this attribute reports the current mapping. An RPN with only upstream Partial Spectrum capabilities reports its downstream Full Spectrum RF port capabilities with values that match those reported in the NodePortMapDsCapabilities object for the single downstream Partial Spectrum RF port index matching the NodeRfPortIndex key attribute. A Partial Spectrum-capable RPN omits reporting downstream Partial Spectrum RF ports in this attribute." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NodeRfPortCapabilities::RpdDsRfPortMap" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapEntry 4} docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapRfmUsGainCtrlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD's index association of the node RF port with US gain control function in the RFM. An RPN with only downstream Partial Spectrum capabilities reports its upstream Full Spectrum RF port capabilities with values that match those reported in the NodePortMapUsCapabilities object for the single upstream Partial Spectrum RF port index matching the NodeRfPortIndex key attribute. A Partial Spectrum-capable RPN omits reporting upstream Partial Spectrum RF ports in this attribute." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NodeRfPortCapabilities::RfmUsGainCtrlIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapEntry 5} docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapRfmDsGainCtrlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD's index association of the node RF port with DS gain control function in the RFM. An RPN with only upstream Partial Spectrum capabilities reports its downstream Full Spectrum RF port capabilities with values that match those reported in the NodePortMapDsCapabilities object for the single downstream Partial Spectrum RF port index matching the NodeRfPortIndex key attribute. A Partial Spectrum-capable RPN omits reporting downstream Partial Spectrum RF ports in this attribute." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NodeRfPortCapabilities::RfmDsGainCtrlIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapEntry 6} docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapRfmDsTiltCtrlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD's index association of the node RF port with DS tilt control function in the RFM." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NodeRfPortCapabilities::RfmDsTiltCtrlIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapEntry 7} docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapNodeRfPortOpLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD's operator label of the node RF Port. The default value is the zero-length string." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NodeRfPortCapabilities::NodeRfPortOperatorLabel" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapEntry 8} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Reset History Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides a record of the occurrences of a reset of an RPD. The RPD can reset for many reasons, including loss of Principal Core, loss of IP connection, power failure, hardware or software failure, or reset command from CCAP Core or CLI. This table provides details of the conditions that caused the RPD to reset to assist operators with understanding why a service interruption occurred. It also provides details on how much time it took for the RPD to boot its software stack and to become operational with the Principal Core. The ResetHistory TLV type is 100.31." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ResetHistory" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 37 } docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryResetTimestamp DateAndTime, docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryType INTEGER, docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryReason SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryEventIdRef Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryEventDescription SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryRecoveryTime Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryPrincipalOpTimestamp DateAndTime } docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is a key and provides an index into the table. Indexes are consecutively ordered from 0..N-1 where N is the maximum number of reset history events supported by an RPD as reported by the ResetHistorySize attribute of the ResetCapabilities object. This attribute corresponds to the order in which reset events occurred. The most recent reset event index is has a value of zero." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ResetHistory::Index" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryEntry 1} docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryResetTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the time at which the reset occurred. If the RPD does not know what time the RPD reset occurred, the RPD MAY report a value of midnight, Jan 1, 1970 UTC in this attribute." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ResetHistory::ResetTimestamp" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryEntry 2} docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { softReset(1), hardReset(2), nvReset(3), factoryReset(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute identifies the type of reset that the RPD is recording. The possible values match those of the Type TLV (TLV 40.1.1, sub-TLV of ResetCtrl) and values are as follows: softReset - The RPD performed a softReset. hardReset - The RPD performed a power-on reset or equivalent reset. nvReset - The RPD cleared most non-volatile configuration and performed a hard reset. factoryReset - The RPD set all settings back to original factory settings and performed a hard reset." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ResetHistory::Type" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides a vendor-specific string with a detailed explanation of why the RPD was reset. Vendors are expected to add additional details, including diagnostic information, whether this was a normal hard reset vs. a vendor-specific type of hard reset, the RPD was disconnected from the node, etc." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ResetHistory::Reason" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryEventIdRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the reset was related to an event that was captured in a standardized DOCSIS event, this attribute provides the event ID of the corresponding event. If the RPD does not generate a DOCSIS event corresponding to the reset occurrence, this attribute will have a value of 0." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ResetHistory::EventIdRef" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryEventDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the reset was related to an event that was captured in a standardized DOCSIS event, this attribute provides the standardized description of the corresponding event. If the reset does not have a corresponding event, this attribute's value will be null." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ResetHistory::EventDescription" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryRecoveryTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) UNITS "Seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the number of seconds that have elapsed between the time the reset event started and the completion of the local RPD initialization stage. The calculation of the number of seconds in this period is vendor specific. The RPD might not always be able to record the timestamp of the most recent reset event. In addition, the RPD might not be able to determine the time of the completion of 'the local RPD init stage'. For example, after a reset event the RPD could reset again before being able to obtain the current time from ToD. In such cases in which the RPD cannot determine the length of the RecoveryTime, the RPD MAY report a value of 0 (zero)." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ResetHistory::RecoveryTime" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryEntry 7 } docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryPrincipalOpTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the time at which the RPD was moved to operational by the Principal Core. If the RPD is unable to acquire the time of day by the time the RPD is moved to operational by the Principal Core, the RPD MUST provide the date and time when the RPD was moved to operational. If the RPD is not moved to operational by the Principal Core before another reset event, the RPD MAY set the value of this attribute to midnight, Jan 1, 1970 UTC." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ResetHistory::PrincipalOperationalTimestamp" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryEntry 8} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Channel Broadcast Group Status Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevChanBcastGroupStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevChanBcastGroupStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table indicates whether a downstream SC-QAM channel on an RPD is part of a BCG. Downstream SC-QAM channels on same RPD with the same channel selector channel index that have the BcastChanGroup (TLV 62.17) attribute set to 'True' are in the same BCG." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ChanBcastGroupStatus" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 38 } docsRphyRpdDevChanBcastGroupStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevChanBcastGroupStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevChanBcastGroupStatusTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevChanBcastGroupStatusRfPortIndex, docsRphyRpdDevChanBcastGroupStatusScQamIndex} ::= { docsRphyRpdDevChanBcastGroupStatusTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevChanBcastGroupStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevChanBcastGroupStatusRfPortIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevChanBcastGroupStatusScQamIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevChanBcastGroupStatusGroupMember TruthValue } docsRphyRpdDevChanBcastGroupStatusRfPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute is the RF port number from the channel selector for this DS SC-QAM channel. This is part of a channel selector. A Partial Spectrum-capable RPN reports this attribute as an assigned Partial Spectrum RF port index." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ChanBcastGroupStatus::RfPortIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevChanBcastGroupStatusEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevChanBcastGroupStatusScQamIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute is the channel index from the channel selector for this DS SC-QAM channel. This is part of a channel selector." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ChanBcastGroupStatus::ScQamIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevChanBcastGroupStatusEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevChanBcastGroupStatusGroupMember OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates whether or not this RPD's DS SC-QAM channel is part of a BCG." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI ChanBcastGroupStatus::GroupMember" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevChanBcastGroupStatusEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Upstream Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevUsCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevUsCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The UsCapabilities table reports the RPD's upstream channel capabilities. The UsCapabilities TLV Type is 50.61." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsCapabilities" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 39 } docsRphyRpdDevUsCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevUsCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevUsCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUsCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevUsCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevUsCapMaxUsFrequency Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevUsCapMinUsFrequency Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevUsCapMaxUnicastSids Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdDevUsCapMaxUsFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum frequency of any upstream signal that the RPD supports on a US RF port. It defines the highest frequency of the encompassed spectrum of the highest frequency upstream channel or OOB signal." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsCapabilities::MaxUsFrequency" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUsCapEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevUsCapMinUsFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the minimum frequency of any upstream signal that the RPD supports on a US RF port. It defines the lowest frequency of the encompassed spectrum of the lowest frequency upstream channel or OOB signal." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsCapabilities::MinUsFrequency" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUsCapEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevUsCapMaxUnicastSids OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum number of unicast SIDs concurrently supported by the RPD on any upstream channel." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsCapabilities::MaxUnicastSids" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUsCapEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Path MTU Discovery (Pmtud) Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevPmtudCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevPmtudCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PmtudCapabilities table reports the RPD capabilities for Path MTU Discovery support for control plane connections. The PmtudCapabilities TLV Type is 50.62." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PmtudCapabilities" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 40 } docsRphyRpdDevPmtudCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevPmtudCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevPmtudCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevPmtudCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevPmtudCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevPmtdudCapSupportsIcmpBasedPmtud TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevPmtdudCapSupportsPacketizationBasedPmtud TruthValue } docsRphyRpdDevPmtdudCapSupportsIcmpBasedPmtud OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD's support of PMTUD based on [RFC 1191] and [RFC 8201]. The RPD reports a value of 'false' if it does not support PMTUD based on [RFC 1191] and [RFC 8201]. The RPD reports a value of 'true' if it supports PMTUD based on [RFC 1191] and [RFC 8201]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PmtudCapabilities::SupportsIcmpBasedPmtud" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevPmtudCapEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevPmtdudCapSupportsPacketizationBasedPmtud OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD's support of PMTUD based on [RFC 4821]. The RPD reports a value of 'false' if it does not support PMTUD based on [RFC 4821]. The RPD reports a value of 'true' if it supports PMTUD based on [RFC 4821]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PmtudCapabilities::SupportsPacketizationBasedPmtud" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevPmtudCapEntry 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD PNM Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevPnmCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevPnmCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PnmCapabilities table reports the RPD's capabilities for PNM test functionality. An RPD that implements PNM functions implements the DOCSIS PNM MIB module to enable control and reporting of PNM functions [DOCS-PNM-MIB]. The PnmCapabilities TLV Type is 50.64." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PnmCapabilities" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 41 } docsRphyRpdDevPnmCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevPnmCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevPnmCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevPnmCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevPnmCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevPnmCapSupportedPnmTests BITS } docsRphyRpdDevPnmCapSupportedPnmTests OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { usCapActiveAndQuietProbes(0), usRxMer(1), usImpNoiseStatistics(2), dsSymCap(3), usHist(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SupportedPnmTests attribute allows an RPD to communicate which PNM tests it supports. SupportedPnmTests is represented as a bitmask with each assigned bit representing an individual PNM test. The Upstream Triggered Spectrum Capture (UTSC) test is not represented in the bitmask since UTSC capabilities are defined separately via SpectrumCaptureCapabilities. The RPD reports bit 0 as '1' if it supports Upstream of Active and Quiet Probes test. The RPD reports bit 1 as '1' if it supports Upstream Receive MER test. The RPD reports bit 2 as '1' if it supports Upstream Impulse Noise Statistics test. The RPD reports bit 3 as '1' if it supports Downstream Symbol Capture test. The RPD reports bit 4 as '1' if it supports Upstream Histogram test. The RPD reports all other bits as '0'." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PnmCapabilities::SupportedPnmTests" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevPnmCapEntry 1 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Upstream Probe Capture (UPC) Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevUpcCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The UpcCapabilities table reports the RPD capabilities for Upstream Probe Capture PNM tests. The UpcCapabilities TLV Type is 50.64.2." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UpcCapabilities" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 42 } docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevUpcCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevUpcCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapMinNumSymbols25Khz Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapMaxNumSymbols25Khz Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapMinNumSymbols50Khz Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapMaxNumSymbols50Khz Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapSupportsStaggeredPies TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapSupportsDedicatedPwUpcRxMer TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapSupportsFreqDomainSamples TruthValue } docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapMinNumSymbols25Khz OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the minimum number of probe symbols that can be captured by the RPD in one test when an OFDMA channel is configured for 25 kHz subcarrier spacing. It takes a value of 1..MaxNumPmapIes." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UpcCapabilities::MinNumSymbols25Khz" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapMaxNumSymbols25Khz OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum number of probe symbols that can be captured by the RPD in one test when an OFDMA channel is configured for 25 kHz subcarrier spacing. It takes a value of MinNumSymbols25Khz..MaxNumPmapIes." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UpcCapabilities::MaxNumSymbols25Khz" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapMinNumSymbols50Khz OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the minimum number of probe symbols that can be captured by the RPD in one test when an OFDMA channel is configured for 50 kHz subcarrier spacing. It takes a value of 1..MaxNumPmapIes." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UpcCapabilities::MinNumSymbols50Khz" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapMaxNumSymbols50Khz OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum number of probe symbols that can be captured by the RPD in one test when an OFDMA channel is configured for 50 kHz subcarrier spacing. It takes a value of MinNumSymbols50Khz..MaxNumPmapIes." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UpcCapabilities::MaxNumSymbols50Khz" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapSupportsStaggeredPies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports UPC PNM test with staggered Probe Information Elements (PIE), i.e., the RPD supports the use of a P-IE that specifies a staggered probe as the indicator for triggering the start of the capture and capturing consecutive symbols as defined by the P-IE subject to the RPD capability of the maximum number of symbols. The RPD reports a value of 'false' if it does not support UPC test with staggered PIEs. The RPD reports a value of 'true' if it supports UPC test with staggered PIEs." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UpcCapabilities::SupportsStaggeredPies" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapSupportsDedicatedPwUpcRxMer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports dedicated pseudowires for UPC and RxMER PNM tests. The RPD reports a value of 'false' if it does not support dedicated pseudowires for UPC and RxMER tests. The RPD only supports a shared pseudowire for UPC and RxMER tests. The RPD reports a value of 'true' if it supports dedicated pseudowires for UPC and RxMER tests." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UpcCapabilities::SupportsDedicatedPwUpcRxMer" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapSupportsFreqDomainSamples OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports UPC test with samples represented in frequency domain. The RPD reports a value of 'false' if it does not support samples represented in frequency domain. The RPD reports a value of 'true' if it supports samples represented in frequency domain." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UpcCapabilities::SupportsFreqDomainSamples" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapEntry 7 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Initialization Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevInitCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevInitCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The InitCapabilities table reports the RPD capabilities for initialization. The InitializationCapabilities TLV Type is 50.65." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI InitializationCapabilities" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 43 } docsRphyRpdDevInitCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevInitCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevInitCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevInitCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevInitCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevInitCapPerCoreInitTimers TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevInitCapStagingConfigInitTimers TruthValue } docsRphyRpdDevInitCapPerCoreInitTimers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports per Core initialization timers. The RPD reports a value of false(0) if it does not support per Core initialization timers. The RPD reports a value of true(1) if it supports per Core initialization timers." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI InitializationCapabilities::PerCoreInitTimers" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevInitCapEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevInitCapStagingConfigInitTimers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether the RPD supports setting initialization timers during staging. The RPD reports a value of false(0) if it does not support setting of timers during staging. The RPD reports a value of true(1) if it supports setting of timers during staging." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI InitializationCapabilities::StagingConfigurableInitTimers" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevInitCapEntry 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Upstream Power Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevUsPowerCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevUsPowerCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The UsPowerCapabilities table reports the RPD capabilities related to upstream power management. The UsPowerCapabilities TLV Type is 50.49." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsPowerCapabilities" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 44} docsRphyRpdDevUsPowerCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevUsPowerCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevUsPowerCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUsPowerCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevUsPowerCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevUsPowerCapMinTarRxPowerAdjust55d2 TenthdB, docsRphyRpdDevUsPowerCapMaxTarRxPowerAdjust55d2 TenthdB } docsRphyRpdDevUsPowerCapMinTarRxPowerAdjust55d2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the minimum value of the TargetRxPowerAdjust attribute that the RPD supports for SCTE 55-2 upstream channels." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsPowerCapabilities::MinTargetRxPowerAdjust55d2" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUsPowerCapEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevUsPowerCapMaxTarRxPowerAdjust55d2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the maximum value of the TargetRxPowerAdjust attribute that the RPD supports for SCTE 55-2 upstream channels." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI UsPowerCapabilities::MaxTargetRxPowerAdjust55d2" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevUsPowerCapEntry 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Tunnel Replace Failures (TRF) Statistics -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RpdTrfStats table is supported by an RPD that implements TRF and is used to report on the TRF activity by the RPD. The CCAP Core reads all attributes of an RpdTrfStats object with complex GCP TLV 100.32." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 45} docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsTunnelReplacements Counter32, docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsTunnelReplacementFailures Counter32, docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsTunnelHandovers Counter32, docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsTunnelHandoverFailures Counter32 } docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsTunnelReplacements OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of tunnels successfully replaced by the RPD due to reception of an SCCRQ containing a DEPI Replaced Tunnel ID AVP identifying the tunnel to be replaced." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdTrfStats::TunnelReplacements" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsTunnelReplacementFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of tunnel replacement attempts due to reception of an SCCRQ containing a DEPI Replaced Tunnel ID AVP by the RPD that failed." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdTrfStats::TunnelReplacementFailures" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsTunnelHandovers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of tunnels successfully transitioned from standby to inService HA state by the RPD due to reception of a DTU message." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdTrfStats::TunnelHandovers" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsTunnelHandoverFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of tunnel handover attempts by the RPD that failed to transition from standby to inService HA state following reception of a DTU message." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdTrfStats::TunnelHandoverFailures" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsEntry 4 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD L2TPv3 Control Connection (LCCE) Statistics -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is reported by the CCAP Core on behalf of the RPD and is used to report on the DEPI L2TPv3 control connection activity between the RPD and all the CCAP Cores with which the RPD has control connections. The CCAP Core reads the LcceStats entries from the GCP complex TLV Type 100.33.1." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdLcceStats" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 46} docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsLcceIpAddrType, docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsCcapLcceIpAddr, docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsRpdLcceIpAddr } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsLcceIpAddrType InetAddressType, docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsCcapLcceIpAddr InetAddress, docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsRpdLcceIpAddr InetAddress, docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsCtrlConnEst Counter32, docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsCtrlConnEstFailures Counter32, docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsCtrlConnFailures Counter32, docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsCurrCtrlConn Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsLcceIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute indicates whether the IP address provided in the CcapLcceIpAddr and RpdLcceIpAddr attributes are IPv4 or IPv6." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdLcceStats::LcceIpAddrType" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsCcapLcceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute provides the LCCE IP address on the CCAP Core detailed in the instance." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdLcceStats::CcapLcceIpAddress" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsRpdLcceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the RPD LCCE IP address detailed in the instance." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdLcceStats::RpdLcceIpAddr" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsCtrlConnEst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of DEPI control connections successfully established between the RPD and CCAP Core LCCEs." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdLcceStats::ControlConnectionEstablished" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsCtrlConnEstFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of DEPI control connections that failed during establishment between the RPD and CCAP Core LCCEs." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdLcceStats::ControlConnectionEstablishmentFailures" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsCtrlConnFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of DEPI control connections between the RPD and CCAP Core LCCEs in which a failure was detected (after successful tunnel establishment) that led to the connection being closed." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdLcceStats::ControlConnectionFailures" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsEntry 6} docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsCurrCtrlConn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of DEPI control connections that are currently operational between the RPD and CCAP Core LCCEs (i.e connections that are in an InService or Standby state). Connections that have been removed are not included in the count." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdLcceStats::CurrentControlConnections" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsEntry 7} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Current Control Connections -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is reported by the CCAP Core on behalf of the RPD and is used to report on the currently active DEPI L2TPv3 control connections on the RPD. The CCAP Core reads the CurrentCtrlConn entries from the GCP complex TLV Type 100.33.2." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdCurrentControlConnections" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 47} docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnLcceIpAddrType, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnCcapLcceIpAddr, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnRpdLcceIpAddr, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnRpdConnCtrlId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnLcceIpAddrType InetAddressType, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnCcapLcceIpAddr InetAddress, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnRpdLcceIpAddr InetAddress, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnRpdConnCtrlId Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnCoreConnCtrlId Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnCoreId OCTET STRING, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnUdpPort InetPortNumber, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnHaState INTEGER, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnSessEstFailures Counter32, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnSessFailed Counter32, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnCurrSess Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnLcceIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute indicates whether the IP address provided in the CcapLcceIpAddr and RpdLcceIpAddr attributes are IPv4 or IPv6." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnCcapLcceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute provides the LCCE IP address on the CCAP Core of the control connection detailed in the instance." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnRpdLcceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the RPD LCCE IP address of the control connection detailed in the instance." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnRpdConnCtrlId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the RPD control connection identifier (CCID) for this control connection." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdCurrentControlConnections::RpdConnCtrlId" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnCoreConnCtrlId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the Core control connection identifier (CCID) for this control connection." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdCurrentControlConnections::CoreConnCtrlId" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnCoreId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(6)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the unique identifier of the CCAP Core with which this control connection terminates. " REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdCurrentControlConnections::CoreId" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the UDP Port reported by the RPD when the DEPI control connection uses L2TPv3 Header Over UDP. This attribute reports a value of 0 when the control connection is running with the L2TPv3 Session IP Header. " REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdCurrentControlConnections::UdpPort" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnEntry 7 } docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnHaState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(0), inService(1), standby(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the current HaState of the tunnel for which this DEPI control connection provides the signaling. If TRF is not supported by either the Core or the RPD then HaState is reported as inService." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdCurrentControlConnections::HaState" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnEntry 8 } docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnSessEstFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of DEPI sessions that failed during establishment using this control connection." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdCurrentControlConnections::SessionEstablishmentFailures" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnEntry 9 } docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnSessFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of DEPI sessions in which a failure was detected (after successful tunnel establishment) that led to the session being closed using this control connection." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdCurrentControlConnections::SessionsFailed" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnEntry 10 } docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnCurrSess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of current DEPI sessions using this control connection (i.e., sessions that are in an inService or standby state). Sessions that have been removed are not included in the count. " REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdCurrentControlConnections::CurrentSessions" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnEntry 11 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Telemetry Capabilities -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevTelemetryCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevTelemetryCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table reports the Telemetry Capabilities of the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI TelemetryCapabilities" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 48 } docsRphyRpdDevTelemetryCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevTelemetryCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevTelemetryCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevTelemetryCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevTelemetryCapEntry::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevTelemetryCapSupportsGnmiStreaming TruthValue, docsRphyRpdDevTelemetryCapNumClientsSupported Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdDevTelemetryCapSupportsGnmiStreaming OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD's support for Streaming Telemetry using gRPC Network Management Interface (gNMI) protocol. Value 'true' indicates the RPD supports Streaming Telemetry using gNMI. Value 'false' indicates the RPD does not support Streaming Telemetry using gNMI." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI TelemetryCapabilities::SupportsGnmiStreamingTelemetry" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevTelemetryCapEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevTelemetryCapNumClientsSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the number of Telemetry Clients supported by the RPD. This attribute should be ignored if the value of SupportsStreamingTelemetry is 'false'." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI TelemetryCapabilities::NumTelemetryClientsSupported" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevTelemetryCapEntry 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Node Port Map Downstream Capabilities -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapDsCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapDsCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The NodePortMap TLV 50.60.18 reports the topology of Node Port (NP) to Partial Spectrum RF port connections. The presence of the NodePortMap objects indicate that the RPN has Partial Spectrum RF ports to which channels can be configured with GCP. An RPN that is capable of being configured with Partial Spectrum RF Ports is said to be 'Partial Spectrum-capable'. An RPN indicates it is Partial Spectrum-capable by reporting the NodePortMap (TLV 50.60.18) TLV capability. Absence of the NodePortMap capability table indicates that the RPN is not Partial Spectrum-capable. The NodePortMap consist of separate objects for the downstream and upstream direction because the number of downstream RF Ports can differ from the number of upstream RF Ports. The NodePortMapDsCapabilities object reports in each instance the association of Node Port (NP) to a downstream Partial Spectrum RF port and attributes of that association." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NodePortMapDsCapabilities" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 49 } docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapDsCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapDsCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapDsCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapDsCapNodePortIndex, docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapDsCapDsRfPortIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapDsCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapDsCapEntry::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapDsCapNodePortIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapDsCapDsRfPortIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapDsCapGainControlIndex Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapDsCapNodePortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the Node Port index of an instance of the NodePortMapDs table." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NodePortMapDsCapabilities::NodePortIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapDsCapEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapDsCapDsRfPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the downstream RF port index of an instance of the NodePortMapDs object." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NodePortMapDsCapabilities::DsRfPortIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapDsCapEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapDsCapGainControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the downstream gain control index to configure in the DsPowerGainIndex (TLV 160.1.1) to configure the pairwise gain from Interface C power density of this instance's downstream Partial Spectrum RF port to the corresponding spectrum of this instance's Node Port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NodePortMapDsCapabilities::GainControlIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapDsCapEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Fdd Capabilities Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevFddCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevFddCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The FddCapabilities object reports DOCSIS 4.0 RPD support for various FDD-related functionsFDD Mode of operation. The FddCapabilities TLV Type is 50.76." ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 51 } docsRphyRpdDevFddCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevFddCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevFddCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevFddCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevFddCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevFddCapSupportsFdd TruthValue } docsRphyRpdDevFddCapSupportsFdd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the DOCSIS 4.0 RPD's capability to support FDD Mode of operation. The DOCSIS 4.0 RPD reports a value of false(0) if the RPD does not support FDD Mode of operation. The DOCSIS 4.0 RPD reports a value of true(1) if the RPD supports FDD Mode of operation." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI FddCapabilities::SupportsFdd" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevFddCapEntry 1 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Node Port Map Upstream Capabilities -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapUsCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapUsCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The NodePortMap TLV 50.60.18 reports the topology of Node Port (NP) to Partial Spectrum RF port connections. The presence of the NodePortMap objects indicate that the RPN has Partial Spectrum RF ports to which channels can be configured with GCP. An RPN that is capable of being configured with Partial Spectrum RF Ports is said to be 'Partial Spectrum-capable'. An RPN indicates it is Partial Spectrum-capable by reporting the NodePortMap (TLV 50.60.18) TLV capability. Absence of the NodePortMap capability table indicates that the RPN is not Partial Spectrum-capable. The NodePortMap consist of separate objects for the downstream and upstream direction because the number of downstream RF Ports can differ from the number of upstream RF Ports. The NodePortMapUsCapabilities table reports in each instance the association of Node Port (NP) to a upstream Partial Spectrum RF port and attributes of that association." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NodePortMapUsCapabilities" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevMibObjects 50 } docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapUsCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapUsCapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapUsCapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapUsCapNodePortIndex, docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapUsCapUsRfPortIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapUsCapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapUsCapEntry::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapUsCapNodePortIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapUsCapUsRfPortIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapUsCapGainControlIndex Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapUsCapNodePortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the Node Port index of an instance of the NodePortMapUs table." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NodePortMapUsCapabilities::NodePortIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapUsCapEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapUsCapUsRfPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the upstream RF port index of an instance of the NodePortMapUs object." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NodePortMapUsCapabilities::UsRfPortIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapUsCapEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapUsCapGainControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the upstream gain control index to configure in the UsPowerGainIndex (TLV 160.2.1) to set the pairwise gain from this instance's Node Port to the Interface C spectrum range of this instance's upstream Partial Spectrum RF port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI NodePortMapUsCapabilities::GainControlIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapUsCapEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Physical Group Objects Derived from RFC 6933 ENTITY-MIB -- RPD Interface Group Objects Derived from IF-MIB RFC 2863 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Physical Entity Table extracted from RFC 6933 ENTITY-MIB -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table reports entities that exist within each Remote PHY Node that is communicating with the CCAP Core. Because the entities exist within the Remote PHY Nodes and not the CCAP Core, the RPDs communicate this information to the CCAP core via GCP. This object is based on the entPhysicalTable object specified in the ENTITY-MIB from RFC 6933. An RPD in a shelf MUST report the Entity with EntityIndex one as having a Class value of 'chassis'. This represents the shelf which contains the RPDs. An RPD in a shelf MUST report an Entity with Class value of 'chassis' with a ContainedIn value of zero and a ParentRelPos value of zero. An RPD not in a shelf (i.e., an RPD in a node) MAY report an Entity with EntityIndex one as having a Class value of 'chassis'. If an RPD not in a shelf reports an Entity with EntityIndex one as having a Class value of 'chassis', the RPD SHOULD be treated as an RPD in a one-RPD shelf. An RPD with an Entity with EntityIndex one that does not have a Class value of 'chassis' MUST be treated as an RPD in a node. All RPDs in the same shelf MUST report the same chassis SerialNum for the chassis Entity with EntityIndex one. The CCAP Core reads all attributes of an Entity Object with GCP complex TLV Type 100.6." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Entity" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfMibObjects 1 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular physical entity. Each entry provides objects (docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityDescr, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityVendorType, and docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityClass) to help an NMS identify and characterize the entry and objects (docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityContainedIn and docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityParentRelPos) to help an NMS relate the particular entry to other entries in this table." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityIndex PhysicalIndex, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityDescr SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityVendorType SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityContainedIn PhysicalIndexOrZero, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityClass IANAPhysicalClass, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityParentRelPos Integer32, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityName SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityHardwareRev SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityFirmwareRev SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntitySoftwareRev SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntitySerialNum SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityMfgName SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityModelName SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityAlias SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityAssetID SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityIsFRU TruthValue, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityMfgDate DateAndTime, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityUris OCTET STRING, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityUUID UUIDorZero } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysicalIndex (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports an arbitrary value that uniquely identifies the physical entity. Index values for different physical entities are not necessarily contiguous." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual description of physical entity. This object should contain a string that identifies the manufacturer's name for the physical entity and should be set to a distinct value for each version or model of the physical entity." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityVendorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of the vendor-specific hardware type of the physical entity. Note that this is different from the definition of MIB-II's sysObjectID. An agent should set this object to an enterprise-specific registration identifier value indicating the specific equipment type in detail. The associated instance of docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityClass is used to indicate the general type of hardware device. If no vendor-specific registration identifier exists for this physical entity, or the value is unknown by this agent, then an empty string is returned." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityContainedIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysicalIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityIndex for the physical entity that 'contains' this physical entity. A value of zero indicates this physical entity is not contained in any other physical entity. Note that the set of 'containment' relationships define a strict hierarchy; that is, recursion is not allowed. In the event that a physical entity is contained by more than one physical entity (e.g., double-wide modules), this object should identify the containing entity with the lowest value of docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityIndex." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IANAPhysicalClass MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of the general hardware type of the physical entity. An agent should set this object to the standard enumeration value that most accurately indicates the general class of the physical entity, or the primary class if there is more than one entity. If no appropriate standard registration identifier exists for this physical entity, then the value 'other(1)' is returned. If the value is unknown by this agent, then the value 'unknown(2)' is returned." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityParentRelPos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of the relative position of this 'child' component among all its 'sibling' components. Sibling components are defined as docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntries that share the same instance values of each of the docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityContainedIn and docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityClass objects. An NMS can use this object to identify the relative ordering for all sibling components of a particular parent (identified by the docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityContainedIn instance in each sibling entry). If possible, this value should match any external labeling of the physical component. For example, for a container (e.g., card slot) labeled as 'slot #3', docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityParentRelPos should have the value '3'. Note that the docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry for the module plugged in slot 3 should have an docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityParentRelPos value of '1'. If the physical position of this component does not match any external numbering or clearly visible ordering, then user documentation or other external reference material should be used to determine the parent-relative position. If this is not possible, then the agent should assign a consistent (but possibly arbitrary) ordering to a given set of 'sibling' components, perhaps based on internal representation of the components. If the agent cannot determine the parent-relative position for some reason, or if the associated value of docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityContainedIn is '0', then the value '-1' is returned. Otherwise, a non-negative integer is returned, indicating the parent-relative position of this physical entity. Parent-relative ordering normally starts from '1' and continues to 'N', where 'N' represents the highest positioned child entity. However, if the physical entities (e.g., slots) are labeled from a starting position of zero, then the first sibling should be associated with an docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityParentRelPos value of '0'. Note that this ordering may be sparse or dense, depending on agent implementation. The actual values returned are not globally meaningful, as each 'parent' component may use different numbering algorithms. The ordering is only meaningful among siblings of the same parent component. The agent should retain parent-relative position values across reboots, either through algorithmic assignment or use of non-volatile storage." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The textual name of the physical entity. The value of this object should be the name of the component as assigned by the local device and should be suitable for use in commands entered at the device's 'console'. This might be a text name (e.g., 'console') or a simple component number (e.g., port or module number, such as '1'), depending on the physical component naming syntax of the device. If there is no local name, or if this object is otherwise not applicable, then this object contains a zero-length string. Note that the value of docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityName for two physical entities will be the same in the event that the console interface does not distinguish between them, e.g., slot-1 and the card in slot-1." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry 7 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the physical entity. The preferred value is the hardware revision identifier actually printed on the component itself (if present). Note that if revision information is stored internally in a non-printable (e.g., binary) format, then the agent must convert such information to a printable format in an implementation-specific manner. If no specific hardware revision string is associated with the physical component, or if this information is unknown to the agent, then this object will contain a zero-length string." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry 8 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the physical entity. Note that if revision information is stored internally in a non-printable (e.g., binary) format, then the agent must convert such information to a printable format in an implementation-specific manner. If no specific firmware programs are associated with the physical component, or if this information is unknown to the agent, then this object will contain a zero-length string." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry 9 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntitySoftwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor-specific software revision string for the physical entity. Note that if revision information is stored internally in a non-printable (e.g., binary) format, then the agent must convert such information to a printable format in an implementation-specific manner. If no specific software programs are associated with the physical component, or if this information is unknown to the agent, then this object will contain a zero-length string." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry 10 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntitySerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical entity. The preferred value is the serial number string actually printed on the component itself (if present). On the first instantiation of a physical entity, the value of docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntitySerialNum associated with that entity is set to the correct vendor-assigned serial number, if this information is available to the agent. If a serial number is unknown or non-existent, the docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntitySerialNum will be set to a zero-length string instead. Note that implementations that can correctly identify the serial numbers of all installed physical entities do not need to provide write access to the docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntitySerialNum object. Agents that cannot provide non-volatile storage for the docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntitySerialNum strings are not required to implement write access for this object. Not every physical component will have a serial number, or even need one. Physical entities for which the associated value of the docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityIsFRU object is equal to 'false(2)' (e.g., the repeater ports within a repeater module) do not need their own unique serial numbers. An agent does not have to provide write access for such entities and may return a zero-length string. The CCAP Core should provide the unique component serial number, via the SerialNum, contained for each FRU that is a pluggable optical module such as an SFP, SFP+, QSFP, XFP, CXP. The CCAP Core should provide the unique component serial number, via the SerialNum, for every FRU that is capable of causing and/or generating an event, message, log, or alarm." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry 11 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityMfgName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the manufacturer of this physical component. The preferred value is the manufacturer name string actually printed on the component itself (if present). Note that comparisons between instances of the docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityModelName, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityFirmwareRev, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntitySoftwareRev, and the docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntitySerialNum objects are only meaningful amongst docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntries with the same value of docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityMfgName. If the manufacturer name string associated with the physical component is unknown to the agent, then this object will contain a zero-length string." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry 12 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityModelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor-specific model name identifier string associated with this physical component. The preferred value is the customer-visible part number, which may be printed on the component itself. If the model name string associated with the physical component is unknown to the agent, then this object will contain a zero-length string." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry 13 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityAlias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports an 'alias' name for the physical entity, as specified by a network manager, and provides a non-volatile 'handle' for the physical entity. On the first instantiation of a physical entity, the value of docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityAlias associated with that entity is set to the zero-length string. However, the agent may set the value to a locally unique default value, instead of a zero-length string. For the RPD module Entity, the RPD must report the same value as the 'DeviceAlias'reported with GCP TLV 50.19.8." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry 14 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityAssetID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is a user-assigned asset tracking identifier (as specified by a network manager) for the physical entity, and provides non-volatile storage of this information. If the AssetId string associated with the physical component is not set, then this attribute will report a zero-length string. For the RPD main module Entity, the RPD should report the same value for attribute AssetId as the 'AssetId' attribute reported with GCP TLV 50.19.17. On the first instantiation of a physical entity, the value of AssetID associated with that entity is set to the zero-length string. Not every physical component will have an asset tracking identifier or even need one. Physical entities for which the associated value of the IfPhysEntityIsFRU object is equal to 'false(2)' (e.g., the repeater ports within a repeater module) do not need their own unique asset tracking identifier. An agent does not have to provide write access for such entities and may instead return a zero-length string. For the RPD main module Entity, the RPD must report the same value for attribute AssetId as the 'AssetId' attribute reported with GCP TLV 50.19.17." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry 15 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityIsFRU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether or not this physical entity is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor. If this object contains the value 'true(1)', then this docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry identifies a field replaceable unit. For all docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntries that represent components permanently contained within a field replaceable unit, the value 'false(2)' should be returned for this object." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry 16 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityMfgDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the date of manufacturing of the managed entity. If the manufacturing date is unknown or not supported, the object is not instantiated. The special value '0000000000000000'H may also be returned in this case." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry 17 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityUris OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains identification information about the physical entity. The object contains URIs; therefore, the syntax of this object must conform to RFC 3986, Section 3. Multiple URIs may be present and are separated by white space characters. Leading and trailing white space characters are ignored. If no URI identification information is known about the physical entity, the object is not instantiated. A zero-length octet string may also be returned in this case." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Entity::Uris" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry 18 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityUUID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UUIDorZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains identification information about the physical entity. The object contains a Universally Unique Identifier; the syntax of this attribute, if UUID information is known, will usually conform to [RFC 4122], Section 4.1. An exception is that the syntax of the UUID for the module entitity with attributes matching the same values as RpdIdentification attributes does not conform to [RFC 4122], Section 4.1, but rather contains just the RPD unique ID in the last six bytes, with zeros in the other bytes. A zero-length octet string is returned if no UUID information is known." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Entity::Uuid" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityEntry 19 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Entity Sensor Table extracted from RFC 3433 ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains one row per physical sensor represented by an associated row in the docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityTable. The CCAP Core reads the attributes of an RPD's Sensor object with GCP complex TLV Type 100.7. " REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Sensor" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfMibObjects 2 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular physical sensor. An entry in this table describes the present reading of a sensor, the measurement units and scale, and sensor operational status. Entries are created in this table by the agent. The CCAP Core SHOULD create an entry for each physical sensor at the same time as the associated Entity table instance. The CCAP Core SHOULD delete an entry if the associated Entity table entry is deleted." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorType EntitySensorDataType, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorScale EntitySensorDataScale, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorPrecision EntitySensorPrecision, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorValue EntitySensorValue, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorOperStatus EntitySensorStatus, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorUnitsDisplay SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorValueTimeStamp TimeStamp, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorValueUpdateRate Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EntitySensorDataType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the type of data returned by the associated Value attribute. The CCAP Core SHOULD set the value during instance creation. The CCAP Core SHOULD NOT change the value during operation." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Sensor::SensorType" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorScale OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EntitySensorDataScale MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports a data scaling factor, represented with an International System of Units (SI) prefix. The actual data units are determined by examining this attribute together with the associated SensorType attribute. This attribute is defined together with SensorType and Precision. Together, these three attributes are used to identify the semantics of the Value attribute." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Sensor::Scale" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorPrecision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EntitySensorPrecision MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the number of decimal places of precision in fixed-point sensor values returned by the associated Value attribute. This attribute should be set to '0' when the associated SensorType value is not a fixed-point type: e.g., 'percentRH(9)', 'rpm(10)', 'cmm(11)', or 'truthvalue(12)'." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Sensor::Precision" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EntitySensorValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the most recent measurement obtained by the RPD for this sensor. To correctly interpret the value of this object, the associated SensorType, SensorScale, and SensorPrecision attributes must also be examined." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Sensor::Value" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EntitySensorStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the sensor." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Sensor::OperStatus" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorUnitsDisplay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the data units that should be used in the display of SensorValue." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Sensor::UnitsDisplay" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorValueTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the value of RpdSysUpTime at the time the status and/or value of this sensor was last obtained by the RPD." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Sensor::ValueTimeStamp" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorEntry 7 } docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorValueUpdateRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports an indication of the frequency that the CCAP Core updates the associated Value object, represented in milliseconds. The value zero indicates: - the sensor value is updated on demand - the sensor value is updated when the sensor value changes (event-driven) - the RPD does not know the update rate." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI Sensor::ValueUpdateRate" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorEntry 8 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Ethernet Interface Table Objects -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdIfEnetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides details about the Ethernet interfaces on the RPD. The attributes of this object are based on the ifTable/ifXTable specified in RFC 2863. The CCAP Core must create a row in this table for every Ethernet interface on the RPD. The CCAP Core reads the IfEnet object with GCP TLV Type 100.8." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IfEnet" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfMibObjects 3 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing management information applicable to a particular interface. The Ethernet IfIndex is chosen by the RPD." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdIfEnetPortIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdIfEnetPortIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIfEnetDescr SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfEnetName SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfEnetAlias SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfEnetType IANAifType, docsRphyRpdIfEnetMtu Integer32, docsRphyRpdIfEnetPhysAddress MacAddress, docsRphyRpdIfEnetAdminStatus INTEGER, docsRphyRpdIfEnetOperStatus INTEGER, docsRphyRpdIfEnetLastChange TimeStamp, docsRphyRpdIfEnetLinkUpDownTrapEnable TruthValue, docsRphyRpdIfEnetHighSpeed Gauge32, docsRphyRpdIfEnetPromiscuousMode TruthValue, docsRphyRpdIfEnetConnectorPresent TruthValue, docsRphyRpdIfEnetNetworkAuthStatus INTEGER } docsRphyRpdIfEnetPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports a unique index for this Ethernet port interface. This attribute is mapped to two RCP TLVs. TLV 87.2.1 is used when reading NetworkAuthStatus (TLV 87.2.2) from the RPD. In all other cases, this attribute maps to TLV 100.8.1." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing information about the interface. This string should include the name of the manufacturer, the product name and the version of the interface hardware/software." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports a textual string representing a name that describes the interface. The CCAP Core must populate this object with the ID that is used in GCP for this port." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetAlias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports an Alias for the interface. On the first instantiation of an interface, the value of Alias associated with that interface is the zero-length string. As and when a value is written into an instance of Alias through a network management operation, then the RPD retains the supplied value in the Alias instance associated with the same interface for as long as that interface remains instantiated, including across all re-initializations/reboots of the network management system, including those which result in a change of the interface's EnetPortIndex value." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IANAifType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the type of interface. Additional values for Type are assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual convention. The types are defined in the IANAifType-MIB. The value reported by this attribute is ethernetCsmacd." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the size of the largest packet which can be sent/received on the interface, specified in octets. For interfaces that are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the size of the largest network datagram that can be sent on the interface." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the interface's address at its protocol sub-layer. For example, for an 802.x interface, this attribute normally contains a MAC address. The interface's media-specific MIB defines the bit and byte ordering and the format of the value of this attribute. For interfaces which do not have such an address (e.g., a serial line), this attribute reports an octet string of zero length." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry 7 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2), testing(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the state of the interface. The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets can be passed. When a managed system initializes, all interfaces start with AdminStatus in the down(2) state. As a result of either explicit management action or per configuration information retained by the managed system, AdminStatus is then changed to either the up(1) or testing(3) states (or remains in the down(2) state)." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry 8 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2), testing(3), unknown(4), dormant(5), notPresent(6), lowerLayerDown(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the current operational state of the interface. The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets can be passed. If AdminStatus is down(2) then ifOperStatus should be down(2). If AdminStatus is changed to up(1), then OperStatus should change to up(1) if the interface is ready to transmit and receive network traffic; it should change to dormant(5) if the interface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection); it should remain in the down(2) state if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to the up(1) state; it should remain in the notPresent(6) state if the interface has missing (typically, hardware) components." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry 9 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the value of RpdSysUpTime at the time the interface entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered prior to the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this attribute reports a zero value." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry 10 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetLinkUpDownTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports whether linkup/linkdown traps are generated for this interface. A value of true indicates that traps are enabled. A value of false indicates that traps are disabled." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry 11 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetHighSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports an estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this attribute reports a value of 'n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in the range of 'n-500,000' to 'n+499,999'. For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this attribute reports the nominal bandwidth." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry 12 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetPromiscuousMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports a value of '2' (false) if this interface only accepts packets/frames that are addressed to this interface. This attribute reports a value of '1' (true) when the station accepts all packets/frames transmitted on the media. The value of PromiscuousMode does not affect the reception of broadcast and multicast packets/frames by the interface." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry 13 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetConnectorPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the value 'true' if the interface sublayer has a physical connector and the value 'false' otherwise." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry 14 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetNetworkAuthStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(0), waitForEapReq(1), execute802dot1x(2), sleepAfterFailure(3), operationalAuthenticated(4), operationalNotAuthenticated(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the network authentication status of this interface. other: The interface is in a state not listed below. waitForEapReq: The interface is waiting for a reply to its EAP request. execute8021x: The interface is in the process of completing 802.1x network authentication. sleepAfterFailure: 802.1x authentication failed on this interface and the interface is down. operationalAuthenticated: The interface is operational and authenticated to the network. operationalNotAuthenticated: The interface is operational, but not authenticated to the network (i.e., 802.1x was not required on the network)." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry 15 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Ethernet Interface Stats Table Objects -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table reports statistics for the Ethernet interfaces on the RPD. The attributes of this table are based on the ifTable/ifXTable specified in RFC 2863. The CCAP Core must create an entry in this table for every row in the IfEnet table. Discontinuities in the value of these counters can occur at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of CounterDiscontinuityTime. The CCAP Core reads the attributes of an IfEnetStats object with the complex TLV Type 100.9." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IfEnetStats" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfMibObjects 4 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing statistical information applicable to a particular RPD ethernet interface." AUGMENTS { docsRphyRpdIfEnetEntry } ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInOctets Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutOctets Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInFrames Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutFrames Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInUnicastOctets Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutUnicastOctets Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInUnicastFrames Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutUnicastFrames Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInMulticastOctets Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutMulticastOctets Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInMulticastFrames Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutMulticastFrames Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInBroadcastOctets Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutBroadcastOctets Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInBroadcastFrames Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutBroadcastFrames Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInDiscards Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutDiscards Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInErrors Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutErrors Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInUnknownProtos Counter64, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsCounterDiscontinuityTime DateAndTime } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of frames received on the interface, including framing characters." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of frames transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInUnicastOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The number of octets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutUnicastOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The total number of octets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInUnicastFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of frames, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 7 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutUnicastFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of frames that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 8 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInMulticastOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The number of octets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer. For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 9 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutMulticastOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The total number of octets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 10 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInMulticastFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of frames, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer. For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 11 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutMulticastFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of frames that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 12 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInBroadcastOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The number of octets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 13 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutBroadcastOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The total number of octets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 14 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInBroadcastFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of frames, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 15 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutBroadcastFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of frames that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 16 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 17 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 18 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character- oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 19 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that could not be transmitted because of errors." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 20 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol multiplexing the number of transmission units received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 21 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsCounterDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the date and time at which any one or more of the counters in this group were created or last reset to zero. If the RPD does not acquire time of day it can report an initial CounterDiscontinuityTime of Jan 1 1970. If the value returned by the RPD is the initial Epoch of Jan 1 1970, the CCAP Core can convert this value to the real time of day based on a calculation using the RPD's reported sysUpTime." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsEntry 22 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Ethernet Interface to CCAP Core Entity Map Table Objects -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdIfRpdEnetToCoreEntityMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdIfRpdEnetToCoreEntityMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the RPD implements an Entity for an Ethernet port (which is optional), this table provides the mapping between the RPD's EnetPortIndex as signaled in GCP and the corresponding docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityIndex assigned by the CCAP Core to report that entity. The CCAP Core reads RpdEnetToCoreEntityMap attributes with complex GCP TLV Type 100.10." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdEnetToCoreEntityMap" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfMibObjects 5 } docsRphyRpdIfRpdEnetToCoreEntityMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdIfRpdEnetToCoreEntityMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in docsRphyRpdIfRpdEnetToCoreEntityMapTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdIfEnetPortIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdIfRpdEnetToCoreEntityMapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdIfRpdEnetToCoreEntityMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdIfRpdEnetToCoreEntityMapEntityIndex Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdIfRpdEnetToCoreEntityMapEntityIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this attribute matches the value of the EntityIndex for the instance of Entity that reports the RPD Ethernet port signaled in GCP with EnetPortIndex." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdEnetToCoreEntityMap::EntityIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfRpdEnetToCoreEntityMapEntry 1 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CCAP Core ifTable Interface to RPD Interface Map Table Objects -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maps certain CCAP Core ifTable interfaces identified with an ifIndex to an RPD interface identified in GCP. See the reference for additional requirements." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CoreToRpdMap" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfMibObjects 6 } docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapTable. An entry exists for each RPD interface directly represented in the CCAP ifTable. The IfIndex corresponds to a CCAP Core ifIndex for one of the following interface types implemented on an RPD: - docsCableDownstream(128) - docsCableUpstreamChannel(205) - docsCableUpstreamRfPort(256) - cableDownstreamRfPort(257) - docsCableDownstreamOfdm(277) - docsCableUpstreamOfdma(278) - mpegTransport(214) - docsCableScte55d1FwdOob (283) - docsCableScte55d1RetOob (284) - docsCableScte55d2DsOob (285) - docsCableScte55d2UsOob (286) - docsCableNdf (287) - docsCableNdr (288) Note that this table does not contain an instance for ifType ethernetCsmacd(6) because the Ethernet ports of the RPD are considered internal to a logical CCAP and are not reported in the CCAP ifTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapRpdCoreIndex, docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapRpdUniqueId, docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapRpdRfPortDirection, docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapRpdRfPortIndex} ::= { docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapRpdCoreIndex InterfaceIndex, docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapRpdUniqueId MacAddress, docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapRpdRfPortDirection IfDirection, docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapRpdRfPortIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapRpdRfChanType RphyChannelType, docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapRpdRfChanIndex Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapRpdCoreIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute selects the CCAP Core IfIndex for the RPD Interface identified in GCP." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CoreToRpdMap::CoreIfIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapRpdUniqueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute is the MAC address selecting a particular CIN facing Ethernet port. The value of this attribute matches the value of the RpdUniqueId attribute of the RpdInfo object." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CoreToRpdMap::RpdUniqueId" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapRpdRfPortDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IfDirection MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute selects the direction of an RF port, which together with RpdRfPortIndex uniquely identifies an RF port on the RPD. The RF port direction is signaled in the GCP RfPortType TLV 13.2 for an RF port interface or implied by the value of the GCP RfChannelType TLV 12.2 for an RF channel interface." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CoreToRpdMap::RpdRfPortDirection" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapRpdRfPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..253) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute selects a specific RF port on an RPD, which together with RpdRfPortDirection uniquely identifies an RF port on the RPD. The value matches the value signaled in GCP RfPortIndex TLV 12.1 or the GCP RfPortIndex1 TLV 13.1. Values 254 and 255 are reserved for future use." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CoreToRpdMap::RpdRfPortIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapRpdRfChanType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RphyChannelType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For RF channel interfaces, This attribute reports the type of the channel as signaled in the GCP RfChannelType TLV 12.2. For RF port interfaces, this attribute must be set to other(0). Each value of this attribute corresponds to a separate sequence of channel indices." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CoreToRpdMap::RpdRfChannelType" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapRpdRfChanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For interfaces corresponding to RF channels, this attribute reports the channel of the type specified in RpdRfChannelType, and matches the value signaled in the GCP RfChannelIndex TLV 12.3. For RF port interfaces, this attribute reports 0." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CoreToRpdMap::RpdRfChannelIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapEntry 6 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Interface to CCAP Core ifTable Interface Map Table Objects -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maps certain RPD interface identified via GCP integers to an ifIndex reported by the CCAP Core. This table instruments the same information as the docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapTable, but with different indexing than that table. See the reference for additional requirements." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdToCoreMap" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfMibObjects 7 } docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapTable. An entry exists for each RPD interface directly represented in the CCAP ifTable. The index 'CoreIfIndex' corresponds to a CCAP core ifIndex for one of the following interface types implemented on an RPD: - docsCableDownstream(128) - docsCableUpstreamChannel(205) - docsCableUpstreamRfPort(256) - cableDownstreamRfPort(257) - docsCableDownstreamOfdm(277) - docsCableUpstreamOfdma(278) - mpegTransport(214) - docsCableScte55d1FwdOob (283) - docsCableScte55d1RetOob (284) - docsCableScte55d2DsOob (285) - docsCableScte55d2UsOob (286) - docsCableNdf (287) - docsCableNdr (288) Note that this table does not contain an instance for ifType ethernetCsmacd(6) because the Ethernet ports of the RPD are considered internal to a logical CCAP and are not reported in the CCAP ifTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapRpdRfPortDirection, docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapRpdRfPortIndex, docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapRpdRfChanType, docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapRpdRfChanIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapRpdRfPortDirection IfDirection, docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapRpdRfPortIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapRpdRfChanType RphyChannelType, docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapRpdRfChanIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapCoreIfIndex InterfaceIndex } docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapRpdRfPortDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IfDirection MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the direction of an RF port, which together with RpdRfPortIndex uniquely identifies an RF port on the RPD. The RF port direction is signalled in the GCP 'RfPortType' TLV 13.2 for an RF port interface or implied by the value of the GCP 'RfChannelType' TLV 12.2 for an RF channel interface." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdToCoreMap::RpdRfPortDirection" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapRpdRfPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the Index of an RF port on an RPD, which together with RpdRfPortDirection uniquely identifies an RF port on the RPD. The value matches the value signaled in GCP 'RfPortIndex' TLV 12.1 or the GCP 'RfPortIndex1' TLV 13.1." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdToCoreMap::RpdRfPortIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapRpdRfChanType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RphyChannelType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For RF channel interfaces, This attribute reports the type of the channel as signaled in the GCP 'RfChannelType' TLV 12.2. For RF port interfaces, this attribute must be set to other(0). Each value of this attribute corresponds to a separate sequence of channel indices." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdToCoreMap::RpdRfChannelType" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapRpdRfChanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For interfaces corresponding to RF channels, this attribute reports the channel of the type specified in RpdRfChannelType, and matches the value signaled in the GCP 'RfChannelIndex' TLV 12.3. For RF port interfaces, this attribute reports 0." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdToCoreMap::RpdRfChannelIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapCoreIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the CCAP Core IfIndex for the RPD Interface identified in GCP." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdToCoreMap::CoreIfIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapEntry 5 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Ethernet Interface SFP+ Status -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides detailed information about the SFP+ transceivers on the RPD Ethernet Interfaces. It is intended to convey information available from Digital Diagnostic Memory Map of the transceiver. The CCAP Core MUST create an entry in SfpPlusStatus table for every Ethernet interface on the RPD. The CCAP Core reads the SfpPlusStatus object with GCP TLV Type 100.18." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI SfpPlusStatus" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfMibObjects 8 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information about the SFP+ pluggable transceiver on an RPD Ethernet Interface." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdIfEnetPortIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusStatus BITS, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusIdentifier INTEGER, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusExtendedIdentifier OCTET STRING, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusConnectorType INTEGER, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusTransceiverComplianceCodes OCTET STRING, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusTransceiverComplianceCode36 OCTET STRING, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEncoding INTEGER, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusBitRateNominal Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusRateIdentifier INTEGER, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLengthKm Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLength100M Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLength50Mi10M Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLength62Pt5Mi10M Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLengthCopperM Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLength50MiOm3 Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorName SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorOui OCTET STRING, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorPartNum SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorSerialNum SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorRev SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLaserWavelength Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusOptions BITS, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusBitRateMax Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusBitRateMin Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorDate SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorSpecificLotCode SnmpAdminString, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusDiagMonitorType BITS, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEnhancedOptions BITS, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusSff8472Compliance Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorSpecificData OCTET STRING, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusMeasuredTxOutputPwr Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusMeasuredRxInputPwr Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusDigitalDiagA2Info OCTET STRING, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusMeasuredTxBiasCurrent Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusMeasuredTemperature Integer32, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusMeasuredSupplyVoltage Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { unknown(0), notInstalled(1), installed(2), faulty(3), operational(4), enabled(5), disabled(6), invalidCcBase(7), invalidCcExt(8) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the current state of the SFP+ transceiver. The following state information can be reported: unknown: The state is unknown. notInstalled: The SFP+ transceiver is not installed. installed: The SFP+ transceiver has been installed. faulty: The SFP+ transceiver is faulty. operational: The SFP+ transceiver is working properly. enabled: The SFP+ transceiver has been enabled. disabled: The SFP+ transceiver has been diabled. invalidCcBase: indicates that the first 64 bytes of serial information in the SFP+ transceiver is invalid. The check is done by comparing the 64-th byte with the sum of the contents of the first 63 bytes (bytes 0 to 62, inclusive). invalidCcExt: indicates that the first 32 bytes of the extended serial information in the SFP+ transceiver is invalid. The check is done by comparing the 95-th byte with the sum of the contents of the first 32 bytes (bytes 64 to 94, inclusive)." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), gbic(1), sff(2), sfpOrSfpPlus(3), sbi(4), xenpack(5), xfp(6), xff(7), xfpE(8), xPak(9), x2(10), dwdmSfp(11), qsfp(12) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used to report the type of the serial transceiver. The following identifier types can be reported: unknown: unknown identifier gbic: Gigabit Interface Converter sff: Module soldered to motherboard sfpOrSfpPlus: small form factor pluggable or SFP+ sbi: 300 pin XBI xenpack: 10 gigabit Ethernet transceiver package xfp: 10 G form factor pluggable xff: obsolete xfpE: 10 G small form factor pluggable extended xPak: 10 G form factor pluggable transceiver package x2: 10 G form factor pluggable dwdmSfp: Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing SFP qsfp: quad small form factor pluggable Enum values 128 - 255 are reserved for vendor specific serial transceiver type identifiers." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusExtendedIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the extended identifier of the type of serial transceiver." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), sc(1), fcscc1(2), fcscc2(3), bnctnc(4), fcch(5), fiberJack(6), lc(7), mtrj(8), mu(9), sg(10), opticalPigtail(11), mpoParallel(12), hssdc2(32), copperPigtail(33), rj45(34) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the code for connector type of the transceiver. Enum values 128 - 255 are reserved for vendor specific connector types." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusTransceiverComplianceCodes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports bit significant indicators which define the electronic or optical interfaces that are supported by the transceiver. Reference [SFF 8472]" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusTransceiverComplianceCode36 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the code for electronic or optical compatibility. Reference [SFF 8472], Transceiver Compliance Codes table." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEncoding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unspecified(0), eightTenB(1), fourFiveB(2), nrz(3), manchester(4), sonetScrambled(5), sixtyFourSixtySixB(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the code for high speed serial encoding algorithm. Reference [SFF 8024]." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 7 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusBitRateNominal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) UNITS "100 MBd" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports nominal signaling rate in units of 100s of Mega Baud." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 8 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusRateIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unspecified(0), sff8079(1), sff8431Rx(2), unspecified3(3), sff8431Tx(4), unspecified5(5), sff8431indepRxTx(6), unspecified7(7), fcpi5Rx(8), unspecified9(9), fcpi5Tx(10), unspecified11(11), fcpi6(12), unspecified13(13), rxTx10or8g(14), unspecified15(15), fcpi7(16), unspecified17(17), reserved18(18), reserved19(19), reserved20(20), reserved21(21), reserved22(22), reserved23(23), reserved24(24), reserved25(25), reserved26(26), reserved27(27), reserved28(28), reserved29(29), reserved30(30), reserved31(31), pmdRateSelect(32) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute refers to several (optional) industry standard definitions of Rate Select or Application Select control behaviors, intended to manage transceiver optimization for multiple operating rates. The following rate identifier types can be reported: unspecified: unspecified rate identifier type sff8079: SFF-8079 (4/2/1G rate select and AS0/AS1) sff8431Rx: SFF-8431 (8/4/2G receive rate select only) unspecified3: unspecified rate identifier type. To support legacy, the LSB is reserved for Unspecified or INF-8074 (value = 0) or 4/2/1G selection per SFF-8079 (value = 1). Other rate selection functionalities are not allowed to depend on the LSB. sff8431Tx: SFF-8431 (8/4/2G transmit rate select only) unspecified5: unspecified rate identifier type. To support legacy, the LSB is reserved for Unspecified or INF-8074 (value = 0) or 4/2/1G selection per SFF-8079 (value = 1). Other rate selection functionalities are not allowed to depend on the LSB. sff8431indepRxTx: SFF-8431 (8/4/2G Independent receive and transmit rate select) unspecified7: unspecified rate identifier type. To support legacy, the LSB is reserved for Unspecified or INF-8074 (value = 0) or 4/2/1G selection per SFF-8079 (value = 1). Other rate selection functionalities are not allowed to depend on the LSB. fcpi5Rx: FC-PI-5 (16/8/4G receive rate select only) High=16G only, Low=8G/4G. unspecified9: unspecified rate identifier type. To support legacy, the LSB is reserved for Unspecified or INF-8074 (value = 0) or 4/2/1G selection per SFF-8079 (value = 1). Other rate selection functionalities are not allowed to depend on the LSB. fcpi5Tx: FC-PI-5 (16/8/4G Independent receive, transmit rate select) High=16G only, Low=8G/4G unspecified11: unspecified rate identifier type. To support legacy, the LSB is reserved for Unspecified or INF-8074 (value = 0) or 4/2/1G selection per SFF-8079 (value = 1). Other rate selection functionalities are not allowed to depend on the LSB. fcpi6: FC-PI-6 (32/16/8G Independent receive, transmit rate select). High=32G only, Low = 16G/8G. unspecified13: unspecified rate identifier type. To support legacy, the LSB is reserved for Unspecified or INF-8074 (value = 0) or 4/2/1G selection per SFF-8079 (value = 1). Other rate selection functionalities are not allowed to depend on the LSB. rxTx10or8g: 10/8G Rx and Tx Rate_Select controlling the operation or locking modes of the internal signal conditioner, retimer or CDR, according to the logic table defined in Table 10-2, High Bit Rate (10G) =9.95-11.3 Gb/s; Low Bit Rate (8G) = 8.5 Gb/s. In this mode, the default value of bit 110.3 (Soft Rate Select RS(0), Table 9-16 ) and of bit 118.3 (Soft Rate Select RS(1), Table 10-1) is 1. unspecified15: unspecified rate identifier type. To support legacy, the LSB is reserved for Unspecified or INF-8074 (value = 0) or 4/2/1G selection per SFF-8079 (value = 1). Other rate selection functionalities are not allowed to depend on the LSB. fcpi7: FC-PI-7 (64/32/16G Independent receive, transmit rate select) High = 32GFC and 64GFC. Low = 16GFC. unspecified17: unspecified rate identifier type. To support legacy, the LSB is reserved for Unspecified or INF-8074 (value = 0) or 4/2/1G selection per SFF-8079 (value = 1). Other rate selection functionalities are not allowed to depend on the LSB. reserved18: rate identifier type reserved by [SFF 8472] reserved19: rate identifier type reserved by [SFF 8472] reserved20: rate identifier type reserved by [SFF 8472] reserved21: rate identifier type reserved by [SFF 8472] reserved22: rate identifier type reserved by [SFF 8472] reserved23: rate identifier type reserved by [SFF 8472] reserved24: rate identifier type reserved by [SFF 8472] reserved25: rate identifier type reserved by [SFF 8472] reserved26: rate identifier type reserved by [SFF 8472] reserved27: rate identifier type reserved by [SFF 8472] reserved28: rate identifier type reserved by [SFF 8472] reserved29: rate identifier type reserved by [SFF 8472] reserved30: rate identifier type reserved by [SFF 8472] reserved31: rate identifier type reserved by [SFF 8472] pmdRateSelect: Rate select based on PMDs as defined by A0h, byte 36 and A2h, byte 67 (receive, transmit rate select). High = A0h, Byte 36 PMD, Low = A2h, Byte 67 PMD. Reference [SFF 8079], [SFF 8431], [SFF 8472]" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 9 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLengthKm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) UNITS "km" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the link length that is supported by the transceiver while operating in compliance with the applicable standards using single mode fiber. The value is in units of kilometers. A value of 255 means that the transceiver supports a link length greater than 254 km. A value of zero means that the transceiver does not support single mode fiber or that the length information has to be determined from the transceiver technology." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 10 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLength100M OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) UNITS "100s of meters" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the link length that is supported by the transceiver while operating in compliance with the applicable standards using single mode fiber. The value is in units of 100s of meters. A value of 255 means that the transceiver supports a link length greater than 25.4 km. A value of zero means that the transceiver does not support single mode fiber or that the length information has to be determined from the transceiver technology." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 11 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLength50Mi10M OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) UNITS "10s of meters" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports link length that is supported by the transceiver while operating in compliance with applicable standards using 50 micron multimode OM2 [500MHz*km at 850nm] fiber. The value is in units of 10 meters. A value of 255 means that the transceiver supports a link length greater than 2.54 km. A value of zero means that the transceiver does not support 50 micron multimode fiber or that the length information has to be determined from the transceiver technology." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 12 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLength62Pt5Mi10M OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) UNITS "10s of meters" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports link length that is supported by the transceiver while operating in compliance with applicable standards using 62.5 micron multimode OM1 [200 MHz*km at 850nm, 500 MHz*km at 1310nm] fiber. The value is in units of 10 meters. A value of 255 means that the transceiver supports a link length greater than 2.54 km. A value of zero means that the transceiver does not support 62.5 micron multimode fiber or that the length information needs to be determined from the transceiver technology." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 13 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLengthCopperM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) UNITS "meters" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports minimum link length supported by the transceiver while operating in compliance with applicable standards using copper cable. For active cable, this value represents actual length. The value is in units of 1 meter. A value of 255 means the transceiver supports a link length greater than 254 meters. A value of zero means the transceiver does not support copper or active cables or the length information has to be determined from transceiver technology." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 14 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLength50MiOm3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) UNITS "10s of meters" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports link length that is supported by the transceiver while operating in compliance with applicable standards using 50 micron multimode OM3 [2000 MHz*km] fiber. The value is in units of 10 meters. A value of 255 means that the transceiver supports a link length greater than 2.54 km. A value of zero means that the transceiver does not support 50 micron multimode fiber or that the length information has to be determined from the transceiver technology." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 15 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor name is a 16 character string that contains ASCII characters, left-aligned and padded on the right with ASCII spaces (0x20)." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 16 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorOui OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor organizationally unique identifier (vendor OUI) is a 3-byte hexbinary string that contains the IEEE Company Identifier for the vendor. A value of all zero in the 3-byte string indicates that the Vendor OUI is unspecified." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 17 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorPartNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor part number is a 16-byte ASCII string, left-aligned and padded on the right with ASCII spaces (0x20), defining the vendor part number or product name. A value of all zero in the 16-byte field indicates that the vendor part number is unspecified." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 18 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor serial number is a 16-character ASCII string, left-aligned and padded on the right with ASCII spaces (0x20), defining the vendor's serial number for the transceiver. A value of all zero in the 16-byte field indicates that the vendor serial number is unspecified." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 19 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (4)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor revision number is a 4-byte ASCII string, left-aligned and padded on the right with ASCII spaces (0x20), defining the vendor's product revision number. A value of all zero in the 4-byte field indicates that the vendor revision is unspecified." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 20 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLaserWavelength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "Nanometers" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For optical variants, as defined by TransceiverComplianceCodes attribute, this attribute denotes nominal transmitter output wavelength at room temperature." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 21 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusOptions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { unallocated0(0), rxlosNormal(1), rxlosInverted(2), txFault(3), txDisable(4), rateSelect(5), unallocated6(6), unallocated7(7), linearOutput(8), powerLevel(9), cooledTransceiver(10), reserved11(11), reserved12(12), reserved13(13), reserved14(14), reserved15(15) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports options implemented in the transceiver as described in the Options Values table of [SFF 8472]. The following rate identifier types can be reported: unallocated: unallocated options value rxlosNormal: Loss of Signal implemented, behavior as defined in [SFF 8419] (often called Rx_LOS) rxlosInverted: Loss of Signal implemented, signal inverted from standard definition in SFP MSA (often called Signal Detect) txFault: TX_FAULT signal implemented. Reference [SFF 8419] txDisable: TX_DISABLE is implemented and disables the high speed serial output. rateSelect: RATE_SELECT functionality is implemented. unallocated6: unallocated options value unallocated7: unallocated options value powerLevel: Power Level Declaration. Value of zero identifies Power Level 1 (or unspecified) requirements. Value of one identifies Power Level 2 requirement. See [SFF 8472] I/O Timing for Soft Control and Status Functions table and Extended Module Control/Status Bytes table for control, status, timing. See [SFF 8472] Option Values table Address A0h byte 64, Bit 5 for Power Level 3 declaration. See [SFF 8472] Option Values table Address A0h byte 64, Bit 6 for Power Level 4 declaration. Reference [SFF 8431]. cooledTransceiver: Cooled Transceiver Declaration. Value of zero identifies a conventional uncooled (or unspecified) laser implementation. Value of one identifies a cooled laser transmitter implementation. Reference [SFF 8431]. Reference [SFF 8472]" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 22 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusBitRateMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the upper bit rate limit at which the transceiver will still meet its specifications. This attribute is specified in units of 1% above the nominal bit rate. A value of zero indicates that this field is not specified." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 23 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusBitRateMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the lower bit rate limit at which the transceiver will still meet its specifications and is specified in units of 1% below the nominal bit rate. A value of zero indicates that this field is not specified." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 24 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (6)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is a 6-byte field that contains the vendor's date code in ASCII characters. The date code is specified in the following format: Bytes 0, 1 - ASCII code, two low order digits of year. (00 = 2000). Bytes 2, 3 - ASCII code, digits of month (01 = Jan through 12 = Dec) Bytes 4, 5 - ASCII code, day of month (01 - 31)" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 25 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorSpecificLotCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (2)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports a vendor specific lot code." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 26 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusDiagMonitorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { unallocated0(0), unallocated1(1), addrChangeReq(2), recPwrMeasType(3), externCalibrated(4), internCalibrated(5), digDiagImpl(6), legacyImpl(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports how diagnostic monitoring is implemented in the selected transceiver. The following diagnostic monitoring types can be reported: unallocated: unallocated diagnostic monitoring type unallocated1: unallocated diagnostic monitoring type addrChangeReq: Address change required recPwrMeasType: Received power measurement type. 0 = OMA, 1 = average power. externCalibrated: externally calibrated internCalibrated: internally calibrated digDiagImpl: digital diagnostic monitoring implemented legacyImpl: Reserved for legacy diagnostic implementations. Must be '0' for compliance with [SFF 8472]. Reference [SFF 8472]" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 27 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEnhancedOptions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { unknown(0), rateCtrlImpl(1), appSelCtrlImpl(2), rateSelectCtrlImpl(3), rxLosMonImpl(4), txFaultMonImpl(5), txDisableMonImpl(6), allAlarmsImpl(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the optional digital diagnostic features implemented in the transceiver. The following values enhanced options types can be reported: unknown: unknown enhanced option type rateCtrlImpl: Soft Rate Select control implemented per [SFF- 8431]. appSelCtrlImpl: Application Select control implemented per [SFF- 8079]. rateSelectCtrlImpl: Soft RATE_SELECT control and monitoring implemented. rxLosMonImpl: Soft RX_LOS monitoring implemented. txFaultMonImpl: Soft TX_FAULT monitoring implemented. txDisableMonImpl: Soft TX_DISABLE control and monitoring implemented. allAlarmsImpl: Alarm/warning flags implemented for all monitored quantities. Reference [SFF 8472]" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 28 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusSff8472Compliance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports which feature set(s) are implemented in the transceiver." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 29 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorSpecificData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports a 32-byte long hexbinary string with content of Vendor Specific EEPROM (address 0xA0, bytes 96-127)." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 30 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusMeasuredTxOutputPwr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "0.1 Micro Watts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports measured transmit output power in units of 0.1 micro Watts." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 31 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusMeasuredRxInputPwr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "0.1 Micro Watts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports measured received optical power in units of 0.1 micro Watts. The reported value can represent either average received power or OMA (Optical Modulation Amplitude) depending upon how bit recPwrMeasType of DiagMonitorType is reported. When recPwrMeasType is '0' then the measured received optical power is reported as OMA, otherwise it is reported as average received power." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 32 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusDigitalDiagA2Info OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (256)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports diagnostics data fields from Address 0xA2 of the transceiver's two wire serial bus. The data is provided undecoded." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 33 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusMeasuredTxBiasCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "2 Micro Amps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute, which is optional for SFP+ pluggable transceivers, reports measured transmit bias current in units of 2 micro Amps. If this attribute is not supported by the RPD's transceivers, the RPD will return a value of zero." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 34 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusMeasuredTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "1/256 degree celsius" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute, which is optional for SFP+ pluggable transceivers, reports internally measured transceiver temperature as a signed twos compliment value in increments of 1/256 degrees Celsius. If this attribute is not supported by the RPD's transceivers, the RPD will return a value of zero." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 35 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusMeasuredSupplyVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "100 micro Volts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute, which is optional for SFP+ pluggable transceivers, reports internally measured transceiver supply voltage in units of 100 micro Volts. If this attribute is not supported by the RPD's transceivers, the RPD will return a value of zero." ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEntry 36 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Ethernet Interface SyncE Port Status -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdIfEnetSyncEPortStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdIfEnetSyncEPortStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SyncEPortStatus provides the status of one RPD Ethernet port being used for SyncE. The CCAP Core MUST create a row in the SyncEPortStatus table for every IfEnet object instance that has SyncE enabled The SyncEPortStatus TLV Type is 100.36." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI SyncEPortStatus" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfMibObjects 9 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSyncEPortStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdIfEnetSyncEPortStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for a port being used for SyncE" INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdIfEnetPortIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSyncEPortStatusTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdIfEnetSyncEPortStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSyncEPortStatusSignalQualified TruthValue, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSyncEPortStatusReceivedSsm SyncEQLType } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSyncEPortStatusSignalQualified OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is true if the signal on this Ethernet port is qualified for SyncE. It is false otherwise." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI SyncEPortStatus::SignalQualified" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSyncEPortStatusEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdIfEnetSyncEPortStatusReceivedSsm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SyncEQLType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains the SSM value received for the interface." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI SyncEPortStatus::ReceivedSsm" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfEnetSyncEPortStatusEntry 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD RFM Status -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RfmStatus table provides the status of one RPD RF module (RFM) of an optical node-based RPD. Shelf RPDs do not have RF modules. See the Remote PHY Node Architecture section of [R-PHY] for more information about RFM. The CCAP Core reads all attributes of an RfmStatus object with complex GCP TLV 161.1.1" REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RfmStatus" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfMibObjects 10 } docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusNodePortIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusNodePortIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusReportedDsGain TenthdB, docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusReportedDsGainStatus RfmStatusType, docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusReportedUsGain TenthdB, docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusReportedUsGainStatus RfmStatusType, docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusReportedRfmDsTilt TenthdB, docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusReportedRfmDsTiltStatus RfmStatusType, docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusDsOutputPower TenthdBmV, docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusUsExpectedRxPower TenthdBmV, docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusTotalDsTilt TenthdB } docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusNodePortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute contains the RPD's RF module index (i.e., the node RF port). Numbers range from 0 to N-1, where N is the number reported by the RPD through the NumNodeRfPorts (TLV 50.60.2) attribute." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RfmStatus::NodePortIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusReportedDsGain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used to report DS gain in the RFM. RPDs with locally configured downstream gain (i.e., physical pads) can report the gain though this attribute when the RPD has information how the pads are configured. This attribute needs to be used in conjunction with ReportedDsGainStatus (TLV 161.1.3) attribute which reports additional information about the reported value. RPDs with unknown DS RFM gain report a value of 0." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RfmStatus::ReportedDsGain" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusReportedDsGainStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RfmStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used to report additional qualifying information about the value reported through ReportedDsGain (TLV 161.1.2) attribute." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RfmStatus::ReportedDsGainStatus" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusReportedUsGain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (-32768..32767) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used to report upstream gain in the RFM. RPDs with locally configured upstream gain (i.e., physical pads) can report the gain though this attribute when the RPD has information how the pads are configured. This attribute needs to be used in conjunction with ReportedUsGainStatus (TLV 161.1.5) attribute which reports additional qualifying information about the reported value. RPDs with unknown US RFM gain report a value of 0." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RfmStatus::ReportedUsGain" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusReportedUsGainStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RfmStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used to report addition qualifying information about the value reported through ReportedUsGain (TLV 161.1.4) attribute." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RfmStatus::ReportedUsGainStatus" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusReportedRfmDsTilt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (0..65535) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used to report DS tilt in the RFM. RPDs with locally configured downstream tilt (i.e., physical pads) report the tilt though this attribute when the RPD has information how the pads are configured. This attribute needs to be used in conjunction with ReportedRfmTiltStatus (TLV 161.1.7) attribute which reports additional qualifying information about the reported value. RPDs with unknown DS RFM tilt report a value of 0. This attribute is reported in the same fashion for the Full Spectrum and Partial Spectrum RF ports." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RfmStatus::TotalDsTilt" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusReportedRfmDsTiltStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RfmStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used to report addition qualifying information about the value reported through ReportedRfmDsTilt (TLV 161.1.6) attribute. This attribute is reported in the same fashion for the Full Spectrum and Partial Spectrum RF ports." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RfmStatus::ReportedRfmDsTiltStatus" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusEntry 7 } docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusDsOutputPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdBmV (0..65535) UNITS "dBmV/6MHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used to report the output power for the selected node RF port of the RFM. RPDs with unknown DS RFM output power report a value of 0." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RfmStatus::DsOutputPower" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusEntry 8 } docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusUsExpectedRxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdBmV (-32768..32767) UNITS "dBmV/1.6MHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used to report the expected input power for the selected node RF port of the RFM. RPDs with unknown upstream receive power level report a value of 0." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RfmStatus::UsExpectedRxPower" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusEntry 9 } docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusTotalDsTilt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB (0..65535) UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is used to report the combined tilt value for the selected node RF port of the RFM. RPDs with unknown DS RFM tilt report a value of 0." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RfmStatus::TotalDsTilt" ::= { docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusEntry 10 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD IP Group Objects Derived from IP-MIB RFC 4293 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IPv4 Scalar Group Objects -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdIpv4GrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdIpv4GrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table containing per-RPD IPv4-specific information." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpMibObjects 1 } docsRphyRpdIpv4GrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdIpv4GrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing IPv4-specific information for a specific RPD." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdIpv4GrpTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdIpv4GrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdIpv4GrpDefaultTTL Integer32, docsRphyRpdIpv4GrpInterfaceTableLastChange TimeStamp } docsRphyRpdIpv4GrpDefaultTTL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The default value inserted into the Time-To-Live field of the IPv4 header of datagrams originated at this entity, whenever a TTL value is not supplied by the transport layer protocol." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpv4GrpEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdIpv4GrpInterfaceTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the value of RpdSysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which an instance of the Ipv4Interface object was added or deleted, or when a ReasmMaxSize or an EnableStatus attribute of the Ipv4Interface object was modified." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpv4GrpEntry 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IPv6 Scalar Group Objects -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdIpv6GrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdIpv6GrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table containing per-RPD IPv6-specific information." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpMibObjects 2 } docsRphyRpdIpv6GrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdIpv6GrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing IPv6-specific information for a specific RPD." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= { docsRphyRpdIpv6GrpTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdIpv6GrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdIpv6GrpIpDefaultHopLimit Integer32, docsRphyRpdIpv6GrpInterfaceTableLastChange TimeStamp, docsRphyRpdIpv6GrpIfStatsTableLastChange TimeStamp } docsRphyRpdIpv6GrpIpDefaultHopLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The default value inserted into the Hop Limit field of the IPv6 header of datagrams originated at this entity whenever a Hop Limit value is not supplied by the transport layer protocol." REFERENCE "RFC 2461 Section 6.3.2" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpv6GrpEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdIpv6GrpInterfaceTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the value of RpdSysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which an instance of the Ipv6Interface object was added or deleted or when a ReasmMaxSize, InterfaceIdentifier, EnableStatus, ReachableTime, RetransmitTime, or Forwarding attribute of the Ipv6Interface object was modified." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpv6GrpEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdIpv6GrpIfStatsTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the value of RpdSysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which an instance of the ipIfStats object was added or deleted." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpv6GrpEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IPv4 Interface Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdIpv4InterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdIpv4InterfaceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table containing per-interface IPv4-specific information. The CCAP Core reads the attributes of the Ipv4Interface table in the complex GCP TLV 100.12" REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpInterface" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpMibObjects 3 } docsRphyRpdIpv4InterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdIpv4InterfaceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing IPv4-specific information for an RPD's ethernet port." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdIfEnetPortIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdIpv4InterfaceTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdIpv4InterfaceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdIpv4InterfaceEnableStatus INTEGER, docsRphyRpdIpv4InterfaceRetransmitTime Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdIpv4InterfaceEnableStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The indication of whether IPv4 is enabled (up) or disabled (down) on this interface. This object does not affect the state of the interface itself, only its connection to an IPv4 stack. The IF-MIB should be used to control the state of the interface." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpInterface::EnableStatus" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpv4InterfaceEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdIpv4InterfaceRetransmitTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time between retransmissions of ARP requests to a neighbor when resolving the address or when probing the reachability of a neighbor." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpInterface::RetransmitTime" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpv4InterfaceEntry 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IPv6 Interface Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table containing per-interface IPv6-specific information. The CCAP core reads the attributes of of an IPv6Interface object in GCP TLV 100.13. " REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpV6Interface" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpMibObjects 4 } docsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing IPv6-specific information for an RPD's ethernet port." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdIfEnetPortIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceIdentifier Ipv6AddressIfIdentifierTC, docsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceEnableStatus INTEGER, docsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceReachableTime Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceRetransmitTime Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ipv6AddressIfIdentifierTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Interface Identifier for this interface. The Interface Identifier is combined with an address prefix to form an interface address. By default, the Interface Identifier is auto-configured according to the rules of the link type to which this interface is attached. A zero length identifier may be used where appropriate." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpV6Interface::InterfaceIdentifier" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceEnableStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The indication of whether IPv6 is enabled (up) or disabled (down) on this interface. This object does not affect the state of the interface itself, only its connection to an IPv6 stack. The IF-MIB should be used to control the state of the interface." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpInterface::EnableStatus" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceReachableTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time a neighbor is considered reachable after receiving a reachability confirmation." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpV6Interface::ReachableTime" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceRetransmitTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time between retransmissions of Neighbor Solicitation messages to a neighbor when resolving the address or when probing the reachability of a neighbor." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpInterface::RetransmitTime" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceEntry 4 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Per-Interface IP Statistics Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides statistics for IP Packets sent or received by an RPD's own IP Address. It is modeled after the IP-MIB IpIfStatsTable described in RFC 4293; however, all counters are 64 bit. Discontinuities in the value of these counters can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of the DiscontinuityTime attribute in this table. The CCAP Core reads all attributes of an IpIfStats object with complex GCP TLV Type 100.14." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpIfStats" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpMibObjects 5 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An interface statistics entry containing objects for a particular interface and version of IP." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsIPVersion, docsRphyRpdIfEnetPortIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsIPVersion InetVersion, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInReceives Counter64, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInOctets Counter64, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInHdrErrors Counter64, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInNoRoutes Counter64, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInAddrErrors Counter64, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInUnknownProtos Counter64, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInTruncatedPkts Counter64, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInDiscards Counter64, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInDelivers Counter64, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsOutRequests Counter64, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsOutDiscards Counter64, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsOutTransmits Counter64, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsOutOctets Counter64, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInMcastPkts Counter64, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInMcastOctets Counter64, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsOutMcastPkts Counter64, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsOutMcastOctets Counter64, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsDiscontinuityTime DateAndTime, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsRefreshRate Unsigned32 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsIPVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetVersion MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the IP version of this entry." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInReceives OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of input IP datagrams received, including those received in error." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of octets received in input IP datagrams, including those received in error." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInHdrErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of input IP datagrams discarded due to errors in their IP headers, including version number mismatch, other format errors, hop count exceeded, errors discovered in processing their IP options, etc." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInNoRoutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of input IP datagrams discarded because no route could be found to transmit them to their destination." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInAddrErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of input IP datagrams discarded because the IP address in their IP header's destination field was not a valid address to be received at this entity. This count includes invalid addresses (e.g., ::0). For entities that are not IP routers and therefore do not forward datagrams, this counter includes datagrams discarded because the destination address was not a local address." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of locally-addressed IP datagrams received successfully but discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the interface to which these datagrams were addressed is incremented. This interface might not be the same as the input interface for some of the datagrams." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 7 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInTruncatedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of input IP datagrams discarded because the datagram frame didn't carry enough data." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 8 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of input IP datagrams for which no problems were encountered to prevent their continued processing, but were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space). Note that this counter does not include any datagrams discarded while awaiting re-assembly." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 9 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInDelivers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of datagrams successfully delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP)." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 10 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsOutRequests OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of IP datagrams that local IP user- protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for transmission." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 11 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of output IP datagrams for which no problem was encountered to prevent their transmission to their destination, but were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space). Note that this counter would include datagrams counted in docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsOutForwDatagrams if any such datagrams met this (discretionary) discard criterion." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 12 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsOutTransmits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of IP datagrams that this entity supplied to the lower layers for transmission." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 13 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of octets in IP datagrams delivered to the lower layers for transmission." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 14 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of IP multicast datagrams received." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 15 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInMcastOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of octets received in IP multicast datagrams." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 16 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsOutMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of IP multicast datagrams transmitted." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 17 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsOutMcastOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of octets transmitted in IP multicast datagrams." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 18 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the date and time at which any one or more of the counters in this group were created or last reset to zero. If the RPD does not acquire time of day it can report an initial CounterDiscontinuityTime of Jan 1 1970. If the value returned by the RPD is the initial Epoch of Jan 1 1970, the CCAP Core can convert this value to the real time of day based on a calculation using the RPD's reported sysUpTime." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 19 } docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsRefreshRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "milli-seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum reasonable polling interval for this entry. This object provides an indication of the minimum amount of time required to update the counters in this entry." ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsEntry 20 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internet Address Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdIpAddressTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdIpAddressEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains addressing information relevant to the RPD's interfaces. This table does not contain multicast address information. Note well: When instantiating IPv6 link-local addresses for this table, the instance uses an InetAddressType of 'ipv6z' and GCP TLV 100.15.2 with value field length of 20 in order to differentiate between the possible interfaces. The CCAP Core reads all attributes of an IpAddress object with complex GCP TLV Type 100.15." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpAddress" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpMibObjects 6 } docsRphyRpdIpAddressEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdIpAddressEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An address mapping for a particular interface." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdIpAddressAddrType, docsRphyRpdIpAddressAddr } ::= { docsRphyRpdIpAddressTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdIpAddressEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdIpAddressAddrType InetAddressType, docsRphyRpdIpAddressAddr InetAddress, docsRphyRpdIpAddressEnetPortIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIpAddressType INTEGER, docsRphyRpdIpAddressPrefixLen InetAddressPrefixLength, docsRphyRpdIpAddressOrigin IpAddressOriginTC, docsRphyRpdIpAddressStatus IpAddressStatusTC, docsRphyRpdIpAddressCreated TimeStamp, docsRphyRpdIpAddressLastChanged TimeStamp } docsRphyRpdIpAddressAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The address type of docsRphyRpdIpAddressAddr." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpAddress::AddrType" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpAddressEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdIpAddressAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address to which this entry's addressing information pertains. The address type of this object is specified in AddrType." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpAddress::IpAddress" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpAddressEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdIpAddressEnetPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports a unique index for this Ethernet port interface." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpAddress::EnetPortIndex" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpAddressEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdIpAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unicast(1), anycast(2), broadcast(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of address. broadcast(3) is not a valid value for IPv6 addresses (RFC 3513)." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpAddress::Type" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpAddressEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdIpAddressPrefixLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the prefix length associated with this address." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpAddress::PrefixLen" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpAddressEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdIpAddressOrigin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddressOriginTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The origin of the address." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpAddress::Origin" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpAddressEntry 6 } docsRphyRpdIpAddressStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddressStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the address, describing if the address can be used for communication. In the absence of other information, an IPv4 address is always preferred(1)." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpAddress::Status" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpAddressEntry 7 } docsRphyRpdIpAddressCreated OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime at the time this entry was created. If this entry was created prior to the last re- initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpAddress::Created" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpAddressEntry 8 } docsRphyRpdIpAddressLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime at the time this entry was last updated. If this entry was updated prior to the last re- initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpAddress::LastChanged" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpAddressEntry 9 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internet Address Translation Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Address Translation table used for mapping from IP addresses to physical addresses. The Address Translation tables contain the IP address to 'physical' address equivalences. Some interfaces do not use translation tables for determining address equivalences (e.g., DDN-X.25 has an algorithmic method); if all interfaces are of this type, then the Address Translation table is empty, i.e., has zero entries. While many protocols may be used to populate this table, ARP and Neighbor Discovery are the most likely options. The CCAP Core reads all attributes of an IpNetToPhysical object with complex GCP TLV Type 100.16." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpNetToPhysical" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpMibObjects 7 } docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry contains one IP address to 'physical' address equivalence." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdIfEnetPortIndex, docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalNetAddressType, docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalNetAddress } ::= { docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalNetAddressType InetAddressType, docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalNetAddress InetAddress, docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalPhysAddress PhysAddress, docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalLastUpdated TimeStamp, docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalType INTEGER, docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalState INTEGER } docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalNetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of NetAddress." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpNetToPhysical::AddrType" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Address corresponding to the media-dependent 'physical' address. The address type of this object is specified in AddressType." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpNetToPhysical::IpAddress" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress (SIZE(0..65535)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The media-dependent 'physical' address." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpNetToPhysical::PhyAddress" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalLastUpdated OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the value of RpdSysUpTime at the time this entry was last updated. If this entry was updated prior to the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this attribute contains a zero value." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpNetToPhysical::LastUpdated" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalEntry 4 } docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), -- none of the following invalid(2), -- an invalidated mapping dynamic(3), static(4), local(5) -- local interface } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of mapping. It is an implementation-specific matter as to whether the agent removes an invalidated entry from the table. Accordingly, management stations must be prepared to receive tabular information from agents that corresponds to entries not currently in use. Proper interpretation of such entries requires examination of the relevant Type attribute. The 'dynamic(3)' type indicates that the IP address to physical addresses mapping has been dynamically resolved using e.g., IPv4 ARP or the IPv6 Neighbor Discovery protocol. The 'static(4)' type indicates that the mapping has been statically configured. Both of these refer to entries that provide mappings for other entities addresses. The 'local(5)' type indicates that the mapping is provided for an entity's own interface address." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpNetToPhysical::Type" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalEntry 5 } docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reachable(1), -- confirmed reachability stale(2), -- unconfirmed reachability delay(3), -- waiting for reachability -- confirmation before entering -- the probe state probe(4), -- actively probing invalid(5), -- an invalidated mapping unknown(6), -- state can not be determined -- for some reason. incomplete(7) -- address resolution is being -- performed. } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Neighbor Unreachability Detection state for the interface when the address mapping in this entry is used. If Neighbor Unreachability Detection is not in use (e.g. for IPv4), this object is always unknown(6)." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpNetToPhysical::State" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalEntry 6 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Default Router Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table used to describe the default routers known to the RPD. The CCAP Core reads all attributes of an IpDefaultRouter object with complex GCP TLV Type 100.17." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpDefaultRouter" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpMibObjects 8 } docsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry contains information about a default router known to the RPD." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterAddressType, docsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterAddress, docsRphyRpdIfEnetPortIndex } ::= { docsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterAddressType InetAddressType, docsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterAddress InetAddress, docsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterLifetime Unsigned32, docsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterPreference INTEGER } docsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the type of IP address in the Address attribute." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpDefaultRouter::AddrType" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the default router represented by this row. The address type of this object is specified in AddressType." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpDefaultRouter::IpAddress" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterLifetime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remaining length of time, in seconds, that this router will continue to be useful as a default router. A value of zero indicates that it is no longer useful as a default router. It is left to the implementer of the MIB as to whether a router with a lifetime of zero is removed from the list. For IPv6, this value should be extracted from the router advertisement messages." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpDefaultRouter::Lifetime" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterPreference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reserved(-2), low(-1), medium(0), high(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of preference given to this router as a default router as described in the Default Router Preferences document. Treating the value as a 2 bit signed integer allows for simple arithmetic comparisons. For IPv4 routers or IPv6 routers that are not using the updated router advertisement format, this object is set to medium (0)." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IpDefaultRouter::Preference" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterEntry 4 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ICMP per-version, per-message type ICMP counters Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table of system-wide per-version, per-message type ICMP counters. The CCAP Core reads all attributes of an IcmpMsgStats object with complex GCP TLV 100.19." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IcmpMsgStats" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMibObjects 1 } docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row in the docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsTable. The system should track each ICMP type value, even if that ICMP type is not supported by the system. However, a given row need not be instantiated unless a message of that type has been processed, i.e., the row for Type=X MAY be instantiated before but is required to be instantiated after the first message with Type=X is received or transmitted. After receiving or transmitting any succeeding messages with Type=X, the relevant counter must be incremented." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsIPVersion, docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsType } ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsTable 1 } DocsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsIPVersion InetVersion, docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsType Integer32, docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsInPkts Counter64, docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsOutPkts Counter64 } docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsIPVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetVersion MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP version of the statistics. Statistics are provided for each IP version supported." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IcmpMsgStats::IpVersion" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsEntry 1 } docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ICMP type field of the message type being counted by this row. Note that ICMP message types are scoped by the address type in use." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IcmpMsgStats::IpType" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsEntry 2 } docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsInPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of input packets for this AF and type." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IcmpMsgStats::InPkts" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsEntry 3 } docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of output packets for this AF and type." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI IcmpMsgStats::OutPkts" ::= { docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsEntry 4 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CCAP Core Group Objects -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- Core L2TP Session Info Table -- --------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides details for every session that terminates at the CCAP Core from the CCAP Core's point of view. There will be multiple sessions for each RPD with which the CCAP Core is associated. The CCAP Core must create an entry in this table for each DEPI, UEPI, OOB, NDF, and NDR pseudowire that it terminates." ::= { docsRphyCcapMibObjects 1 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoTable. A row entry is created for every session the CCAP-Core terminates." INDEX { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoSessionIpAddrType, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoCcapLcceIpAddr, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoRpdLcceIpAddr, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoDirection, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoL2tpSessionId } ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoTable 1 } DocsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoSessionIpAddrType InetAddressType, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoCcapLcceIpAddr InetAddress, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoRpdLcceIpAddr InetAddress, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoDirection INTEGER, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoL2tpSessionId Unsigned32, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoCoreId OCTET STRING, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoConnCtrlID Unsigned32, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoUdpPort InetPortNumber, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoDescr SnmpAdminString, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoSessionType INTEGER, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoSessionSubType INTEGER, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoMaxPayload Unsigned32, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoPathPayload Unsigned32, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoRpdIfMtu Unsigned32, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoCoreIfMtu Unsigned32, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoIncludeDOCSISMsgs TruthValue, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoErrorCode INTEGER, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoCreationTime TimeStamp, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoOperStatus OperStatusType, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoLocalStatus BITS, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoLastChange TimeStamp, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoExtendedRemoteEndId OCTET STRING } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoSessionIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute indicates whether the IP address provided in the CcapLcceIpAddress and RpdLcceIpAddr attributes are IPv4 or IPv6." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 1 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoCcapLcceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute provides the LCCE IP address on the CCAP Core of the session detailed in the instance. As reported by the RPD for a static multicast session, this attribute is zero for an any source multicast and the source IP for Source Specific Multicast (SSM)." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 2 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoRpdLcceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the remote-side RPD LCCE IP address of the session detailed in the instance." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 3 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { forward(0), return(1) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the direction of the session detailed in the instance. Valid values include: 'forward' - Forward (downstream) direction toward the RPD. 'return' - Return (upstream) direction toward the CCAP Core." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 4 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoL2tpSessionId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the value of the L2TPv3 session ID transmitted or received on the session. " ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 5 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoCoreId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (6)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the unique identifier, for example a MAC address, of the CCAP Core with which this session terminates. The CCAP Core sends its unique identifier to the RPD periodically via the DOCSIS SYNC MAC Message in the Source Address field." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 6 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoConnCtrlID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the control connection identifier (CCID) for this session. This attribute is zero for static sessions, since static sessions are not part of an L2TPv3 tunnel. Zero is not a legal CCID for established tunnels, so a non-zero value means this is a dynamic session." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 7 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the UDP Port reported by the CCAP Core when the DEPI session uses L2TPv3 Header Over UDP. This attribute reports a value of 0 when the session is running with the L2TPv3 Session IP Header. This port number is negotiated between the CCAP Core and the RPD according to the L2TPv3 RFC." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 8 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides an ASCII string constructed with the form: RemoteEndId=(pp:mmm:ccc), ... { repeated for multiple endpoints } where pp is the 0-based port num signaled in the RemoteEndId AVP mmm is the channel-type enum value from the RemoteEndId AVP ccc is the channel number from the RemoteEndId AVP. In cases when the complete length of the description attribute exceeds 255 characters, the RPD MUST truncate the length to 255." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 9 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoSessionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { psp(1), mpt(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies whether the session is an MPT session or PSP session." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 10 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoSessionSubType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mptLegacy(1), pspLegacy(2), mcm(3), pspDepiMultichannel(4), pspUepiScQam(5), pspUepiOfdma(6), pspBwReqScQam(7), pspBwReqOfdma(8), pspProbe(9), pspRngReqScQam(10), pspRngReqOfdma(11), pspMapScQam(12), pspMapOfdma(13), pspSpecman(14), pspPnm(15), psp551Fwd(16), psp551Ret(17), psp552Fwd(18), psp552Ret(19), pspNdf(20), pspNdr(21), pspEc(22), pspZbl(23) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the type of DEPI MPT or DEPI PSP session." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 11 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoMaxPayload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the maximum MTU negotiated between the CCAP Core and the RPD during the session establishment process. The MTU is the layer 3 payload of a layer 2 frame." REFERENCE "DEPI specification, Signaling Annex A." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 12 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoPathPayload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the maximum MTU traversing the CIN from CCAP Core to the RPD. This is calculated by the CCAP Core by procedures such as MTU discovery as described in the DEPI specification." REFERENCE "DEPI specification, Network MTU" ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 13 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoRpdIfMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the RPD's CIN interface MTU and is read as the value of the following L2TPV3 AVP transmitted by the RPD during session setup: DEPI Downstream PW UEPI Upstream PW DEPI Remote MTU AVP (ICRP) UEPI Remote MTU AVP (ICRP)." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 14 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoCoreIfMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the CCAP Core's CIN interface MTU and is read as the value of the following L2TPv3 AVP as received by the device during session setup: DEPI Downstream PW UEPI Upstream PW DEPI Local MTU AVP (ICRQ) UEPI Local MTU AVP (ICRQ)." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 15 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoIncludeDOCSISMsgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute returns true if the CCAP Core includes DOCSIS MAP messages and other MAC Management messages in the interface entry associated with this control entry. The CCAP Core determines whether the interface includes DOCSIS messages as part of the payload." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 16 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), invalidMACInterfaceValue(2), invalidInterfaceValue(3), noResourcesForInterfaceIndex(4), l2tpv3Error(5), ifAdminStatusSetToDown(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The error code raised when the session is in an error state. 'invalidMACInterfaceValue' Indicates wrong assignment of the CCAP Core MAC interface ifIndex. 'invalidInterfaceValue' Indicates wrong assignment of the CCAP Core Downstream interface ifIndex 'noResourcesForInterfaceIfIndex' Indicates the CCAP Core has no more resources to assign a session to this entry. 'l2tpv3Error' An L2TPv3 StopCCN or CDN message was issued 'ifAdminStatusSetToDown' Indicates the ifAdminStatus was set to down and the session was torn down." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 17 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoCreationTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The attribute contains the sysUptime when the entry was turned active." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 18 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OperStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the current status of the pseudowire from the point of view of the specific reporting entity (CCAP-Core). For static psuedowires, the only values that the RPD can report are 'up' and 'down'. These values are conveyed to the Core via the RpdCircuitStatus TLV (TLV 59.1.3)." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 19 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoLocalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { other(0), pwNotForwarding(1), servicePwRxFault(2), servicePwTxFault(3), psnPwRxFault(4), psnPwTxFault(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The attribute provides the status of the pseudowire in the local node. If the 'other' bit is set, it indicates that an additional vendor-specific status is reported. If none of the bits are set, it indicates no faults are reported." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 20 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The attribute provides the value of sysUpTime when the session entered its current OperStatus state from the point of view of the specific reporting entity (CCAP-Core)." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 21 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoExtendedRemoteEndId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides an ASCII string constructed with the form: RemoteEndId=(pp:mmm:ccc),... { repeated for multiple channels } where pp is the zero-based port number signaled in the RemoteEndId AVP mmm is the channel-type Enum value from the RemoteEndId AVP ccc is the channel number from the RemoteEndId AVP This attribute conveys largely the same information as the Description attribute. Its longer length however permits communication of the complete RemoteEndId description, even when the length of the string exceeds 255 octets." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoEntry 22 } -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- CCAP Core L2TP Session Flow Table -- --------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table represents a PSP Flow of L2TP session or for those sessions, which do not have PSP Flows, represents entire session. In the latter case the PSP Flow Id by convention is zero." ::= { docsRphyCcapMibObjects 2 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowTable. This is an extension to docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoTable for the CCAP Core." INDEX { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoSessionIpAddrType, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoCcapLcceIpAddr, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoRpdLcceIpAddr, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoDirection, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoL2tpSessionId, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowPspFlowId } ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowTable 1 } DocsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowPspFlowId Unsigned32, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowPhbId Unsigned32 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowPspFlowId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute identifies a PSP Flow within the session. For MPT sessions and for PSP sessions which do not support multiple PSP Flows, this attribute is zero" ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowEntry 1 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowPhbId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the Per Hop Behavior Identifier that equals the 6-bit DSCP with which the CCAP Core transmits downstream L2TPv3 data packets for the flow or which is signaled to the RPD for insertion in upstream L2TPv3 data packets transmitted by the RPD." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowEntry 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- CCAP Core L2TP Session Statistics Table -- --------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides statistics for every session that terminates at the CCAP-Core from the CCAP Core's point of view. It also provides statistics about each tunnel session between the RPD and each CCAP Core with which the RPD is associated from the RPD's point of view." ::= { docsRphyCcapMibObjects 3 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsTable. This table is an augmentation of docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowTable." AUGMENTS { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowEntry } ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsTable 1 } DocsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsOutOfSeqPkts Counter32, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsInPkts Counter64, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsInDiscards Counter64, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsOutPkts Counter64, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsOutErrors Counter64 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsOutOfSeqPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the count of session packets that were received out of sequence from the point of view of the reporting entity. It is vendor dependent the re-sequence of packets. Implementations that do not re-sequence packets also increase the value of ifInDiscards for the respective entry." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsEntry 1 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsInPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of received packets accepted for processing above the L2TPv3 protocol layer. The InPackets attribute count excludes packets dropped by the L2TPv3 protocol layer itself (e.g. OutOfSequencePackets and InDiscards)." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsEntry 2 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of received packets discarded by the L2TPv3 protocol layer itself, including those discarded because they were out of sequence. The InDiscards attribute count includes packets unable to be forwarded to a higher layer for processing (e.g. unknown L2tpv3 session Id). Interpretation of what discards are counted in this attribute is vendor-specific." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsEntry 3 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of packets conceptually attempted to be transmitted from above the L2TPv3 protocol layer. The OutPackets attribute counts packets discarded by the L2TPv3 protocol layer itself (i.e. as counted by OutErrors)." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsEntry 4 } docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of packets attempted to be transmitted from above the L2TPv3 protocol layer that could not be transmitted below the L2TPv3 protocol layer itself. Interpretation of what errors are counted in this attribute is vendor specific." ::= { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsEntry 5 } -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- CCAP Core CIN Downstream Latency Table -- --------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyCcapCinDsLatencyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyCcapCinDsLatencyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides measurements on the latency on the CIN link for the session as measured by the CCAP-Core. These measurements are based on the DEPI latency measurement, specified in the Remote Downstream External PHY Interface Specification." ::= { docsRphyCcapMibObjects 4 } docsRphyCcapCinDsLatencyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyCcapCinDsLatencyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyCcapCinLatencyTable. A row entry is created for every session the CCAP Core terminates. This table is an augmentation of docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowTable for the CCAP Core." AUGMENTS { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowEntry } ::= { docsRphyCcapCinDsLatencyTable 1 } DocsRphyCcapCinDsLatencyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyCcapCinDsLatencyLastVal Unsigned32, docsRphyCcapCinDsLatencyLastValTime TimeStamp, docsRphyCcapCinDsLatencyInterval Unsigned32 } docsRphyCcapCinDsLatencyLastVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the latest latency measurement on this session." ::= { docsRphyCcapCinDsLatencyEntry 1 } docsRphyCcapCinDsLatencyLastValTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the sysUpTime value of the last time the docsRphyCcapCinLatencyPerfLastVal attribute was updated." ::= { docsRphyCcapCinDsLatencyEntry 2 } docsRphyCcapCinDsLatencyInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the time interval used to measure periodically the CIN latency per DEPI session. Active measurement of CIN latency applies to active DEPI sessions only. This attribute is constrained to 420 seconds to prevent Master Clock counter overruns. A value zero indicates no CIN latency measurements are configured to be performed." ::= { docsRphyCcapCinDsLatencyEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- CCAP Core Session CIN Downstream Latency Statistics Table -- --------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyCcapSessionCinDsLatencyStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyCcapSessionCinDsLatencyStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides sequence of recent measurements of the CIN latency on the network as measured by the CCAP Core. When the table is full, the oldest measurement is replaced with a new one. This table is based on the docsIfMCmtsDepiSessionCinLatencyPerfTable object defined in the DOCS-IF-M-CMTS-MIB and has been extended for Remote PHY. The CCAP Core must report at least 10 values of the most recent intervals for Session CinDsLatencyStats. " ::= { docsRphyCcapMibObjects 5 } docsRphyCcapSessionCinDsLatencyStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyCcapSessionCinDsLatencyStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyCcapSessionCinDsLatencyStatsTable. A row entry is created for every session the CCAP Core terminates. This is an extension to docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowTable for the CCAP Core." INDEX { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoSessionIpAddrType, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoCcapLcceIpAddr, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoRpdLcceIpAddr, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoDirection, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoL2tpSessionId, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowPspFlowId, docsRphyCcapSessionCinDsLatencyStatsIntervalSeq } ::= { docsRphyCcapSessionCinDsLatencyStatsTable 1 } DocsRphyCcapSessionCinDsLatencyStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyCcapSessionCinDsLatencyStatsIntervalSeq Unsigned32, docsRphyCcapSessionCinDsLatencyStatsVal Unsigned32, docsRphyCcapSessionCinDsLatencyStatsValTime TimeStamp } docsRphyCcapSessionCinDsLatencyStatsIntervalSeq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the interval sequence where the CIN latency measurement was taken. It is valid in an implementation that overrides the oldest sequence number entry with the most recent measurement." ::= { docsRphyCcapSessionCinDsLatencyStatsEntry 1 } docsRphyCcapSessionCinDsLatencyStatsVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the CIN latency value measured for the session referenced by this entry." ::= { docsRphyCcapSessionCinDsLatencyStatsEntry 2 } docsRphyCcapSessionCinDsLatencyStatsValTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the sysUpTime value for the last time docsRphyCcapCinLatencyPerfVal was updated." ::= { docsRphyCcapSessionCinDsLatencyStatsEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- CCAP Core CW Tone Status Table -- --------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyCcapCwToneStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyCcapCwToneStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table has one entry for each CW tone configured on a downstream RF port on an RPD. The status of the tone depends on whether the tone has been successfully configured on that parent RPD and the state of the RPD. For an OOS RPD, the RPD MUST report the status of all CW tones as 'down'." ::= { docsRphyCcapMibObjects 6 } docsRphyCcapCwToneStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyCcapCwToneStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyCcapCwToneStatusTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyCcapCwToneStatusRfPort, docsRphyCcapCwToneStatusFrequency } ::= { docsRphyCcapCwToneStatusTable 1 } DocsRphyCcapCwToneStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyCcapCwToneStatusRfPort Unsigned32, docsRphyCcapCwToneStatusFrequency Unsigned32, docsRphyCcapCwToneStatusStatus INTEGER } docsRphyCcapCwToneStatusRfPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute identifies the RF port for the CW tone." ::= { docsRphyCcapCwToneStatusEntry 1 } docsRphyCcapCwToneStatusFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute identifies the CW tone on an RF port on the RPD, as found either in the CwTonesCfg table, if present for this RPD, or in DefaultCwTonesCfg table. " ::= { docsRphyCcapCwToneStatusEntry 2 } docsRphyCcapCwToneStatusStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2), configFailure(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides the status of the tone on the parent RPD. If the RPD is not connected, or it is connected, but tone configuration has not been done yet, the tone status is 'down'. If configuration of the tone was unsuccessful, either because one or more of the GCP configuration TLVs for the tone resulted in an error response or no response, or because more tones were configured than are supported by the parent RPD, and this is one of the extra ones, the tone status is 'configFailure'. If the tone configuration was successful, the tone status is 'up'." ::= { docsRphyCcapCwToneStatusEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- CCAP FDX Rpd Echo Canceller Status Table -- --------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides status information about the CCAP Core training of FDX echo cancellation operation at an RPD. The information is based on the EC-REQ blocks received by the CCAP Core from the RPD, as defined in [R-PHY]. The EC-REQ blocks identify an FDX Extended Upstream Channel by the DOCSIS UCID configured by the CCAP Core for the channel. With per-channel EC training, a CCAP Core supports an instance of this object for every FDX Extended Upstream Channel. For per-sub-band EC training with two FDX Extended Upstream Channels in an FDX sub-band, a CCAP Core reports an instance of this object for only the lower frequency channel in the sub-band. Because both RPDs and CMs perform echo cancellation, the attributes of the FdxRpdEcStatus object are named with a prefix of 'Rpd' to avoid confusion." ::= { docsRphyCcapMibObjects 7 } docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusTable." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusTable 1 } DocsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusEcConverged TruthValue, docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusRpdEcTransitionCount Counter32, docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusRpdEcEctoDuration Unsigned32, docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusRpdEcReqEctPeriod Unsigned32, docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusRpdEcMaxEctPeriod Unsigned32 } docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusEcConverged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the echo canceler convergence status for the FDX Extended Upstream Channel or sub-band reported with an FdxRpdEcStatus object. This attribute reflects the 'EC Convergence Status' of the most recently received EC-REQ from the RPD. A value of 'true' indicates echo canceling has converged. A value of 'false' indicates echo canceling has not converged." ::= { docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusEntry 1 } docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusRpdEcTransitionCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the count of EC-REQ blocks received from the RPD since the FDX Extended Upstream Channel was reset that changed the RpdEcConverged state between 'true' and 'false'. It is intended to identify rapidly changing EC convergence state." ::= { docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusEntry 2 } docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusRpdEcEctoDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "microseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the value of the requested 'ECTO Duration' field (in microseconds) of the most recent EC-REQ block received by the CCAP Core." ::= { docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusEntry 3 } docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusRpdEcReqEctPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the value of the 'Requested ECT Period' (in milliseconds) of the most recent EC-REQ block received at the CCAP Core." ::= { docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusEntry 4 } docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusRpdEcMaxEctPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the value of the 'Max ECT Period' field (in milliseconds) of the most recent EC-REQ block received at the CCAP Core." ::= { docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusEntry 5 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CCAP Tunnel Replace Failures (TRF) Statistics -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyCcapTrfStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyCcapMibObjects 8 } docsRphyCcapTrfStatsTunnelReplacements OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of tunnels successfully replaced by the CCAP Core as a result of the transmission of an SCCRQ containing a DEPI Replaced Tunnel ID AVP identifying the tunnel to be replaced." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapTrfStats::TunnelReplacements" ::= { docsRphyCcapTrfStats 1 } docsRphyCcapTrfStatsTunnelReplacementFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of tunnel replacement attempts, following the transmission of an SCCRQ containing a DEPI Replaced Tunnel ID AVP by the CCAP Core, that failed." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapTrfStats::TunnelReplacementFailures" ::= { docsRphyCcapTrfStats 2 } docsRphyCcapTrfStatsTunnelHandovers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of tunnels transitioned from Standby to InService HA state as a result of the transmission of a DTU message by the CCAP Core." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapTrfStats::TunnelHandovers" ::= { docsRphyCcapTrfStats 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CCAP L2TPv3 Control Connection (LCCE) Statistics -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyCcapLcceStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyCcapLcceStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is supported by the CCAP Core and is used to report on the DEPI L2TPv3 control connection activity between the Core and all the RPDs with which the Core has control connections. There is an entry for each pair of RPD and CCAP Core LCCEs used for DEPI L2TPv3 control connections." ::= { docsRphyCcapMibObjects 9} docsRphyCcapLcceStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyCcapLcceStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyCcapLcceStatsTable." INDEX { docsRphyCcapLcceStatsLcceIpAddrType, docsRphyCcapLcceStatsCcapLcceIpAddr, docsRphyCcapLcceStatsRpdLcceIpAddr } ::= { docsRphyCcapLcceStatsTable 1 } DocsRphyCcapLcceStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyCcapLcceStatsLcceIpAddrType InetAddressType, docsRphyCcapLcceStatsCcapLcceIpAddr InetAddress, docsRphyCcapLcceStatsRpdLcceIpAddr InetAddress, docsRphyCcapLcceStatsCoreId OCTET STRING, docsRphyCcapLcceStatsCtrlConnEst Counter32, docsRphyCcapLcceStatsCtrlConnEstFailures Counter32, docsRphyCcapLcceStatsCtrlConnFailures Counter32, docsRphyCcapLcceStatsCurrCtrlConn Unsigned32 } docsRphyCcapLcceStatsLcceIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute indicates whether the IP address provided in the CcapLcceIpAddr and RpdLcceIpAddr attributes are IPv4 or IPv6." ::= { docsRphyCcapLcceStatsEntry 1 } docsRphyCcapLcceStatsCcapLcceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute provides the LCCE IP address on the CCAP Core detailed in the instance. " ::= { docsRphyCcapLcceStatsEntry 2 } docsRphyCcapLcceStatsRpdLcceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the RPD LCCE IP address detailed in the instance." ::= { docsRphyCcapLcceStatsEntry 3 } docsRphyCcapLcceStatsCoreId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (6)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the unique identifier of the CCAP Core." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapLcceStats::CoreId" ::= { docsRphyCcapLcceStatsEntry 4 } docsRphyCcapLcceStatsCtrlConnEst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of DEPI control connections successfully established between the RPD and CCAP Core LCCEs." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapLcceStats::ControlConnectionsEstablished" ::= { docsRphyCcapLcceStatsEntry 5 } docsRphyCcapLcceStatsCtrlConnEstFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of DEPI control connections that failed during establishment between the RPD and CCAP Core LCCEs." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapLcceStats::ControlConnectionEstablishmentFailures" ::= { docsRphyCcapLcceStatsEntry 6 } docsRphyCcapLcceStatsCtrlConnFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of DEPI control connections between the RPD and CCAP Core LCCEs in which a failure was detected (after successful connection establishment) that led to the connection being closed." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapLcceStats::ControlConnectionFailures" ::= { docsRphyCcapLcceStatsEntry 7 } docsRphyCcapLcceStatsCurrCtrlConn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of DEPI control connections that are currently operational between the RPD and CCAP Core LCCEs (i.e connections that are in an inService or standby state). Connections that have been removed are not included in the count." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapLcceStats::CurrentControlConnections" ::= { docsRphyCcapLcceStatsEntry 8 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CCAP Current Control Connections -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is supported by the CCAP Core and is used to report on the currently operational DEPI L2TPv3 control connections on the CCAP Core. " ::= { docsRphyCcapMibObjects 10} docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnTable." INDEX { docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnLcceIpAddrType, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnCcapLcceIpAddr, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnRpdLcceIpAddr, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnCoreConnCtrlId } ::= { docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnTable 1 } DocsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnLcceIpAddrType InetAddressType, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnCcapLcceIpAddr InetAddress, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnRpdLcceIpAddr InetAddress, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnCoreConnCtrlId Unsigned32, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnRpdConnCtrlId Unsigned32, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnCoreId OCTET STRING, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnUdpPort InetPortNumber, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnHaState INTEGER, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnSessEstFailures Counter32, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnSessFailed Counter32, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnCurrSess Unsigned32 } docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnLcceIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute indicates whether the IP address provided in the CcapLcceIpAddr and RpdLcceIpAddr attributes are IPv4 or IPv6." ::= { docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnEntry 1 } docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnCcapLcceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute provides the LCCE IP address on the CCAP Core of the control connection detailed in the instance." ::= { docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnEntry 2 } docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnRpdLcceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the RPD LCCE IP address of the control connection detailed in the instance." ::= { docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnEntry 3 } docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnCoreConnCtrlId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute reports the Core control connection identifier (CCID) for this control connection." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapCurrentControlConnections::CoreConnCtrlId" ::= { docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnEntry 4 } docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnRpdConnCtrlId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the RPD control connection identifier (CCID) for this control connection." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapCurrentControlConnections::RpdConnCtrlId" ::= { docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnEntry 5 } docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnCoreId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(6)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the unique identifier of the CCAP Core with which this control connection terminates. " REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapCurrentControlConnections::CoreId" ::= { docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnEntry 6 } docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the UDP Port reported by the RPD when the DEPI control connection uses L2TPv3 Header Over UDP. This attribute reports a value of 0 when the control connection is running with the L2TPv3 Session IP Header." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapCurrentControlConnections::UdpPort" ::= { docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnEntry 7 } docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnHaState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(0), inService(1), standby(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the current HaState of the tunnel for which this DEPI control connection provides the signaling. If TRF is not supported by either the Core or the RPD then HaState is reported as inService." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapCurrentControlConnections::HaState" ::= { docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnEntry 8 } docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnSessEstFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of DEPI sessions that failed during establishment using this control connection." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapCurrentControlConnections::SessionEstablishmentFailures" ::= { docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnEntry 9 } docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnSessFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of DEPI sessions in which a failure was detected (after successful tunnel establishment) that led to the session being closed using this control connection." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapCurrentControlConnections::SessionsFailed" ::= { docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnEntry 10 } docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnCurrSess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute counts the number of current DEPI sessions using this control connection (i.e., sessions that are in an inService or standby state). Sessions that have been removed are not included in the count. " REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapCurrentControlConnections::CurrentSessions" ::= { docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnEntry 11 } -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- CMTS CM Reg Status Table -- --------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyCmtsCmRegStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyCmtsCmRegStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table extends docsIf3CmtsCmRegStatusTable for RPHY." ::= { docsRphyCmtsCmStatMibObjects 1 } docsRphyCmtsCmRegStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyCmtsCmRegStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyCmtsCmRegStatusTable." INDEX { docsIf3CmtsCmRegStatusId } ::= { docsRphyCmtsCmRegStatusTable 1 } DocsRphyCmtsCmRegStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyCmtsCmRegStatusRpdUniqueId MacAddress } docsRphyCmtsCmRegStatusRpdUniqueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies a globally unique 6-byte identifier of the RPD providing service to the CM specified by the docsIf3CmtsCmRegStatusId index. A compliant implementation can report Null MAC address if the CM is not attached through a Remote PHY system." ::= { docsRphyCmtsCmRegStatusEntry 1 } -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- CCAP RPD to CM Map Status Table -- --------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table defines a mapping between an RPD Unique Identifier and the corresponding CCAP Core assigned CM Id (CmtsCmRegStatusId). This provides lookup capabilities for CMs connected to an RPD (or vice versa) and the associated US and DS RF Ports on the RPD. When it is able to learn the node RF port to which a CM is attached to an RPN, the CCAP Core SHOULD report the NodeRfPortId attribute of the CcapRpdToCmMapStatus object for that CM. The mechanism by which the CCAP Core learns the NodeRfPortId of a CM is not standardized. The NodeRfPortId attribute can be reported whether or not the CM connects through an RPN capable of Partial Spectrum operation. An RPN is considered to be Partial Spectrum-capable per direction. If it reports the NodeRfPortId attribute of CcapRpdToCmMapStatus for a CM from a Partial Spectrum-capable RPN in either direction, the CCAP Core omits reporting the RpdUsRfPortNum and RpdDsRfPortNum attribute of CcapRpdToCmMapStatus and instead reports the RpdUsRfPortList and RpdDsRfPortList attributes." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapRpdToCmMapStatus" ::= { docsRphyCmtsCmStatMibObjects 2 } docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsIf3CmtsCmRegStatusId } ::= { docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusTable 1 } DocsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusRpdUsRfPortNum Unsigned32, docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusRpdDsRfPortNum Unsigned32, docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusNodeRfPortId Unsigned32, docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusRpdUsRfPortList Unsigned32, docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusRpdDsRfPortList Unsigned32 } docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusRpdUsRfPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute identifies the upstream RF port on the RPD, for the RPD attached to the CM specified by the CmId index. A CCAP Core MUST omit reporting RpdUsRfPortNum for an upstream Partial Spectrum- capable RPN. A CCAP Core can detect this condition from the NodePortMapUs (TLV sub-table in an IRA message." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapRpdToCmMapStatus::RpdUsRfPortNum Remote PHY Specification, CM-SP-R-PHY-I17-220531 Partial Spectrum (PS) RF Ports section" ::= { docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusEntry 1 } docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusRpdDsRfPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute identifies the downstream RF port on the RPD, for the RPD attached to the CM specified by the CmId index. A CCAP Core MUST omit reporting RpdDsRfPortNum for a downstream Partial Spectrum- capable RPN. A CCAP Core can detect this condition from the NodePortMapDs (TLV sub-table in an IRA message." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapRpdToCmMapStatus::RpdDsRfPortNum Remote PHY Specification, CM-SP-R-PHY-I17-220531 Partial Spectrum (PS) RF Ports section" ::= { docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusEntry 2 } docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusNodeRfPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute provides a Node RF Port identifier for an RPN." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapRpdToCmMapStatus::NodeRfPortId Remote PHY Specification, CM-SP-R-PHY-I17-220531 Partial Spectrum (PS) RF Ports section" ::= { docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusEntry 3 } docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusRpdUsRfPortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is a list of either Full Spectrum or Partial Spectrum UsRfPort indexes with channels in the CM's TCS." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapRpdToCmMapStatus::RpdUsRfPortList Remote PHY Specification, CM-SP-R-PHY-I17-220531 Partial Spectrum (PS) RF Ports section" ::= { docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusEntry 4 } docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusRpdDsRfPortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is a list of either Full Spectrum or Partial Spectrum DsRfPort indexes with channels in the CM's RCS." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI CcapRpdToCmMapStatus::RpdDsRfPortList Remote PHY Specification, CM-SP-R-PHY-I17-220531 Partial Spectrum (PS) RF Ports section" ::= { docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusEntry 5 } -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- Conformance definitions -- --------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for RPD management features." MODULE -- docsRphyMib -- conditionally mandatory groups GROUP docsRphyRpdGroup DESCRIPTION "Group of objects applicable to RPDs only. These objects are implemented on the CCAP Core but are derived from the RPD via the GCP protocol." GROUP docsRphyCcapCoreGroup DESCRIPTION "Group of objects applicable to CCAP Core only." GROUP docsRphyCmtsCmStatGroup DESCRIPTION "Group of objects implemented to support CMTS Status in CCAP Core." OBJECT docsRphyRpdDevIdCurrSwImageServerType SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1), ipv6(2) } DESCRIPTION "An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses." OBJECT docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedAddressType SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1), ipv6(2) } DESCRIPTION "An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses." OBJECT docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusNcIpAddrType SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1), ipv6(2) } DESCRIPTION "An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses." OBJECT docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusArpdSrcIpAddrType SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1), ipv6(2) } DESCRIPTION "An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses." OBJECT docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportSwImageServerType SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1), ipv6(2) } DESCRIPTION "An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses." OBJECT docsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresBackupCoreAddrType SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1), ipv6(2) } DESCRIPTION "An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses." -- conditionally optional groups ::= { docsRphyCompliances 1} docsRphyDeprecatedCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for deprecated RPHY objects." MODULE -- this MODULE GROUP docsRphyRpdDeprecatedGroup DESCRIPTION "This group contains RPHY RPD objects which are deprecated from the MIB as of the current release." ::= { docsRphyCompliances 2 } docsRphyRpdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { docsRphyRpdDevInfoSysUpTime, docsRphyRpdDevInfoNumCrashFilesAvail, docsRphyRpdDevInfoPrincipalCoreStatus, docsRphyRpdDevIdVendorName, docsRphyRpdDevIdVendorId, docsRphyRpdDevIdModelNum, docsRphyRpdDevIdSerialNum, docsRphyRpdDevIdDeviceAlias, docsRphyRpdDevIdDeviceDescr, docsRphyRpdDevIdHwRev, docsRphyRpdDevIdCurrSwVer, docsRphyRpdDevIdBootRomVer, docsRphyRpdDevIdUsBurstRcvrVendorId, docsRphyRpdDevIdUsBurstRcvrModelNum, docsRphyRpdDevIdUsBurstRcvrDrivVer, docsRphyRpdDevIdUsBurstRcvrSerialNum, docsRphyRpdDevIdRcpProtocolVer, docsRphyRpdDevIdRcpSchemaVer, docsRphyRpdDevIdCurrSwImageLastUpdate, docsRphyRpdDevIdCurrSwImageName, docsRphyRpdDevIdCurrSwImageServerType, docsRphyRpdDevIdCurrSwImageServerAddress, docsRphyRpdDevIdCurrSwImageIndex, docsRphyRpdDevIdVspSelector, docsRphyRpdDevLocationDescr, docsRphyRpdDevLocationLatitude, docsRphyRpdDevLocationLongitude, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedCoreId, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedAddressType, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedAddress, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedIsPrincipal, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedName, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedVendorId, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedCoreMode, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedInitConfigComplete, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedCoreFunction, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedAuxCoreRpdState, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedResourceSetIndex, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedGcpBackupConnectionConfig, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedGcpConnectionStatus, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedGcpBackupCoreStatus, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedAuthenticationStatus, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumDsPorts, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumUsPorts, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumTenGeNsPorts, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumOneGeNsPorts, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumDsScQamChans, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumDsOfdmChans, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumUsScQamChans, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumUsOfdmaChans, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumDsOob55d1Chans, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumUsOob55d1Chans, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumDsOob55d2Modules, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumUsOob55d2Demods, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumNdfChans, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumNdrChans, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumDsPspFlowsPerChan, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumUsPspFlowsPerChan, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumAsynchVideoChans, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumCwToneGens, docsRphyRpdDevCapabLowestCwToneFreq, docsRphyRpdDevCapabHighestCwToneFreq, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxPwrDedCwTone, docsRphyRpdDevCapabQamAsPilot, docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsUdpEncap, docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsFlowTags, docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsFreqTilt, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxTiltValue, docsRphyRpdDevCapabBufferDepthMonAlertSupp, docsRphyRpdDevCapabBufferDepthCfgSupp, docsRphyRpdDevCapabRpdUcdProcTime, docsRphyRpdDevCapabRpdUcdChgNullGrtTime, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMultiSectionTimingMerRep, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinPwrDedCwTone, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxPwrQamCwTone, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinPwrQamCwTone, docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsOpticalNodeRf, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxDsFrequency, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinDsFrequency, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxBasePwr, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinTiltValue, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinPwrAdjustScQam, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxPwrAdjustScQam, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinPwrAdjustOfdm, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxPwrAdjustOfdm, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinBaseUsPowerTarLevel, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxBaseUsPowerTarLevel, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinTarRxPowerAdjustScqam, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxTarRxPowerAdjustScqam, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinTarRxPowerAdjustOfdma, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxTarRxPowerAdjustOfdma, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinTarRxPowerAdjustNdr, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxTarRxPowerAdjustNdr, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxDsPspSegCount, docsRphyRpdDevCapabDirectDsFlowQueueMapping, docsRphyRpdDevCapabDsSchedulerPhbIdList, docsRphyRpdDevCapabRpdPendingEvRepQueueSize, docsRphyRpdDevCapabRpdLocalEventLogSize, docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsUsProfileQuery, docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsFlowTagIncrement, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMinBasePwr, docsRphyRpdDevCapabNumCoresSupported, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxDsOob55d1Frequency, docsRphyRpdDevCapabSupportsDsOob55d2SecFreq, docsRphyRpdDevCapabMaxDsOob55d2Frequency, docsRphyRpdDevCapabReportsOfdmConfigChangeCounts, docsRphyRpdDevChanReachabilityEndChanIndex, docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocScQamChans, docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocOfdmChans, docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocOob551Chans, docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocNdChans, docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocBdrs, docsRphyRpdDevDsUsRfPortAllocConfiguredBcgs, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoCoreId, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoConnCtrlID, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoUdpPort, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoDescr, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoSessionType, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoSessionSubType, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoMaxPayload, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoPathPayload, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoRpdIfMtu, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoCoreIfMtu, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoErrorCode, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoCreationTime, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoOperStatus, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoLocalStatus, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoLastChange, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionInfoExtendedRemoteEndId, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsOutOfSeqPkts, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsInPkts, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsInDiscards, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsOutPkts, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsOutErrors, docsRphyRpdDevL2tpSessionStatsCounterDiscontinuityTime, docsRphyRpdDevDiagStatusProbableCause, docsRphyRpdDevDiagStatusAdditionalText, docsRphyRpdDevDiagStatusSeverityLevel, docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionRpdLcceIpAddr, docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionCcapLcceIpAddr, docsRphyRpdDevDepiMcastSessionJoinTime, docsRphyRpdDevEventLogFirstTime, docsRphyRpdDevEventLogLastTime, docsRphyRpdDevEventLogCounts, docsRphyRpdDevEventLogLevel, docsRphyRpdDevEventLogId, docsRphyRpdDevEventLogText, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusNcIpAddrType, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusNcIpAddr, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusArpdSrcIpAddrType, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusArpdSrcIpAddr, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusPerfectCellsRcvd, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusCorrectedCellsRcvd, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusUncorrectableCellsRcvd, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusTotalCellsRcvd, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusPwrLevel, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusMaxPwrLevel, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusMinPwrLevel, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime, docsRphyRpdDevOob551UsChanStatusOperStatus, docsRphyRpdDevCrashDataFileStatusFilename, docsRphyRpdDevCrashDataFileStatusFileStatus, docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityRxMer, docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityRxMerSamples, docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityUnerroreds, docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityCorrecteds, docsRphyRpdDevUsSignalQualityUncorrectables, docsRphyRpdDevHostResSysDate, docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorType, docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorAllocationUnits, docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorAllocationFailures, docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorSize, docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorUsed, docsRphyRpdDevHostResStorDescr, docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunType, docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunStatus, docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunPerfCpu, docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunPerfMem, docsRphyRpdDevHostResSwRunName, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapMaxFwdStaticPws, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapMaxRetStaticPws, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticMptDepiPw, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticMpt55d1RetPw, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticPspNdfPw, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticPspNdrPw, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapMaxUcastFwdStaticPws, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticPspNdfUcastPw, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticPspPnmPw, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsStaticPspSpecmanPw, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsDepiPspMultichanPw, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsUepiPws, docsRphyRpdDevStaticPwCapSupportsDtpPw, docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportSwImageLastUpdate, docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportSwImageName, docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportSwImageDescr, docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportSwImageServerType, docsRphyRpdDevExtSwImageSupportSwImageServerAddress, docsRphyRpdDevSwImageCapNumSwImages, docsRphyRpdDevSwImageCapImageUpgradability, docsRphyRpdDevGcpCapGcpKaResponseTime, docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapReqOfdmaImDurationCfg, docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapSupportedPilotPatterns, docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapNumDsOfdmProfiles, docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapOptionalOfdmModulations, docsRphyRpdDevOfdmCfgCapOptionalOfdmaModulations, docsRphyRpdDevCoreRedundancyCapSupportsRedundancy, docsRphyRpdDevResetCapSupportsReset, docsRphyRpdDevResetCapResetHistorySize, docsRphyRpdDevFdxCapSupportsFdx, docsRphyRpdDevFddCapSupportsFdd, docsRphyRpdDevFdxCapSupportsZblInsertion, docsRphyRpdDevFdxCapZblInsMsgLeadTime, docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapNumPtpPortsPerEnetPort, docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapSupportsSyncE, docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapSupportsG8275d1, docsRphyRpdDevRdtiCapSupportsDtpPseudowire, docsRphyRpdDevDsCapScQamInterleaverSupport, docsRphyRpdDevDsCapMaxDocsisScQamChannels, docsRphyRpdDevDsCapMaxMultipleScQamPspSessions, docsRphyRpdDevDsCapMaxNumBdrs, docsRphyRpdDevDsCapMaxNumBcgs, docsRphyRpdDevDsCapSupportsDsScQamModulationQam128, docsRphyRpdDevDsCapSupportsTiltMinimumFrequency, docsRphyRpdDevSpecCaptureCapNumSacs, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSacDescription, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMaxCaptureSpan, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMinCaptureFreq, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMaxCaptureFreq, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppTriggerModes, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppOutputFormats, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppWindowFormats, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppAveraging, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppAggrMethods, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppSpecQual, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMaxNumBins, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMinNumBins, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMinRepeatPeriod, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppTrigChanTypes, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapPwType, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapLowestCapturePort, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapHighestCapturePort, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapSuppScanCapture, docsRphyRpdDevSacCapMinScanRepeatPeriod, docsRphyRpdDevTelemetryCapSupportsGnmiStreaming, docsRphyRpdDevTelemetryCapNumClientsSupported, docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapDsCapGainControlIndex, docsRphyRpdDevNodePortMapUsCapGainControlIndex, docsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresBackupCoreAddrType, docsRphyRpdDevCandidateBackupCoresBackupCoreAddr, docsRphyRpdDevShelfInfoRpdSlot, docsRphyRpdDevPmapCapMaxNumPmaples, docsRphyRpdDevPmapCapProbePowerControl, docsRphyRpdDevPmapCapSupportedPilotPatterns, docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapEctMethod, docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapMaxEctChannels, docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapMinEctPeriod, docsRphyRpdDevEchoCanCapErdDuration, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapSupportsRfmMgmt, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapNumNodeRfPorts, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapSupportsDsCfgRfmGain, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMinDsCfgRfmGain, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxDsCfgRfmGain, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapSupportsUsCfgRfmGain, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMinUsCfgRfmGain, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxUsCfgRfmGain, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapSupportsRfmDsTiltConfig, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMinRfmDsTilt, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxRfmDsTilt, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxDsPowerGainFunctions, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxUsPowerGainFunctions, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxDsTiltCtrlFunctions, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMinRfmDsFreq, docsRphyRpdDevRfmCapMaxRfmDsFreq, docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapNodeRfPortVendorDesc, docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapRpdUsRfPortMap, docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapRpdDsRfPortMap, docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapRfmUsGainCtrlIndex, docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapRfmDsGainCtrlIndex, docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapRfmDsTiltCtrlIndex, docsRphyRpdDevNodeRfPortCapNodeRfPortOpLabel, docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryResetTimestamp, docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryType, docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryReason, docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryEventIdRef, docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryEventDescription, docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryRecoveryTime, docsRphyRpdDevResetHistoryPrincipalOpTimestamp, docsRphyRpdDevChanBcastGroupStatusGroupMember, docsRphyRpdDevUsCapMaxUsFrequency, docsRphyRpdDevUsCapMinUsFrequency, docsRphyRpdDevUsCapMaxUnicastSids, docsRphyRpdDevPmtdudCapSupportsIcmpBasedPmtud, docsRphyRpdDevPmtdudCapSupportsPacketizationBasedPmtud, docsRphyRpdDevPnmCapSupportedPnmTests, docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapMinNumSymbols25Khz, docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapMaxNumSymbols25Khz, docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapMinNumSymbols50Khz, docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapMaxNumSymbols50Khz, docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapSupportsStaggeredPies, docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapSupportsDedicatedPwUpcRxMer, docsRphyRpdDevUpcCapSupportsFreqDomainSamples, docsRphyRpdDevInitCapPerCoreInitTimers, docsRphyRpdDevInitCapStagingConfigInitTimers, docsRphyRpdDevUsPowerCapMinTarRxPowerAdjust55d2, docsRphyRpdDevUsPowerCapMaxTarRxPowerAdjust55d2, docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsTunnelReplacements, docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsTunnelReplacementFailures, docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsTunnelHandovers, docsRphyRpdDevTrfStatsTunnelHandoverFailures, docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsCtrlConnEst, docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsCtrlConnEstFailures, docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsCtrlConnFailures, docsRphyRpdDevLcceStatsCurrCtrlConn, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnCoreConnCtrlId, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnCoreId, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnUdpPort, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnHaState, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnSessEstFailures, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnSessFailed, docsRphyRpdDevCurrCtrlConnCurrSess, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityDescr, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityVendorType, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityContainedIn, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityClass, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityParentRelPos, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityName, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityHardwareRev, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityFirmwareRev, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntitySoftwareRev, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntitySerialNum, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityMfgName, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityModelName, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityAlias, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityAssetID, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityIsFRU, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityMfgDate, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityUris, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntityUUID, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorType, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorScale, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorPrecision, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorValue, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorOperStatus, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorUnitsDisplay, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorValueTimeStamp, docsRphyRpdIfPhysEntSensorValueUpdateRate, docsRphyRpdIfEnetDescr, docsRphyRpdIfEnetName, docsRphyRpdIfEnetAlias, docsRphyRpdIfEnetType, docsRphyRpdIfEnetMtu, docsRphyRpdIfEnetPhysAddress, docsRphyRpdIfEnetAdminStatus, docsRphyRpdIfEnetOperStatus, docsRphyRpdIfEnetLastChange, docsRphyRpdIfEnetLinkUpDownTrapEnable, docsRphyRpdIfEnetHighSpeed, docsRphyRpdIfEnetPromiscuousMode, docsRphyRpdIfEnetConnectorPresent, docsRphyRpdIfEnetNetworkAuthStatus, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInOctets, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutOctets, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInFrames, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutFrames, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInUnicastFrames, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutUnicastFrames, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInMulticastFrames, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutMulticastFrames, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInBroadcastFrames, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutBroadcastFrames, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInDiscards, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutDiscards, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInErrors, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutErrors, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInUnknownProtos, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsCounterDiscontinuityTime, docsRphyRpdIfRpdEnetToCoreEntityMapEntityIndex, docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapRpdRfChanType, docsRphyRpdIfCoreToRpdMapRpdRfChanIndex, docsRphyRpdIfRpdToCoreMapCoreIfIndex, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusStatus, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusIdentifier, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusExtendedIdentifier, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusConnectorType, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusTransceiverComplianceCodes, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusTransceiverComplianceCode36, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEncoding, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusBitRateNominal, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusRateIdentifier, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLengthKm, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLength100M, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLength50Mi10M, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLength62Pt5Mi10M, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLengthCopperM, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLength50MiOm3, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorName, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorOui, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorPartNum, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorSerialNum, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorRev, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusLaserWavelength, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusOptions, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusBitRateMax, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusBitRateMin, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorDate, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorSpecificLotCode, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusDiagMonitorType, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusEnhancedOptions, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusSff8472Compliance, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusVendorSpecificData, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusMeasuredTxOutputPwr, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusMeasuredRxInputPwr, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusDigitalDiagA2Info, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusMeasuredTxBiasCurrent, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusMeasuredTemperature, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSfpPlusStatusMeasuredSupplyVoltage, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSyncEPortStatusSignalQualified, docsRphyRpdIfEnetSyncEPortStatusReceivedSsm, docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusReportedDsGain, docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusReportedDsGainStatus, docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusReportedUsGain, docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusReportedUsGainStatus, docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusReportedRfmDsTilt, docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusReportedRfmDsTiltStatus, docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusDsOutputPower, docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusUsExpectedRxPower, docsRphyRpdIfRfmStatusTotalDsTilt, docsRphyRpdIpv4GrpDefaultTTL, docsRphyRpdIpv4GrpInterfaceTableLastChange, docsRphyRpdIpv6GrpIpDefaultHopLimit, docsRphyRpdIpv6GrpInterfaceTableLastChange, docsRphyRpdIpv6GrpIfStatsTableLastChange, docsRphyRpdIpv4InterfaceEnableStatus, docsRphyRpdIpv4InterfaceRetransmitTime, docsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceIdentifier, docsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceEnableStatus, docsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceReachableTime, docsRphyRpdIpv6InterfaceRetransmitTime, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInReceives, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInOctets, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInHdrErrors, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInNoRoutes, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInAddrErrors, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInUnknownProtos, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInTruncatedPkts, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInDiscards, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInDelivers, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsOutRequests, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsOutDiscards, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsOutTransmits, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsOutOctets, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInMcastPkts, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsInMcastOctets, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsOutMcastPkts, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsOutMcastOctets, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsDiscontinuityTime, docsRphyRpdIpIfStatsRefreshRate, docsRphyRpdIpAddressEnetPortIndex, docsRphyRpdIpAddressPrefixLen, docsRphyRpdIpAddressType, docsRphyRpdIpAddressOrigin, docsRphyRpdIpAddressStatus, docsRphyRpdIpAddressCreated, docsRphyRpdIpAddressLastChanged, docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalPhysAddress, docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalLastUpdated, docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalType, docsRphyRpdIpNetToPhysicalState, docsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterLifetime, docsRphyRpdIpDefaultRouterPreference, docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsInPkts, docsRphyRpdIpIcmpMsgStatsOutPkts } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects implemented in CCAP Cores which represent RPD managed objects derived via the GCP protocol." ::= { docsRphyGroups 1 } docsRphyCcapCoreGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoCoreId, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoConnCtrlID, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoUdpPort, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoDescr, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoSessionType, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoSessionSubType, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoMaxPayload, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoPathPayload, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoRpdIfMtu, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoCoreIfMtu, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoIncludeDOCSISMsgs, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoErrorCode, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoCreationTime, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoOperStatus, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoLocalStatus, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoLastChange, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionInfoExtendedRemoteEndId, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionFlowPhbId, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsOutOfSeqPkts, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsInPkts, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsInDiscards, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsOutPkts, docsRphyCcapL2tpSessionStatsOutErrors, docsRphyCcapCinDsLatencyLastVal, docsRphyCcapCinDsLatencyLastValTime, docsRphyCcapCinDsLatencyInterval, docsRphyCcapSessionCinDsLatencyStatsVal, docsRphyCcapSessionCinDsLatencyStatsValTime, docsRphyCcapCwToneStatusStatus, docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusEcConverged, docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusRpdEcTransitionCount, docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusRpdEcEctoDuration, docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusRpdEcReqEctPeriod, docsRphyFdxRpdEcStatusRpdEcMaxEctPeriod, docsRphyCcapTrfStatsTunnelReplacements, docsRphyCcapTrfStatsTunnelReplacementFailures, docsRphyCcapTrfStatsTunnelHandovers, docsRphyCcapLcceStatsCoreId, docsRphyCcapLcceStatsCtrlConnEst, docsRphyCcapLcceStatsCtrlConnEstFailures, docsRphyCcapLcceStatsCtrlConnFailures, docsRphyCcapLcceStatsCurrCtrlConn, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnRpdConnCtrlId, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnCoreId, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnUdpPort, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnHaState, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnSessEstFailures, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnSessFailed, docsRphyCcapCurrCtrlConnCurrSess } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects implemented in CCAP Cores." ::= { docsRphyGroups 2 } --OID docsRphyGroups 3 is DEPRECATED docsRphyCmtsCmStatGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { docsRphyCmtsCmRegStatusRpdUniqueId, docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusRpdUsRfPortNum, docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusRpdDsRfPortNum, docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusNodeRfPortId, docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusRpdUsRfPortList, docsRphyCcapRpdToCmMapStatusRpdDsRfPortList } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects implemented to support CMTS Status in CCAP Core." ::= { docsRphyGroups 4 } docsRphyRpdDeprecatedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { docsRphyRpdDevCapabVspSelector, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInUnicastOctets, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutUnicastOctets, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInMulticastOctets, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutMulticastOctets, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsInBroadcastOctets, docsRphyRpdIfEnetStatsOutBroadcastOctets, docsRphyRpdDevCoresConnectedAuxCoreGcpConnectionStatus } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Deprecated RPHY RPD objects group" ::= { docsRphyGroups 5 } END