DOCS-RPHY-PTP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32, Counter64, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- RFC 2578 TruthValue, TimeStamp, DateAndTime, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF InetAddressType, InetAddress FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB -- RFC 4001 clabProjDocsis FROM CLAB-DEF-MIB docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId FROM DOCS-RPHY-MIB; docsRphyPtpMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202501230000Z" -- January 23, 2025 ORGANIZATION "Cable Television Laboratories, Inc" CONTACT-INFO " Postal: Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. 400 Centennial Parkway Louisville, Colorado 80027-1266 U.S.A. Phone: +1 303-661-9100 Fax: +1 303-661-9199 E-mail:" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module contains the status and reporting objects for the Remote PHY CCAP Core and RPD PTP management. Copyright 2017-2025 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved." REVISION "202501230000Z" -- January 23, 2025 DESCRIPTION "This version includes modifications per ECN DOCS-RPHY-PTP-MIB-N-24.2389-1." REVISION "202206300000Z" -- June 30, 2022 DESCRIPTION "This version includes modifications per ECN DOCS-RPHY-PTP-MIB-N-22.2263-1." REVISION "202201200000Z" -- January 20, 2022 DESCRIPTION "This version includes modifications per ECN DOCS-RPHY-PTP-MIB-N-21.2225-1." REVISION "202110210000Z" -- October 21, 2021 DESCRIPTION "This version includes modifications per ECN DOCS-RPHY-PTP-MIB-N-21.2197-1." REVISION "202103040000Z" -- March 4, 2021 DESCRIPTION "This version includes modifications per ECN DOCS-RPHY-PTP-MIB-N-21.2150-1." REVISION "202005210000Z" -- May 21, 2020 DESCRIPTION "This version includes modifications per ECN DOCS-RPHY-PTP-MIB-N-20.2094-1." REVISION "201906130000Z" -- June 13, 2019 DESCRIPTION "This version includes modifications per ECN DOCS-RPHY-PTP-MIB-N-19.2023-1." REVISION "201901240000Z" -- January 24, 2019 DESCRIPTION "This version includes modifications per ECN DOCS-RPHY-PTP-MIB-N-18.1986-2." REVISION "201804120000Z" -- April 12, 2018 DESCRIPTION "This version includes modifications per ECN DOCS-RPHY-PTP-MIB-N-18.1896-2." REVISION "201708100000Z" -- August 10, 2017 DESCRIPTION "This version includes modifications per ECN DOCS-RPHY-PTP-MIB-N-17.1782-2." REVISION "201704130000Z" -- April 13, 2017 DESCRIPTION "Initial version, created by R-OSSI-N-17.1721-3." ::= { clabProjDocsis 32 } -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- Textual Conventions -- --------------------------------------------------------- PortDataSetPortType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of this PTP clock port. States come from Table 8 in [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "IEEE Std 1588-2008, IEEE Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems, July 2008." SYNTAX INTEGER { initializing(1), faulty(2), disabled(3), listening(4), preMaster(5), master(6), passive(7), uncalibrated(8), slave(9) } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main Groups -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyPtpNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyPtpMib 0} docsRphyPtpObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyPtpMib 1} docsRphyPtpConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyPtpMib 2} docsRphyPtpRpdMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyPtpObjects 1} docsRphyPtpCcapMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyPtpObjects 2} docsRphyPtpCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyPtpConformance 1 } docsRphyPtpGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsRphyPtpConformance 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Notification Objects -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CCAP Core Group Objects -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Default DataSet Group -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapMibObjects 1} docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSetTwoStepFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies whether the Two Step process is used (i.e., the clock is a two-step clock)." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpDefaultDataset::TwoStepFlag" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSet 1} docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSetClockIdentity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the default Dataset clock identity." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpDefaultDataset::ClockIdentity" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSet 2} docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSetPriority1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the default Dataset clock Priority1. Lower values take precedence." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpDefaultDataset::Priority1" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSet 3} docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSetPriority2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the default Dataset clock Priority2. Lower values take precedence." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpDefaultDataset::Priority2" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSet 4} docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSetSlaveOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies whether the SlaveOnly flag is set." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpDefaultDataset::SlaveOnly" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSet 5} docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSetQualityClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute of an ordinary or boundary clock denotes the traceability of the time or frequency distributed by the grandmaster clock. See section in [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpDefaultDataset::QualityClass" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSet 6} docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSetQualityAccuracy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute characterizes a clock for the purpose of the best master clock (BMC) algorithm. See section in [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpDefaultDataset::QualityAccuracy" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSet 7} docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSetQualityOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the offset, scaled, logarithmic representation of the clock variance. See Section in [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpDefaultDataset::QualityOffset" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSet 8} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Current DataSet Group -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyPtpCcapCurrentDataSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapMibObjects 2} docsRphyPtpCcapCurrentDataSetStepsRemoved OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "steps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the number of communication paths traversed between the local clock and the grandmaster clock. The initialization value is 0." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpCurrentDataSet::StepsRemoved" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapCurrentDataSet 1} docsRphyPtpCcapCurrentDataSetOffsetFromMaster OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "Nanoseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is an implementation-specific representation of the current value of the time difference between a master and a slave as computed by the slave." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpCurrentDataSet::OffsetFromMaster" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapCurrentDataSet 2} docsRphyPtpCcapCurrentDataSetMeanPathDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Nanoseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is an implementation-specific representation of the current value of the mean propagation time between a master and slave clock as computed by the slave. Zero means that the path delay is unavailable." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpCurrentDataSet::MeanPathDelay" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapCurrentDataSet 3} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parent DataSet Group -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapMibObjects 3} docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetParentClockId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the clock identifier of the clock port on the master that issues the Sync messages used in synchronizing this clock." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpParentDataSet::ParentClockId" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSet 1} docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetParentPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the port number of the clock port on the master that issues the Sync messages used in synchronizing this clock." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpParentDataSet::ParentPortNumber" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSet 2} docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetParentStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is set to True if the clock has a port in the slave state and the clock has computed statistically valid estimates of the ClockOffset Scaled Log Variance and the Clock PhaseChangeRate. If either the ClockOffset Scaled Log Variance or the Clock PhaseChangeRate is not computed, then the CCAP core MUST set the value of ParentStats to false." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpParentDataSet::ParentStats" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSet 3} docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetClockOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "Nanoseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the value of the observed Parent Offset Scaled Log Variance, which is an estimate of the parent clock's PTP variance as observed by the slave clock. The computation of this value is optional, but if not computed, the value of parentStats is FALSE. The initialization value of ClockOffset is 0xFFFF." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpParentDataSet::ClockOffset" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSet 4} docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetPhaseChangeRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "Nanoseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the value of Phase Change Rate, which is an estimate of the parent clock's phase change rate as observed by the slave clock. If the estimate exceeds the capacity of its data type, this value is set to 0x7FFF FFFF. A positive sign indicates that the parent clock's phase change rate is greater than the rate of the slave clock. The computation of this value is optional, but if not computed,the value of parentStats is FALSE." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpParentDataSet::PhaseChangeRate" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSet 5} docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetGmClockIdentity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the clock Identity of the grandmaster clock." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpParentDataSet::GmClockIdentity" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSet 6} docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetGmPriority1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the priority1 of the grandmaster clock. Lower values take precedence." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpParentDataSet::GmPriority1" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSet 7} docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetGmPriority2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the priority2 of the grandmaster clock. Lower values take precedence." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpParentDataSet::GmPriority2" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSet 8} docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetGmQualityClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the clock class for the grandmaster clock. The clock class attribute of an ordinary or boundary clock denotes the traceability of the time or frequency distributed by the grandmaster clock. See section in [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpParentDataSet::GmQualityClass" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSet 9} docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetGmQualityAccuracy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute characterizes the grandmaster clock for the purpose of the best master clock (BMC) algorithm. See section in [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpParentDataSet::GmQualityAccuracy" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSet 10} docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetGmQualityOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the offset, scaled, logarithmic representation of the grandmaster clock variance. See Section in [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpParentDataSet::GmQualityOffset" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSet 11} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Time Properties Group -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyPtpCcapTimeProperties OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapMibObjects 4} docsRphyPtpCcapTimePropertiesCurrentUtcOffsetValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the value of currentUtcOffsetValid is TRUE if the currentUtcOffset is known to be correct." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpTimeProperties::CurrentUtcOffsetValid" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapTimeProperties 1} docsRphyPtpCcapTimePropertiesCurrentUtcOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "Seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the offset between International Atomic Time (TAI) and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpTimeProperties::CurrentUtcOffset" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapTimeProperties 2} docsRphyPtpCcapTimePropertiesLeap59 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents whether or not there are 59 seconds in the last minute of the current UTC day for PTP systems whose epoch is the PTP epoch,; a TRUE value for Leap59 indicates that the last minute of the current UTC day contains 59 seconds." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpTimeProperties::Leap59" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapTimeProperties 3} docsRphyPtpCcapTimePropertiesLeap61 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents whether or not there are 61 seconds in the last minute of the current UTC day for PTP systems whose epoch is the PTP epoch; a TRUE value for Leap61 indicates that the last minute of the current UTC day contains 61 seconds." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpTimeProperties::Leap61" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapTimeProperties 4 } docsRphyPtpCcapTimePropertiesTimeTraceable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents whether the timescale and the value of currentUtcOffset are traceable to a primary reference. TimeTraceable is TRUE if the timescale and the value of currentUtcOffset are traceable to a primary reference; otherwise, the value is FALSE." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpTimeProperties::TimeTraceable" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapTimeProperties 5 } docsRphyPtpCcapTimePropertiesFreqTraceable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents whether the frequency determining the timescale is traceable to a primary reference. The value of FrequencyTraceable is TRUE if the frequency determining the timescale is traceable to a primary reference; otherwise, the value is FALSE." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpTimeProperties::FreqTraceable" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapTimeProperties 6} docsRphyPtpCcapTimePropertiesPtpTimescale OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is always true for grandmaster clocks with a clock timescale of PTP." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpTimeProperties::PtpTimescale" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapTimeProperties 7} docsRphyPtpCcapTimePropertiesTimeSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the source of time used by the grandmaster clock. See Table 7 in [IEEE 1588]. If the time source of the grandmaster clock is unknown at the time of initialization, the CCAP Core MUST set the TimeSource value to INTERNAL_OSCILLATOR (0xA0)." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpTimeProperties::TimeSource" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapTimeProperties 8} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Port Data Set Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyPtpCcapPortDataSetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyPtpCcapPortDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See section 8.2.5 in [IEEE 1588] for details of the 1588 port dataset." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortDataset" ::={docsRphyPtpCcapMibObjects 5} docsRphyPtpCcapPortDataSetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyPtpCcapPortDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyPtpCcapPortDataSetTable." INDEX {docsRphyPtpCcapPortDataSetPortNumber} ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapPortDataSetTable 1} DocsRphyPtpCcapPortDataSetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyPtpCcapPortDataSetPortNumber Unsigned32, docsRphyPtpCcapPortDataSetPortState PortDataSetPortType, docsRphyPtpCcapPortDataSetMeanPathDelay Integer32 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortDataSetPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute is the port number of the local clock port. Port numbers 0 and 65,535 are reserved and cannot be used for real clock ports. See [IEEE 1588] for more information. When a PTP clock has N ports, the CCAP Core MUST set the port number to a value in the interval 1..N." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortDataset::PortNumber" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapPortDataSetEntry 1} docsRphyPtpCcapPortDataSetPortState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortDataSetPortType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the state of this PTP clock port. See Table 8 in [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortDataset::PortState" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapPortDataSetEntry 2} docsRphyPtpCcapPortDataSetMeanPathDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is an implementation-specific representation of the current value of the mean propagation time between a master and slave clock as computed by the slave. Zero means that the path delay is unavailable." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortDataset::MeanPathDelay" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapPortDataSetEntry 3} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Clock Status Group -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyPtpCcapClockStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapMibObjects 6} docsRphyPtpCcapClockStatusClockState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { freerun(1), holdover(2), acquiring(3), freqLocked(4), phaseAligned(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the current state of the clock. The ClockState is PhaseAligned when the RPD PTP port state is 'synchronized'; see the [R-PHY] PTP Process after softReset section. PTP port state values of 'free running' and 'acquiring' equal the ClockState freerun and acquiring, respectively. The ClockState is holdover when the PTP port state is either 'holdover out of spec' or holdover within spec'; see the ExcessiveHolder attribute for more information about these two PTP port states. The ClockState value freqLocked is unused for now, since the RPD does not currently support that PTP port state." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpClockStatus::ClockState" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapClockStatus 1 } docsRphyPtpCcapClockStatusLastStateChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the value of SysUpTime when the clock state last changed." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpClockStatus::LastStateChange" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapClockStatus 2 } docsRphyPtpCcapClockStatusPacketsSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the number of PTP packets sent for this clock." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpClockStatus::PacketsSent" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapClockStatus 3 } docsRphyPtpCcapClockStatusPacketsReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the number of PTP packets received for this clock." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpClockStatus::PacketsReceived" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapClockStatus 4 } docsRphyPtpCcapClockStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the date and time at which any one or more of the counters in this group were created or last reset to zero. If the RPD does not acquire time of day it can report an initial CounterDiscontinuityTime of Jan 1 1970." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpClockStatus::CounterDiscontinuityTime" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapClockStatus 5 } docsRphyPtpCcapClockStatusExcessiveHoldover OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is false and the ClockState equals holdover when the PTP port state is 'holdover with spec' as defined in [R-PHY]. This attribute is true and ClockState is holdover when the PTP port state is 'holdover out of spec' as defined in [R-PHY]. This attribute has no meaning unless the ClockState attribute is set to 'holdover'." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpClockStatus::ExcessiveHoldover" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapClockStatus 6 } -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- Port Status Table -- --------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CorePtpCoreStatus is an instantiation of the abstract class PtpPortStatus and inherits those common attributes" REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortStatus" ::={docsRphyPtpCcapMibObjects 7 } docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusTable ." INDEX {docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusPortNumber } ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusTable 1} DocsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusPortNumber Unsigned32, docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusPacketsSent Counter64, docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusPacketsReceived Counter64, docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime DateAndTime, docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusCurrClockSrcAddrType InetAddressType, docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusCurrClockSrcAddr InetAddress, docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusEnetPortIndex Unsigned32 } docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute is the port number of the local clock port." ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusEntry 1 } docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusPacketsSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the number of PTP packets sent for this clock port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortStatus::PacketsSent" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusEntry 2 } docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusPacketsReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the number of PTP packets received for this clock port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortStatus::PacketsReceived" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusEntry 3 } docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the date and time at which any one or more of the counters in this group were created or last reset to zero. If the RPD does not acquire time of day it can report an initial CounterDiscontinuityTime of Jan 1 1970." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortStatus::CounterDiscontinuityTime" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusEntry 4 } docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusCurrClockSrcAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the IP address type of the PTP Master clock source currently being used. This attribute is only used with the G.8275.2 profile." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortStatus::CurrentClockSourceAddrType" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusEntry 5 } docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusCurrClockSrcAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the IP address of the PTP Master clock source currently being used. This attribute is only used with the G.8275.2 profile." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortStatus::CurrentClockSourceAddr" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusEntry 6 } docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusEnetPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the Core's Ethernet port used for this PTP clock port. If not set, any Core Ethernet port may be used for this PTP clock port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortStatus::EnetPortIndex" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusEntry 7 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PortMasterClockStatus Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains Port MasterClock Status attributes." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus" ::={docsRphyPtpCcapMibObjects 8 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusTable." INDEX {docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusPortNumber, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusMasterPriority} ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusTable 1} DocsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusMasterPriority Unsigned32, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusPacketsSent Counter64, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusPacketsReceived Counter64, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusMasterClockId OCTET STRING, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusMasterClockPortNumber Unsigned32, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusTwoStepFlag TruthValue, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusIsBmc TruthValue, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusIsMasterConnected TruthValue, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusStatusDomain Unsigned32, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusFreqOffset Unsigned32, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime DateAndTime, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmClockIdentity OCTET STRING, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmPriority1 Integer32, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmPriority2 Integer32, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmQualityClass Integer32, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmQualityAccuracy Integer32, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmQualityOffset Integer32, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmStepsRemoved Integer32, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusFreqOffsetPpt Integer32 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusMasterPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..5) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute is the priority of the master clock configured for the PTP template assigned to this PTP clock port. Low numbers are higher priority." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::MasterPriority" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry 1 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusPacketsSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the number of PTP packets sent to this master for this slave clock port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::PacketsSent" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry 2 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusPacketsReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the number of PTP packets received from this master for this slave clock port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::PacketsReceived" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry 3 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusMasterClockId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the clock identifier of this master clock. This value is used in Best Master Clock algorithm and is populated from the Announce message received from the master clock. This value is set to ClockIdentity from the PTP Default Dataset if no Sync messages have been received [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::MasterClockId" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry 4 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusMasterClockPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies master clock's port number." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::MasterClockPortNumber" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry 5 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusTwoStepFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies whether the Two Step process is used (i.e., the clock is a two-step clock)." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::TwoStepFlag" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry 6 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusIsBmc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents whether or not this master is the current Best Master Clock (i.e., the master clock currently in use for this slave clock)." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::IsBmc" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry 7 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusIsMasterConnected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is set to TRUE if a signaling session with the master is successfully established. When a slave node receives an announce and a sync message from the master, the CCAP Core SHOULD consider the session to be successfully established." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::IsMasterConnected" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry 8 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusStatusDomain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the PTP master domain." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::StatusDomain" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry 9 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusFreqOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "PPM" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This attribute has been deprecated and replaced by FreqOffsetPpt." ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry 10 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the date and time at which any one or more of the counters in this group were created or last reset to zero. If the RPD does not acquire time of day it can report an initial CounterDiscontinuityTime of Jan 1 1970." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::CounterDiscontinuityTime" ::= {docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry 11 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmClockIdentity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the clock Identity of the grandmaster clock. This value is used in Best Master Clock algorithm and is populated from the Announce message received from the master clock. This value is set to ClockIdentity from the PTP Default Dataset if no Sync messages have been received [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::GmClockIdentity" ::= { docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry 12 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmPriority1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the priority1 of the grandmaster clock. Lower values take precedence. This value is used in Best Master Clock algorithm and is populated from the Announce message received from the master clock. This value is set to Priority1 from the PTP Default Dataset if no sync messages have been received." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::GmPriority1" ::= { docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry 13 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmPriority2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the priority2 of the grandmaster clock. Lower values take precedence. This value is used in Best Master Clock algorithm and is populated from the Announce message received from the master clock. This value is set to Priority2 from the PTP Default Dataset if no sync messages have been received [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::GmPriority2" ::= { docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry 14 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmQualityClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the clock class for the grandmaster clock. The clock class attribute of an ordinary or boundary clock denotes the traceability of the time or frequency distributed by the grandmaster clock. See section in [IEEE 1588]. This value is used in Best Master Clock algorithm and is populated from the Announce message received from the master clock. This value is set to QualityClass from the PTP Default Datasetif no announce Sync messages have been received [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::GmQualityClass" ::= { docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry 15 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmQualityAccuracy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute characterizes the grandmaster clock for the purpose of the best master clock (BMC) algorithm. See section in [IEEE 1588]. This value is used in Best Master Clock algorithm and is populated from the Announce message received from the master clock. This value is set to QualityAccuracy from the PTP Default Dataset if no announce Sync messages have been received [IEEE 1588]" REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::GmQualityAccuracy" ::= { docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry 16 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmQualityOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the offset, scaled, logarithmic representation of the grandmaster clock variance. See Section in [IEEE 1588]. This value is used in Best Master Clock algorithm and is populated from the Announce message received from the master clock. This value is set to QualityOffset from the PTP Default Dataset if no announce Sync messages have been received [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::GmQualityOffset" ::= { docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry 17 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmStepsRemoved OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the number of communication paths traversed between the local clock and the grandmaster clock. This value is used in Best Master Clock algorithm and is populated from the Announce message received from the master clock. This value is set to zero if no sync messages have been received [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::GmStepsRemoved" ::= { docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry 18 } docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusFreqOffsetPpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-2147483648..2147483647) UNITS "Parts per trillion" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the frequency offset that the locking algorithm computed per master in the last 60-second interval as a signed 32-bit integer in units of parts per trillion. The maximum permitted offset value of 2147483647 (0x7FFFFFFF) means the offset is unknown. This attribute replaces the deprecated attribute FreqOffset." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::FreqOffsetPpt" ::= { docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusEntry 19 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CCAP Core RPD Group Objects -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Current DataSet Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyPtpRpdCurrentDataSetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyPtpRpdCurrentDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See section 8.2.2 in [IEEE 1588] for details of the 1588 Current dataset. Note: The PtpCurrentDataset TLV, applicable to the RPD PTP status model, is 100.24.1" REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpCurrentDataSet" ::={docsRphyPtpRpdMibObjects 1} docsRphyPtpRpdCurrentDataSetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyPtpRpdCurrentDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyPtpRpdCurrentDataSetTable." INDEX {docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId} ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdCurrentDataSetTable 1} DocsRphyPtpRpdCurrentDataSetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyPtpRpdCurrentDataSetStepsRemoved Unsigned32, docsRphyPtpRpdCurrentDataSetOffsetFromMaster Integer32, docsRphyPtpRpdCurrentDataSetMeanPathDelay Unsigned32 } docsRphyPtpRpdCurrentDataSetStepsRemoved OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "steps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the number of communication paths traversed between the local clock and the grandmaster clock. The initialization value is 0." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpCurrentDataSet::StepsRemoved" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdCurrentDataSetEntry 1} docsRphyPtpRpdCurrentDataSetOffsetFromMaster OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "Nanoseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is an implementation-specific representation of the current value of the time difference between a master and a slave as computed by the slave." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpCurrentDataSet::OffsetFromMaster" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdCurrentDataSetEntry 2} docsRphyPtpRpdCurrentDataSetMeanPathDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "Nanoseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is an implementation-specific representation of the current value of the mean propagation time between a master and slave clock as computed by the slave. Zero means that the path delay is unavailable." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpCurrentDataSet::MeanPathDelay" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdCurrentDataSetEntry 3} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Clock Status Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PtpRpdClockStatus provides state information and packet counts. Note: The PtpClockStatus TLV, applicable to the RPD PTP status model,is 100.24.2" REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpClockStatus" ::={docsRphyPtpRpdMibObjects 2} docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusTable." INDEX {docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId} ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusTable 1} DocsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusClockState INTEGER, docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusLastStateChange TimeStamp, docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusPacketsSent Counter64, docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusPacketsReceived Counter64, docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime DateAndTime, docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusExcessiveHoldover TruthValue } docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusClockState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { freerun(1), holdover(2), acquiring(3), freqLocked(4), phaseAligned(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the current state of the clock. The ClockState is PhaseAligned when the RPD PTP port state is 'synchronized'; see the [R-PHY] PTP Process after softReset section. PTP port state values of 'free running' and 'acquiring' equal the ClockState freerun and acquiring, respectively. The ClockState is holdover when the PTP port state is either 'holdover out of spec' or 'holdover within spec'. See the ExcessiveHoldover attribute for more information about these two PTP port states. The ClockState value freqLocked is unused for now, since the RPD does not currently support that PTP port state." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpClockStatus::ClockState" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusEntry 1 } docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusLastStateChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the value of sysUpTime when the clock state last changed." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpClockStatus::LastStateChange" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusEntry 2 } docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusPacketsSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the number of PTP packets sent for this clock." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpClockStatus::PacketsSent" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusEntry 3 } docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusPacketsReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the number of PTP packets received for this clock." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpClockStatus::PacketsReceived" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusEntry 4 } docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the date and time at which any one or more of the counters in this group were created or last reset to zero. If the RPD does not acquire time of day it can report an initial CounterDiscontinuityTime of Jan 1 1970. If the value returned by the RPD is the initial Epoch of Jan 1 1970, the CCAP Core can convert this value to the real time of day based on a calculation using the RPD's reported sysUpTime." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpClockStatus::CounterDiscontinuityTime" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusEntry 5 } docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusExcessiveHoldover OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is 'false' and the ClockState equals 'holdover', when the PTP port state is 'holdover with spec' This attribute is 'true' and ClockState is 'holdover' when the PTP port state is 'holdover out of spec'. This attribute has no meaning unless the ClockState attribute is set to 'holdover'." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpClockStatus::ExcessiveHoldover" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusEntry 6 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Port Data Set Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyPtpRpdPortDataSetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyPtpRpdPortDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See section 8.2.5 in [IEEE 1588] for details of the 1588 port dataset. Note: The PtpPortDataset TLV, applicable to the RPD PTP status model, is 100.24.3." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortDataset" ::={docsRphyPtpRpdMibObjects 3} docsRphyPtpRpdPortDataSetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyPtpRpdPortDataSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyPtpRpdPortDataSetTable." INDEX {docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId ,docsRphyPtpRpdPortDataSetPortNumber} ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPortDataSetTable 1} DocsRphyPtpRpdPortDataSetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyPtpRpdPortDataSetPortNumber Unsigned32, docsRphyPtpRpdPortDataSetPortState PortDataSetPortType, docsRphyPtpRpdPortDataSetMeanPathDelay Integer32 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortDataSetPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute is the port number of the local clock port. Port numbers 0 and 65,535 are reserved and cannot be used for real clock ports. See [IEEE 1588] for more information. When a PTP clock has N ports, the CCAP Core MUST set the port number to a value in the interval 1..N." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortDataset::PortNumber" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPortDataSetEntry 1} docsRphyPtpRpdPortDataSetPortState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortDataSetPortType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the state of this PTP clock port. See Table 8 in [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortDataset::PortState" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPortDataSetEntry 2} docsRphyPtpRpdPortDataSetMeanPathDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is an implementation-specific representation of the current value of the mean propagation time between a master and slave clock as computed by the slave. Zero means that the path delay is unavailable." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortDataset::MeanPathDelay" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPortDataSetEntry 3} -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD Port Status Table -- --------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port Ptp Status is an instantiation of the abstract class PtpPortStatus and inherits those common attributes. This object provides counts of packets sent and received on a PTP port. Note: The PtpPortStatus TLV, applicable to the RpdPtpPortStatus object, is 100.24.4" REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortStatus" ::={docsRphyPtpRpdMibObjects 4 } docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyPtpRpdCorePtpPortStatusTable ." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusRpdEnetPortIndex, docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusRpdPtpPortIndex } ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusTable 1} DocsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusRpdEnetPortIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusRpdPtpPortIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusPacketsSent Counter64, docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusPacketsReceived Counter64, docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime DateAndTime, docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusCurrClockSrcAddrType InetAddressType, docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusCurrClockSrcAddr InetAddress } docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusRpdEnetPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute is the RPD's Ethernet port used for this PTP clock port. If not set, any RPD Ethernet port may be used for this PTP clock port. " ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusEntry 1 } docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusRpdPtpPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute is the port number of the local clock port." ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusEntry 2 } docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusPacketsSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the number of PTP packets sent for this clock port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortStatus::PacketsSent" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusEntry 3 } docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusPacketsReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the number of PTP packets received for this clock port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortStatus::PacketsReceived" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusEntry 4 } docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the date and time at which any one or more of the counters in this group were created or last reset to zero. If the RPD does not acquire time of day it can report an initial CounterDiscontinuityTime of Jan 1 1970. If the value returned by the RPD is the initial Epoch of Jan 1 1970, the CCAP Core can convert this value to the real time of day based on a calculation using the RPD's reported sysUpTime." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortStatus::CounterDiscontinuityTime" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusEntry 5 } docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusCurrClockSrcAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the IP address type of the PTP Master clock source currently being used. This attribute is only used with the G.8275.2 profile." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortStatus::CurrentClockSourceAddrType" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusEntry 6 } docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusCurrClockSrcAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the IP address of the PTP Master clock source currently being used. This attribute is only used with the G.8275.2 profile." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortStatus::CurrentClockSourceAddr" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusEntry 7 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD PortMasterClockStatus Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains Port MasterClock Status attributes. Note: The PtpPortMasterClockStatus TLV, applicable to the RPD PTP port status model, is" REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus" ::={docsRphyPtpRpdMibObjects 5 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId, docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusRpdEnetPortIndex, docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusRpdPtpPortIndex, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusMasterPriority } ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusTable 1} DocsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusMasterPriority Unsigned32, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusPacketsSent Counter64, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusPacketsReceived Counter64, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusMasterClockId OCTET STRING, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusMasterClockPortNumber Unsigned32, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusTwoStepFlag TruthValue, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusIsBmc TruthValue, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusIsMasterConnected TruthValue, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusStatusDomain Unsigned32, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusFreqOffset Unsigned32, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime DateAndTime, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmClockIdentity OCTET STRING, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmPriority1 Integer32, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmPriority2 Integer32, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmQualityClass Integer32, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmQualityAccuracy Integer32, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmQualityOffset Integer32, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmStepsRemoved Integer32, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusFreqOffsetPpt Integer32 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusMasterPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..5) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key attribute is the priority of the master clock configured for the PTP template assigned to this PTP clock port. Low numbers are higher priority." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::MasterPriority" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry 1 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusPacketsSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the number of PTP packets sent to this master for this slave clock port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::PacketsSent" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry 2 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusPacketsReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 UNITS "Packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the number of PTP packets received from this master for this slave clock port." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::PacketsReceived" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry 3 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusMasterClockId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the clock identifier of this master clock. This value is used in Best Master Clock algorithm and is populated from the Announce message received from the master clock. This value is set to ClockIdentity from the PTP Default Dataset if no Sync messages have been received [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::MasterClockId" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry 4 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusMasterClockPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies master clock's port number." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::MasterClockPortNumber" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry 5 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusTwoStepFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies whether the Two Step process is used (i.e., the clock is a two-step clock)." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::TwoStepFlag" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry 6 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusIsBmc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents whether or not this master is the current Best Master Clock (i.e., the master clock currently in use for this slave clock)." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::IsBmc" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry 7 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusIsMasterConnected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is set to TRUE if a signaling session with the master is successfully established. When a slave node receives an announce and a sync message from the master, the CCAP Core SHOULD consider the session to be successfully established." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::IsMasterConnected" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry 8 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusStatusDomain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the PTP master domain." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::StatusDomain" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry 9 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusFreqOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 -- Last 60 second interval UNITS "PPM" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This attribute is deprecated and replaced with attribute FreqOffsetPpt" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry 10 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute reports the date and time at which any one or more of the counters in this group were created or last reset to zero. If the RPD does not acquire time of day it can report an initial CounterDiscontinuityTime of Jan 1 1970. If the value returned by the RPD is the initial Epoch of Jan 1 1970, the CCAP Core can convert this value to the real time of day based on a calculation using the RPD's reported sysUpTime." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::CounterDiscontinuityTime" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry 11 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmClockIdentity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the clock Identity of the grandmaster clock. This value is used in Best Master Clock algorithm and is populated from the Announce message received from the master clock. This value is set to ClockIdentity from the PTP Default Dataset if no Sync messages have been received [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::GmClockIdentity" ::= { docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry 12 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmPriority1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the priority1 of the grandmaster clock. Lower values take precedence. This value is used in Best Master Clock algorithm and is populated from the Announce message received from the master clock. This value is set to Priority1 from the PTP Default Dataset if no sync messages have been received." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::GmPriority1" ::= { docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry 13 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmPriority2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the priority2 of the grandmaster clock. Lower values take precedence. This value is used in Best Master Clock algorithm and is populated from the Announce message received from the master clock. This value is set to Priority2 from the PTP Default Dataset if no sync messages have been received [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::GmPriority2" ::= { docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry 14 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmQualityClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the clock class for the grandmaster clock. The clock class attribute of an ordinary or boundary clock denotes the traceability of the time or frequency distributed by the grandmaster clock. See section in [IEEE 1588]. This value is used in Best Master Clock algorithm and is populated from the Announce message received from the master clock. This value is set to QualityClass from the PTP Default Dataset if no announce Sync messages have been received [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::GmQualityClass" ::= { docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry 15 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmQualityAccuracy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute characterizes the grandmaster clock for the purpose of the best master clock (BMC) algorithm. See section in [IEEE 1588]. This value is used in Best Master Clock algorithm and is populated from the Announce message received from the master clock. This value is set to QualityAccuracy from the PTP Default Dataset if no announce Sync messages have been received [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::GmQualityAccuracy" ::= { docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry 16 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmQualityOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute represents the offset, scaled, logarithmic representation of the grandmaster clock variance. See Section in [IEEE 1588]. This value is used in Best Master Clock algorithm and is populated from the Announce message received from the master clock. This value is set to QualityOffset from the PTP Default Dataset if no announce Sync messages have been received [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::GmQualityOffset" ::= { docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry 17 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmStepsRemoved OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the number of communication paths traversed between the local clock and the grandmaster clock. This value is used in Best Master Clock algorithm and is populated from the Announce message received from the master clock. This value is set to zero if no sync messages have been received [IEEE 1588]." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::GmStepsRemoved" ::= { docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry 18 } docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusFreqOffsetPpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-2147483648..2147483647) UNITS "Parts per trillion" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute specifies the frequency offset that the locking algorithm computed per master in the last 60-second interval as a signed 32-bit integer in units of parts per trillion. The maximum permitted offset value of 2147483647 (0x7FFFFFFF) means the offset is unknown. This attribute replaces the deprecated attribute FreqOffset." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI PtpPortMasterClockStatus::FreqOffsetPpt" ::= { docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusEntry 19 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPD SyncEClockStatus Table -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides status of the overall SyncE clock in an RPD, if SyncE is enabled. The RpdSyncEClockStatus TLV Type is 100.37." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdSyncEClockStatus" ::={docsRphyPtpRpdMibObjects 6 } docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusTable." INDEX { docsRphyRpdDevInfoUniqueId } ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusTable 1} DocsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusClockMode INTEGER, docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusActivePortIndex Unsigned32, docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusLastModeChange TimeStamp, docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusExcessiveHoldover TruthValue } docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusClockMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { locked(1), acquiring(2), holdover(3), freeRun(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the current mode of the SyncE clock. " REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdSyncEClockStatus::ClockMode" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusEntry 1 } docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusActivePortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the active receive RPD Ethernet port index for the SyncE clock. " REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdSyncEClockStatus::ActivePortIndex" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusEntry 2 } docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusLastModeChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is the time when the active SyncE port last changed. " REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdSyncEClockStatus::LastModeChange" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusEntry 3 } docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusExcessiveHoldover OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates whether the SyncE block is currently experiencing excessive holdover." REFERENCE "Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-R-OSSI RpdSyncEClockStatus::ExcessiveHoldover" ::= {docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusEntry 4 } -- --------------------------------------------------------- -- Conformance definitions -- --------------------------------------------------------- docsRphyPtpCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for CCAP Core and RPD PTP features." MODULE -- docsRphyPtpMib -- conditionally mandatory groups GROUP docsRphyPtpRpdGroup DESCRIPTION "Group of objects applicable to RPDs only. These objects are implemented on the CCAP Core but are derived from the RPD via the GCP protocol." OBJECT docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusCurrClockSrcAddrType SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1), ipv6(2) } DESCRIPTION "An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses." GROUP docsRphyPtpCcapCoreGroup DESCRIPTION "Group of objects applicable to CCAP Core only." -- conditionally optional groups ::= { docsRphyPtpCompliances 1} docsRphyPtpDeprecatedCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for deprecated RPHY PTP objects." MODULE -- this MODULE GROUP docsRphyPtpDeprecatedGroup DESCRIPTION "This group contains RPHY PTP objects which are deprecated from the MIB as of the current release." ::= { docsRphyPtpCompliances 2 } docsRphyPtpRpdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { docsRphyPtpRpdCurrentDataSetStepsRemoved, docsRphyPtpRpdCurrentDataSetOffsetFromMaster, docsRphyPtpRpdCurrentDataSetMeanPathDelay, docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusClockState, docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusLastStateChange, docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusPacketsSent, docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusPacketsReceived, docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime, docsRphyPtpRpdClockStatusExcessiveHoldover, docsRphyPtpRpdPortDataSetPortState, docsRphyPtpRpdPortDataSetMeanPathDelay, docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusPacketsSent, docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusPacketsReceived, docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime, docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusCurrClockSrcAddrType, docsRphyPtpRpdPtpPortStatusCurrClockSrcAddr, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusPacketsSent, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusPacketsReceived, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusMasterClockId, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusMasterClockPortNumber, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusTwoStepFlag, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusIsBmc, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusIsMasterConnected, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusStatusDomain, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmClockIdentity, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmPriority1, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmPriority2, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmQualityClass, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmQualityAccuracy, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmQualityOffset, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusGmStepsRemoved, docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusFreqOffsetPpt, docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusClockMode, docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusActivePortIndex, docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusLastModeChange, docsRphyPtpRpdSyncEClockStatusExcessiveHoldover } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects implemented in CCAP Cores which represent RPD managed objects derived via the GCP protocol." ::= { docsRphyPtpGroups 1 } docsRphyPtpCcapCoreGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSetTwoStepFlag, docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSetClockIdentity, docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSetPriority1, docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSetPriority2, docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSetSlaveOnly, docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSetQualityClass, docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSetQualityAccuracy, docsRphyPtpCcapDefaultDataSetQualityOffset, docsRphyPtpCcapCurrentDataSetStepsRemoved, docsRphyPtpCcapCurrentDataSetOffsetFromMaster, docsRphyPtpCcapCurrentDataSetMeanPathDelay, docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetParentClockId, docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetParentPortNumber, docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetParentStats, docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetClockOffset, docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetPhaseChangeRate, docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetGmClockIdentity, docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetGmPriority1, docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetGmPriority2, docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetGmQualityClass, docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetGmQualityAccuracy, docsRphyPtpCcapParentDataSetGmQualityOffset, docsRphyPtpCcapTimePropertiesCurrentUtcOffsetValid, docsRphyPtpCcapTimePropertiesCurrentUtcOffset, docsRphyPtpCcapTimePropertiesLeap59, docsRphyPtpCcapTimePropertiesLeap61, docsRphyPtpCcapTimePropertiesTimeTraceable, docsRphyPtpCcapTimePropertiesFreqTraceable, docsRphyPtpCcapTimePropertiesPtpTimescale, docsRphyPtpCcapTimePropertiesTimeSource, docsRphyPtpCcapPortDataSetPortState, docsRphyPtpCcapPortDataSetMeanPathDelay, docsRphyPtpCcapClockStatusClockState, docsRphyPtpCcapClockStatusLastStateChange, docsRphyPtpCcapClockStatusPacketsSent, docsRphyPtpCcapClockStatusPacketsReceived, docsRphyPtpCcapClockStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime, docsRphyPtpCcapClockStatusExcessiveHoldover, docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusPacketsSent, docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusPacketsReceived, docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime, docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusCurrClockSrcAddrType, docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusCurrClockSrcAddr, docsRphyPtpCcapCorePtpPortStatusEnetPortIndex, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusPacketsSent, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusPacketsReceived, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusMasterClockId, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusMasterClockPortNumber, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusTwoStepFlag, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusIsBmc, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusIsMasterConnected, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusStatusDomain, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusCounterDiscontinuityTime, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmClockIdentity, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmPriority1, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmPriority2, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmQualityClass, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmQualityAccuracy, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmQualityOffset, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusGmStepsRemoved, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusFreqOffsetPpt } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects implemented in CCAP Cores." ::= { docsRphyPtpGroups 2 } docsRphyPtpDeprecatedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { docsRphyPtpRpdPortMasterClockStatusFreqOffset, docsRphyPtpCcapPortMasterClockStatusFreqOffset } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Deprecated RPHY PTP objects group" ::= { docsRphyPtpGroups 3 } END