CLAB-TOPO-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- RFC 2578 TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, RowStatus FROM SNMPv2-TC -- RFC 2579 OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF -- RFC 2580 SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB -- RFC 3411 InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB -- RFC 2863 clabCommonMibs FROM CLAB-DEF-MIB; clabTopoMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200901210000Z" -- January 21, 2009 ORGANIZATION "Cable Television Laboratories, Inc." CONTACT-INFO " Postal: Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. 858 Coal Creek Circle Louisville, Colorado 80027-9750 U.S.A. Phone: +1 303-661-9100 Fax: +1 303-661-9199 E-mail:" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module contains the management objects for the management of fiber nodes in the Cable plant." REVISION "200901210000Z" -- January 21, 2009 DESCRIPTION "Revised Version includes ECNs OSSIv3.0-N-08.0651-3 OSSIv3.0-N-08.0700-4 and published as I08" REVISION "200612071700Z" -- Dec 7, 2006 DESCRIPTION "Initial version, published as part of the CableLabs OSSIv3.0 specification CM-SP-OSSIv3.0-I01-061207 Copyright 1999-2009 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved." ::= { clabCommonMibs 2 } -- Textual Conventions NodeName ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type is a human readable string that represents the name of a fiber node. Internationalization is supported by conforming to the SNMP textual convention SnmpAdminString. The US-ASCII control characters (0x00 � 0x1F), the DEL Character (0x7F), and the double-quote mark (0x22) are prohibited within the syntax of this data type." REFERENCE "RFC 3411." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..64)) -- Object Definitions clabTopoMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { clabTopoMib 1 } clabTopoFiberNodeCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ClabTopoFiberNodeCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines the cable HFC plant Fiber Nodes known at a CMTS. This object supports the creation and deletion of multiple instances." ::= { clabTopoMibObjects 1} clabTopoFiberNodeCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClabTopoFiberNodeCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of clabTopoFiberNodeCfg. The CMTS persists all instances of FiberNodeCfg across reinitializations." INDEX { clabTopoFiberNodeCfgNodeName } ::= { clabTopoFiberNodeCfgTable 1 } ClabTopoFiberNodeCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { clabTopoFiberNodeCfgNodeName NodeName, clabTopoFiberNodeCfgNodeDescr SnmpAdminString, clabTopoFiberNodeCfgRowStatus RowStatus } clabTopoFiberNodeCfgNodeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NodeName (SIZE (1..64)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key represents a human-readable name for a fiber node." REFERENCE "DOCSIS 3.0 MAC and Upper Layer Protocols Interface Specification CM-SP-MULPIv3.0-I01-060804, RF Topology Configuration section." ::= { clabTopoFiberNodeCfgEntry 1 } clabTopoFiberNodeCfgNodeDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administratively configured human-readable description of the fiber node" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { clabTopoFiberNodeCfgEntry 2 } clabTopoFiberNodeCfgRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this instance." ::= { clabTopoFiberNodeCfgEntry 3 } clabTopoChFnCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ClabTopoChFnCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines the RF topology by defining the connectivity of a CMTS's downstream and upstream channels to the fiber nodes. Each instance of this object describes connectivity of one downstream or upstream channel with a single fiber node. This object supports the creation and deletion of multiple instances." ::= { clabTopoMibObjects 2} clabTopoChFnCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClabTopoChFnCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row of clabTopoChFnCfg. The CMTS persists all instances of ChFnCfg across reinitializations." INDEX { clabTopoFiberNodeCfgNodeName, clabTopoChFnCfgChIfIndex } ::= { clabTopoChFnCfgTable 1 } ClabTopoChFnCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { clabTopoChFnCfgChIfIndex InterfaceIndex, clabTopoChFnCfgRowStatus RowStatus } clabTopoChFnCfgChIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This key represents the interface index of an upstream or downstream channel associated with this fiber node. In the upstream direction, only ifIndices docsCableUpstream channels are reflected." ::= { clabTopoChFnCfgEntry 1 } clabTopoChFnCfgRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this instance." ::= { clabTopoChFnCfgEntry 2 } -- Conformance Definitions clabTopoMibConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { clabTopoMib 2 } clabTopoMibCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { clabTopoMibConformance 1 } clabTopoMibGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { clabTopoMibConformance 2 } clabTopoCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for devices that implement the CableLabs Topology MIB." MODULE -- this MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { clabTopoGroup } ::= { clabTopoMibCompliances 1 } clabTopoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { clabTopoFiberNodeCfgNodeDescr, clabTopoFiberNodeCfgRowStatus, clabTopoChFnCfgRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects implemented in the CMTS." ::= { clabTopoMibGroups 1 } END